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Why Most People Think Marauders Suck...


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Ok this is just from my experience.... most people grew up in the Age of playing WoW and are use to having every thing handed to them on a silver platter. (I played EQ when it first came out and other harder MMO's as well as WoW)


Now instead of tring different strategies or specs ect.. they QQ about it on the forums... to them I say play something else if the grass is so much greener. Now granted the warrior class both jug and marauder class could use some small tweaking.


Instead of sitting on your thumb and whining about being underpowered try some stuff think out of the box use crap you never thought to... if it doesnt work than you are still learning the finer points of your class and its mechanics.


While SWTOR isnt hard by any stretch they do make it more challenging than WoW and most people arnt use to that... all I gotta say is tuffen up and suck it up or reroll to a different class because the warrior class is more challenging than most out there to prefect.

Edited by solduios
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nice, I'll add this:

If you're QQ'ing on the forums saying the class is bad, or needs a major buff but tons of people say otherwise and have zero issues killing... take a step back and try a different approach.. .respec to a diff tree, or ask them how their playstyle is instead of telling them that they're wrong.

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There are a lot of folks that tend to claim Mara's are terrible. Some of my guild-mates claim that I'm the only semi-decent marauder they've seen - and they blame the class. I tell them the same thing, the class could use some tweaks and mods, but it works perfectly fine if you spec properly, and maintain an optimal skill-priority.
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While you're not entirely wrong I don't understand point of this kind of thread. All this is is flamebait and when you open up and center almost an entire post around insulting everyone right off bat by calling them essentially "WoW carebears" who want "everything handed to them". If you wish to offer constructive reasons why Marauders are either A> Good and need no work or B> Need slight tweaks, then fine. But reserve your personal opinion about the people who do complain so as not to muck up any attempts to offer constructive criticism of the class with flame wars about how dumb everyone else is and how amazing you are. It doesn't serve any purpose.


Course what am I saying, this is how people in forum community are these days. It tempts me to want to open up a conversation with something like, Younger people these days have no social skills and no concept of how to present a structured argument with strong premises and supporting arguments, they simply troll the person who disagrees with them thinking the internet gives them anonymity so they can say whatever they want. But that serves no purpose either.

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While you're not entirely wrong I don't understand point of this kind of thread. All this is is flamebait and when you open up and center almost an entire post around insulting everyone right off bat by calling them essentially "WoW carebears" who want "everything handed to them". If you wish to offer constructive reasons why Marauders are either A> Good and need no work or B> Need slight tweaks, then fine. But reserve your personal opinion about the people who do complain so as not to muck up any attempts to offer constructive criticism of the class with flame wars about how dumb everyone else is and how amazing you are. It doesn't serve any purpose.


Course what am I saying, this is how people in forum community are these days. It tempts me to want to open up a conversation with something like, Younger people these days have no social skills and no concept of how to present a structured argument with strong premises and supporting arguments, they simply troll the person who disagrees with them thinking the internet gives them anonymity so they can say whatever they want. But that serves no purpose either.


While threads like this are flame bait. If there weren't threads like this the Dev's would only see the mass amount of complaining from the community and wouldn't be able to make those informed decisions they need to make. Now what the OP should do as a follow up is perhaps a guide to marauder PVP and PVE.


The OP wasn't insulting anyone, he was simply speaking the truth. Most MMO players... **** most Gamers today aren't used to anything that resembles difficult of games from back before WoW. Its simple fact, not an insult of any type. Just like its not the players fault they aren't used to the old school difficulties because they weren't around to experience them.

Edited by Vunak
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Maybe the fact that I never played WoW beyond a week is why I'm not having the issues that many speak about....


People are too set in there being 'rotations' and being able to just hit the same sequence of keys over and over, not to mention having a bunch of add-ons that do half the work for them (okay more like 95% of the work).


SW has neither of those, at least for marauder. You are on a full priority system, not rotation, the only thing even close from WoW for this was a frost DK but even that had more of a rotation than this does. Also we don't have a lot of the nifty add-ons to tell us when to use an ability because a proc is up, etc.

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People are too set in there being 'rotations' and being able to just hit the same sequence of keys over and over, not to mention having a bunch of add-ons that do half the work for them (okay more like 95% of the work).


SW has neither of those, at least for marauder. You are on a full priority system, not rotation, the only thing even close from WoW for this was a frost DK but even that had more of a rotation than this does. Also we don't have a lot of the nifty add-ons to tell us when to use an ability because a proc is up, etc.


Couldn't have said it better myself.

People don't want to think to get high dps, they want a program to do the work.

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If y'all knew anything about WoW, you'd know that set rotations are pretty much a thing of the past for every melee class in the game. Most of those classes use a priority system.


I think the biggest problems are people not knowing how to spec, not knowing how to use their skills, not knowing how to use their companion, and not keeping their gear up to par.


I see a lot of Sentinels running around with a full focus bar for more than a handful of seconds, if that's the care you're doing something wrong.

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If y'all knew anything about WoW, you'd know that set rotations are pretty much a thing of the past for every melee class in the game. Most of those classes use a priority system.


I think the biggest problems are people not knowing how to spec, not knowing how to use their skills, not knowing how to use their companion, and not keeping their gear up to par.


I see a lot of Sentinels running around with a full focus bar for more than a handful of seconds, if that's the care you're doing something wrong.


Any spec will work but you have to be willing to play with it and fine tune it some might have a better dps output than others but I try to avoid cookie cutter builds and build my own. I still referance them and might follow them to some extent...


The cookie cutter build mentallity is a bad way of thinking build the best spec for your play style and make it work. Not only are you going to have more fun finding out how to fine tune your build you will have more fun in game. Who cares if you 10% less dps than fill in the blank build. I almost guarentee if you play a spec you have fun with you will out dps the cookie cutter build you hate to play. Even If you dont the point of the game is to have fun not min-max crap to death.

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Any spec will work but you have to be willing to play with it and fine tune it some might have a better dps output than others but I try to avoid cookie cutter builds and build my own. I still referance them and might follow them to some extent...


The cookie cutter build mentallity is a bad way of thinking build the best spec for your play style and make it work. Not only are you going to have more fun finding out how to fine tune your build you will have more fun in game. Who cares if you 10% less dps than fill in the blank build. I almost guarentee if you play a spec you have fun with you will out dps the cookie cutter build you hate to play. Even If you dont the point of the game is to have fun not min-max crap to death.


Go go carebear crowd.

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I don't think we suck, except if we look into one thing specifically: survivability(mainly in pvp. No heals makes us, imo, the squishiest class in a WZ/groupfight. Our def CD's just don't let us live long enough when 2+ are focusing you down.


On the other hand, I feel marauders/sentinals are one of the best "dueling" classes, by which I mean 1v1. The lackluster grp def cd's become very strong.

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Go go carebear crowd.




ok.... not sure were the carebear thing is coming in but the point is to have fun with your spec play style. Make it the best you can be in pve or pvp learn the ins and outs try all the trees out and dont forget maybe hybrid specs too...

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Ok this is just from my experience.... most people grew up in the Age of playing WoW


Stopped reading here. WoW is the game that has the best gameplay that ever existed in a MMO, period. People stopped playing WoW because the game was destroyed with arenas, flying mounts and other crap things, but the gameplay was/is stellar.

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Stopped reading here. WoW is the game that has the best gameplay that ever existed in a MMO, period. People stopped playing WoW because the game was destroyed with arenas, flying mounts and other crap things, but the gameplay was/is stellar.





On that point, Mara still feels broken compare to other classes, It was even said that in beta. If you think mara won't get buffed something is wrong with you.

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While you're not entirely wrong I don't understand point of this kind of thread. All this is is flamebait and when you open up and center almost an entire post around insulting everyone right off bat by calling them essentially "WoW carebears" who want "everything handed to them". If you wish to offer constructive reasons why Marauders are either A> Good and need no work or B> Need slight tweaks, then fine. But reserve your personal opinion about the people who do complain so as not to muck up any attempts to offer constructive criticism of the class with flame wars about how dumb everyone else is and how amazing you are. It doesn't serve any purpose.


Course what am I saying, this is how people in forum community are these days. It tempts me to want to open up a conversation with something like, Younger people these days have no social skills and no concept of how to present a structured argument with strong premises and supporting arguments, they simply troll the person who disagrees with them thinking the internet gives them anonymity so they can say whatever they want. But that serves no purpose either.



wonderfully put, I was going to type something similar but this summed up what I had to say. It's utterly useless to just come to the forums saying "you suck and I'm better" or saying a person sucks because they played another game. This post has added nothing about why you feel the class is fine as is, or what tweaks you're referring to if something needs adjusting. It's just another trash post with someone who needs to massage their own ego.

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If y'all knew anything about WoW, you'd know that set rotations are pretty much a thing of the past for every melee class in the game. Most of those classes use a priority system.


I think the biggest problems are people not knowing how to spec, not knowing how to use their skills, not knowing how to use their companion, and not keeping their gear up to par.


I see a lot of Sentinels running around with a full focus bar for more than a handful of seconds, if that's the care you're doing something wrong.


I disagree, I think the biggest problems are bad players attempting to play an already demanding class. People who click skills, who keyboard turn, who don't keybind absolutely everything, have good ping, and good reflexes will never dominate with Marauder. I'm lucky to be rocking a 20ms ping, I have a Naga mouse and I keybind everything. There are a lot of little things that give good players edges over bad ones, and the ones who consistently come onto forums whining are bad players.


I can consistently fight 1v1 and win almost everytime, or fight 1v2 and win 50% of the time, depending on cooldowns. However, I have noticed that my victories require far more effort then the other classes I am fighting against. I have to be spot on with my cooldowns, and I have to run through and stay behind enemy players, to make sure they cant get their skills off.


Marauder is just a very demanding class to play. You have to be on your toes, have good cooldown management, keybinds up the wazoo, and a lot of situational awareness. A lot of other classes simply don't demand as much effort (sorceror to name one). I don't think Marauder is underpowered at all, I just think a lot of players don't have the fortitude and attention required to play the class effectively.

Edited by Selixx
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I love my Marauder in pve and pvp, it does take more skill than a ranged to use imo.

With my Bounty Hunter in pvp I just sits back and spam missles and it just gets so boring.

With my Marauder I have to acually think about what target to engage and when. It puts me in the middle of the fight and keeps me on my toes, which brings the excitement I want.


Pvp can suck with any toon if your on a bad team, or just playing a class that you are not good with.


The Marauder is an artform and you need to have skill and flo to use it properly.

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The problem is not in marauder being too gimped/hard to play, but that every other ranged class doing so much damage, having 100 escape tools and one button spam lightning/tracer rotations.So you run around getting knocked back/rooted 1milion times per WZ, get bases, defend bases and get 5-8 tops medals at the end while some douche merc sits on the ledge and spams tracer for 15min does **** all for the team and gets mvp at the end.


Welcome to the SW pvp experience.

Edited by Mosene
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Ok this is just from my experience.... most people grew up in the Age of playing WoW and are use to having every thing handed to them on a silver platter. (I played EQ when it first came out and other harder MMO's as well as WoW)


Now instead of tring different strategies or specs ect.. they QQ about it on the forums... to them I say play something else if the grass is so much greener. Now granted the warrior class both jug and marauder class could use some small tweaking.


Instead of sitting on your thumb and whining about being underpowered try some stuff think out of the box use crap you never thought to... if it doesnt work than you are still learning the finer points of your class and its mechanics.


While SWTOR isnt hard by any stretch they do make it more challenging than WoW and most people arnt use to that... all I gotta say is tuffen up and suck it up or reroll to a different class because the warrior class is more challenging than most out there to prefect.


You guys let a troll post go for this long? Please ignore and close this thread asap! "Why Most people Thik marauders Suck..." Should have been a clue.

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I will honestly say that my Mara sux. However, he is suppose to at lvl 44. When I reach 50 and start acquiring PvP pieces things will change noticeably. Even still with the noted disadvantages I have, I still am a threat and make people think twice. I love the damage I do, and it only can get better.


I love my mara! I enjoy how the class plays in pvp. Do I feel it's lacking? Sure! I have my moments, but I think the truth is that other classes are able to get away with a little too much kb/stun wise. Bioware seems to think PvP should be about stun and KB. It ruins pvp, and needs to be toned down a bit. Triple stuns make no sense. KB's that root / stun needs to be looked into and toned down, both in duration and cd.

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