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The Voice Actress That Refused to Return to SWTOR


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Then why do all of them suddenly have a different tone? Seriously, the female merc is the only voice actress I noticed so far that sounds even remotely the same.


Maybe cose they are saying the same thing over and over lol and that line is used by everyone you have ? :p

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Maybe cose they are saying the same thing over and over lol and that line is used by everyone you have ? :p


Its not just about what they say, its about how they say it. Before kotfe and kotet the smuggler had this smug ( go figure ) silly kind of light hearted tone, now she is super serious and is tries ( but fails miserably ) to sound like some holier than thou jedi / sith.

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Maybe after so many years the actors forgot exactly how they made the character sound before. It's highly unlikely they play the game like we do and hear their own character constantly, plus with all the other projects they've done in the meantime they could've mixed up what tone they're going for here. Edited by Tamyn
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Then why do all of them suddenly have a different tone? Seriously, the female merc is the only voice actress I noticed so far that sounds even remotely the same.


Been too long and they forgot. She voices Satele and the trooper sounds more like Satele but with emotion in her voice. It was really a nice change as I was worried she'd sound very butch in the romance scenes. She did not. it's definitely the same VA. The trooper yes sir lines still have that soldier tone.


VA for female SI and the VA for female IA post kotfe sound like they did pre kotfe

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Then why do all of them suddenly have a different tone? Seriously, the female merc is the only voice actress I noticed so far that sounds even remotely the same.


Because when they are hired to read their lines they aren't told what project or role they are reading the lines for. They are given a sheet with their lines and some rudimentary direction and they go for it.

Those voice actors probably didn't even know that the lines they were reading were for a character they had already voiced in the past.

Without knowing that they are voicing a character they had done before they wouldn't know to sound the way they had in the past.

This is actually part of the reason these voice actors are striking. They see that sometimes their work lacks continuity and they don't like that, it reflects badly on them. Steve Blum said that he didn't even know he was portraying a character in a Star Wars Game until 6 months after the game launched and the cast was published on IMDB.

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Yeah, Jennifer Hale is the one who isnt being used anymore if I understand correctly, so that would explain it. It just REALLY irked me that my smuggler, which is pretty much a mirror image of me =D, suddenly went so ......... pious. :(


Maybe you've changed.....:D

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Because when they are hired to read their lines they aren't told what project or role they are reading the lines for. They are given a sheet with their lines and some rudimentary direction and they go for it.

Those voice actors probably didn't even know that the lines they were reading were for a character they had already voiced in the past.

Without knowing that they are voicing a character they had done before they wouldn't know to sound the way they had in the past.

This is actually part of the reason these voice actors are striking. They see that sometimes their work lacks continuity and they don't like that, it reflects badly on them. Steve Blum said that he didn't even know he was portraying a character in a Star Wars Game until 6 months after the game launched and the cast was published on IMDB.


I find this odd though as Arcann's VA, based on his Twitter activity, clearly does know who he's voicing and what his character's story is. Same with Vaylin's VA. Joseph Gatt who does Lord Scourge also seemed to know fine well who he was voicing at the time and has said he enjoyed voicing the Lord Scourge character.. hell he's even shared blog posts/articles that were written about his SWTOR character so it's strange that some VA's do seem to know exactly what they're doing and hired for while others don't.. and has me wondering where the problem truly lies. Not saying these VA's are lying about their experience but perhaps there's been a break in communication somewhere as it does feel like BW for the SWTOR title at least did inform VA's of who their character was. Or perhaps some VA's, having less experience prior to SWTOR and being excited for the job, made a little more effort to engage in their role than others did who'd by then already voiced over a 100 of other titles.

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I don't think I could bear to play a smuggler in fe/et, especially not if it was a character that meant a lot of me. I think of all the personalities the classes used to have, the one-story-fits-all approach must hit the smuggler the absolute hardest. Though I suspect that agent comes in second pretty closely.


I'm glad to have done this research on the strike. Like I alluded to earlier, the fact that those actors are going in blind explains a lot of things I couldn't really understand before. I think I noticed the biggest change in the femtrooper's voice in RotC, I believe it was. Had no idea why she sounded so different. Turns out that sometimes, my trooper has no idea who she is and the realization makes me uncomfortable.


Especially after listening to this interview in which a VA explains how he felt about voicing a violent, racist character:


As far as how much they get paid, well, the only job I ever had was cleaning hotel rooms. It was exhausting, disgusting, low paid work in which I couldn't afford to eat *and* pay the gas bill to stay warm. But just because I suffered (during that phase of my life) why would I expect everyone else to suffer too? Video games make so much money, if there isn't enough to pay everyone fairly then I think it's worth asking why

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I find this odd though as Arcann's VA, based on his Twitter activity, clearly does know who he's voicing and what his character's story is. Same with Vaylin's VA. Joseph Gatt who does Lord Scourge also seemed to know fine well who he was voicing at the time and has said he enjoyed voicing the Lord Scourge character.. hell he's even shared blog posts/articles that were written about his SWTOR character so it's strange that some VA's do seem to know exactly what they're doing and hired for while others don't.. and has me wondering where the problem truly lies. Not saying these VA's are lying about their experience but perhaps there's been a break in communication somewhere as it does feel like BW for the SWTOR title at least did inform VA's of who their character was. Or perhaps some VA's, having less experience prior to SWTOR and being excited for the job, made a little more effort to engage in their role than others did who'd by then already voiced over a 100 of other titles.


I think this is a good question too. Why some seem to know and others don't. For example Steve Blum did Andronikos' voice, yes? From his lines you'd think he'd be able to deduce what game he was doing, or at least what sort. A lot of the characters talk about the Republic, the Empire, jedi, sith, etc.

Edited by grania
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I think this is a good question too. Why some seem to know and others don't. For example Steve Blum did Andronikos' voice, yes? From his lines you'd think he'd be able to deduce what game he was doing, or at least what sort. A lot of the characters talk about the Republic, the Empire, jedi, sith, etc.


Mhm. There's a YouTube Joe did on Voice Acting and he does mention that often he doesn't receive the script before hand so it's a lot of 'on the spot' work as to how he'll approach the character and voice it but once the session starts he clearly does have an idea of what's going on. He describes trying to find the right balance for Scourge's voice so he was definitely aware which makes me wonder how others like Blum as you said, didn't. Or how they can sit there discussing the Sith, the Empire and so forth and then claim to be clueless. Perhaps what Blum and Hale meant is like Joe said, they don't receive a script in advance but it would seem that once recording starts, they have a far clearer idea of what sort of character/franchise they're involved in.

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I don't think Jaesa or Khem will be back because of the two different options you have with Their stories. That would mean four more companion stories. To record and code.


Welcome to the wonderful world of retcon.


Or in other words, "Bobby's dead. Oh wait. He's not. He's been in the shower for the whole season."

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I don't think Jaesa or Khem will be back because of the two different options you have with Their stories. That would mean four more companion stories. To record and code.


Jaesa they can say fell to the DS or returned to the LS and that can change or keep her the same.


Khem, they can say Zash managed to free herself of Khem's body, but in doing so, had to return him to his.

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Then why do all of them suddenly have a different tone? Seriously, the female merc is the only voice actress I noticed so far that sounds even remotely the same.


I think some of the actors are trying to portray their characters as changing over the years, trying to sound older.

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I think some of the actors are trying to portray their characters as changing over the years, trying to sound older.


But the smuggler doesnt sound older, she just sounds more boring. I was really excited about having my smuggler become empress, and then......my excitement faded very quickly.....There was ONE like in the entire thing that kinda resembled the smuggler attitude, and that was when you insult the knights of zakuuls style, and that was -it-

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I've not heard of any that were refusing to come back (other than the one that died and they replaced him.) Then again I don't pay very close attention to these sorts of things, and actors don't typically talk about swtor even when I do read an interview or something.


If there's an issue with a strike I'd be a lot more accepting of our companions absence


Who died?

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