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Command Experience and Rank - What is your method?


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How do you gain gear? What is the fastest way for you to gain ranks for command crates in this crappy RNG environment?



What I've done is run 3 Immortal Juggernaut Tanks. Legacy gear and same builds.


Sure it is 3 times slower than focusing on 1 main character. BUT, I have 2 full sets of min/maxed 230 set bouns gear.

1 is full tank and the other is DPS for skank tank. All I have to do is swap out armorings for a sin tank, Merc DPS, or any healer using older 224 or 208 set bonus armorings.


Ranks are 47, 47, and 37. Once I get them their tier 3 set I'll focus on the alts. By then I'll have BiS crew skill mods and enhancements and command crates will only be used for the set bonus armorings.




What is your method to this garbage RNG madness?



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My method is to craft 228 gear, then just do what I'd do anyway - random TFPs, a little pvp on my trooper, taking a friend through the real stories, doing some Heroics, try some HFPs or Uprisings with guildmates.


I don't care enough to chase the rank ups. Anything good I get in the crates is a bonus - I don't need more than 228 gear to do what I'm doing.

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How do you gain gear? What is the fastest way for you to gain ranks for command crates in this crappy RNG environment?


What is your method to this garbage RNG madness?




I employ a complete lack of interest in the gear. It's serving me pretty well so far. I've been playing the content I want when I want and have realized the gear has no noticeable effect on my performance since everyone is in roughly the same gear shape I am.


Gear is either pass/fail and so far I've never failed content because I don't have the gear for it.

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I just keep running daily heroics on the planets that interest me (usually, ones where I can earn reputation). I don't often pay much attention to my CXP, so I'm pleasantly surprised when I roll over to a new command rank. I have no especial expectations regarding gear, so there's no real problem, there.
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PvP is a really good method for getting Command XP & rank. You get massive chunks of xp within a short span of time compared to Ops. Heroics are also a good supplement too.


PvP is my method too but I enjoy PvP and would be doing it anyway. Please don't PvP unless you're actually going to play; there's a current problem with people cheezing out of ranked matches now to just farm CXP and we're all hoping for retroactive bans or suspensions of players that have done it.


For PvE, best non-cheezy bet I have found is the planetary dailies followed by planetary heroics. Get the missions from the GC screen, do the dailies, and you get 20 per daily, 20 for most planetary heroic bosses, and 450 bonus for doing them all (per planet). CZ-198 and Oricon are quite fast. Just keep declining the slow planets and you'll eventually get the more efficient ones.

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My understanding is that PvP is currently, hands down, the optimal path for grinding ranks. That said, I've gained most of my ranks through planetary missions - mostly CZ-198 and Oricon. I can clear both in less than an hour and bring in ~1300 CXP, depending on alignment victory. This is with doing ALL bonuses on Oricon, mind.
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I completely ignore GC. In all content I currently play I get bolstered, master flashpoints I ignore because of my gear. Played some story mode ops in old gear and it was no issue.


SoI enjoy frequent PvP-pops and the occasional FP.


Ironically in PvP bolstered 208 gear appears to be outperforming crafted 228 and is on par with 230. So at least we have that :)

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What is your method to this garbage RNG madness?


Similar to you, started off with crafted 228s (208 set bonus armourings) in legacy gear, levelled 3 of the same class to 70 and swap between them for PvP dailies. My ranks are lower, have 4 set pieces and random implant / relic / earpiece across them now.


Hadn't thought about keeping duplicates for the mods / enhanchements, just disintegrated for CXP.


Not that it'll matter soon, because I'll be exempt from the whole system soon enough when sub expires. Still, Steam sales and all that :D

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I dont grind. I just play as I used to. Command ranks come.


Highest on my 9 level 70 toons is 16 I think.


I have done more group content with Guildees since 5.0 hit than I did in the previous 5 years. Its been fun as well.

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If you are on a poorly populated server, the best way to grind Cxp is to farm the black talon/Eseless FP. Planetary missions are quite good too if you chose the right planet (for example, avoiding Hoth, Alderand is mandatory). If you can, pick a dps spec to farm: it helps a lot (and remember to respec to tank when it comes to open crates :3).


But I warn you: it's tedious and annoying. After about 600+ héroic mission, 50+ FP i barely manage to 56 rank on a toon and 27 on another...

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I play the game with all the happy people on the server. I find that I occasionally get a box that might have some gear for doing all the things I enjoy doing anyway. It's a really unique method employed by about 99% of the people in game. The other 1% comes to the forums with their calculators and stopwatches to figure out CXP per hour metrics and complains endlessly about it.
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What is your method to this garbage RNG madness?

I've been crafting 228 gear. 228 is not the "best" - it's about the same as 208 was - but it's enough for what I do. The mats seem to be much easier to get than they were.


Other than that, I'm not concerned about Command ranks.

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