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If you wont make GC Legacy wide now, it will be too late!!


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Everyone agrees that the GC grind will take a long time, even now the grinders are around rank 150 on their first toon, maybe more, but we are still only talking about 1 toon and there are people who have and play at least 8 toons. Nevertheless the Legacy GC rank would solve this issue immediately.


If people knew they just have to get to rank 300 once there would be much more incentive to grind as its one time only. For example you get to rank 180 (where 242 starts to drop) on your main and continue grinding till you have enough gear, then you swap to your alt and continue the grind, but its fine as you are getting Tier 3 gear already so no problem, but there is still a grind involved a BIG one as you need specific pieces, left side etc.


This would significantly reduce the grind BUT still offer a grind (so that Bioware is happy), however there is one slight problem with this change. People are already grinding now and maybe even on more toons. If Bioware plans to watch the system for months it will be too late.


In a few months you will have many people who have a few toons with higher ranks and if Bioware states the intention of making GC Legacy wide they will post their anger on the forums that they have invested hours, days, weeks to grind CXP and that they are now throwing that all away!!


IF you will do GC Rank Legacy wide, DO IT NOW!!

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Wow is alt-unfriendly in general, swtor wasnt, they even made us level 8 toons for DvsL before.


WOW started becoming alt unfriendly in the new Legion expansion. Back in WOD and MOP the game was very alt friendly. You could gear up a new toon within 2 weeks back in those days. But Legion threw that out the window with the artifact weapon grind.

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Artifact weapon grind in WOW is not account wide so why should bioware make GC Legacy wide?? Your post is invalid and meaningless.


Artifact weapons in WoW are a totally different thing, it's like apples and oranges.

Artifact weapons have a whole, huge gameplay behind them, are a "game in game" and feature a progress you can actually act upon.


Gear in SWTOR is exactly like your vanilla, bland purples you have in every MMO. But whereas many a MMO understood RNG is BAD and moved to a token system or similar, SWTOR actually has done the opposite, in a truly, idiotic backwards move.

Edited by Vaerah
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WOW started becoming alt unfriendly in the new Legion expansion. Back in WOD and MOP the game was very alt friendly. You could gear up a new toon within 2 weeks back in those days. But Legion threw that out the window with the artifact weapon grind.


I would argue that WoW actually started the alt-unfriendly trend in WOD due to garrisons, and potentially in MOP with the legendary cloak quest line. Granted, they were lesser evils compared to my (albeit limited) understanding of the artifact system, but Legion should not be blamed squarely for the demise of alting in WoW - merely the final nail in the coffin.

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WOW started becoming alt unfriendly in the new Legion expansion. Back in WOD and MOP the game was very alt friendly. You could gear up a new toon within 2 weeks back in those days. But Legion threw that out the window with the artifact weapon grind.


I understand not everyone may have accuses to a strong guild and or group of friends to do this but like farming mythic +6-9 for AP made the grind stupid fast..... lol and +6-9 were not hard at all with competent people didn't have to have ULTRA elite players to manage farming some +6-9 just needed the boys and the key stones to grind up...

Edited by mfourcustom
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WOW started becoming alt unfriendly in the new Legion expansion. Back in WOD and MOP the game was very alt friendly. You could gear up a new toon within 2 weeks back in those days. But Legion threw that out the window with the artifact weapon grind.


Yup like the people said you cannot compare the Artifact weapon grind in WoW with this system. Here you have everything random!! Not its pretty OK as i dont have any tier 3 pieces but the more I have the more stuff i have to disintegrate as Im getting the sam things over and over.


In WoW you know which boss drops what and can target that at least!

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I see no reason why a character should have access to non-cosmetic high-level gear it has not worked for itself, and I do have tens of characters myself. The game already gives us everything too easily, seeing how my new DvL characters managed to be level 50 before ending the first chapter and level 65 on Belsavis or even just Hoth - my older characters would be green with envy seeing how the new ones marched into the alliance base with already huge amounts of supply crates gathered simply on the way through the last parts of the game before KotFE.
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Legacy wide is still a poor idea. I don't want to level to 70 on my alt to then grind cxp starting at level 300. Ill never get a box.:rolleyes:

This system just has to go completely.


With the legacy wide system I am trying to reach a compromise. Its clear Bioware wants this to take long so that people stay subbed (what a stupid idea) so by making it legacy wide you at least dont have to level rank 1-180 to start getting the best gear (not that its really needed, but best gear was available pretty easily in 4.0).


Its nonsense to think that people will grind rank 180 on all their toons.

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I see no reason why a character should have access to non-cosmetic high-level gear it has not worked for itself, and I do have tens of characters myself. The game already gives us everything too easily, seeing how my new DvL characters managed to be level 50 before ending the first chapter and level 65 on Belsavis or even just Hoth - my older characters would be green with envy seeing how the new ones marched into the alliance base with already huge amounts of supply crates gathered simply on the way through the last parts of the game before KotFE.


Dont mix leveling with end game gearing, leveling is a joke in the game, but gear is not that easy to come by new, especially to new players. Overall yes, you dont need full 242 for stuff in the game, but it makes things easier for the raiders and NiM. Sure, we done all the content 100 times over, but raiding with friends is always fun and you always find something to be amused about. Like now in NiM operations using the new reflect abilites is very fun as u didnt have that before and bosses kill themselves with it

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With the legacy wide system I am trying to reach a compromise. Its clear Bioware wants this to take long so that people stay subbed (what a stupid idea) so by making it legacy wide you at least dont have to level rank 1-180 to start getting the best gear (not that its really needed, but best gear was available pretty easily in 4.0).


Its nonsense to think that people will grind rank 180 on all their toons.


You say that but you have a chance to get more gear faster from 1-180 than starting at 180 on a new alt. It'll take so much more time, for the same level or rng, with less boxes because it takes so damn long.


A legacy system wont work.

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Everyone agrees that the GC grind will take a long time, even now the grinders are around rank 150 on their first toon, maybe more, but we are still only talking about 1 toon and there are people who have and play at least 8 toons. Nevertheless the Legacy GC rank would solve this issue immediately.


If people knew they just have to get to rank 300 once there would be much more incentive to grind as its one time only. For example you get to rank 180 (where 242 starts to drop) on your main and continue grinding till you have enough gear, then you swap to your alt and continue the grind, but its fine as you are getting Tier 3 gear already so no problem, but there is still a grind involved a BIG one as you need specific pieces, left side etc.


This would significantly reduce the grind BUT still offer a grind (so that Bioware is happy), however there is one slight problem with this change. People are already grinding now and maybe even on more toons. If Bioware plans to watch the system for months it will be too late.


In a few months you will have many people who have a few toons with higher ranks and if Bioware states the intention of making GC Legacy wide they will post their anger on the forums that they have invested hours, days, weeks to grind CXP and that they are now throwing that all away!!


IF you will do GC Rank Legacy wide, DO IT NOW!!


Everyone told it to them. Ofcourse it must be legacy wide, swtor always was an alt- friendly game and it's totally unreal to gear up even one character. It ' s too booring to play one char in swtor... so stupid for them not making it legacy wide. When tons of players will unsub they will start to think

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You say that but you have a chance to get more gear faster from 1-180 than starting at 180 on a new alt. It'll take so much more time, for the same level or rng, with less boxes because it takes so damn long.


A legacy system wont work.


Ok tell me whats better for you:


1. Level toon to rank 180 and start getting 242 gear

Level 2nd too to rank 180 to start getting 242 gear


2. Level rank to 180 and start getting 242 gear on 1st toon

Get on 2nd toon and start getting 242 gear right away as rank is somewhere between 200-300


That is a mighty big difference as when I consider my rank on my main is 51 right now after 2 weeks (but i admit i first focused on new achievements and not cxp grind). Wonder how long it takes till 180.

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WOW started becoming alt unfriendly in the new Legion expansion. Back in WOD and MOP the game was very alt friendly. You could gear up a new toon within 2 weeks back in those days. But Legion threw that out the window with the artifact weapon grind.


Garrisons weren't alt friendly, you had to level to 100 on every character and rebuy every upgrade you had from your main character


The real game with an alt friendly perspective as of late is ESO now tbh, the new champ system replaced the crappy old character based Vet system and improved it very much for an alt friendly game

Edited by Theeko
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Ok tell me whats better for you:


1. Level toon to rank 180 and start getting 242 gear

Level 2nd too to rank 180 to start getting 242 gear


2. Level rank to 180 and start getting 242 gear on 1st toon

Get on 2nd toon and start getting 242 gear right away as rank is somewhere between 200-300


That is a mighty big difference as when I consider my rank on my main is 51 right now after 2 weeks (but i admit i first focused on new achievements and not cxp grind). Wonder how long it takes till 180.


If the rate is the same, you'll most likely won't even get it, but you'll spend a longer time trying.


It's hard to say what's better because it's both horrible. I dislike this system, but I also dislike it becoming legacy wide. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but it will make it even less likely for me to bother getting command rank on an alt.

Edited by Eshvara
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Artifact weapon grind in WOW is not account wide so why should bioware make GC Legacy wide?? Your post is invalid and meaningless.


I haven't been a progression raider in WoW for years, and I don't keep up to date with all the changes they've done since I left that game. So I may be wrong, but...

I haven't heard that the Artifact weapon is the only weapon upgrade in the game.

I haven't heard that raids and/or instances no longer drop any gear.

I haven't heard that the new content in Legion takes only 10-15 hours to play through.

I haven't heard that SWTOR is part of WoW.

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If the rate is the same, you'll most likely won't even get it, but you'll spend a longer time trying.


It's hard to say what's better because it's both horrible. I dislike this system, but I also dislike it becoming legacy wide. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but it will make it even less likely for me to bother getting command rank on an alt.


I primarily solo or duo. I would prefer to do H2s/dailies on multiple alts instead of endlessly repeating the same flashpoints, uprisings or those painful chapters.


They need to make the crate claiming be selectable. Allow you to choose the class, advanced class, and discipline that you want the crate to be. That would allow me to get gear for my alts while playing my main, or vice versa.

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I unsubbed over this and will only resub if they ever make changes to make it significantly less alt-hostile. While I'd rather they get rid of the entire system, I would resub immediately if it became legacy-wide.. but I would likely still not bother with gearing this cycle, because if they make such a change, it will be too late, and any advantage from it being legacy-wide will be made pointless by the fact that the cycle will be half gone already.


This cycle is lost. Will have to see what the next one brings.

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Maybe they could make it so that you earn buffs to the amount of CxP you earn via your legacy. Like if you reach level 50 on one character you can unlock a legacy wide XP CxP buff, and you can increase that buff as you level further. Maybe one at 50, one at 100, one at 150, so forth and so on. That way if you wanted to level up an alt you could earn CxP at a much higher rate than you did on your first character. It would still require substantial investment into one character, but I don't see why that is a problem given that the system is meant to be an end game system that leads to, eventually, very powerful gear.
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