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Why do people blindly choose LS or DS choices?


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true, pick what you want, but don't complain when you can't title/gear because your not good or bad enough, live with your decisions


also a lot of the LS/DS choices are really strange, they would need extreme thought to justify


one was a trooper quest, guy fell asleep, someone stole medical supplies being used to treat, save the lives of your fellow soldiers, if you give it to the thief whole stole it, to "help" the refugees you get Light Side points, dooming your own fellow soldiers to die


but if you give the supplies back to those who owned them to begin with, and save the lives of fellow soldiers, you get dark side points


I don't agree with that, dark side should have been letting your comrades die, to save refugees, who don't care about you at all

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What I do not like is that we have people rolling on the Republic side and going darkside. If you go to the darkside it should switch you to the Imps. It totally breaks cannon and lore to see a Jedi running around with double red bladed lightsaber doing evil things - things no Jedi would do.
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Those of us who want to sometimes take a dark choice and sometimes take a light choice we do not get any rewards. As I have seen all good dark or light gear requires a high amount of dark or light side points but what about those that want to play neutral?


There should be good gear that requires under light 1 or under dark 1 or something similar.

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true, pick what you want, but don't complain when you can't title/gear because your not good or bad enough, live with your decisions


also a lot of the LS/DS choices are really strange, they would need extreme thought to justify


one was a trooper quest, guy fell asleep, someone stole medical supplies being used to treat, save the lives of your fellow soldiers, if you give it to the thief whole stole it, to "help" the refugees you get Light Side points, dooming your own fellow soldiers to die


but if you give the supplies back to those who owned them to begin with, and save the lives of fellow soldiers, you get dark side points


I don't agree with that, dark side should have been letting your comrades die, to save refugees, who don't care about you at all


Refugees didn't sign up to fight, soldiers did. Soldiers know that they can potentially die in their career, the refugees got caught up in said fighting.

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Usually the LS/DS options are pretty accurate to what my character would pick, but if I actually think the other side is logical, I'll pick it.


An example would be the Cademimu(SP?) instance where you had to choose to fire some missles at an uninhabited moon(LS) or the imperial fleet(DS). If you have the option to fire distant missles that aren't from the republic at the enemy, why wouldn't you? So I picked DS there.


Other than that most of the options are just whether or not to spare someone or should you take an important ___ and use it for personal gain.

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I don't think that's accurate. I think plenty of republic players go DS and visa versa.


I think the general preference though is to pick one or the other and then always choose that. This way you're leveling up one way or the other and not ending up in the middle of the road being neither :)

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There's been a few times that I took the LS option because it'd actually harm the empire if i went with the DS.


Just last night, a quest on Tatooine has you capturing a force sensitive Jawa. DS option would be to kill the Jawa and bring a non force using jawa in it's place, to disprove that such simple creatures could ever be a Sith. LS option would be to bring in the Jawa to the commander as intended. As I see it, even if it is a low creature, the force can be wielded by anyone and we shouldn't underestimate any enemy, or turn away a potential ally. The whole starting area, my character was degraded to an alien slave that had could never rise to power in the Sith... then I killed them.


I go DS most of the time, because torture and killing is fun, but I still read the text and choose according to my code.

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Cause of the lame way they designed it. I just pick the dark side option now because I know if I don't I'm just going to be penalized later and have to grind dark side options by doing hammer station 20 times. And then once everything is maxed I can't ever pick a light side option or else I lose access to some of my stuff. It would've been better if they just had "dark side" and "light side" gear, and just had the ranks open up titles for levels II-V or something like that. That way, as long as you're on the side you can use the gear, and you don't have to be a saint or a megalomaniac so that your toon isn't penalized.
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The game seems to reward mostly DS or mostly LS choices. It doesn't seem to reward waffling/flip-flopping, or neutral players. I understand some make both LS and DS decisions just because they feel it's the right decision for their character, but currently that leaves you in a sort of neutral zone that doesn't really have any rewards.
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The game seems to reward mostly DS or mostly LS choices. It doesn't seem to reward waffling/flip-flopping, or neutral players. I understand some make both LS and DS decisions just because they feel it's the right decision for their character, but currently that leaves you in a sort of neutral zone that doesn't really have any rewards.


pretty much this.


And you have to admit, there are some pretty awesome dark side choice.


Personally I just do whatever option I feel like. Although I do plan to go mostly lightside on my jedi.


My bounty hunter is still pretty neutral right now. He's at like 50.

Edited by Oappo
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I'll try to make this as short as possible.



I am playing as a DS Trooper, but that does not mean that EVERY decision I make is DS as I have made many LS decisions. Hell, I would have been DS4 by now but because of my past LS choices, I am only halfway through DS3. So yeah, I am playing as a DS character but I am giving my character reasons to go DS......he wants to defent the Republic at all cost. Any choice that presents immediately benefit for the Republic, I go with, which most of the time means going DS as a Trooper as the LS Trooper options are more diplomatic and willing to talk things out.


What really irks me is when I group for Flashpoints or Heroics as a Trooper and all 3 of the other players 100% of the time chooses the LS option. Same thing in the beta weekend when I was a Bounty Hunter for the Empire, I would make many LS decisions because my BH operated on a moral code and actually had a conscience. However in every grouped scenario, everyone would 100% choose the DS option.



Is it really that hard to make DS choices as a republic player and LS choices as an Empire player?


It just seems like NO MATTER what the situation is, a Republic player is going to choose the LS option and the Empire player is going to choose the DS option.


Because choices are pointless. Because there is no advantage to being neutral. Because everyone wants to get to LS5 or DS5 to get the gear.

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I don't know. I don't focus on 'picking only the right faction choice'. I pick according to what fits for the character I'm playing. Occasionally I will weigh the LS/DS choice, but that's usually only when I feel the paraphrasing doesn't give enough of an idea as to what the actual choice will be, and so I feel getting LS or DS points is the only actual choice to make.


My insanely evil Inquisitor is still Dark 2900 Light 750, because she's not stupid, and some of the DS choices are insanely stupid. Or they're just chaotic evil 'kill them kill them ALL muahaha', and she's a plotter/planner/manipulator.


I picked one LS choice with her, to heal the sick and poor instead of killing a rival gang because the healing bit got me a fanatic cult to worship me. Now I don''t have to kill any rival gangs myself, I have worshipers for that.


Sometimes passing up on an instant 'KILL NOW' for DS points leads to more story and more intricate LS/DS choices further on, instead of wrapping it up with that quick DS kill. I like that. A lot.

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OP, I don't see why you wouldn't blindly choose LS or DS choices. Fact is most people don't care about roleplaying. Now if you're on an RP server and people are doing that then you can question it. But, then again, even on RP servers most people don't roleplay from what I've seen. Edited by Shillen
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I agree with the OP when i was play KOTOR 1 or 2 i found i would always gravitate towords either pure LS or pure DS but when i did this i wanted to give my chara a legitamit backstory so i found i was going some LS but mainly DS now i go really only DS because my story had me kill the inner good in my character so i'm pure evil its fun i still take the LS option if i can justify it in my own head regardless of what my chara says like letting someone live because i believe i can torture him vigerously later.
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I'll try to make this as short as possible.



I am playing as a DS Trooper, but that does not mean that EVERY decision I make is DS as I have made many LS decisions. Hell, I would have been DS4 by now but because of my past LS choices, I am only halfway through DS3. So yeah, I am playing as a DS character but I am giving my character reasons to go DS......he wants to defent the Republic at all cost. Any choice that presents immediately benefit for the Republic, I go with, which most of the time means going DS as a Trooper as the LS Trooper options are more diplomatic and willing to talk things out.


What really irks me is when I group for Flashpoints or Heroics as a Trooper and all 3 of the other players 100% of the time chooses the LS option. Same thing in the beta weekend when I was a Bounty Hunter for the Empire, I would make many LS decisions because my BH operated on a moral code and actually had a conscience. However in every grouped scenario, everyone would 100% choose the DS option.



Is it really that hard to make DS choices as a republic player and LS choices as an Empire player?


It just seems like NO MATTER what the situation is, a Republic player is going to choose the LS option and the Empire player is going to choose the DS option.



Because they are just playing through the game, not really taking it in. Which is fine, it is their prerogative; just that they are missing the point and probably will be some of the ones later on wondering what the point was and complaining about the game.

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I'll try to make this as short as possible.



I am playing as a DS Trooper, but that does not mean that EVERY decision I make is DS as I have made many LS decisions. Hell, I would have been DS4 by now but because of my past LS choices, I am only halfway through DS3. So yeah, I am playing as a DS character but I am giving my character reasons to go DS......he wants to defent the Republic at all cost. Any choice that presents immediately benefit for the Republic, I go with, which most of the time means going DS as a Trooper as the LS Trooper options are more diplomatic and willing to talk things out.


What really irks me is when I group for Flashpoints or Heroics as a Trooper and all 3 of the other players 100% of the time chooses the LS option. Same thing in the beta weekend when I was a Bounty Hunter for the Empire, I would make many LS decisions because my BH operated on a moral code and actually had a conscience. However in every grouped scenario, everyone would 100% choose the DS option.



Is it really that hard to make DS choices as a republic player and LS choices as an Empire player?


It just seems like NO MATTER what the situation is, a Republic player is going to choose the LS option and the Empire player is going to choose the DS option.


Heh, funny thing, my Bounty Hunter is Light Side III, with about 6000+ Light Side and 1000ish Dark.


My Jedi Sentinel is pushing 20 and doesn't have a single light side point, but he's really not a bad guy to work for. He likes to keep his friends happy, who risk their lives for him, so he'll say things he knows they want to here... but when it comes time to take action, he always picks the easier path. If his companions put up a stink, he blows them off, then buys them a gift to say sorry. ;)

Edited by McVade
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