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Please buff the rewards for GSF if you're going to buff ground PVP as well.


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The past two weeks have been great for GSF. People are playing more than they have in years, and it's because ti's actually been worthwhile to do so. I love the changes you talked about on the stream, but if you don't increase the rewards for GSF as well, people are going to stop playing it. Again.


We're not even asking for new content. That would be great, but realistically, we understand that we are never going to get it when the player base is so small. That's fine; it makes sense. But we are asking you to give people a reason to play. Offer some sort of reward for playing a minigame with a punishing learning curve and a community so small that matchmaking is impossible. It's not easy to keep people around through the learning period.


Help us out? No, you don't need gear you get to play GSF, but the whole point of the system is that you can play the way you want to and get gear that way, right? Since bolster is still a thing it would be pretty easy to argue that you don't need gear to play unranked PVP either.


Those of us who still play GSF love it. We don't ask for much. Help us keep getting new players interested.

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I played for the first time in months when it was the bonus. Queues popped almost instantly and I didn't simply fly around and explode. I actually got a kill! I believe this was due to the high amount of inexperienced pilots, including myself, trying GSF again or for the first time. This was one of the reasons I'm not condemning Galactic Command outright; it's getting players into other activities.


When ops was the bonus, I queued for GSF. Nothing popped.


For me, it's the same as PvP. It's fun until you start getting rolled over constantly. When more people are on near my skill level (low) it's way more fun, but playing enough to get better is discouraging when I'm exploding immediately. GC is a good way to encourage more starfighter but there should be more. Maybe something similar to Valor, and tiers like in PvP. And yes, better rewards would encourage more play.

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The numbers don't like: GSF has been giving 38% more CXP per hour than PvP, 26% more than solo ranked, and 11% more than group ranked, on average. That's without the bonus. If the Command System has done one good thing, it was to give a reason for new players and those who avoided it to actually play GSF again.


Currently GSF is bugged, it gives only 1000 (normal) XP per match above level 65, and no longer rewards credits. We'd appreciate it if you fixed that.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Can I ask, where have they said they are buffing WZ CXP. No where have I seen this..


They didn't. But my post doesn't say they are. It clearly says "rewards" which they are increasing for PVP:


In PvP

  • Playing any Warzone will earn you Unassembled Components. You earn more based on medals, match outcome, etc.
  • Turn Unassembled Components into a PvP vendor with a Valor requirement to get an Unassembled Gear piece.
  • Turn in an Unassembled Gear piece along with Command Tokens (which come from Command Crates) to get that piece of gear.
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Can I ask, where have they said they are buffing WZ CXP. No where have I seen this..


No one said that specifically, but you can now get your unassembled gear pieces through grinding PvP and OPS. No such system will exist for GSF because it's not gear-related. So what he's saying is that GSF needs something to attract more players, and increased CXP is one way to do that.

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No one said that specifically, but you can now get your unassembled gear pieces through grinding PvP and OPS. No such system will exist for GSF because it's not gear-related. So what he's saying is that GSF needs something to attract more players, and increased CXP is one way to do that.


Yay for Pvp :D


Yes some sort on incentive for GSF would be good, but so would a substantial increase in end game story.

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Yay for Pvp :D


Yes some sort on incentive for GSF would be good, but so would a substantial increase in end game story.


Completely agree! I'm not a GSF'er. I have the Intro to SF quest on EVERY toon in my arsenal. That being said, I don't want people that enjoy that segment of the game to become outcast due to the fact that GSF does not do anything for players gear. BW, while your kinda-sorta attempting to undo the damage and do the right thing by players of PVP and OPS, you need to include GSF in there to somehow. Once again, I'm not a pilot but right is right.

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OP. Let me clarify some confusion here.


The "ground PvP" isn't getting a "buff" with regard to rewards. What BioWare is doing is allowing PvPers and raiders a path to get gear for their characters.


GSFers do not need gear. GSF is entirely built around your starfighter, so it wouldn't make sense to provide a path to getting gear in an experience that has nothing to do with gear. Now, perhaps BioWare could create some new starfighters or things of that nature to provide more incentives in GSF.


Other than that, nothing really needs to be done. Ben already said on the stream it makes little sense to give gear to GSFers, and I agree. Not to mention, BioWare would be creating a scenario where you wouldn't need any gear and you could circumvent doing PvP and raiding. That would be terrible game design.

Edited by Aowin
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It shouldn't be nerfed. The only rewards GSF currently gives is Command XP since Bioware evidently bugged or took away the credit payout and the normal XP from it.


Command XP has given people a reason to play GSF again.


~ Eudoxia


GSF (which doesn't even use gear) shouldn't reward more CXP (which is predominately used for gear) than content which actually requires gear, and shouldn't provide the new gear token currency.


That said, it shouldn't be totally unrewarding, and any bugs regarding XP and credits should be corrected - but it should also stand on its own merits, not have extra incentives that make its rewards better than actual gear based content just to bribe people to play.

Edited by DawnAskham
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OP. Let me clarify some confusion here.


The "ground PvP" isn't getting a "buff" with regard to rewards. What BioWare is doing is allowing PvPers and raiders a path to get gear for their characters.


GSFers do not need gear. GSF is entirely built around your starfighter, so it wouldn't make sense to provide a path to getting gear in an experience that has nothing to do with gear. Now, perhaps BioWare could create some new starfighters or things of that nature to provide more incentives in GSF.


Other than that, nothing really needs to be done. Ben already said on the stream it makes little sense to give gear to GSFers, and I agree. Not to mention, BioWare would be creating a scenario where you wouldn't need any gear and you could circumvent doing PvP and raiding. That would be terrible game design.


They're rewarding two of the three types of content that mean you're in a group of eight people. They said on the last stream that they want to provide incentives and better rewards for group content, which GSF certainly is. CXP for PVP and GSF are really close. Tokens in PVP as well will mean that fewer people will be willing to even try GSF. As others have noted in this thread, the game is better for everyone with more people playing since it means that matchmaking can actually happen.


I don't want to go back to winning 99% of my games. That's not fun.

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OP. Let me clarify some confusion here.


The "ground PvP" isn't getting a "buff" with regard to rewards. What BioWare is doing is allowing PvPers and raiders a path to get gear for their characters.


GSFers do not need gear. GSF is entirely built around your starfighter, so it wouldn't make sense to provide a path to getting gear in an experience that has nothing to do with gear. Now, perhaps BioWare could create some new starfighters or things of that nature to provide more incentives in GSF.


Other than that, nothing really needs to be done. Ben already said on the stream it makes little sense to give gear to GSFers, and I agree. Not to mention, BioWare would be creating a scenario where you wouldn't need any gear and you could circumvent doing PvP and raiding. That would be terrible game design.


The point of the system that you've been defending is (IMO) to get players out of their comfort zones and trying other aspects of the game. If raiders could get their gear faster by playing GSF, they might play a few matches. That's what OP is hoping for; to make GSF more appealing to non GSF'ers, as there aren't enough of them around to make for decent matches.


In fact if I remember the very first words of that epic thread you started was: Inclusiveness, The systems is designed to encourage every player of every type to try every other type to get their rewards faster. Some player refuse to do that, and the new fixes allow for that. PvP'ers can now only PvP to get gear, and raiders can only raid. For those who want to get the new tokens faster, hey, queue up for GSF now and then. That helps everyone.

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Used to be:

- PvE with its own currency (tokens) and PvE gear bought with that currency

- PvP with its own currency (WZ comms) and PVP gear bought with that currency

- GSF with its own currency (... fleet ... points., I forget what's it called) and gear (ship components and upgrades) bought with that currency



- PvE and PvP share currency (CXP) and gear (CXP boxes, no EXP gear anymore)

- GSF shares currency with PvP and PvE (CXP), as well as having its own currency and its own "gear"


Obviously! Obviously, we need to add GSF currency and gear (like tokens to unlock the Hvy Laser?) to CXP boxes, because we're not disintegrating enough yet! :D


But seriously, GSF getting some bonus CXP to entice people is ok by me. I'd love to see some ranked/unranked system, so newbs like me don't get farmed all match long, while we are still trying to work out how to fly the damn thing. Imagine playing a WZ and every wall you run into is like the fence at Master Blaster.

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But seriously, GSF getting some bonus CXP to entice people is ok by me. I'd love to see some ranked/unranked system, so newbs like me don't get farmed all match long, while we are still trying to work out how to fly the damn thing. Imagine playing a WZ and every wall you run into is like the fence at Master Blaster.


If it helps, most of us aren't really interested in farming all day long. On that note, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'm happy to help out where I can.

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While it's true that GSF doesn't require any sort of normal gear (besides its own ship upgrades), I feel that it should still be very worthwhile for people to do in order to get non-GSF gear. As has been stated, the amounts of CXP that can currently be earned from GSF are a huge incentive to get people to do it, which is great! It's letting this part of the game thrive again.
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The disconnect between GSF and any other aspect of the game means that people have less incentive to do it. Time spent in GSF is time that could otherwise be spent in ops or PvP gearing up, and this is unfair to anyone who is interested with more than just GSF.


Just as PvP and ops reward more than stuff specific to them so should GSF. It's a nice incentive for players and it also means that this game doesn't pay lower returns for time invested.


Why would anyone even be against such a thing?

Edited by Greezt
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I support this.


One of the biggest problems of gsf has been lack of rewards. 4.0 decreased queues even on The Red Eclipse that was because gearing was so easy people like me were doing that for alts that rarely even got used in ops. Most noticeably early queues (1-3 hours before daily reset) decreased. Now with 5.0 first time since gsf launch I have seen noticeably increased gsf activity, on TRE we get more pops before daily reset and during our prime time we have usually had 2-3 sometimes even 4 simultaneous matches.


What does this mean? Maybe gsf wasn't such a failure in terms of popularity due to way it was made, but because it has barely any rewards connected to rest of the game and apart from titles those few rewards there are you can buy from other players. Lack of rewards didn't give players any incentive to play it and low popularity compined with a bit overpriced (ships) and pointless (cosmetics) cartel market unlocks were reason why it didn't bring in any revenue. Complete and I mean complete neglect from bioware (they don't even read gsf section of their own forums) for last 2.5 years hasn't helped our community either. I'm very doubtful that "cool" rewards you can get with crate tokens are actually cool enough for people to play gsf just for the sake of good CXP.


I enjoy gsf and will keep playing it just for that reason, but if you aren't going to make any balance changes or any more updates to it atleast give people real incentive to try it out and maybe stick around for it. Pretty please?

Edited by Jasa
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