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Star Wars is dying, and how the old republic can save it.


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If it will bring in money, they will do it... Sort of like the Field of Dreams "If you build it, they will come" idea...


Disney is at least finally thinking out of the proverbial box for a change. All Lucas did is wait until the cashflow slowed down and then re-re-re-release the same film with what he called "improved" CGI...


And I still hold true to the old "even bad Star Wars is better than no Star Wars" idea anyway...



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hahaha, while I guess it is an understatement. The old republic offers a degree of originality that disney is having a hard time looking past because all they see is money symbols and what ever else that makes them lack balls for originality.


I read in a recent article that they are in talks for a tv series, but want to, for whatever reason to it after episode 9. I dont know what that means given that disney has all the resources and capability to do much more at the same time. I guess its the safer choice, but given there lack of income lately due to espn(I think that was it), I think it would be logical to take some risk and do other things.


Well, to be fair, George Lucas him self was thinking of a Live action TV series as well back in the second half of the first decade of this new century, actually it got push back a couple of times and than by the time he thought he would begin the writing of the pilot, he was approached by Disney in like 2012 or 2013 give or take a year or so. He didnt take the first deal they offered to buy the Star Wars franchise, but we know he did take their last offer, or his last offer, how ever you want to look at it.


I was excited to think about a live action star wars series on tv every week. So when it got push back and then it didnt happen, i was so disappointed. So i still love that idea of a live tv series, i just hate it may come after Episode 9. Damn it.....


Oh well, i just have to stay alive long enough to see it. lol


Take Care & Be well....

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