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Patch notes up - No RNG change


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Patch notes are up, Zero change to RNG system even though the community is screaming for it and as predicted by most of the community, still no change even though the Bio guys said they would adjust it if it's needed.

So obviously they think it's not needed :mad:

Guess they "may" change something when they see how many people leave by January. But by then the change wouldn't be Implimented till February or maybe March because they've now basically gone on holidays till mid January, which = game dead

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They will tweak and play with CXP rates and then look to appease people with "legacy GC" first.


Legacy GC will be a laugh because even though the system is still the same crap system that it infinitely inferior to before and makes the game more or less unplayable for a casual player interested in harder content like me, people will be thankful for the change and forget all about how bad the system still really is.


Only after that might they finally think to remove RNG as that requires Ben to admit he was wrong and that his system was ****. It took him a year to realise episodic chapters weren't the right direction either so 6.0 you'll see it removed if the game lasts that long to fund another expansion ( not that this could really be called an expansion either imo ).


It's like they just target the entirely wrong audience with this change. Like in another thread I read about someone who is doing their "gazillionth" agent and doesn't find the experience too bad because they hit 70 so early and by late game they are getting decent GC ranks. Fair enough but really this sort of player must be the most niche of the niche?


Who really wants to run the same class multiple times as opposed to having done them and actually playing another game?


Based on dwindling populations and the lowest boost in player number we've ever seen in an expansion ( oh yeah not an expansion so maybe it's ok? ) it's abundantly clear the target audience is the wrong audience for the longevity of the game and these people are well out of touch.


By the time they fix it, it will be too late unless they have a **** ton of new content to bring along with the change. I personally won't come back if they put the system back to how it was or even a better form of it as I will already be over the game by then and realise it's an improved gearing system for the same **** I had been doing for years.


Fix the system, lots new content. Only hope this game has imo.

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No offense, but I think you're overestimating the importance of forumposter opinions. They probably don't care what we talk about here.


It's fairly apparent that they have some sort of focus group that they listen to. You wouldn't have seen them talking about needing to simplify the game and removing currencies and stances and things like that, if they didn't have some feedback mechanism other than the forums that they're listening to.


The forums are a better indicator of what the veteran/"hard core" crowd might think, but maybe vets aren't the most lucrative demographic for them. "Rich idiot" is pretty much always the best customer to have, even moreso when you have a cash shop. One guy who spends 10,000 dollars is a lot easier to cater to than 1000 people who spend 10, or none.

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Patch notes are up, Zero change to RNG system even though the community is screaming for it and as predicted by most of the community, still no change even though the Bio guys said they would adjust it if it's needed.

So obviously they think it's not needed :mad:

Guess they "may" change something when they see how many people leave by January. But by then the change wouldn't be Implimented till February or maybe March because they've now basically gone on holidays till mid January, which = game dead


Let them and their doom & gloom go. New Elders will step up to lead the community. and better swtor will be for it.

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It's fairly apparent that they have some sort of focus group that they listen to. You wouldn't have seen them talking about needing to simplify the game and removing currencies and stances and things like that, if they didn't have some feedback mechanism other than the forums that they're listening to.


The forums are a better indicator of what the veteran/"hard core" crowd might think, but maybe vets aren't the most lucrative demographic for them. "Rich idiot" is pretty much always the best customer to have, even moreso when you have a cash shop. One guy who spends 10,000 dollars is a lot easier to cater to than 1000 people who spend 10, or none.


That makes a lot of sense.


It's sad, but if those rich idiots are keeping the game funded and running, I guess we can thank them for that.

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Vets are not lucrative. The very causal who come in large numbers at the start of every expansion and new movie are lucrative. Those are the people I think BW target.


Thus the devs not seeming to understand why purples are so important(to some), since everything in the crates are upgrades to new people. And the lack of Ops/new content since everything is fresh to new people.

Edited by Radzkie
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Vets are not lucrative. The very causal who come in large numbers at the start of every expansion and new movie are lucrative. Those are the people I think BW target.


Thus the devs not seeming to understand why purples are so important(to some), since everything in the crates are upgrades to new people. And the lack of Ops/new content since everything is fresh to new people.


That's the reason the game is in the state it is in. BWA targets new people to the exclusion of everybody else. This causes BWA to lose loyal subscribers because they give them practically nothing new, and they end up worse off than before when their target audience inevitably leaves. I miss when this game was healthy pre 3.0 because BWA actually provided content for their existing players.

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That's the reason the game is in the state it is in. BWA targets new people to the exclusion of everybody else. This causes BWA to lose loyal subscribers because they give them practically nothing new, and they end up worse off than before when their target audience inevitably leaves. I miss when this game was healthy pre 3.0 because BWA actually provided content for their existing players.


Yeah... the problem with those new casual players EAWare is trying to court? As soon as the next new shiny comes along, they'll drop TOR and go sign up for that instead. So while they might provide a short term gain in revenue, it won't be a long term one. Sure, they can keep trying to pull in more casuals, but that's going to have diminishing returns. Eventually they'll have to try to go back and win over the veterans... if there are many left by the end.

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It's fairly apparent that they have some sort of focus group that they listen to. You wouldn't have seen them talking about needing to simplify the game and removing currencies and stances and things like that, if they didn't have some feedback mechanism other than the forums that they're listening to..


If you mean the voices in their heads, you're probably correct!


Honestly I don't believe it was a focus group of players, its was just something they thought would be a good idea. Maybe feedback gathered from people leaving the game. But doubtful it was based on an actual focus group. I have to believe that word would have leaked out, even if there was a NDA. Or BW would have just acknowledged it as a justification of the direction. But so far everything seems to have been "their vision" based on metrics and their observations.

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Let them and their doom & gloom go. New Elders will step up to lead the community. and better swtor will be for it.


You'll be leading a ghost community when the veterans or dedicated long term players leave as we make up the bulk of the player base. Fly by night subs to do a story and then unsub on a whimsy will never hold this game together.

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It's fairly apparent that they have some sort of focus group that they listen to. You wouldn't have seen them talking about needing to simplify the game and removing currencies and stances and things like that, if they didn't have some feedback mechanism other than the forums that they're listening to.


The forums are a better indicator of what the veteran/"hard core" crowd might think, but maybe vets aren't the most lucrative demographic for them. "Rich idiot" is pretty much always the best customer to have, even moreso when you have a cash shop. One guy who spends 10,000 dollars is a lot easier to cater to than 1000 people who spend 10, or none.


LoL, focus group

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They've already said they're taking a wait and see approach. That 1 week wasn't enough to call it on rng but they're already discussing things like a form of tokens or increasing drop rates on stream so it's unsurprising there is no change yet. You should check out the stream sometime. Edited by americanaussie
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The thing is that these complaints aren't new. From the day the RNG system was announced, something like... 90% of the forums erupted in outrage (with a few defenders). We all expected this painful system to turn out like this, and what do you know, it did. Slow grinding just for pathetic rewards, and no way of getting great gear without trying again and again and again (crafting still doesn't really approach that level either, and not like they added any new areas with exclusive grade 10 materials for us to gather).


To add insult to injury, they rushed to nerf the 10 CXP from gold mobs. I'm only around rank 8, and 10 CXP is barely a drop in the bucket on the CXP bar. At even higher levels 10 CXP would be nothing. When that's the only action they take for the CXP system for this year, its pretty... frustrating, to say the least. And no, I wouldn't count it as an exploit- before launch they said the weekly cap was there to prevent this kind of thing, and it would take a ridiculous amount of farming to reach it even with the 10 CXP per gold rate, yet they still overreacted, which is typical for them.


So basically, I didn't expect them to do anything, as they usually take most of December off. The one change they enacted just made the grind worse. Its ruined the game, they refuse to admit the system is annoying, so not much point sticking around.

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Oh, don't tell me you actually hoped they would change something, or that you believed load of **** about "flexibility" from streams..


2 simple rules:

Never trust a word Bioware says.

Know that Bioware NEVER listens to player feedback.

Edited by Frenesi
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Vets are not lucrative. The very causal who come in large numbers at the start of every expansion and new movie are lucrative. Those are the people I think BW target.


Thus the devs not seeming to understand why purples are so important(to some), since everything in the crates are upgrades to new people. And the lack of Ops/new content since everything is fresh to new people.


Let's say for one moment I accept your premise that Bioware is targeting changes at the "casuals" that come in very large numbers of the start of a new iteration.


Does anybody with an IQ in double digits actually think that Galactic Command Crates and the CXP grind-from-hell is going to a) attract "casual" players and b) incentivise them to pay and stay?


Really? You think "casuals" want an interminable grind to get a chance at getting nothing worthwhile?


I'm a casual player, but an Altoholic, and there is no hope in hell of me ever engaging with the GC/CXP system - it just ins't going to happen. I know a "screw you here's a grind because we CBA to give you any real content" patch when I see one.


My sub runs out 23rd December, since 5.0 I have logged in just long enough to get my main through the KotET chapters (chapters that demonstrated Bioware had NOT learned any of the lessons of KotFE), and I have not logged in at all since "screw you, play OUR way" Dev stream.


I used to leave a 90 or 180 day rolling sub active, even when I took a month or two off from the game, and even with all the CC that gave me I would still buy CC for Stronghold unlocks etc. I've been subbed for 70% of the game's life and my CC purchases have more than made up for any revenue gap from those subscription breaks. How many players like me can Bioware afford to lose?


All The Best

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I'd imagine tweaking RNG or putting in a failsafe takes some time to figure out. The same goes for implementing a Legacy-system for GC. I wasn't expecting either one of those to make it into this patch.


I was, however, expecting more tweaks to CXP gain for non-PvP content. Or at the very least clearer information - bonus items from FP/Ops bosses being boosted is nice, but how about some exact information on how big/small the boosts are?

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i don't care for the cxp upgrade to pve content, why? i resent that it is only found in uprisings because i would become the victim of ben's metric charts that would show his new gameplay mechanics are exactly what SWTOR needs going forward and i am not going to subscribe to his chart and become a traitor to what i support.



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i don't care for the cxp upgrade to pve content, why? i resent that it is only found in uprisings because i would become the victim of ben's metric charts that would show his new gameplay mechanics are exactly what SWTOR needs going forward and i am not going to subscribe to his chart and become a traitor to what i support.






They'll bump the CXP payoff from Uprisings and then when everyone plays Uprisings they brag to "higher ups" that they we correct in adding Uprisings because the metrics show players are engaging with Uprisings; and then the higher ups will greenlight the next disaster that Bioware come up with - it's a self perpetuating cycle, and only we, the players, can break it.


If we continue to play by their rules, by playing Uprisings for CXP, all we do is to continue to validate their game management choices and that means is all we will ever get is more of the same regurgitated old, stale content.


If you want any meaningful change in the direction this game is going, in the quality of content they are delivering, in the nature of the player/Bioware relationship, then we have to prevent them (Bioware) from being able to validate their poor game management choices.


We have to take a stand, because they (Bioware) have demonstrated they lack the personal or professional integrity to do so.


All The Best

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Patch notes are up, Zero change to RNG system even though the community is screaming for it and as predicted by most of the community, still no change even though the Bio guys said they would adjust it if it's needed.

So obviously they think it's not needed :mad:

Guess they "may" change something when they see how many people leave by January. But by then the change wouldn't be Implimented till February or maybe March because they've now basically gone on holidays till mid January, which = game dead


Oh yeah the "community" is screaming!!! Yesterday at one point there were 10 people bickering back and forth about RNG for most of the day on three different threads and this thread has a total of 24 post many from the same people lol oh my the "community" you are referring to is rather SMALL.


Haha where have we heard the "community" threaten wait util said month when all the subs will be gone...yeah we have heard that for about five year anytime there is a new xpac or update...Its about time you guys take your doom and gloom and run along its getting pathetic.

Edited by Furh
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