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Bioware Ruined the Emperor (SPOILERS)


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First off, I LOVED the two "Knights" expansion packs and their stories. Thought they did an excellent job...the problem for me, on a personal level, was that this Valkorion, who is a GREAT character, they essentially doubled down on. YEARS of build-up from KOTOR over the Empire and the Emperor, Revan's entire legacy and his recognizing the threat the Emperor posed, and the ending of the JK story line, where the Emperor says things about how he plans on annihilating the entire galaxy to feed himself to become immortal, and live every life: the life of a boy, of a farmer, etc. until the universe dies and he will wait patiently until it is born again. This extremely BROAD character that had been built up to for YEARS to the audience, whos goals and ambitions supersede that of a mortal or anything we can really understand, utterly butchered by Bioware. They gave us almost no explanation as to why the Emperor goes from this god-like being whos ambitions are beyond us and who truly stands in the grey, to some crappy dad hell bent on his precious throne, eternal empire, and eternal fleet. Given his aforementioned ambitions, isnt the desire to rule the galaxy with such a mighty empire an ENORMOUS backtracking on his goals of becoming a true god and infinite being? He suddenly becomes little more than a very powerful Sith, vulnerable and lacking true ambition. In short, I am SEVERELY DISAPPOINTED with the direction they went with this character as they essentially demolished over a decade of build up and doubled down on the great story they had already built up for them. The story of Valkorion is told extremely well and I think its a great story....just, he should have been some separate story and entity....he is not the broad-minded and infinitely ambitious Emperor I prepared for for a decade and then witness first-hand in the JK story. I think they really screwed up what could-have been and demolished the legacy of one of the best EU characters
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Those were not really his kids. Valkorian is a vessel to hold Vitiate. His real body is really old and the emperor's hand has it. Or his real body is destroyed. He appears in Valkorian's form because we don't really know what he looks like. He then is trying to manipulate you to take the throne so he can take you over completely.
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I understand that....my point is, his ambitions of becoming a true god and superseding the Star Wars Galaxy altogether to conquer all of reality and become a being we cannot even comprehend was axed immediately in favor of a "just another sith", albeit a very powerful and interesting one, but the scope of who he was supposed to be was infinitely diminished with no just explanation
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Misread something earlier. I totally agree with you. The last time we see the Emperor is when he is on Ziost then he does his ritual like Nathema. My guess is the ritual destroyed that body he was using then he went to Valkorian his most strongest and secret kept vessel. Then the goal kinda changed too from destroying all life and be the last to ruling the galaxy.
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Eventually he would have tried another ritual to consume all life in the galaxy. First the Jedi knight stopped him with the help of Lord Scourge then later on in Shadow of Revan he is stopped once again. He could not get back to his original body which was probably destroyed at that point, so his spirit escaped to Ziost to regain strength for plan B


Now he permanently takes on the role of Valkorian. You are probably wondering why he would go through the charade of taking out both the empire and republic then just languish on his Eternal throne instead of immediately starting the galaxy consuming ritual over again? His power levels may have not quite been 100% yet , also from what I understand the ritual he was attempting to perform was an extremely complex ritual which took decades or longer to carefully plan out.


If not for the Outlander's interference he would have continued ruling The Eternal Empire until he was ready to perform the ritual again. At the end of the Jedi knight story he even says


"My ascendance is inevitable. A day, a year, a millennium, it matters not. I hold the patience of stone and the will of stars."


The huge contrast in the personalities of Valorian and Vitiate may be throwing you off to, for they are almost like 2 different people. Vitiate comes off as truly wicked and terrifying monster where Valkorian comes off as a real sweetheart in comparison, but the guardian angel on your shoulder act is all bullsh*t


Up until his death he was still the exact same emperor you obviously admire so much. He was playing the Outlander the whole time trying to portray himself as this benevolent God the father type of being, but as soon as Outlander takes the throne you see Valkorian's true colors. You can see he still the same evil and rotten Sith Emperor he has always been.


Had he taken over the Outlander's body he would continue on with his original plan and eventually consume all life to become a God.

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The huge contrast in the personalities of Valorian and Vitiate may be throwing you off to, for they are almost like 2 different people. Vitiate comes off as truly wicked and terrifying monster where Valkorian comes off as a real sweetheart in comparison, but the guardian angel on your shoulder act is all bullsh*t


Up until his death he was still the exact same emperor you obviously admire so much. He was playing the Outlander the whole time trying to portray himself as this benevolent God the father type of being, but as soon as Outlander takes the throne you see Valkorian's true colors. You can see he still the same evil and rotten Sith Emperor he has always been.


Had he taken over the Outlander's body he would continue on with his original plan and eventually consume all life to become a God.


Exactly. Valkorion viewed Zakuul as an experiment - he saw himself as a god, designing societies and manipulating people like they were insects.


Some of his best lines is in his death scene. When he pours scorn on all of you, saying you are all "motes of dust in the void" without him. And when you mock him about his whole family joining you to destroy him, he replies in an ice-cold voice dripping with disdain: "A god has no family". Even at his end, he thought of himself as a god.

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  • 3 months later...
Eventually he would have tried another ritual to consume all life in the galaxy. First the Jedi knight stopped him with the help of Lord Scourge then later on in Shadow of Revan he is stopped once again. He could not get back to his original body which was probably destroyed at that point, so his spirit escaped to Ziost to regain strength for plan B


Now he permanently takes on the role of Valkorian. You are probably wondering why he would go through the charade of taking out both the empire and republic then just languish on his Eternal throne instead of immediately starting the galaxy consuming ritual over again? His power levels may have not quite been 100% yet , also from what I understand the ritual he was attempting to perform was an extremely complex ritual which took decades or longer to carefully plan out.


This assumes, though, that Tenevitiakorian actually planned to go all vampire suck on the entire galaxy in the first place. The only person who ever claims that is Scourge, and Scourge isn't exactly an unbiased source. Heck, he even admits that he's a lying, evil Sith.


It seems more likely to me that he was mostly telling the truth in Chapter II: he got the immortality from consuming Ziost (just as in Knight Chapter 3, we see him make several attempts, but all of them are single worlds that Scourge assures us are totally going to start a chain reaction yep kill the Emperor please I have no hidden agenda). Then, he realized that without something to do, he won't be able to keep his mind alive. Thus, he legitimately wanted the Outlander as his "successor" simply to ensure that he could stave off the equivalent of mind-death from depravation, by seeing what sort of new galaxy the Outlander would shape things into. He wasn't interested in Arcann and Vaylin just because they basically just acted like typical Sith and didn't give him anything new and interesting.


Of course, then he reveals his own impatient, fickle, "dark side" nature and decides the Outlander isn't interesting enough anyway, and just decides to take the Outlander's place, instead. Because for all his talk about being "above" Light and Dark, or being the type that can play out a plan that takes millennia, deep down, the core of his character is still that same wannabe that took the path that was, as Master Yoda once told us (or will tell us, depending on how you view chronology): "quicker, easier, more seductive".


Or, at least, that's how I see him, and I think it's a pretty engaging villain. Or maybe I'm just projecting, filling in the gaps in the story itself with the tale I like. But I feel like that was all there.

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In fairness, 'I'm going to live every type of life there is to live' was always dumb and a blatant lie. Most kinds of lives you can live require other people to interact with, which would be hard to find in a galaxy devoid of all life because you ate everyone. Edited by dcaleb
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In fairness, 'I'm going to live every type of life there is to live' was always dumb and a blatant lie. Most kinds of lives you can live require other people to interact with, which would be hard to find in a galaxy devoid of all life because you ate everyone.

See? That's what I mean. Why assume his interest in seeing life from other perspectives is a lie? Why couldn't eating all life in the galaxy be the lie?

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See? That's what I mean. Why assume his interest in seeing life from other perspectives is a lie? Why couldn't eating all life in the galaxy be the lie?


I actually thought about it but then I saw someone else say he never actually claimed he was going to eat everyone only Scourge did so I was worried about saying he was lying about something he never said and was trying to remember when Vitiate himself said it to check.

Edited by dcaleb
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I actually thought about it but then I saw someone else say he never actually claimed he was going to eat everyone only Scourge did so I was worried about saying he was lying about something he never said and was trying to remember when Vitiate himself said it to check.

That's fair. I'm the one who mentioned that, so, yeah.

I guess what I'm saying is, why take it as a given? Granted, you could apply that equally to my theory of "he mostly did tell the truth in the beginning, then changed his mind". That's why I admit I might just be assuming the best from a story that's not concrete about it either way. But for me, at least, I think it's a matter of show versus tell. We're told he wants to devour the galaxy, but we're shown his interests are more...I guess you could say hedonistic than that.

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I always viewed it as his master plan. Based on our first meeting with Valky.


Marr: Your silence throughout our history? This was your distraction.


Valkorian: This was my focus...


To me the Eternal Throne and fleet were his way of subjugating the Republic and Empire so he was in control and could do his master ritual.


The way I saw it was, Marr was dead. Empire now without a leader. Leaving the collection of Imps and Reps with only the Outlander and Satele at its head. Valky then makes his offer. Whether you bow or he kills you (assuming Arcann didn't act) that leaves just Satele.


I doubt Satele would have been able to maintain control over the allied imps leaving it as it was before. Reps v Imps.


Valky would probs have been able to better control his conquered enemies better than Arcann and his ritual would be ready to plan. I imagine if Arcann did betray his father later he would have either passed into him or Vaylin.


But then again that was just my view of Valkorian or whichever name you prefer to use.

Edited by EightiesMonkey
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In fairness, 'I'm going to live every type of life there is to live' was always dumb and a blatant lie. Most kinds of lives you can live require other people to interact with, which would be hard to find in a galaxy devoid of all life because you ate everyone.


He did say he'd travel the universe, but the best indicator of future behaviour is past behaviour.


If he didn't bother living a normal life with healthy relationships in the SW galaxy, he probably wouldn't have done it in other galaxies. I suspect he'd get to our galaxy, or Andromeda and then after a while just decide to eat the whole thing. Again.


His closest attempt to normal life was his relationship with Senya, Thexan, Arcann and Vaylin and we've seen how that went.

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Do not forget what Marr said to Satele. "His presence in the force has always been deceptive." But in all things considered from the comments. It'll be one of two things. Vitiate and Valkorian are the same person and Valkorian wanted everyone to believe that Arcann and Vaylin were his children or they're 2 different beings and Valkorian has a similar force signature as Vitiate and wanted everyone to believe that he was him. Because anyone who can make others think that they are the feared and dreaded Sith Emperor is likely to get others bowing to him.


I personally believe that Vitiate and Valkorian are 2 separate people. Because I look at the cinematics as well. During the time Vaylin, Arcann and Thexan were growing up, Valkorian was there. Taking Vaylin to Nathamir and all that, Valkorian was there and I personally think during that time when all that was happening, Vitiate was ruling the Sith Empire

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Do not forget what Marr said to Satele. "His presence in the force has always been deceptive." But in all things considered from the comments. It'll be one of two things. Vitiate and Valkorian are the same person and Valkorian wanted everyone to believe that Arcann and Vaylin were his children or they're 2 different beings and Valkorian has a similar force signature as Vitiate and wanted everyone to believe that he was him. Because anyone who can make others think that they are the feared and dreaded Sith Emperor is likely to get others bowing to him.


I personally believe that Vitiate and Valkorian are 2 separate people. Because I look at the cinematics as well. During the time Vaylin, Arcann and Thexan were growing up, Valkorian was there. Taking Vaylin to Nathamir and all that, Valkorian was there and I personally think during that time when all that was happening, Vitiate was ruling the Sith Empire


I also always wondered that. Ye, in the end he was abscent, but not for 20 years +. As far as I got it he dissappeared shortly before all class storys started. My guess (and hope) is Valkorian is a part of Vitiate, one part still stayed at the empire and ruled it for a while. This was also the part who consumed all life on Ziost, so the crazy "I am gonna eat you all" Vitiate is still out there, probably recovering from the loss of his Valkorian-part.

Edited by ThePsyEagle
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