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Poll - Would You play Star Wars The Old Republic if it didn't have a Star Wars skin.


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Someone mentioned this on a site comments under an article talking about the GXP changes. Got me thinking, would I? The answer is no I wouldn't, the Star Wars IP is the only thing that makes this game appealing to me as the game itself is only mediocre and the dev team have no idea how to make it better or successful.


Was wondering what others think.


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The only reason I still play is cause I love Star wars and I love to RP and that's good enough for me to keep paying for my subscription. I don't pay for anything else in this game unless it's with my complimentary cartel coins I get with my sub. I don't care or participate in PVE or PVP stuff. Again, I'm only here to Role Play with my friends in the only Star Wars game that lets me. I do like to decorate around my stronghold from time to time as well. Lastly, I haven't completed KOTFE yet and still haven't seen any KOTET stuff either. I just don't care about story content in this game unless they go back to class stories which most likely will be never.


But yeah... Star Wars and being able to RP is the only reason I'm still here paying for my sub to play this game. If this game didn't have the Star Wars IP than I would have already left a long time ago!

Edited by DuckKing
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I only play cose there is nothing good outta there :p


While this may sound like I'm dissing the game , not at all . But as a Single Player Gamer , I wished for this game to be single player . And they decided to go the route of money grabbing .


I have been here for 3 years , and the 2 years where everyone was playing..I was glaring from a distance . I really think this game true potentiel would've come out more as a Single Player . Now it's a single player , with side MMO content (that hasnt been updated or added to in ages ) , and a cash shop that is being taken care of in every patch .


And don't get me started on the F2p and 'Preferred'' nonsense .


Anyway , in the spirit of the festivities . I would say this game has many Up but also many downs . And I won't name them .


But it's unique . It's strenght is that it is a Star Wars game . And there is no others outta there . Hence why peoples have a Love-hate relationship with it .


You get to throw a glowing stick ! and it can be Purple ! what else can you ask for from Sith Santa ? :D

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There have been threads similar to this in the past and my answer is still the same, no. There are a lot of things about this game I do enjoy, but not enough to keep me engaged without the SW name. You now mix in the recent gear changes and it's another reason to no longer play. I'll stick around until my sub is ready to renew, if nothing changes, I'll simply move on.

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Though it does give you the option to play a truly evil character, which is unique in the MMO market, I still think it would be unlikely I would play if it wasn't Star Wars.


Generally speaking, IMO, most of the game is messy...poorly developed or abandoned components (Strongholds, PVP, GSF, Space combat missions, events, Crafting), bugs that have existed since launch, the constant balance crusade, etc.


At one time in different periods of the game's development they seemed to have certain parts of the game right...combat animations and abilities before the animation trigger move, crafting before 5.0, etc.


One step forward, two steps back. The end result seems to be that, though the game improves slowly it seems to be wrought with bad design decisions and almost abandoned features, as well as almost constant core changes, some of which feel unnecessary.


It is not the only game on the market that suffers this, but frankly it is one of the few that seems to do it most often.

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The thing is Bioware must be aware of that the IP is carrying the game if this small sample is to be trusted, they are clearly working on the game as evidenced by new systems such as the Galactic Command Conquest thing and KOTET so what is the disconnect between the player base the devs caused by? and what can be done to save the game from its inevitable downfall? More importantly do the devs care enough to listen they claim to but im not sure.


I suspect more MMO stuff is required, as has been mentioned its trying to be a single player game with MMO elements but the single player aspect is marred by the MMOiness of the levels and the design, such as the large travel distances and large amounts of weak re-spawning mobs. As such I dont think the single player experience is the key to games salvation no matter how good its stories are. Especially given the more finite nature of single player experiences.


Personally I think they need to do 3 things to make it playable for playabilties sake and not simply for its IP.


1) Sort out End Game Loot (which if the web is to be believed they are trying to do after listening to feedback)


2) Roadmap the game, with introduction of more MMO elements bi-weekly or monthly (nothing major but new heroic every month and a new flash-point or operation every 2 or 3 months wouldn't be ignored the community, maybe the addition of guild rank games with leader-boards and organised tourneys etc. )


3) Alter the loot system within the game as a whole to reward players who kill lots of heroic bosses etc with potential nice loot drops. Ive not yet received anything from a loot drop which was usable.


I believe these relativly simple things could improve the games appeal while also being cheaper than large single player expansions like KOTET. Thats not saying they shouldn't do them but a shift in focus is required.


The game has potential and with the IP it has they should be swimming in money and adding new wings to their money palace.

Edited by Jujubon
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I would. I didn't start playing for the Star Wars part. I mean I like Star Wars and all but I'm not a huge fan of the films (the extended universe is much more interesting to me than the films). I started playing it to be my KoTOR 3. I didn't play KoTOR for Star Wars either. I played it for a Bioware game. Bioware is what I'm a fan of here, not the Star Wars IP. So yeah, I'd probably play it as long as it had the Bioware story, companions, and that jazz.
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I play Bioware games because I like them. Even though this is Star Wars flavored, and I LOVE Star Wars, I likely would have given swtor at least one chance... with or without the Star Wars name. That's usually what I give most games :p Edited by GabbyMe
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The thing is, even though there are already a few other threads that discuss all the things someone doesn't like about the game, this is going to be derailed to say the exact same things all over again (by the exact same people, usually). Maybe I'm wrong, and the OP did actually want to keep it on topic, but it's looking like another special snowflake wanting their own platform to whine about the game.


Play the game, or don't play the game. Paying money just so you can whine about why you don't like the game seems like a sad thing to do, but who am I to judge you. You paid your money, you're entitled to your opinion. Life is short, and if you want to waste your time playing or complaining about a game you don't like, that's on you.

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I would. I didn't start playing for the Star Wars part. I mean I like Star Wars and all but I'm not a huge fan of the films (the extended universe is much more interesting to me than the films). I started playing it to be my KoTOR 3. I didn't play KoTOR for Star Wars either. I played it for a Bioware game. Bioware is what I'm a fan of here, not the Star Wars IP. So yeah, I'd probably play it as long as it had the Bioware story, companions, and that jazz.


I can appreciate that viewpoint as I started playing it for the story aspects and as a continuation to KOTOR but it just isnt unfortunately. Its single player stories are more filler than any traditionally good single player RPG such as the aforementioned KOTOR. It is excellent bits of story floating in a sea of long travel distances, backtracking and constantly spawning enemies between destinations, which just makes the experience feel overly padded and tedious. This is the reason why I dont think the single player is the games way out. As was mentioned earlier in the thread its many half baked ideas which have not been fully realised. I would add to my other post that aside from the changes ive mentioned fleshing and finishing of some of these aspects should be a key area of work.

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I wouldn't. I am playing this because Star Wars, and because it was made before ME3. (I am not going to touch anything that has a Bioware label on it that was made after ME3.)


I agree with you, I play this because it's Star Wars. BioWare has gone downhill after ME3, I will check out Andromeda when it's released though.

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The thing is, even though there are already a few other threads that discuss all the things someone doesn't like about the game, this is going to be derailed to say the exact same things all over again (by the exact same people, usually). Maybe I'm wrong, and the OP did actually want to keep it on topic, but it's looking like another special snowflake wanting their own platform to whine about the game.


Play the game, or don't play the game. Paying money just so you can whine about why you don't like the game seems like a sad thing to do, but who am I to judge you. You paid your money, you're entitled to your opinion. Life is short, and if you want to waste your time playing or complaining about a game you don't like, that's on you.


Everyone knows what is wrong with game aside from the poll which was for my own curiosity and so far has conformed to my expectations I would rather people put forward suggestions of how to fix things than what is wrong. After all if we didn't play and complain and suggest, then there would be no one playing hardly and the game wouldn't exist anymore. Player feedback in situations like this is one of the most important things a dev can listen to if they have any desire to improve the game and make it more appealing to a wider audience therefore improving profitability, sucess etc etc. Now the dev has to take everything with a pinch of salt but many critiques and suggestions I have seen around the forums are both valid and in the case of the suggestions more than doable.


Bioware and/or EA seem to be consumed in the idea that they know better than the players begrudgingly accepting player feedback when a backlash occurs rather than gracefully admitting mistakes, which is an awful attitude to take and for smaller companies is usually a death sentence. This being said even for a larger company having a potential 81% of your player base regard the game as vindicated only by its IP it should be a worrying prospect.

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I wouldn't. I am playing this because Star Wars, and because it was made before ME3. (I am not going to touch anything that has a Bioware label on it that was made after ME3.)


It's a shame you feel that way because Inquisition was absolutely lovely.

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This is a general discussion forum for Star Wars the Old Republic. Not only is this the exact place one would EXPECT to see any and all types of subjects with respect to this game, Bioware has clearly stated on more than one occasion that they welcome and encourage feedback here.


This is also a commercial product designed to generate revenue and profit. Negative feedback is FAR more valuable then positive feedback for this type of product, generally speaking of course...that is as long as it is constructive.


As a commercial product it is expected and perhaps even a duty to offer feedback so the product can improve.

There are folks that may not care to see negative feedback, but Bioware has requested it, and frankly Bioware trumps any forum members opinion in this respect.

Edited by LordArtemis
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This is a general discussion forum for Star Wars the Old Republic. Not only is this the exact place one would EXPECT to see any and all types of subjects with respect to this game, Bioware has clearly stated on more than one occasion that they welcome and encourage feedback here.


This is also a commercial product designed to generate revenue and profit. Negative feedback is FAR more valuable then positive feedback for this type of product, generally speaking of course...that is as long as it is constructive.


As a commercial product it is expected and perhaps even a duty to offer feedback so the product can improve.

There are folks that may not care to see negative feedback, but Bioware has requested it, and frankly Bioware trumps any forum members opinion in this respect.


Couldn't agree more, I dont understand those who jump down the throats of those giving criticisms regardless of how many times the same criticism has been said. People critique things so that improvements can be made (mostly)

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The SW stories -- both the old and new ones -- have been the main reason I've resubbed every now and again to this game. My secondary reason has been to replay harder content for nostalgia -- and even that comes with a lot of SW story goodness.


"Sanity is a prison let madness release you!"

"Spin ever downward. Fall. Disappear."


Legit, despite my primary guild quitting this game and hating on it, we still shout out quotes like this every now and again mid-FF14 raids.


Just nope. I will never play another MMO with anything remotely similar to the GC system. The fact that the GC system is currently the only way to get BiS armourings makes it even worse. And the fact that everyone knows that PvP will be vastly better to gear in than PvE in 5.1...


Not to mention the two years without raiding content... jesus.

Edited by Radzkie
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I was looking forward to real SF. The first rumors said that Bioware is developing a Mass Effect MMO. Unfortunately, Bioware probably then switched to Star Wars and now we have this pseudoreligious, half-fantasy blend. After all, there are spaceships.
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