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I have a crazy idea! EVERYONE stop doing Veteran Uprisings completely!!


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The problem with raiding is that you have to be good not decent good this is why only a minority of players raid in this mmo and I guess all, most players are decent but there never gonna be good. Of course there are some very good ones but there like the 1% of the player base like awfully bad players are.


So the focus on their limited budget will not be ops it will be what most players play.


The same that I replied to Alssaran, this is not about being good, I think handling basic mechanics and your class are the core parts of the game. That is like if you played Crash Bandicoot and u had to learn how to run and jump. Did that make you and elite player??

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What each player needs to learn is to read the text in the disciplines window to see what causes what, procs etc, that takes care of rotation, then mechanics, dont stand in red, cleanse and interrupt, that is all there is to it. These simple steps apply to all encounters in the game.


Even that's not needed. Some of the "elitist", "toxic", etc. raiders have already done it for them, written guides, made it extremely simple for new players to do the content. Hell, at 2nd week of 5.0 the guides are already being updated. I just don't understand what more people want.

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QFT, hime-sama

eeeeeee ....... this does not compute >.>


Even that's not needed. Some of the "elitist", "toxic", etc. raiders have already done it for them, written guides, made it extremely simple for new players to do the content. Hell, at 2nd week of 5.0 the guides are already being updated. I just don't understand what more people want.


pressing buttons is clearly too much effort =) that's what's wrong lol:D:D

Edited by Hichitsuki-hime
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Well I already don't do them, but only because I'm more interested in solo content, rather than a form of protest.


But I feel like Uprisings are a poor-man's flashpoint due to lack of story and cutscenes. I know people are annoyed by cutscenes in flashpoints, and some flashpoints are too long. Uprisings both do not have cutscenes plus they are short.


But, it feels like Uprisings do not have a soul, due to lack of story.

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Well I already don't do them, but only because I'm more interested in solo content, rather than a form of protest.


But I feel like Uprisings are a poor-man's flashpoint due to lack of story and cutscenes. I know people are annoyed by cutscenes in flashpoints, and some flashpoints are too long. Uprisings both do not have cutscenes plus they are short.


But, it feels like Uprisings do not have a soul, due to lack of story.

uprising in a nutshell:

-->wave of mobs

take a few steps

-->wave of mobs

take a few steps

-->wave of mobs


the end x.x

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uprising in a nutshell:

-->wave of mobs

take a few steps

-->wave of mobs

take a few steps

-->wave of mobs


the end x.x


That trulely is about all uprisings are.


I expect the burnout to happen with the only new content we got beyond story to happen rather quickly. It will be rather easy to stop doing that 4 man content after seeing that design a hand full of times. Then we will be left with burnout of limited replayed new content and the rest 2-5 years old.

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Well I already don't do them, but only because I'm more interested in solo content, rather than a form of protest.


But I feel like Uprisings are a poor-man's flashpoint due to lack of story and cutscenes. I know people are annoyed by cutscenes in flashpoints, and some flashpoints are too long. Uprisings both do not have cutscenes plus they are short.


But, it feels like Uprisings do not have a soul, due to lack of story.


They don't have a soul - the environments do not impart a sense of place (they are just copy / paste maps from other areas of the game), the enemies are just copy / paste trash seen everywhere, and the bosses aren't characters with any sort of story - just some high HP mob with basic copy / paste abilities.


Basically they are what you get when your staff consists of people copy / pasting assets from the existing game and kludging it all together and calling it something new.


Clearly they do not have the staff or budget to create new flashpoints or operations set in their own worlds with unique or new designs and populated by actual characters with stories.

Edited by DawnAskham
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uprising in a nutshell:

-->wave of mobs

take a few steps

-->wave of mobs

take a few steps

-->wave of mobs


the end x.x

Gosh that sounds so familiar...


Wasn't one of the "improvements" to KotET supposed to be less "hallways full of skytroopers"? Now they've developed a whole new game mode centered on the idea that people hated.


Uhm... gg.


That's about my only gripe with them. They aren't devoid of story it's just that the story isn't presented in cut-scenes (thankfully). They're nice, short instances with just enough mechanics to make them interesting (to me).

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They don't have a soul - the environments do not impart a sense of place (they are just copy / paste maps from other areas of the game), the enemies are just copy / paste trash seen everywhere, and the bosses aren't characters with any sort of story - just some high HP mob with basic copy / paste abilities.


Basically they are what you get when your staff consists of people copy / pasting assets from the existing game and kludging it all together and calling it something new.


Clearly they do not have the staff or budget to create new flashpoints or operations set in their own worlds with unique or new designs and populated by actual characters with stories.


i mean one can hope that maybe this update wasn't all that much because they're planning something truly awesome great and unique for 6.0........ but.... i'm not too sure that history of swtor allows for much hope of such a possibility :D:D

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i mean one can hope that maybe this update wasn't all that much because they're planning something truly awesome great and unique for 6.0........ but.... i'm not too sure that history of swtor allows for much hope of such a possibility :D:D


I'm afraid you are more right than most might be willing to admit to.


Sad times when its better to look for an entirely new expansion than look forward to the brand new one we just got because of poor design and development and the absence of simple forethought on bad ideas like RNG, massive grinds and hindrance off of alt play.

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I'd have to start doing them so I can stop.


That would be me too, not interested in them at all. I do my solo stuff and get whatever cxp I get, mostly do planetary missions and maybe a story quest on bonus day to get some companion influence for free from conversations. Grouping up in a pug to speed run a zerg fest is not my idea of fun. All my friends have quit, guild is dead, it has 405 members but nobody has logged on since early 4.0 and leadership defaulted to me, leaving me with a fully built out guild flagship all to myself. I have no interest in PUGs, get enough of that in other mmos.

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Well the thing with 4 man content is that the better players can pretty much solo it and that makes it kinda pointless. THe reason why raiders are a minority the state of the game. The raiding community has been decreasing ever since start!


Believe me, you don't want to solo uprising :3 Boss are just moutains of HP, no interesting abilities. In a nutshell, it's just tank and spank, the companion to hold aggro on the (numerous] adds between two mass taunts. The one on Ord Mantell took me about 40 minutes.


It seems that uprisings existence is just for the purpose of grinding GCxp in a fast manner. Nothing more. No difficulties, only GCxp (maybe with master mode ?). Add spawing is not really an interesting mechanic.


So I guess, that when people will be at rank 300 (in some centuries) they won't go there anymore. I would prefer H2+ in veteran mode with guildies.

Edited by Baldarhion
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Here it is important to define the terms. What is a "better" player? Since i know the dps rotation on my toon, dont stand in red and interrupt when needed am I a "better" player? That should mean that is a "normal" player.


What each player needs to learn is to read the text in the disciplines window to see what causes what, procs etc, that takes care of rotation, then mechanics, dont stand in red, cleanse and interrupt, that is all there is to it. These simple steps apply to all encounters in the game.


Problem is with "lazy" players that dont want to read and learn. Raiders are not Gods, people are too lazy to learn.

No, you're a "better" player (by raiders' definition anyway) because you don't just know your rotation, you micro it in your sleep. You also either created a spreadsheet or used someone else's in order to squeeze every last tertiary stat to its maximum potential. When you enter an instance, you might as well be a highly specialized bot, doing one set of actions and one set of actions only with mechanical precision at precisely the predetermined time in order to again, squeeze every last fraction of a number though.


Your polar opposite at the other end of the spectrum is a twelve year old who just started because "look at the pretty lightsabers" and/or someone with some kind of impediment that just facerolls the keyboard, sure.


But the majority of people are somewhere in the middle. They've figured out which numbers they need higher and which they can ignore. Maybe they've even looked up a tertiary stat once. They've noticed that once they use one skill another lights up indicating it'd be a good follow up so they click that (note the clicking). They run away from red circles and explosions but maybe they hit the heal stations a little too often. They're here for story, or RP or decorating, and maybe they hit that queue thing a few times just to see what happens but bottom line they're just here to have a little fun.


Meet the middle class of SWTOR. They're what the devs balance around. (Or at least they should be. Things aren't always ideal). And what you want doesn't require eight people at any rate. You're only hyper min-maxed optimized because of certain traditional MMO mechanics like DPS checks, enrage timers etc. None of those are intrinsically exclusive to 8 or more people. It's all numbers. Hell you could even make a solo encounter where your BIS micro super l33tness is only barely up to the task and one wrong move = wipe. You can ask for that. Good luck getting it though. Even if they wanted to cater to a vast minority of people who could not only do that kind of stuff but also want to, are you certain they'll get it right? Seems like some very precise numbers to me.

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Here it is important to define the terms. What is a "better" player? Since i know the dps rotation on my toon, dont stand in red and interrupt when needed am I a "better" player? That should mean that is a "normal" player.


What each player needs to learn is to read the text in the disciplines window to see what causes what, procs etc, that takes care of rotation, then mechanics, dont stand in red, cleanse and interrupt, that is all there is to it. These simple steps apply to all encounters in the game.


Problem is with "lazy" players that dont want to read and learn. Raiders are not Gods, people are too lazy to learn.


I'd say you are where I am. Decent. It means you know the basics and can be ops teachable. If compared to pvp you'd rank in the top half but not necessarily the top 3. The top 1-3 I'd consider good. Now if you can kite or tank great then you'd be in the good area imo. I'm awful at kiting and keeping up good dps numbers on a moving target/player. Although I'm moderately good at kiting an npc/boss. I have plenty of room for improvement.

I don't think raiders have an issue with decent players as long as they're not in a hurry.

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I'm down with this. I haven't played any at all because I only have one eligible toon who is stuck on the KOTET Chapter 9 final fight. But really, I only just today played my first Story Flashpoint for the sheer heck of it. I do agree, Bioware is pulling some serious bull with their CXP payouts for these things. It's utterly ridiculous.
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Hell you could even make a solo encounter where your BIS micro super l33tness is only barely up to the task and one wrong move = wipe. You can ask for that. Good luck getting it though.

I take it you haven't played KotFE/KotET in Veteran Mode?


While the majority of the encounters are pretty straightforward, there are a few that fit what you're describing above.


Bog knows what the Master mode versions of those encounters are going to be like ...

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Gosh that sounds so familiar...


Wasn't one of the "improvements" to KotET supposed to be less "hallways full of skytroopers"? Now they've developed a whole new game mode centered on the idea that people hated.


lol yeah.


But to be fair it does go with the story. If u had an army of robots to fight for u then u would use lots of zhem as their advantage is in the numbers. Still in the game it does feel dull after a while.

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