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what is your #1 complaint about this game right at this moment?


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Unless the OP is collecting the legitimate concerns into a list, this thread is just noise.


I agree with the request for a LFG chat channel (this is an easy one to implement allows people to separate this from general chat), and a future enhanced LFG interface.


A UI-rewrite that allows customization is nice but might have to wait for a more significant roll-up, such as an expansion.


Another subtle win is to create server-specific forums here to allow a more defined sense of server community on the website.

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Non scaleable ui!!!!


This and related is being able to increase the font size of (at least) the chat window. Reading from across the room is rather tricky.


Also, white text on a light background, particularly when you are supposed to choose a response in a dialogue. I suppose it isn't really a problem for a traditional setup of being close to a monitor but it is difficult while using a TV and being across the room.

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My #1 complaint right now is with the alignment system. First, I love the ability to have choices, but there's not much subtlety. There's "Ok, let's be good" and "Murdering babies? Awesome!" I'd like to see dark side options that are, well, something I could see myself doing in a moment of weakness, a more believable choice that doesn't require moustache-twirling levels of villainy to swallow.


A good example would be the medicine quest on early Ord Mantell. That quest had a real tough decision moment, something that I actively had to think on before deciding.


Second, there's not neutral gear. I know it's being worked on, but I'd like to see it all the same.


I dont' know, i've had several dark side choices with my sith warrior where you actually have 2 dark side choices, one that isn't nearly as bad as the other. Kind of like well sorry don't have much choice.

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I agree. Many in the forum community are often impolite, immature, and unreasonable.


It's the internet, and the MMO community is filled with people now that weren't here 10 years ago. The 10%ers are the worst of the bunch, but thankfully BW said they're not paying any attention to them. I said thanks BW for that one.

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Biggest complaint is that there's too much instancing of the worlds. I'm currently 40, almost 41 and I hardly see anyone. This is an MMO, the world needs to be more robust, full of other players doing various things. The later level planets are HUGE, I mean really huge but they are barren. 40 isn't even a high level for a game that's been out since the 13th.
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Biggest complaint is that there's too much instancing of the worlds. I'm currently 40, almost 41 and I hardly see anyone. This is an MMO, the world needs to be more robust, full of other players doing various things. The later level planets are HUGE, I mean really huge but they are barren. 40 isn't even a high level for a game that's been out since the 13th.


Most ppl are not at that lvl yet. On the lower lvl planets they are heavily populated. A lot of ppl are trying out different characters and story lines too, yes they're that good I've done the same.

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My #1 complaint is so many complaint threads


This. :)


People, the game is barely a week old. A year from now, it will only vaguely resemble its current state. There will be massive changes to classes, builds, quests, the interface, and fundamental mechanics -- at least if it's anything like every other equivalent title on the market. Most of the things you're currently complaining about will be replaced with NEW things to complain about in short order.

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The markers on the main map can only be displayed one at a time, it's minor and really irritating when i've missed something because i had it set to the wrong marker.


LFG tool would be welcome.


Oh and harvesting nodes should display better on the mini map, they're not easy to spot sometimes as the colour blends in with everything else.

Edited by ChimaeraUK
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That would be more of a complaint about the forums/community, not the game itself. Although, you can always do as you wish that's just my opinion :)


Ok, then my biggest complaint about an MMO is the community of the MMO ;) Or at least a fraction of it.


In all seriousness gj getting people to combine all their dislikes into one thread instead of letting them fill up the front page.

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My complaint is that the game wont start. It launches just fine but then i get a blank black screen and it goes through all the cut scenes but i cant see a thing.


Have you updated your graphics drivers? i had the same problem (ATI HD4770) and updating my drivers fixed it.

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i guess my main complaint would have to be all combat animations dont synch up with the casting times. the animations lag behind the casting times throwing off a rotation in combat, especialy in fast and furious combat.


second complaint is get khem val to quit whining so much about tulak horde is a better sith than me. makes me want to go dig up tulak horde and murder him again right in front of this stupid companion.

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