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getting disappointed - Uprisings


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Loving the Uprisings. Nice to have a way to grind GCXP without having to devote an hour or more to an Operation. Even some of the FPs seem to go on forever...


As far as 4 DPS having a hard time, I think that is intended. Balanced group should be a tank, a healer and 2 DPS. Don't think it was meant for all of 1 character type to complete...


Why on earth would anyone do an operation for CXP? I'd argue the operations are the lowest CXP/hour acitivity available. It's laughable they said that more difficult content provideds more CXP yet you could easily grind 4 or 5 veteran uprisings in the time it takes to do most 5 boss ops and get far more CXP for faceroll content. The hate for raiders is blatant and neverending with these devs.

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Why on earth would anyone do an operation for CXP? I'd argue the operations are the lowest CXP/hour acitivity available. It's laughable they said that more difficult content provideds more CXP yet you could easily grind 4 or 5 veteran uprisings in the time it takes to do most 5 boss ops and get far more CXP for faceroll content. The hate for raiders is blatant and neverending with these devs.


u are absolutly right. i dont understand also why on earth OPS dont reward more CXP. i mena the RNG factor is so damn frustarting, that on 35 lvl i only got 2 set pices.a headpice and a chest. even in the eventuality they dobled the cxp per boss kill (you know promoting 8m/16m activity) it would still slow down the gearing up process. there is an evident mistrust for operations that its dificult to understand as to why this happens.


the truth is only one: lack of pve content, makes this grinding even worse.

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Really? More this "I can't complete anything without healer/tank watching my back 24/7" stuff?


First of all you have to be lvl70 to even enter uprisings. You have all the abilities. Learn to play your class. It's not like there is some lvl50 character in lvl12 armor or something.


Lets see you complete them on a Sorc in a group of 3 sorcs and 1 agent smart guy...or did you forget that heals draw aggro as well as doing damage...tanks are a tactical necessity to grab and hold aggro.

Edited by ShardODarkness
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If you have 4 DPS in a group, odds are that at least one person could respec to heals.


But only if they wanted to heal. Seems most do not and we players have no way unlike bw to force someone else to play what we want.


But as far as the OPs title. Yes, uprisings are pretty disappointing. bw took as aspect I feel comfortable in saying was generally hated (AKA spawning useless mobs) and multiplied it by 10 for uprisings. There rather terrible content using rehashed assests with useless spawning mobs you get no CXP for.


Even with the CXP boost to make them more enticing, uprisings really isn't good content. We ran some FPs and had a much better time and that crap is 5 years old. Now mix in how terrible uprisings were designed for group finder use and it just gets worse for the only new end game content we got.


But here's the kicker. We get 5 more in Jan. or Feb. :( I sure bw thinks I should be excited about that just like we should be excited for RNG but in actuality I wont be.

Edited by Quraswren
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But only if they wanted to heal. Seems most do not and we players have no way unlike bw to force someone else to play what we want.




Someone can take one for the team. The uprising only last 10-15 minutes. Plus switching to Heals has no impact on CXP or the RNG crate. That's determined by the drop down menu in the GC Center.

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Someone can take one for the team. The uprising only last 10-15 minutes. Plus switching to Heals has no impact on CXP or the RNG crate. That's determined by the drop down menu in the GC Center.


You are still under some delusion that someone is willing to do that. That is not the case for most when it comes to what happens in game these days nor at this point will they have healing gear in most cases because if their DPS they will have been wanting accuracy gear and disintegrating the rest for faster CXP gains. I'm sure some are building 2 sets for DPs and healing but that still doesn't mean they will.


There is no take one for the team when you do't have to care about the team. As I said, you cannot force someone to play differently as bw can do.

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You are still under some delusion that someone is willing to do that. That is not the case for most when it comes to what happens in game these days nor at this point will they have healing gear in most cases because if their DPS they will have been wanting accuracy gear and disintegrating the rest for faster CXP gains. I'm sure some are building 2 sets for DPs and healing but that still doesn't mean they will.


There is no take one for the team when you do't have to care about the team. As I said, you cannot force someone to play differently as bw can do.

I took my dps sorc (lvl30ish) into a flashpoint clearly marked dps. The whole group were dps, operative, bh. I was the only force user, and after 2 or 3 groups of mobs, I started getting flak for not healing. I explained that I don't have the healing skills on quickbar, because I never learned to use them, so I got kicked. Never again. If I ever pug again it will be as a pure dps.

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I took my dps sorc (lvl30ish) into a flashpoint clearly marked dps. The whole group were dps, operative, bh. I was the only force user, and after 2 or 3 groups of mobs, I started getting flak for not healing. I explained that I don't have the healing skills on quickbar, because I never learned to use them, so I got kicked. Never again. If I ever pug again it will be as a pure dps.


And thats what swtor has turned into. Whatever slows down gamers from getting CXP will be removed and you cannot expect gamers top swap roles just because you want them too. Just like you, gamers will now kick you for not swapping roles even if it's a role you don't know or have gear for.


Just one more fault in a long list of faults in the screwed up GC system bw created.

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You are still under some delusion that someone is willing to do that. That is not the case for most when it comes to what happens in game these days nor at this point will they have healing gear in most cases because if their DPS they will have been wanting accuracy gear and disintegrating the rest for faster CXP gains. I'm sure some are building 2 sets for DPs and healing but that still doesn't mean they will.


There is no take one for the team when you do't have to care about the team. As I said, you cannot force someone to play differently as bw can do.


It's not a big deal. I've regularly healed on my operative with full dps gear content up to HM Ops(not Ravagers and ToS of course) when one of the healers in the raid group wanted to dps for a change.

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It's not a big deal. I've regularly healed on my operative with full dps gear content up to HM Ops(not Ravagers and ToS of course) when one of the healers in the raid group wanted to dps for a change.


Its not a big deal to you but don't fall under the same delusion that everyone or anyone is willing or even wants to do that.


We cannot assume, expect or require someone else to play the game how we want them to play.


Only bw gets to do that it seems.

Edited by Quraswren
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And thats what swtor has turned into. Whatever slows down gamers from getting CXP will be removed and you cannot expect gamers top swap roles just because you want them too. Just like you, gamers will now kick you for not swapping roles even if it's a role you don't know or have gear for.


Just one more fault in a long list of faults in the screwed up GC system bw created.

Yup! The grind is NOT fun...I'm not about to waste my time so someone else can learn their class or grind up an alt they seldom play. If someone isn't pulling their weight, I'd be 100% fine kicking them - CXP rates are too important right now.

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It's not a big deal. I've regularly healed on my operative with full dps gear content up to HM Ops(not Ravagers and ToS of course) when one of the healers in the raid group wanted to dps for a change.


The problem as I see it is not so much the gear as the skill - I imagine (Don't know for sure because I've never played one) that healers need to know their skills and rotation. I play a lighning sorc as one of the best dps classes, so why would I know the healing side of things? Perhaps in a guild they are more forgiving, but in a random pug, my experience is that they are not. I've been in pugs where they kicked someone just to bring in a comp healer. That was before 5.0, so I imagine it's worse now.

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Uprisings are trash - recycled maps stuffed with trash and a 'boss' tossed in along with a few doodads here and there that trigger the extra abilities bar.


Balancing wise they are similar to re-scaled tacticals, in that a group of all dps characters can struggle while a group with a healing companion is brain dead easy, and where some are tuned reasonable for all dps while others are just downright retarded in their tuning.


And of course very few test this crap - and even those that do and provide feedback get ignored, just like those that provide feedback during beta...errr early access.


and dont forget all the bugs, i already finished dust and sand, we were looting and suddenly tons of adds appearing....lazy develops.

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But only if they wanted to heal. Seems most do not and we players have no way unlike bw to force someone else to play what we want.


I have been in groups of 4 DPS where one person offers to respec. Usually, others refuse the offer because it takes a few minutes and they're in a hurry to get done.


In one case, I had the team shouting (all caps) at me (leader) to kick that guy off, once he actually started respeccing.


In one case, the respecced healer was blamed for every real and imagined issue our group faced; I'm sure that guy never offered to respec again.


Like many other issues in SWTOR, this as well comes down to bad behavior by some players. To put it another way, a little bit of grown-up attitude by all players will have a disproportionately great beneficial effect on the community and gameplay experience.


Edit: As for the Uprisigns themselves, I did each of them 3 or 4 times. They're fast and fun, especially if you get a competent group. Inferno needs a healer. But after 2 or 3 times, the fun factor wears out and they feel like empty calories; not satisfying. So, I stopped doing them.

Edited by mike_carton
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