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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Well. Time to start /stucking ranked...


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I do not understand. Someone please elaborate.


Same. Maybe there was a nerf to pvp after they said that there wouldn't be? Or maybe they think people will go for ranked because it's increased in cxp.


Don't worry I know I'm FAR from the greatest pvper so I won't be queuing ranked. I won't let the team down on that scale. :p

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I do not understand. Someone please elaborate.


Ranked gets you lots of CXP for the time spent in a match. Once you get your medals if you do /stuck you die and its over faster. Granted you get more CXP if you win, but even losing in a 4 min match gets you better rewards per min than running a FP or uprising.

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Ranked gets you lots of CXP for the time spent in a match. Once you get your medals if you do /stuck you die and its over faster. Granted you get more CXP if you win, but even losing in a 4 min match gets you better rewards per min than running a FP or uprising.


People are actually doing this? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I've never been brave enough to even attempt ranked PvP, and I don't see it in my near future, even if it does give a ton of CXP.

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To be expected. This is the problem with the system and I suspect BioWare are going to be putting out a lot of fires due to the low CXP gains from pretty much all content. Anything that provides a higher CXP gain per time spent is going to become the next thing.


They don't have enough sources of CXP, that's the primary issue. The second issue is the low amount of CXP in the content, where CXP is available.


Doing stuff like lowering CXP gains on gold mobs, or lowering CXP on Champion mobs is the exact thing they should not be doing, they should be increasing CXP sources across the board and increasing the amount you can earn. Not limiting it. That's the worst thing they can do, and it's counter productive at this point.


I guess they can't see it though. :rolleyes:

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People are actually doing this? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I've never been brave enough to even attempt ranked PvP, and I don't see it in my near future, even if it does give a ton of CXP.



I haven't tried rank since 5.0 so can't say that people are or are not doing it, however it would not shock me to find out that its true. If I were to play ranked I would play to win for the higher rank, not for the cxp rewards. However not everyone cares if they have a crappy pvp rank if their only goal is more cxp.

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Have a read of this thread I created about CXP regs vs Ranked. My multiple posts should paint a picture that shows CXP farming will be more fun and lucrative in regs.




Sure they can queue ranked, unstuck and finish fast. But how long are the queue pops becoming since they started to do it?

It's like when we get win traders or hackers queueing, as soon as we see it, we all stop queueing and pop times get longer.

On the surface queueing ranked to just farm CXP might seem like a good idea for the farmers. In reality it will take them longer and they will get less over all rewards for doing it.


If they really wanted to take advantage of it they would do teams and get other teams to queue too.

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Ranked gets you lots of CXP for the time spent in a match. Once you get your medals if you do /stuck you die and its over faster. Granted you get more CXP if you win, but even losing in a 4 min match gets you better rewards per min than running a FP or uprising.


Only one problem with that. Ranked players will stop queuing and the pop times will get longer and longer. So then the rewards vs time, will swing the other way while you wait 20mins for a pvp pop.


You are better off running reg pvp matches than ranked. Losing a ranked match gives you just about the same CXP as a reg match. Reg matches take longer, but pop more regularly, so the time vs reward is balanced more towards the reg pvp match, than the ranked one.

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Only one problem with that. Ranked players will stop queuing and the pop times will get longer and longer. So then the rewards vs time, will swing the other way while you wait 20mins for a pvp pop.


You are better off running reg pvp matches than ranked. Losing a ranked match gives you just about the same CXP as a reg match. Reg matches take longer, but pop more regularly, so the time vs reward is balanced more towards the reg pvp match, than the ranked one.



But that would require being able to see the big picture. Not exactly something that is common for the "I want it now" crowd.

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To be expected. This is the problem with the system and I suspect BioWare are going to be putting out a lot of fires due to the low CXP gains from pretty much all content. Anything that provides a higher CXP gain per time spent is going to become the next thing.


They don't have enough sources of CXP, that's the primary issue. The second issue is the low amount of CXP in the content, where CXP is available.


Doing stuff like lowering CXP gains on gold mobs, or lowering CXP on Champion mobs is the exact thing they should not be doing, they should be increasing CXP sources across the board and increasing the amount you can earn. Not limiting it. That's the worst thing they can do, and it's counter productive at this point.


I guess they can't see it though. :rolleyes:


No putting cxp on mobs was a bad idea to begin with. Half the people in my guild are already burnt out mob farming and talking about quitting. For whatever reason, players insist on what is the most efficient rather than whats fun. Some of them spent a whole day kp mob farming, which must have been excruciatingly tedious.


If they significantly increased cxp for boss kills and removed cxp from mobs altogether then players would be more inclined to play normally and wouldn't burn out so quick.

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But that would require being able to see the big picture. Not exactly something that is common for the "I want it now" crowd.


I guess they'll work it out soon enough when they realise that they are just wasting time waiting for a ranked match to pop.

Maybe it is better they go back to flash points then instead of trying reg pvp considering they don't try in ranked, they'll probably not try in regs either

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The solution is easy. :p Base it all off time and then reward it as such. If a PvP match can be dropped and last only 4 minutes and gives (say) 500 CXP. Then whatever takes 4 minutes, should give 500 CXP. Whatever takes 8 minutes, should give 1000 CXP.


This will then also lead to getting a general time on FPs and reward them accordingly.

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No putting cxp on mobs was a bad idea to begin with. Half the people in my guild are already burnt out mob farming and talking about quitting. For whatever reason, players insist on what is the most efficient rather than whats fun. Some of them spent a whole day kp mob farming, which must have been excruciatingly tedious.


If they significantly increased cxp for boss kills and removed cxp from mobs altogether then players would be more inclined to play normally and wouldn't burn out so quick.



If you get a crap team in PvP, the match will still finish, you will still get points, and you can still earn medals. If you get a crap team in flashpoints or ops, you can waste tons of your time for zero reward if only bosses give CXP. No thanks, that would be a terrible idea. Ops and FPs are already the worst way to get CXP around since the tons of mobs in them don't drop as much CXP anymore.


Also, of course people are going to do what's most efficient rather than what's most fun, if doing what they find most fun makes the long and miserable RNG grind even longer and more miserable. MMO players as a group tend to move towards the path of greatest efficiency, it's like this in every game.

Edited by AscendingSky
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1. I think it's BS

2. I feel sorry for PvPers to a point

3. I don't feel sorry for BW/EA


I will point out though that this is one of the side effects I said this system will breed... PvPers will complain if their preferred playstyle does not grant the most CXP. If you don't want the trolls, I'd suggest that maybe, just MAYBE Ranked PvP gives slightly less per hour then everything else. This is literally PvEers protesting because their preferred playstyle does not give the most. Let them troll unranked, then the gawd awful 8v8 matches will go quicker...


They will never be able to balance this, so honestly if PvPers really want ranked to be clear of trolls, this is what they need to be asking for... But somehow I doubt that it what they really want. I'm guessing PvPers just want to complain about something. Look you're getting easy wins and easy gear, why cry about it. Losers, you're getting quick losses and decent CXP gain. Eventually they'll leave when they get their gear. Look on the bright side, it'll only take 6 more weeks IF they manage to cap CXP every week, then on to the alts...


Honestly you probably need to choose, more CXP, or more Tokens and better rating... Unless they ditch this system entirely, this is just going to keep happening.

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Only one problem with that. Ranked players will stop queuing and the pop times will get longer and longer. So then the rewards vs time, will swing the other way while you wait 20mins for a pvp pop.


That depends actually. In 4.0 ranked queue was mostly dead outside of prime time which makes me believe that ranked pvp players are not that many. So depending of the ratio it might turn out that cxp grinders have bigger contribution to ranked pops than true ranked pvp players, which is ridiculous. BW should just scrap that idiotic system.

Edited by Tsetso
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lol 1 cxp from everything soon! :D


That's a great idea. 100 cxp every minute you're in game. With a cap of 72000 a day. And a CM thing raising the cap to 144000 to make it possible to afk 24/7 for max cxp. The best idea ever - pay to afk. Every mobile game producer will be just pissed off that he didn't think of it.

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