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*EMERGENCY CALL* what will be done in 2-4 weeks when...................


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What can I say. I got removed from my already nearly dead Rep side guild yesterday, not because of any arguments, but because the GM is closing down the guild, since he has unsubbed, and no longer is motivated to log in, but wants to retain ownership of the SH and ship, on the faint hope that some day things might get better.


This is really depressing.

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Well, I am neither the OP or one of his alts...sadly though, the attention seeker is right despite his methods and habits. Bioware/EA have made a HUGE mistake and refuse to see it. I am staying subbed to swtor and will until they close it down (..my intention at least)...clinging to whatever scant hope there is. Edited by ShardODarkness
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That's not good...you've been here for a long time...but you're right...many long term players have become disgusted and many of them have quit already, or are planning to. 5.0 has been a complete disaster and I hope someone in Austin pays with his job...there's NO excuse for being this out of touch and ignorant of your freaking market.


I couldn't agree more.

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BW has recently acknowledged the "empty" servers and has said they will do merges early next year if R1 and 5.0 don't fix things. For now we do have 90cc transfers.


For my part I completely agree that having half your servers be dead for new and returning players to surge to is going to give half of them very bad impressions. Last night JM and POT5 each had less than 150 players on rep side and HALF of the 70s on both of them were shadows on Y4 - I've never seen servers in this game that were more dead than that.

Edited by Savej
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He's not wrong when he says low pop servers are in bad shape. Bastion has no pvp pops even during prime time hours


Bastion's own players are responsible for that server's steady decline in population. I originally started on that server.

Edited by Vember
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Bastion's own players are responsible for that server's steady decline in population. I originally started on that server.

Oh what crap lol. The game developers are responsible, not the players. The lack of development of this game is 100% on Bioware, not the players. Bad behavior by players is because Bioware hasn't policed anything live since launch and they've created a safe space for freaks to battle for attention - bad behavior being unpoliced is Bioware's responsibility.

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Oh what crap lol. The game developers are responsible, not the players.


Bastion has been low pop for years, precisely because of the toxic population of gankers that drive players away. This exact topic has come up countless times in the last four years. It's the exact same reason the AoC pvp servers died long before the rest of the game did.

Edited by Vember
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Should only be around 36 hours now :)


It will just shift to a series of sock puppet accounts fueled off of players referral links. Since he only has about three or four standard scripts he follows, they will be fairly easy to spot though.


What they need to do is to block referrals from having posting ability in the forum unless they actually subscribe. That would largely do away with sock puppet accounts. Though in this case, he has shown a propensity for resubbing to complain and defame... so time will tell.

Edited by Andryah
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Bastion has been low pop for years, precisely because of the toxic population of gankers that drive players away. This exact topic has come up countless times in the last four years. It's the exact same reason the AoC pvp servers died long before the rest of the game did.

Bastion is a PvP server right? Vember, there are a million reasons why PvP servers died off first and very little of that reason has anything to do with 'toxic' players...it was lack of development, lack of balance, lack of any attention to PvP at all, other than removing PvP content from the game.


On the subject of the toxic players, because they are there, I agree with you 100% on that...that is again Bioware's fault for not policing anything in-game, ever. They don't shut down credit spammers, they don't shut up obnoxious trolls, they don't stop racist remarks or graphically explicit chat spewed by rejects...WE can't do anything about them, only Bioware can...and they haven't for 5+ years now, which has lead to this epidemic of a-holes infesting everything.

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Bastion is a PvP server right? Vember, there are a million reasons why PvP servers died off first and very little of that reason has anything to do with 'toxic' players


Pvp servers are always the first to die. The first to dip in population. There's a reason for this. Gank squads run people off faster than devs do. You don't have to take my word for it, as I said - this topic has come up many times specific to Bastion over the last few years.


Personally, after the fourth or fifth hour of being farmed on Tat by level 50's, I finally gave up and left Bastion for good.

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Bastion has been low pop for years, precisely because of the toxic population of gankers that drive players away. This exact topic has come up countless times in the last four years. It's the exact same reason the AoC pvp servers died long before the rest of the game did.


I transferred from Bastion to Harbinger and I can tell you Harbinger is considerably more toxic than Bastion ever was...

PvP in this game has been a series of hack jobs and short cuts since just after launch so of course PvP servers were the first to fall.


To me this is a wait and see situation, I have already cut my losses on SWToR... and honestly I never thought I would leave this game with little intentions of return.


With the last Stream it became clear to me that the Supervision for the SWToR design team is not only underestimating how bad this system really is but also has no intention of removing the RnG component at any point.


When I say wait and see, I mean you all are about to find out exactly how many people hate RnG enough to dump this game on its face... May be too many for the game to survive, maybe not...We will see.


I think it will linger on in lesser degrees of itself every month until closure...It will not be overnight and will actually probably take a few years to die still.


Only way it doesn't dwindle into the obscure MMO bracket now is if someone with some pull yanks these current guys up by their collars and shows them the door.


But Opinions vary...

Edited by Soljin
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I'm not talking about General Chat, which you can easily ignore :rolleyes:


Assumptions, My favorite! Moving on...


I'm so against RnG that I left this game without a back up....I'm browsing Steam atm. I'm curious to see what happens when they finally admit there will be no more operations added to this game.


You can read it all over their faces in the last stream but I don't think people want to admit that Operations are done for SWToR.


There now I made an assumption as well.

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Pvp servers are always the first to die. The first to dip in population. There's a reason for this. Gank squads run people off faster than devs do. You don't have to take my word for it, as I said - this topic has come up many times specific to Bastion over the last few years.


Personally, after the fourth or fifth hour of being farmed on Tat by level 50's, I finally gave up and left Bastion for good.

Again, that is a product of poor design from the start. I HATE that a-holes did it, but it's not a surprise they did...Bioware should never have allowed that to be an issue, yet they did until 4.0 when they made server choice obsolete and added level sync...it should NEVER have taken 4+ years to address this...players can be *****...they need to protect their customers and they didn't.

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Again, that is a product of poor design from the start. I HATE that a-holes did it, but it's not a surprise they did...Bioware should never have allowed that to be an issue, yet they did until 4.0 when they made server choice obsolete and added level sync...it should NEVER have taken 4+ years to address this...players can be *****...they need to protect their customers and they didn't.


Well to be honest, ALL pvp servers in every mmo ever are like that. I don't roll on them anymore, even though I love pvp.

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The fact of the matter is that no new end game content is ever going to be developed for swtor again. TOS/RAV came out two years ago and since that time there has been nothing developed except for one boss thrown in on Ziost. The rest of the game has been absolutely nothing but story and cartel market items. And now that the story is done, don't expect to see another one of those either. The resources aren't there for it.


So we are stuck with more rehashed content as the new push (aka Uprisings) along with a RNG grind and of course Cartel Market items. This is not going to change. Anyone else notice how Cartel Packs have been getting cheaper as of late? 200 per pack for the latest ones as they come out etc? This is due to the fact that the sales are down. If they were up you bet your arse they wouldn't drop the price one bit. Hell they would probably raise them.


Sadly this is the reality of where the game is and will continue to go. Like it or not 5.0 was devastating to a vast majority of the player base. I have watched many active guilds completely disintegrate over the past couple of weeks. I myself have enjoyed this game since closed beta. Up until this point for the most part I was ok with where swtor was going. I accepted the fact that updates would be slow and that chances are the devs would never use the term "New Op" again (hence why in streams it's "new group content"). However with no new events in years, rehashing old content for a second time around and throwing RNG on top of it all; Thanks but no thanks, I'm out.

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The fact of the matter is that no new end game content is ever going to be developed for swtor again. TOS/RAV came out two years ago and since that time there has been nothing developed except for one boss thrown in on Ziost. The rest of the game has been absolutely nothing but story and cartel market items. And now that the story is done, don't expect to see another one of those either. The resources aren't there for it.


So we are stuck with more rehashed content as the new push (aka Uprisings) along with a RNG grind and of course Cartel Market items. This is not going to change. Anyone else notice how Cartel Packs have been getting cheaper as of late? 200 per pack for the latest ones as they come out etc? This is due to the fact that the sales are down. If they were up you bet your arse they wouldn't drop the price one bit. Hell they would probably raise them.


Sadly this is the reality of where the game is and will continue to go. Like it or not 5.0 was devastating to a vast majority of the player base. I have watched many active guilds completely disintegrate over the past couple of weeks. I myself have enjoyed this game since closed beta. Up until this point for the most part I was ok with where swtor was going. I accepted the fact that updates would be slow and that chances are the devs would never use the term "New Op" again (hence why in streams it's "new group content"). However with no new events in years, rehashing old content for a second time around and throwing RNG on top of it all; Thanks but no thanks, I'm out.


Then if you are correct in you assumption, bioware needs to merge the servers. Even more if you are correct, but even if you are not the servers need to be consolidated and allow the players of this game to be able to play it. The "good servers" are only playable prime time. The dead servers are unplayable 24/7. Not everyone plays at prime time. Merge the servers so it is fair to all the players because what they are doing right now is an injustice. It is disgusting and they should be ashamed of themselves that they allow a new player to the game to roll a toon on servers they 100% know are absolutely doomed.

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[...] on the faint hope that some day things might get better.


This is really depressing.


^That^ is something we've been holding on to in this game for far, far too long, only staying with it because it's StarWars.


Even leving that aside, it was always manageable before this débacle, though, and we usually always had at least something good, cool, and fun to offset it.


No reason to even pretend anymore, because it's barely even StarWars anymore, and it certainly isn't fun anymore.


And TUXs is right up-thread:


Someone --and I mean someone who actually is "someone," not some hapless little code-monkey-- needs to be sacked for this, like, immediately.


(My vote is that they start with that utter *********** prat who actually had the sheer, unmitigated gall to say "RNG is exciting!" whilst dev-magicking up himself 14 slots of BiS...And then proceeding to show himself as perfect fodder for the "Weird People in GroupFinder" thread! Seriously, that live-stream was just so cringe-worthy on so many levels, it's not even funny...)


Heads need to roll in Austin...

Edited by midianlord
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I transferred from Bastion to Harbinger and I can tell you Harbinger is considerably more toxic than Bastion ever was...

PvP in this game has been a series of hack jobs and short cuts since just after launch so of course PvP servers were the first to fall.


To me this is a wait and see situation, I have already cut my losses on SWToR... and honestly I never thought I would leave this game with little intentions of return.


Exactly. I cam from POT5 and Harbinger population is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more toxic than I ever seen on POT5. So your point about PVP servers is completely wrong about its toxicity compared to PVE server.


I don't mean to get totally off the point here, BUT if bioware would have released this game with a server to server queue system, I would still be on POT5 right now. I have absolutely no other reason to be on Harbinger other than quick queue pops. That is the 100% absolute only reason.


To be honest I miss my old community. Harbinger is so toxic and full of cancer I find it hard to go to fleet. I do not want to turn my chat off but honestly I have never seen anything like the cancer spewed every day and night on that server. It is horrible. I would be a lot more happy on POT5 residing there than Harbinger if this game had server to server queues.


At this point right now I am more worried about this game actually being online much longer. My desire for these awesome mechanics are over shadowed by a population that is leaving this game like the plague. At this point we will be lucky to have this game to play. To worry about server to server queues has run its course. The sun set on just about any hope for anything like that at this point.

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