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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Throwin' Snowballs, Gettin' Command XP


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Throwin' Snowballs, Gettin' Error Messages - seems throwing snow balls doesn't work against any NPCs, not even the NPC droids that are part of the decorations and achievements event.


Not surprisingly, the cash shop version of snowballs throwing (snow ball cannon) works against NPCs.


GG BIoware.

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Hey folks,


It has been brought to our attention that when you gain a parcel from throwing a snowball in the Life Day event, you earn Command Experience Points. This is 100% intended as a nice little bonus of CXP for participating in the event. Between the cooldown on snowballs and the % chance to get parcels, this isn't better than simply participating in in-game activities such as Uprisings, Warzones, etc. We will continue to monitor this activity and if it creeps up to being better than endgame activities, we will likely lower the CXP that you earn from parcels.


Now, there is some concern about players exploiting this using bots and whatnot so here is a reminder: botting and macroing of any kind is against the Terms of Service. If an account is found to be using either, appropriate action will be taken up to and including account closure.


Happy Life Day to all! Get in there and throw some snowballs and get some CXP for yourself.




Really? Nice! Thanks guys and gals and non-binary staff at Bioware!

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Time to grind snowballs for 20 CXP vs grinding mobs for 2.


Will be a much better payout then most other content for your time for CXP. Plus the added benefit of you cannot lose or waste time on it like running other content and wiping or losing.


snowball grind till they nerf it like the other mob grinds for the same CXP reward (which were not exploits btw. bw just didn't like you doing that particular grind)


no repairs also.

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No one can aim at the overheated droids with the snowball thing? It's my first Lifeday event so I thought I was doing something wrong. :(


Nope, they mess something up. Only those with the snowball cannons (which you can't get this year) can do it. It used to be you could throw snowballs at the NPC/companions, which I enjoyed. I don't hang around the fleet

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Nope, they mess something up. Only those with the snowball cannons (which you can't get this year) can do it. It used to be you could throw snowballs at the NPC/companions, which I enjoyed. I don't hang around the fleet


I found 3 in inventory - sold 2 for 40 mill a pop. :)

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So effectively what you're saying is that unless you were able to purchase the cannon from last year then you are being automatically put at a disadvantage to players who did get it. In the wee morning hours when the server population dwindles to almost nothing then those who are not able to get the cannon have few player targets in which to try and not only get parcels but now command points as well. However, the npc's and droids are Always available in multitude around the clock, thereby giving an unfair advantage to those with a cannon.


The cannon was also an advantage last year. Why? 7 second cooldown instead of 15.


A lot of players got one last year if they were doing the event..... for the fast cooldown. The only people who should really be grumpy right now about the cannon are people who never cared for the event and ignored it entirely until now, and newer players who this is their first time with the event.


Snowballs not working is a bug and will get fixed I'm sure. The event runs for an entire month... so maybe a little patience if you don't have the cannon. It's a chance to get one of 4 trees... and when you hit, it lets you choose. Personally, I find them underwhelming and do not bother chasing down droids to get the chance. Last year they had a bug where they were freely sellable/tradable.. so I just bought a truck ton of them off the GTN for cheap. Then after the event, they patched them to be bound.


Keep in mind.. the only thing you do not have the ability to get with not being able to target NPCs with the snowballs is the 15% chance at getting a decoration from hitting an overheated droid. Parcels drop just fine from striking anyone you can strike.


And here's a tip folks..... you can get a parcel drop from hitting someone or an NPC that has the buff on it... AS LONG AS... it is not your buff. So three players could setup somewhere and play circular firing squad and everyone fire to the left or right at the same time.. and you will keep overriding each others buff. If you have the cannon I guess you could just sit in your stronghold and shoot your companion, remove the buff from the companion while the cannon is on 7 second cooldown, rinse and repeat until you fall asleep or passout.

Edited by Andryah
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