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The "Favorites" Thread


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I'd love to see other people's picks, even if you just want to answer for some of the categories.


Class Story: Jedi Knight



The shock when I wound up serving the emperor had an emotional impact, and the eventual payoff of actually getting to kill the emperor was most satisfying.



Character Story: Jaesa Williams


I really like how you get different outcomes depending on if you go dark side or light side. I also think they handle her inner conflict well.


Character Voice Acting: Female Sith Warrior


That condescending British accent, and great delivery.


Companion Voice Acting: Jaesa Willsaam


I can't really describe why I like it so much, there's something soft and earnest about the tone and delivery that I just really like.


Character Dialog: Dark Side Sith Warrior


I'm not really sure about this, I haven't done nearly all the combinations of light side / dark side / mixed for each of the classes. I'm interested what other people that have tried more combinations think.


Companion Dialog: Vette


'nuff said.


Character Visuals: Female Togruta


This is another one where I've only actually used a small fraction of the gender/race combinations, so it's easily possible that I'd prefer something else if I had used more of them.


Companion Visuals: Nadia Grell (No customization)


Tough call for me, Nadia doesn't really stand head and shoulders above several of the others. I'd probably make a different choice on a different day.

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Class Story: Sith Warrior


Character Story: Jaesa Williams

This is what makes the Sith Warrior story stand out


Character Voice Acting: Male Sith Inquisitor

Between the "Of course my master" and the classic "It's your turn to die now" the voice almost has a serial killer tone to it dripping with pure malevolence


Companion Voice Acting: Khem Val / Darth Zash

The back and forth works very well.


Character Dialog: Sith Inquisitor

Better than the corny lines from the Sith Warrior and the lines from the Trooper which are a snooze fest.


Companion Dialog: Vette

No contest here


Character Visuals: Sith Jug Vengeance

All the acrobatics seem to align with the sound effects so that you can almost "feel" the hits.


Companion Visuals: Kira Carsen

Something about the way she swings that Saber-staff edges out Jaesa

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Prepare for a whole lot of bias :D


Class Story: Jedi Knight.


Character Story: Lord Scourge.


Character Voice Acting: Female Sith Warrior.


Companion Voice Acting: Lord Scourge & Darth Marr.


Character Dialog: Found the Smuggler most amusing.


Companion Dialog: Lord Scourge.


Character Visuals: Sith Purebloods.


Companion Visuals: Lord Scourge... though Theron Shan does have a nice as.s.



I did warn you. :o

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Class Story: Light Sith Warrior

I love how everyone is shocked when you're nice.


Character Story: Jaesa Williams


Character Voice Acting: Female Imperial Agent and Male Sith Warrior

It's not easy to pick one. Pretty much every voice actor seems to fit the character role perfectly.. I like Sith Warrior quips, "That's the dumbest thing I ever heard." and "Your name, Now!" Female imperial agent's voice is so beautiful.


Companion Voice Acting: Theron Shan

I loved his voice as Zenith and always thought that voice should have a bigger role. Glad they gave Theron his voice.


Character Dialog: Dark Male Smuggler

Everything about the smuggler is amusing.

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Story: Sith Inquisitor.



You start as a slave, learn to dominate force ghosts and use their powers, you find out you're the long lost heir to a powerful Sith family, you embarrass one of the most respected Dark Council members and take his seat, and you become basically immortal through the Mother machine and the Rishi machines. A perfect villain origin story that even the Emperor probably envied. If it made any sense in an mmo, the Sith Inquisitor should be the next expansion villain.



Companion Story : Theron. He has an epic back story and he's been through a lot with my character in the past few years. He's always put in sad situations - being abandoned by his mother as a baby, trying to live up to his ridiculous family standards while not even being force sensitive, and then being a loyal SIS agent while working with a Sith who betrays him (Lana) because he has to save the galaxy. Now he's involved with me, the baddest Sith in the galaxy who would like to decapitate his mother. Its all so dramatic!


Character Voice Acting : Male Sith Warrior. Mark Bazeley <3 <3 <3 His voice is pure silk. It can be low and menacing or softer and sexier :o


Companion Voice Acting : Everyone hates Kaliyo and I think that's a credit to the actress. She is *so* good.


Character Dialog : That's a hard one, but I think the Sith Inquisitor can be hilarious and then completely scary in the next instant. Smuggler is always amusing. And then the Warrior sassing Baras never gets old.


Companion Dialog: I think Vector's lines can be very poetic and strange. Theron is funny sometimes.


Character visuals: I like the extra tattoos options of the Human Sith Warrior and Human Bounty Hunters. And I also like the Miralian skin and eye color combinations for females. So pretty with the right make up. Also, male Republic Zabraks are hot.


Companion Visuals: I know that who ever designed Quinn was a Matt Bomer fan. And Vector's unique face is nice, too. Most improved: Lana. She looked INSANE in SoR and now she's quite attractive.

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Class Story: Agent

I think once it got rolling it was among the most interesting. Though I honestly have to say I enjoyed all of them though I felt JC draged on a bit.


Character Story: Kira

Mostly because of the depth and impact of the story line.


Character Voice Acting: male BH

Simply a perfect fit.


Companion Voice Acting: Mako


Character Dialog: SI


Companion Dialog: M1-4X

A never ending stream of lols :D


Character Visuals: Ratataki

Poor retconned sobs :(


Companion Visuals: Senya and Theron

Not because of beauty, but because they look the most individual and "realistic" out of all charcters in game in general.

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pfff this gonna be hard to do...so many choices :eek:


Class Story: Sith Inquisitor

My #1 story . Can't help it! all that purply Goodness ! :o


Character Story: Lana :p


Character Voice Acting: Jennifer Hail voice . I do fp just to hear her lol that's how bad I have it lol

Truth be told . I love all of them (females that is) save for JK female voice that grate on my nerve .


Companion Voice Acting: Akaavi and Risha . They are unique and hence why I love them .


Character Dialog: Smuggler pretty much . The dialogues are hilarious , especially with companions .


Companion Dialog: Lana . She may have a few lines , but ''This is Arcann Vault...don't you feel special now ?'' lol make me lol everytime .


Character Visuals: They are pretty all good . Some could use more hair for sure (cathar , Zabrak ) and some new upgrades (More mask for miraluka and the option to dye them ) . The only ''Specie'' if you wanna call it that , that I will never touch is the Cyborg since it's a joke .


Companion Visuals: Khem . My Morose Bodyguard .

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Class Story: Agent

Brilliant from start to finish. And each story arc on each planet is so different and exciting. A masterpiece of storytelling. Easily the most re-playable class story.


Character Story: Khem

He is the only companion that feels malevolent. Plus I love Zash's conniving.


Character Voice Acting: male Agent

I know a lot of people dislike the male agent, but for me the voice just works.


Companion Voice Acting: Lana


Character Dialog: Smuggler

Funny and witty banter all the way throughout. Think Han Solo in ESB


Companion Dialog: Nadia

She is a complete wet blanket, but after a hard day of killing imperial bad guys she's nice to come home to.


Character Visuals: Cyborg

Love the Ozzy Osbourne sunglasses look


Companion Visuals: Akaavi

She is the only female companion that is not body type 1 or 2. Wish we had a female companion body type 4 tho.

Edited by Zhedzaban
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Class Story: Toss up between Jedi Knight and Smuggler.


You're right about that moment really having an impact. I wasn't expecting that and it was refreshing to have my character be powerless for once, not all powerful best jedi ever despite still being fairly new.

With the smuggler story it's just that the dialogue is so dang funny!




Character Story:

Lord Scourge or Vette.

With Lord Scourge watching him go from secretive all the way to where he trusts the Jedi on a personal level and is willing to open up about his past. How his combat shouts change and he starts to talk about how he has your back for who you are, not who you serve. That evolution and tenuous friendship that shows how two people with wildly different beliefs can come together and really genuinely respect each other and have each other's backs really gets me. I wish there'd been an arc written so he could turn a Jedi or the jedi could heal him (or a romance for a certain very adorable forum reg). Either way, even just the friendship is a great tale.


As for Vette? Well I'm the youngest of 3 sisters and my sisters are far away now. I'm a sucker for sisterly relationships because of that. I love the big F U that the Sith can give to the entire idea of slavery that runs so deeply in their culture by taking off the collar. Since I always play LS Vette and my Sithy develop an amazing friendship and sisterhood that just strikes as being genuine and interesting. I really enjoy that part of the storyline.


Character Voice Acting: Female Sith Warrior and Female smuggler. (Honourable mention to female trooper cuz femshep.) I love the deadpan snarkery of that arrogant sith warriour. Especially playing LS puts a spin on it in which it seems like she thinks everyone who actually thinks she's a loyal minion of the dark is an idiot. Female smuggler just sounds so spunky and again that snarkery is too perfect. (Least fave: Female Jedi Knight. Even options that are funny and witty with the male jedi knight come out as sounding boring from her. She's just too...goody sounding. There's no option to give her a different personality because the actress didn't bother to act anything but pure virgin goodness.)


Companion Voice Acting:

Hmm...Doc, and Gault. (Honourable mention to Andronikos cuz...basically sexy Oghren.)

All in all I feel like the male voice acting in SWTOR is much stronger than the female. Both Doc and Gault have a wide range and they have the kind of inflection that gives their personality more life. I really love both of their actors. I thought I'd hate Andronikos' romance but his voice and the writing really helped sell it as one of the more strong and romantic of them. Even in battle his cries are more supportive and friendly or romantic sounding than the others. (Least fave: Jaesa. That chick isn't really much of a VA. Usually she does regular acting and it shows. Without her facial expressions to help it's just mostly flat all the time, at least LS Jaesa. Kinda just sounds like she can't act.)

Character Dialog: Fem Smuggler.

The snarkery!! I love it so much. Also finally a female class that gets to flirt just as much as the males!


Companion Dialog: Vette, Doc, Kira, and Bowdaar.

I couldn't pick just one. Vette is both hilarious and endearing. When she's revealing her past to you and opening up it's really sweet and it makes you want to hug her and protect her forever. Then when she's in battle or feeling spunky she's just so fiery. She really was written like a spunky young kid. Doc reminds me of me back in the day. Aside from making me want to apologize to every woman I ever dated (I'm so sorry girls. I was a slimeball.) He's also funny. I can see the heavy Bruce Campbell influence but he actually looks just like my RL husband...down to the facial structure. It's a little scary honestly. Kira goes through such an evolution in the game and her dialogue (which is not done justice by her mediocre voice actress) shows this very heavily. She's funny but she also matures a lot. I love the complexity to her character. As for Bowdaar...well he's just hilarious. Reading his dialogue always makes me giggle.


Character Visuals: Female Togruta, Female Cathar, and male cyborgs. (Honourable mention to female Chiss because c'mon, Syl is amazing looking with her wonderful hawk nose.)


Companion Visuals: Doc

As stated above, he looks almost identical to my RL husband. Other than him? Ashara. I love the togruta race.

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Class Story: Jedi Knight - Sith Warrior - Imperial Agent (tie)


Companion Story: Malavai Quinn


Character Voice Acting: Female Sith Warrior and Female Jedi (tied)


Companion Voice Acting: Lord Scourge, Malavai Quinn, Darth Marr, Vector Hyllus (tied)


Character Dialog: Dark Side Sith Warrior


Companion Dialog: Lord Scourge, Theron Shan, Malavai Quinn


Character Visuals: Male Pureblood Sith


Companion Visuals: Lord Scourge, Malavai Quinn, Theron Shan and Vector Hyllus (default customizations)


Best Sith Lords: Lord Scourge, Darth Marr, Darth Vowrawn, Darth Ravage

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Companion Dialog: Lord Scourge, Theron Shan, Malavai Quinn



My favourite companion dialogue piece in game is when Quinn gets that Moff suffering from dementia on the holo. While the Moff is blaming Quinn for failed battles before he was even born I was laughing so hard I had tears. So very well written.

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Class Story: Imperial Agent


Voice: Male Imperial Agent. Hands down. Best. Voice.


Favorite character is Lokin. I love how he isn't always straightforward. Sometimes he enjoys getting a raise out of you too. Like when he comments on your eating habits; if you tell him to bugger off he gets this little smirk on his face that's perfect. Also I identify with the passion Lokin has for his work, but in other areas of my life.


Quinn and Talos are tied for my second favorite characters.

Edited by Radzkie
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Class Story: Sith Inquisitor and Imperial Agent


Companion Story: Theron/T7-01 (that droid has been places!), Blizz


Character Voice Acting: Female Jedi Knight, Female Imperial Agent, Male Sith Warrior, he's bond, James Bond


Companion Voice Acting: Theron and Torian


Character Dialog: Snarky Imperial Agent


Companion Dialog: Theron. :D


Character Visuals: My decked out in purple, female human Sith Inquisitor. Goes well with lightning.


Companion Visuals: Actually Agent Kovach is the most stunningly rendered in game on Ziost. But Theron as a companion.


Best Sith Lords: Darth Marr :D:D:D:D

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Class Story: IA and JC


Character Story: Iresso


Character Voice Acting: Male IA. Female SI.


Companion Voice Acting: Quinn, Talos, 4X, Jorgan, Vette, Kaliyo.


Character Dialog: Smuggler


Companion Dialog: Guss/Theron/Vette


Character Visuals: Female Cathar and Chiss in general.


Companion Visuals: Theron/Arcann/Quinn.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I do not intend to be a ***** here, but to the people who picked Jaesa as their favorite character story...Her name is WILSAAM, not Wiliams. Spelling her name correctly goes a long way in showing she is your favorite;);) I actually scolded myself when I first started playing the Warrior nearly five years ago. I was calling her Williams for a week before a guildie corrected me. Edited by Kilikaa
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Voice: Male Imperial Agent. Hands down. Best. Voice.


There are too many voices I like to pick just one, but I will say the male IA is very good. Once you can recognize the actor, you'll see him just about everywhere on bbc shows. It's so ingrained in my head from watching my husband play his ds operative that I expect the guy to start murdering everyone around him any second no matter what role he's in.


Bertie Carvel is co-starring in a show that's on Netflix right now if anyone is interested, called Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell. He can be funny too, "we're armed!"

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