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Just awesome RNG


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Thanks BW. Spent the night ranking up from 26-27 and what do I have to show for my effort of running an OPs, Master FP and 2 uprisings?



16 jawa scrap and one orange shell with nothing in it. That was all.


I now, more that ever, dislike how bw has changed swtor into an online casino. All that time wasted for garbage. :mad:

Edited by Quraswren
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My suggestion would be that each Crate also would contain one Dookie-Token.


Even if you didn't get any set-item after opening an assorted amount of Crates, you could at least turn in 10 Dookie-Tokens to the Wookie JorJar Bunks for a T1 Set-armor item.


So at least you would get something after 10 Crates, albeit a Tier 1.

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I am not unsubbing, but then again I will be content to just buy 228 gear.


For those who aspire to more, this system seems brutal. I have 4 toons at 70 and the system is painfully slow and then you eventually after a long time get a crate ( it is not even remotely close to a crate per hour, it is days)...with crap.


For me the system does not even exist; I just look for credits with which I can buy 228 stuff. Maybe most players are like me and everything will be fine.


For others, who rely upon this to progress? I may be wrong but I don't see them being happy, particularly as the ranks increase, and the "progress" slows even more, and the odds of actually getting something needed become even more pathetic.

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I am not unsubbing, but then again I will be content to just buy 228 gear.


For those who aspire to more, this system seems brutal. I have 4 toons at 70 and the system is painfully slow and then you eventually after a long time get a crate ( it is not even remotely close to a crate per hour, it is days)...with crap.


For me the system does not even exist; I just look for credits with which I can buy 228 stuff. Maybe most players are like me and everything will be fine.


For others, who rely upon this to progress? I may be wrong but I don't see them being happy, particularly as the ranks increase, and the "progress" slows even more, and the odds of actually getting something needed become even more pathetic.


this system isn't designed to get anyone fully outfitted in bis gear. Sure, some will be lucky. It is designed to keep people chasing after the gear though. This is where i draw my problem with bioware, they release hardly any new content. The only NEW content we got were uprisings in an expansion (please shut the **** up about chapters, nobody runs that **** every single day just shut the **** up). Simply put, GC is a gimmick to buy Bioware time while simultaneously keeping people subbed.


GC=Goose Chase.


my rant isn't directed at the person i quoted

Edited by JabbaWabbA
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Rng sucks in almost every game, just a gamble


I just find it amusing that there are those that are extremely lucky almost and every time though which I don't get they always get legendaries in WoW before anyone else, get all the platinums before anyone in Swtor, get 6 links in PoE, Tri Ogre rings in BDO American, just faster than anyone in game and only a select few ha

Edited by Theeko
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You will find that in the previous system, it was also possible for you to get nothing from 1 night of ops and flashpoints.


Even if you didn't get the desired set-item as a drop, you'd still get Crystals that you could gather and then purchase your desired item.


It worked well that system.


Some days you got the desired set-item, other days you did not, but you'd still amass the crystals needed to eventually purchase a set-item.

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You will find that in the previous system, it was also possible for you to get nothing from 1 night of ops and flashpoints.


Have done plenty of ops and FPs and I generally got 1 - 2 items per day.


Now? Playing since early access and got 1 item. A first tier item, and that's it.

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To all the RNG complainers, consider this:


ArcheAge has RNG gear progression. Well. No. That's not true. ArcheAge has RNG gear regression.


Once you get your gear up to a certain level, there is a progressively higher chance that further attempts will reduce the power of your item. If you succeed in getting it a bit higher than that, there is a chance that your item will be destroyed when you try to improve it, whence the use of "yolo" as a verb - "I'm going to yolo my helmet" meaning that I'm going to throw caution to the winds and risk destroying my helmet to have a small chance of making it stronger.

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To all the RNG complainers, consider this:


ArcheAge has RNG gear progression. Well. No. That's not true. ArcheAge has RNG gear regression.


Yes, and of course if there is a massive piece of dump of a korean grinder, we have to be happy because SWTOR is getting there, but at a slow pace. Cool, isn't it?

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And consider this, even if you were lucky enough and your first 6 crates granted you the full 6pc set bonus, you'd still have to grind out the rest of tier 1, and then all of tier 2, just so you could begin working on tier 3. So, you won't even start working on tier 3 until you've gone through the futility of 180 previous command levels.


You're about to go from bad to worse. I recommend you get a prescription for anti-depressants before you grind more.

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You'd at the very least earn currency to buy gear of a certain rating and get a baseline on which to build optimization.


That's another subject. I was arguing the absurdity of the thread, which implied that a system doesn't work because you don't get something in one night. The previous system also didn't do such thing.


And if you want to talk about currency, how long would that take to get one item? 1 week? 2 weeks? 1 month?


We're not even 2 weeks into the game, and already people expect to be covered in a full set. I say that because it's convenient that the OP did not share the loot drops from rank 1 to 26.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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To all the RNG complainers, consider this:


ArcheAge has RNG gear progression. Well. No. That's not true. ArcheAge has RNG gear regression.


Once you get your gear up to a certain level, there is a progressively higher chance that further attempts will reduce the power of your item. If you succeed in getting it a bit higher than that, there is a chance that your item will be destroyed when you try to improve it, whence the use of "yolo" as a verb - "I'm going to yolo my helmet" meaning that I'm going to throw caution to the winds and risk destroying my helmet to have a small chance of making it stronger.


So because another game has a worse system, we should be happy about GC?

If someone else's car has two flat tires, you should be happy because yours only has one? Even though neither one of you can drive your cars?

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I just look for credits with which I can buy 228 stuff. Maybe most players are like me and everything will be fine.


Yeah I sold my crits on 228 stuff within about 5 mins of posting them. Seems like it's the only reliable way to gear.


Still, at least it's exciting getting credits in a mail for no effort on my part :D

Edited by Transcendent
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I just have to put question marks with a gearing system where crafting is the better option. There are already 240 pieces being sold by crafters. That's better than tier 1 and tier 2. In the end you're grinding 180 GC levels just for set bonuses and a couple of trinkets and you're not even guaranteed to get those after all those levels.


Does that really make sense as a gearing system?

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See,you already sound excited,OP. New gearing system works! Imagine your excitement when it will take week to get from ,say,lvl 250 to,say, 251 and all you will get is 2 orange empty shells and 16 green jawa junk. Ahhh,i think your entire street will be able to hear your excitement.


Working as intended. Don't forget to thank devs for your exciting experience by buying boosts.

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Thanks BW. Spent the night ranking up from 26-27 and what do I have to show for my effort of running an OPs, Master FP and 2 uprisings?



16 jawa scrap and one orange shell with nothing in it. That was all.


I now, more that ever, dislike how bw has changed swtor into an online casino. All that time wasted for garbage. :mad:


Why don't you play the game for fun?

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Why don't you play the game for fun?


Gearing is fun. At least it used to be as of about 2 weeks ago. bw just made sure to do all they can to suck the fun out of it. The rest is old content except some watered down FP that used old planet instant areas. Not even those are entirely new.




We're not even 2 weeks into the game, and already people expect to be covered in a full set. I say that because it's convenient that the OP did not share the loot drops from rank 1 to 26.


And there is the flaw in your argument. No one is expecting full sets in 2 week. No one is expecting all their BiS gear in 2 weeks.


What they are saying is in the past 2 weeks (not just what I did last night), in the old system, If I had ran as much content as I have in a new expansion I would have more to show for it - guaranteed. I would also get to puck the items slots I need as well.


Guaranteed gear OPS gear (as we run a suicide kings loot list) and guaranteed crystal gear. I got to choose the gear slot and as many OPS as I have ran, guaranteed set gear. Not only because I would have ran my main but also because I would have ran alts (something you are now discouraged to do). No way I could ever get full sets of anything but I would have had something to show for my time in game and the content cleared.


And what really sucks when just thinking about how bad RNG screws up gearing is knowing I'm running the same content and getting garbage for the largest part of my game time doing that old content again.


You will find that in the previous system, it was also possible for you to get nothing from 1 night of ops and flashpoints.


Others have said it but apparently you forgot that in the previous system you got crystals that could be used to buy gear. there was also never a night that I put in that much time in a guild run and never got something for my time be it actual gear or crystals to would get me ever closer to gear.


To all the RNG complainers, consider this:


ArcheAge has RNG gear progression. Well. No. That's not true. ArcheAge has RNG gear regression.



Just because one system in another game sucks worse, doesn't mean the swtor casino gearing system doesn't also suck. :eek:

Edited by Quraswren
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Hmm so the OP thinks because he got from level 26-27 he is entitled to the best gear in the game? Interesting. It's rather sad the entitlement generation has infiltrated video games.


It's even more sad in you being unable to read, much less comprehend what I posted.


There are certain reasonable expectations in games when it comes to gearing, the time put in and what bw has created isn't reasonable.


Trying reading my post just above as well. It would do you good.

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