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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I can't bring myself to play a non-force using Class


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I have been here since day 1 of release. I have Quit a few times and came back but in all my time playing I have only played force using classes. I did at one point level up a BH and a agent to get class buffs but right after I got the buffs, the characters were deleted and I didn't finish the stories. I have played all the Sith and Jedi stories countless times, and they never get old but I have never finished any of the other stories for other classes because they bore me and i just hate it. This even includes the agent story, which I thought was good, but still not something I enjoyed because I hate the idea of being a lowly agent...


I don't know what it is but I hate the idea of playing as a non-force using class in star wars. Its one reason I'm not excited about rogue one,


Anyone else like that or maybe the opposite and can't bring themselves to play a force class?


Star Wars isn't all about Jedi vs Sith, although that seems to be the main focus. Some of the characters and side stories have non force users. Remember Empire, a large portion of the story has zero to do with Jedi and it is the most exciting. And without these other aspects of the Star Wars universe, the story would be bland and have no substance.

But remember that Vader is in Rogue One, so there is some force references.

I've always wanted to know how the rebellion started out and about them building the Death Star. It wasn't just Luke, Han, Leia and Chewie fighting the empire, there was a whole rebellion who didn't even have Jedi. Some didn't even believe in them at first, like Han.

I own and have read all the Star Wars universe novels. Some of the most riveting characters aren't force sensitive and some of those stories are better than the original SW story. I would go as far as saying some of the stories that explore or touch on the force abilities in the novels are some of the most boring.


I think Rogue One will be better than Episode 7. There is hardly any previous ties to the other movies, which allows for a whole other story that isn't tied to repeating the same scenario over and over. Jedi vs Sith, Sith vs Jedi.

I believe from what I know, that Rogue One will be one of better SW movies made.

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I still feel people miss the point on the non-force classes. Being a Jedi or Sith doesn't instantly make you into a powerhouse. They ran the gamut of power/ability just like non-force sensitives. The non-force using classes are just as powerful, thru the honing and training of their own abilities. Yeah a jedi may have the force, but I doubt he has the tactical or warfare knowledge that a Trooper has (just to put it in perspective).


All the classes come out as great tacticians. Knight gets treated as a General.


I actually enjoy the Smuggler and Hunter (Agent isn't bad, just a bit over rated and Trooper can be dull) so it's not a matter of hating the non force using classes, they just don't feel right in the KotFE/KotET stories (won't stop me from running them through them tho :p).


I have no doubt it could have been easily fixed, just by making two stories (force and non force). All 8 class stories happen at the same time, no reason they couldn't do two stories that happen at once.

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I have been here since day 1 of release. I have Quit a few times and came back but in all my time playing I have only played force using classes. I did at one point level up a BH and a agent to get class buffs but right after I got the buffs, the characters were deleted and I didn't finish the stories. I have played all the Sith and Jedi stories countless times, and they never get old but I have never finished any of the other stories for other classes because they bore me and i just hate it. This even includes the agent story, which I thought was good, but still not something I enjoyed because I hate the idea of being a lowly agent...


I don't know what it is but I hate the idea of playing as a non-force using class in star wars. Its one reason I'm not excited about rogue one,


Anyone else like that or maybe the opposite and can't bring themselves to play a force class?


I'm not quite the opposite, but I prefer the tech classes.


But Star Wars for me was never about space magic and glowsticks, I never wanted to be Luke Skywalker - my favourite will always be Han Solo. And my favourite SW books are the Rogue / Wraith Squadron books.


Storywise the JC was boring as it gets, and the SI came across as a complete moron. SW was okay, might replay it to troll Baras whenever possible :D . Haven't finished JK yet.

On the other side has the IA in my opinion the best story, with a lot of replay value.

Smuggler and BH aren't that great, but make up with good / funny dialogue (especially smuggler).

Trooper story is a bit lackluster.


KOTFE and (to a lesser degree) KOTET seems more tailored to force users, especially Ch. 12 makes little sense on the tech classes. But the second half of KOTFE has a lot of other problems / things that don't make sense for certain characters, so Ch. 12 fits right in... :( .

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If I think about it, I could imagine the smuggler rambling and babbling at Arcann simply to confuse him so Lana could sneak up and strike him down I mean, with their dialogues:


Arcann: Do you truly believe this little Alliance can stop Zakuul?


Smuggler: Alliance, there's an alliance against you? I came here for the shiny robot bits, they sell for quite abit ya' know.


Arcann: *sighs* I know you are the leader Outlander.


Smuggler: Me? *makes a shocked face* I absolutely have no idea what you are taking about, honest!


Arcann: You are trying my patience... I should just kill you now!


Smuggler: *smug smile* I'm shaking in my boots, honest.


Arcann: *screams in rage and goes to charge, but let's out a shocked noise and looks down to see a red blade protruding from his chest*


Lana: You are something you know that. *Pulls her saber free and Arcann falls to the floor* You could have died! And you just talk!


Smuggler: Would you miss me? *winks at Lana*


Lana: You are impossible!

Edited by EightiesMonkey
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If I think about it, I could imagine the smuggler rambling and babbling at Arcann simply to confuse him so Lana could sneak up and strike him down I mean, with their dialogues:


Arcann: Do you truly believe this little Alliance can stop Zakuul?


Smuggler: Alliance, there's an alliance against you? I came here for the shiny robot bits, they sell for quite abit ya' know.


Arcann: *sighs* I know you are the leader Outlander.


Smuggler: Me? *makes a shocked face* I absolutely have no idea what you are taking about, honest!


Arcann: You are trying my patience... I should just kill you now!


Smuggler: *smug smile* I'm shaking in my boots, honest.


Arcann: *screams in rage and goes to charge, but let's out a shocked noise and looks down to see a red blade protruding from his chest*


Lana: You are something you know that. *Pulls her saber free and Arcann falls to the floor* You could have died! And you just talk!


Smuggler: Would you miss me? *winks at Lana*


Lana: You are impossible!


A lot more like it. Lana is the true leader, anyway. We're just the glorified mascot holding up troop morale. It's not like we actually decide anything, do any real leading.


(And other people being the decision makers is what worked pretty well in the vanilla story and Makeb. The moment they tried to put us into charge is the moment it went south.)

Edited by KyaniteD
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I can't bring none force characters into the expansions. They make zero sense to be there. Shadow of Revan was pushing it...


This. The only expansion that makes sense for non-force users for me (and actually makes more sense for them than for force users) is Rise of the Hutt Cartel. The Makeb storyline seems more geared toward a trooper (fighting off an army or mercs to save the people) on the Republic side, and an agent (a covert op to save the planet and secure Isotope 5) on the Empire side.


Everything after that, though, is definitely geared toward force users and really makes no sense with other types of characters.

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