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Next Expansion


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Malgus returns in the next expansion. The false emperor turned into a wishful thinker of being the real emperor.


Renewing old hatreds and getting us back to Rep vs Emp leaving zakuul to be nothing more than something we vaguely remember doing but can't be sure if it was worth it or not so we stop trying to remember it at all.

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What if we get to remake the Republic and the Empire in our own image next expansion, along the way we find our missing companions who help us out or we convince them to. But that wouldn't go anywhere... Edited by Asmadios
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To me...

The next expansion, will need some serious writting skills, to pull this trainwreck of the ground...


Maybe a coup, or even some catastrophic even (like a supernova or some sudden destruction of zakkul), make us go underground and lost everything... even our memory for exemple...


Some reboot is clearly needed that current story have knowhere to go...

Lets get back to our roots, lets start a new, with some good chapters... Let some story years pass and get some new "Friends", some offspings of known companions help us out... something exciting...


I imagine this.... we are betrayed and put on carbonite "again", but after that coup, some catastrophe happens, some war happens and we are stored for many many years...


100, 200 years or so... legends of the oulander is all that ppl now know, and the others are dead...

We get to be unfrozen, and put in some remote planet, selled to slavery or something... due to the nature of the carbonite freezing, we lost our memory, so we do not know our past, or our acomplichments...

Zakull is destroyed and the Replublic and Empire rages again in full war to get the spoils of war....


This is the perfect clean slate to start a new and get ppl again to a new exciting return to the franchise...

Nothing would need to be erased...


Best Regards,



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What if we get to remake the Republic and the Empire in our own image next expansion, along the way we find our missing companions who help us out or we convince them to. But that wouldn't go anywhere...


They would have to be idiots to do another chapter based story expansion - and if they do it would be another lazily written, illogical mess with one storyline regardless of faction, class, force usage, everything.


I imagine that the next expansion will basically reset everything to the status quo of pre 3.0. The Eternal Alliance will either be wiped out, disbanded, or handed off to someone else, and your character will return to their appropriate faction as if nothing you played through between 3.0-5.0 will matter other than where certain characters ended up, ie Marr will be dead, Acina will be the Empress, etc, but nothing we did will ultimately matter and they'll essentially do a soft reboot/reset of the game in terms of story.


To me...

The next expansion, will need some serious writting skills, to pull this trainwreck of the ground...


Maybe a coup, or even some catastrophic even (like a supernova or some sudden destruction of zakkul), make us go underground and lost everything... even our memory for exemple...


Some reboot is clearly needed that current story have knowhere to go...

Lets get back to our roots, lets start a new, with some good chapters... Let some story years pass and get some new "Friends", some offspings of known companions help us out... something exciting...


I imagine this.... we are betrayed and put on carbonite "again", but after that coup, some catastrophe happens, some war happens and we are stored for many many years...


100, 200 years or so... legends of the oulander is all that ppl now know, and the others are dead...

We get to be unfrozen, and put in some remote planet, selled to slavery or something... due to the nature of the carbonite freezing, we lost our memory, so we do not know our past, or our acomplichments...

Zakull is destroyed and the Replublic and Empire rages again in full war to get the spoils of war....


This is the perfect clean slate to start a new and get ppl again to a new exciting return to the franchise...

Nothing would need to be erased...


Best Regards,




Ditch the your character being frozen in carbonite (again) and instead have it be your character's descendant. That would explain away why you look exactly the same physically and after a tutorial mission you'd get access to your existing inventory via a vault (house, stronghold) or whatever that belonged to your ancestor.

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Thank could also work...


But the main idea is not to loose your "self" here...

Carbonite freezing or some kind of space distortion or anomaly works great on these sci-fy themes, because is plausible...


Some time dilation device also works...


But the fundamentals of the new story could work to revise the "new" sense of wounder we all get with the 1 to 50 storys...


Best Regards,



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Thank could also work...


But the main idea is not to loose your "self" here...

Carbonite freezing or some kind of space distortion or anomaly works great on these sci-fy themes, because is plausible...


Some time dilation device also works...


But the fundamentals of the new story could work to revise the "new" sense of wounder we all get with the 1 to 50 storys...


Best Regards,




The carbonite thing would be fine had they not heavily relied on it in the previous storyline, but being that it was a plot device they just used to advance time it would end up being "Really? This again?" for basically everyone playing.


You could have the character be both your descendant and reincarnation or perhaps you died and through sorcery or whatever means you character is brought back a hundred years later or whatever.

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The Rishi class missions for the SI and Consular seem to have foreshadowed KoTFE and KoTET interactions with Valkorian in particular, and I speculate that they could hint towards a new location to explore(after we do Iokath[speculation] and wrap up some loose ends sometime this year) in the form of the Rishi Maze. Edited by Vandicus
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I could see them on Throne making big choices. Say now they have to defeat this one faction to bring peace to the empire. You could see the choices that go into making an emperor. I was a bit sad, we never was able sit on the throne and casually make choices.


That's one of best parts to just sit there in your power. I understand they have to hook you for each story get you interested. I would loved sit on the throne, meeting with faction leaders making choices, then casually seeing outcome of said choices. Maybe I would gotten more power and a faction would uprised to stop him.

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Why can't the expansions be like a continuity of the existing class storylines? The class storylines are a really cool design choice and are actually varied. Since RotH all the expansions are pretty much the same for all characters so you do it once maybe twice and then just burn out.



This, x100...but EA/Bioware doesn't give a damn. Just keep buying those cartel packs and running solo content. This game was so much better and enjoyable at launch, even with the bugs.

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This, x100...but EA/Bioware doesn't give a damn. Just keep buying those cartel packs and running solo content. This game was so much better and enjoyable at launch, even with the bugs.


It's the side missions for me. I started on the Sith, did about two of them. Then was the special boost weekend. I boosted my sniper up to around mid level 40's and had a friend to help me finish the last of content for weekend. If we could focus entirely on class missions.


I would replay it, on both sith and republic those same side missions is just discouraging.

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This, x100...but EA/Bioware doesn't give a damn. Just keep buying those cartel packs and running solo content. This game was so much better and enjoyable at launch, even with the bugs.


EA planned on this game being a WoW like success. When SWTOR didn't end up being that they cut it's funding, gutted the studio, etc. The end result of that being that the dev team was left with this massive product that was both difficult and expensive to develop for but without the proper resources to continue the game onwards in the direction it was originally planned to go because it simply didn't make the money they originally planned on it making.


From 2.0 onwards they haven't had the resources to anything varied or significant to point that people desire or expect. It's become insanely clear over the past 2 years that it's gotten to the point where they can't do both story content and group content. They either have to focus on one or the other.


They can't develop anything anymore that's on the same scale or variety as what was offered in the vanilla game.

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That’s exactly how every companion is now post 4.0. They’re all basically 1 character that has a bunch of different skins. They’re all shells. How talkative is Lana or Theron once you’re not in a cutscene?


Yeah, but they are in cutscenes. Since launch companions aren't talking up a storm outside of cutscenes. Neither is the PC. You're really reaching here.


It’s not an uncommon path for Bioware to pursue either. The first Dragon Age game had various starting points depending on your Race/Class much like SWTOR does with classes, however by Dragon Age 2 players were restricted to Humans only and a single origin story. When asked why Dragon Age (2) no longer a choice of race/origin Bioware said that it was because despite the variety the original DA offered that the majority of players ended up picking Humans by an overwhelming degree.


That's a single player game with a definitive beginning and ending. And the amount of people playing dwarves and such were EXTREMELY low. Which blew my mind for the simple fact that people weren't even playing the origins-- not even just the origin alone. Why wouldn't you at least check out the different origins??? I've played mage, dwarf noble and city elf. But I've at least played every origin just to see it. That lack of curiosity... :)


This meant much of the content they created went unseen/unplayed by a large percentage of the people that bought the game. This was a lesson many devs learned around the same time and what ultimately led to many games not pursuing developing content that players might not ever see due to a choice that was made. It was considered to be a waste of resources to develop a variety of choice based content.


Most of SWTOR fits that category. I've been editing SWTOR videos and I find a lot of the conversations choices aren't mutually exclusive. So in my "cinematic playthroughs" I tend to edit in multiple conversation options. A lot of options no one will ever hear in a normal playthrough even thought the responses/information received can be drastically different, but in no way making another option's response seem out of place. This game needs a ME style chat wheel.


You think of your idea as being a good idea that presents no problems or complications but when I point out the flaws in it I’m suddenly fabricating something. Funny how that works huh?


You are fabricating problems. You're saying they can't do stuff because of X reason when this simply is not the case. You seem to be of the opinion that they can't do anything that displeases you. They can do whatever they want rather you like it or not. They don't need your approval or consent. You're talking about item transfers and companions. I already said you don't have them. You saying they HAVE to transfer your items or they HAVE to give you the companions you have now is fabricated. No, they do not. They do not HAVE to do anything you say.


If people have to start over completely with none of their existing items, none of their companions, etc, they’re not going to exactly jump at the chance to continue with the new storyline because they’d basically be losing everything in the process. There’s no incentive or even possibility to continue you on with all of the gear, outfits, companions, or anything else you’ve collected with what you’re suggesting.


Again, you're basically saying that there is no point in playing multiple class stories because I don't have the same companions, items and gear I collected as an Inquisitor when I start a Warrior. Another fabricated non-issue which basically comes down to your personal dislike of the idea. You don't like it so you're telling me why YOU wouldn't want it. That's cool, but that's just YOU.


We know that the storyline(s) are going to continue onward in the same fashion and that there is zero chance of them returning to class based storylines.


Perhaps. But that isn't the point. It's a speculative idea.


The Outlander Emperor does not continue the same story. He's done. If you play with that same character they aren't the outlander and another default character is. You do not continue as the Outlander. Not even once the expansion is over and it's back to Empire vs. Republic. I'm not sure why this is so hard to comprehend. Different character have different "timelines" (for lack of a better word). Just like if you play as an Agent, the Knight is not the Outlander. In the hypothetical expansion, if you wanted to play it as that same character on the server that Agent would not be the Outlander in the expansion. Another character (smuggler?) would be. No continuation of the Outlander story going forward. Outside of new class/faction specific stuff which is unlikely as you've said.


In order to lock you out of every existing companion, yes, they would have a to change some things. What you’re saying is just a flat out lie.


You and me have completely different ideas about what it means to get companions back. I would have thought it obvious that just have a silent shell that has no dialogue and isn't part of the story is NOT my idea of getting a companion back. I am NOT talking about the mere ability to summon a likeness that follows you around. I'm talking about having an actual talking member who participates in the story like Vette, Gault, Torian, Scorpio, etc. Get it now? Not some pointless crap like how Nico Okarr, Mako, Jaessa or Treek (dis)function currently.

Edited by Dayshadow
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That was my first thought on reading the hypothetical. Smuggler would be the one left out.


For people who end the class story dark side... how exactly is this guy still in the Republic's good graces to even continue on in the storyline. Is it just ignored? (i.e. the "canon" ending is light side)


I always felt the Smuggler story simply ends at the conclusion of Corellia if you end it dark side. He just goes and become a crime boss somewhere. Same thing for a light side BH ending (Which is "non-canon" for obvious reasons).

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Thank could also work...


But the main idea is not to loose your "self" here...

Carbonite freezing or some kind of space distortion or anomaly works great on these sci-fy themes, because is plausible...


Some time dilation device also works...


But the fundamentals of the new story could work to revise the "new" sense of wounder we all get with the 1 to 50 storys...


Best Regards,




Reincarnation also works. What you were saying reminds me of KOTOR and Revan. Ugh, I can see them defaulting your Outlander to a white human male... On second thought; No thanks.

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For people who end the class story dark side... how exactly is this guy still in the Republic's good graces to even continue on in the storyline. Is it just ignored? (i.e. the "canon" ending is light side)


I always felt the Smuggler story simply ends at the conclusion of Corellia if you end it dark side. He just goes and become a crime boss somewhere. Same thing for a light side BH ending (Which is "non-canon" for obvious reasons).


Easy. The same way in real life politicians deal with foreign powers that don't share all the same interests. You put on a friendly face in public and make public deals all the while making sure to limit the abilities of your enemy behind the scenes quietly.


The Republic has deals with the Hutt Cartel. I would guess they feel they could manipulate a "crime boss" that they have worked with in the past and built a report with while trying to also curtail his atttacks on their own power base.

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That was my first thought on reading the hypothetical. Smuggler would be the one left out.


I actually think trooper would be the one left out myself. Not because I dislike trooper in the least, but because the lovable rogue archetype is already so heavily embedded into Star Wars canon (thank you, Han and Lando). In my (admittedly anecdotal) experience, more Star Wars fans seem to find appeal in playing those sorts of characters and those sorts of stories over running around in stormtrooper-y looking pixels.

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Easy. The same way in real life politicians deal with foreign powers that don't share all the same interests. You put on a friendly face in public and make public deals all the while making sure to limit the abilities of your enemy behind the scenes quietly.


The Republic has deals with the Hutt Cartel. I would guess they feel they could manipulate a "crime boss" that they have worked with in the past and built a report with while trying to also curtail his atttacks on their own power base.


I'm not talking about headcanon and reasoning, but what actually happens. How is it addressed in-game. How do they approach him for future assignments? Does the Republic even acknowledge that he totally betrayed them? and as a crime lord I'd assume he's making enough money without needing to risk his neck doing stuff for the Republic as a privateer. Just seems like a dead end in term of telling more smuggler stories if you go the crime boss route. Kind of like this Eternal Alliance commander/emperor stuff.

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Yeah, but they are in cutscenes. Since launch companions aren't talking up a storm outside of cutscenes. Neither is the PC. You're really reaching here.


You and me have completely different ideas about what it means to get companions back. I would have thought it obvious that just have a silent shell that has no dialogue and isn't part of the story is NOT my idea of getting a companion back. I am NOT talking about the mere ability to summon a likeness that follows you around. I'm talking about having an actual talking member who participates in the story like Vette, Gault, Torian, Scorpio, etc. Get it now? Not some pointless crap like how Nico Okarr, Mako, Jaessa or Treek (dis)function currently.


No, I’m not reaching because companions have basically become a Pokemon collection of sorts. They’re things you obtain. Of the maximum possible number of companions that game allows you to have how many of them are actually in KOFTE and KOTET?


Characters like Lana, Theron, and Koth aren’t your companions the same way Vette, Kira, etc, were. The 4.0 and 5.0 companions are the supporting cast of the Eternal storyline. Much in the same way characters like Marr and Acina are/were.


That's a single player game with a definitive beginning and ending.


So? Does SWTOR not feature various hallmarks and traditions from single player Bioware games? Do you not have a multiple choice option selection when your character speaks?


Also that has nothing to do with the original point either, which was about the current force focus storyline which I said wasn’t a surprise given that the majority of the playerbase is made up of force users, you said you see plenty of tech classes as if it was an even split or something.


If the majority of the game’s population were tech class players there’s no way they would have done a force focused storyline. That’s the/my point. They only did it because of how many people play force users. I would rather they not have done that, but it doesn’t surprise me that they did it.


You are fabricating problems. You're saying they can't do stuff because of X reason when this simply is not the case. You seem to be of the opinion that they can't do anything that displeases you. They can do whatever they want rather you like it or not. They don't need your approval or consent.


No, they do plenty of things that displease me, I’m saying they won’t do what you’re suggesting and keep as many people interested in the game/storyline. If they did what you’re suggesting people would just choose to not play the new story knowing that they’d be loosing everything.


You're talking about item transfers and companions. I already said you don't have them. You saying they HAVE to transfer your items or they HAVE to give you the companions you have now is fabricated. No, they do not. They do not HAVE to do anything you say.


How would you block people’s access to their Collections? Do you not realize that people can access Treek on any of their characters or any of the companions they’ve got from cartel crates on any of their characters?


Again, you're basically saying that there is no point in playing multiple class stories because I don't have the same companions, items and gear I collected as an Inquisitor when I start a Warrior.


No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. The multiple class stories are unique, as are the companions. When you start a new class you know those elements aren’t going to carry over.


What you’re suggesting removes all progress that on their existing character(s) What you’re suggesting wouldn’t allow people to continue on with their existing characters, which not enough people would be willing to accept/deal with, not to mention that yet again that’s the sort of thing you do with a sequel, not an expansion. You’ve also yet to come with any reason as to why we can’t continue on with our existing character. The Outlander can be dethroned, the Eternal Alliance destroyed, etc, etc, however NONE of that requires us to not continue on with our character.


Many game storylines (including SWTORs at multiple points) don’t make sense to have your character continue onward because they’ve been put in a position of power that no longer requires them to be on the front lines, yet they are because it’s a conceit of game design. The Inquisitor ends up on the Dark Council by the end of the vanilla game. They’re in a position of power not all that different from the Outlander yet they continued onward doing grunt work on Makeb, Rishi, etc.


Perhaps. But that isn't the point. It's a speculative idea.


No, that’s not a speculative idea, it’s literally a fact that not only have they stated at Cantina Tours that they can’t continue the class storylines on the scale of the vanilla game but that they also don’t have the resources to do so. It’s something they don’t have the ability to do, that’s not speculation.


The Outlander Emperor does not continue the same story. He's done.


There’s no reason for him to be done though. Like I said above you’ve provided no reason as to why, and once again that’s the type of thing you do in a sequel. You don’t remove the main character 75% of the way into a RPG and then force a new one upon you to continue the story with for the remaining story. You do that in a sequel or a game’s prologue. It’s not something you do in an MMO especially.


If you play with that same character they aren't the outlander and another default character is.


It makes absolutely no sense to do that. Once again you’re not giving any good reason as to why you have to be a new character or why an NPC has to become the Outlander.


You do not continue as the Outlander. Not even once the expansion is over and it's back to Empire vs. Republic. I'm not sure why this is so hard to comprehend.


You are confusing “The Outlander” with “The Eternal Throne Storyline” the term “Outlander” is just what everyone refers to their character as. I don’t expect the Eternal storyline continue onwards and I don’t think many people do either, however you’re positioning the Eternal storyline as something that can’t be ignored or that the “Outlander” can’t continue onwards when they can. They most likely won’t be referred to as “Outlander” in the next storyline and instead ditch a player specific title and go back to having NPCs refer to Sith characters as “My Lord” and things like that if it’s returning to a Republic vs Empire storyline.


Chances are that if they’re returning to the Republic Vs Empire storyline they’re going to essentially reset everything. Meaning that you’re character by the end of the next story will no longer be the commander of the Eternal Alliance and will have returned to their respective faction. The story does not need a dethroning or a new character or a substitute character or anything that you’re suggesting to accomplish that.


The only reason you seem to be suggesting what you’re suggesting is because you think our existing characters can’t simply return to the way things were due to the position they were left in at the end of the current storyline, when in reality it’s extremely easy to reset things back to the status quo of it being Republic Vs Empire and the Enternal Alliance having no bearing on the plot.

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