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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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haha *hug* :D:D i mean what do uprisings have to do with anything in that situation?



You know that moment that you are about to start puking and maybe it starts a bit but not quite but you can already taste it? Those movements I call uprisings.


Hey, you asked...

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Duh, of course they could handle a game like TOR. But the current codebase would need to be completely re-written for a new engine that would be compatible with more than just the PC platform.


Odds on this happening with EA in charge are roughly the equivalent of getting a full set of tier gear out of your first 7 CXP crates.


The current consoles use x86 architecture for their OS so it wouldn't be as bad as porting to PS3 or 360. The true hard part would be to get our ability bar to be useful with the smaller number of buttons on a gamepad. As someone who plays ESO on PC and console there is a big difference between ESO which was designed for multiplatorm - they limited the number of abilities on PC for future console expansion, and SWTOR which uses all of the traditional ability buttons in a MMO.

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just that they're a example of mash 4 random people together kinda group content lol... and boring imo:D:D


I've tried to do those. I keep getting stuck with random people who can't even handle clearing story mode ones. None of my in-game friends want to do them because they're just more waves of trash followed by a miniboss, just like a lot of the story chapters. Not that interesting or rewarding to play.

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Nah, SWTOR isn't doing so hot. Which is why they cut every corner imaginable to give us "content" when it's really just repeating the same stuff year after year. Pretty sure there was also a release that listed SWTOR as the biggest culprit behind EA losing over $1m worth of subscriptions, and they aren't going away from the KOTFE model because it was so successful. Infact, Irving flat out stated that model didn't work well in a recent interview Edited by Rollbacks
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I think the correct question you should be asking is why are YOU still here if it's soooooooooooooo horrible?


I unsubbed. I'll probably be goofing on the forums until Elysium opens their fresh server. Who knows.


Clearly they have data what the player base(not the minority here in the forums) wants.


Clearly. Just like every other struggling/failed MMO.


Seriously. If they're so successful, where is the new content?

Edited by Piepyr
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Clearly. Just like every other struggling/failed MMO.


Seriously. If they're so successful, where is the new content?


Also, where are the full servers? On Ebon Hawk at least, population went up for about 2 days, and now it's back to normal. Even during the spike, it never got near even Heavy levels. And EH is one of the most active servers left!

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That was Sept, before the disaster they just put out. (Even massively isn't impressed.)


The figures for Jan, Feb and Marsh will be more interesting. See how many subs drop out when the 30, 60 and 90 days subs/cards run out. You know it's bad already or they wouldn't have had that stream last week. That was an attempt at damage control that probably did more harm than good since all they basically said is "it's our game, play it our way."


Yes, exactly this ^^


EA board sees figures that come out in April, see how bad the quarter was. They have to tell investors they expect a big down turn in revenue due to swtors bad performance. Decisions are made on which date to close the servers.


Bioware continues to try and blow rose petals up our butts with their hard sell on why the game is so great and why we should play it their way. The live streams get more exciting as you see these guys try and sell it, but you can see they are becoming desperate. They release some scheme to get everyone to spend lots of money or sub so they can get a financial parachute. Then 2 weeks later the game servers get turned off, no refunds for subs just paid or cartel items purchased, no forum, no customers service line to complain to.

With the way they've been acting lately, would anyone else be surprised if this happened?

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Depends what's this group content. If it's depending on group composition and requirement of each player to do his job it'll be the same as current ops. If it's just throw together some random players and make sure they complete it as long as they have some gear score - hell no. That's the mobile gaming solution. And while it has its place i refuse to believe that people wanting challenging content are such a small minority that they don't deserve to be catered to. When there is a market niche there will always be a company to fill it.


Biowares January live stream "Group content announced for later in the year", no date given, no actual facts about what it will be, just insinuations and halve truths as to what it might be. Then they string people along and give them the finger as the servers close before this content is released. "Sorry guys, we really wanted to bring you new content, but this was out of our control". All the while they've been playing candy crush every day to fill their time because they never intended to give new content.

Now there's some Doom and Gloom for people to sink their teeth into.

"Waits for white knights to start using capitals in posts and frothing at the mouth"

(FYI, not directed at Tsetso)

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I never post "doom and gloom" on the forums, hell im new here. However, ive been playing for 4 years. I can definitively say SWTOR, in terms of game quality, has gone downhill. Endgame is trash/non existant now to due RNG. Story is excellent,however after that, the game is stale. As we grind old content (heroics/fps etc) and uprisings (i dont find them fun) or pvp/gsf to get gear to actually do the fun stuff (Veteran/Master Ops). They tried to make the Gear the endgoal, when it should be the ops.


The game was at its peak during the Oricon update imo (i.e Pre shadow of revan). I loved Oricon and the DF/DP Ops. Running them for the first time with my guild is something i wont forget. 5.0 however, lost that charm. Sure, we have a lot of new players coming in, a lot of players staying and playing the story. However, those stats dont show the most important thing. Endgame.


I am sure Endgame interactivity and population is at an all time low. I used to see "LFM" for ops all the time pre 5.0, now i do not (general chat on fleet/guild). I used to see LFMs more than credit bot spammers, not i dont. That alone is enough of an indication of whats happening. Sure, you can blame the group finder, however, even within my active guild (30+ on most of the time) i rarely see people asking for ops. Its always people trying to get the quickest CxP so they have a chance of getting gear to do Veteran/Master ops (the FUN ones, SM is MEH).


Dont get me wrong though, not saying swtor is dying or dead. Its just that the changes have negatively impacted endgame, but boosted lower level population due to new players being able to stay a little longer.

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apples and oranges really here. most of those games are on there because they are online but carry little to no comparison after that.


the real issue is people saying its all peaches and cream when they know as well as anyone else that right now swtor is spoiled milk.

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apples and oranges really here. most of those games are on there because they are online but carry little to no comparison after that.


the real issue is people saying its all peaches and cream when they know as well as anyone else that right now swtor is spoiled milk.


The only game that's close to similar for a comparison is WoW. But that's like comparing a foot boot to an ant

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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All I can say is that I do not give a rats backside about how other games are doing. This is the ONLY Starwars MMO available.


I don't care about others people opinion about my game choices because I played SWG until the very end and people hated on that game, but what I DO care about; is whether or not I am having fun.


I have been playing this game since day zero and I have always had fun and I have always subscribed, but for the first time since 2011, I am NOT really having fun.


The KOTET storyline was a blast, but the way the Galactic command was implemented has affected

my enjoyment.


I can't enjoy my many alts when the GC is for individual characters. I have to either not care about end game and gearing or I have to focus on just 1 of my 22 characters, 8 that I really play a lot.


I don't want to leave and I don't want SWTOR to fail, but when the game feels more like a chore, the it's just not fun for me anymore.


I keep the faith because I love the brand and I enjoy the game play, but grinding huttball day in and day out on one character for some unholy amount of time is tedious and it's boring.

Edited by kirorx
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Well, I would say that the news at least demonstrates IMO that SWTOR remains a viable force in the crowded MMO genre. Especially considering the rapidly shrinking north american market.


At least it was in September. The next 2 or 3 months will say how much it is now.

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I've tried to do those. I keep getting stuck with random people who can't even handle clearing story mode ones. None of my in-game friends want to do them because they're just more waves of trash followed by a miniboss, just like a lot of the story chapters. Not that interesting or rewarding to play.

exactly. i tried to do one. i am a dps but lately i find that i have to respec healz all the time, cause otherwise all group keeps dying over and over, even if they have their own self-healz. and after doing the one uprising i was like... and what the heck was the point of this? 0.o booooring lol:D:D:D

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Yes that list does show that swtor is high on that list but it doesn't show where the revenue came from. It doesn't say how much came from subscriptions and how much came from cartel coin sales. It doesn't say where the revenue came from for any of the games for that matter.


Yes people have been critical of the game for 5 years. But I doubt it's been the exact same people for 5 years. Yes there is likely a few people who have but the majority of the people who were posting about their dislike for the game 5 years ago are gone now. They have been gone for awhile. The same goes for the people who left because of changes 4,3,2 years ago.

Now there's more players leaving because of the recent changes in the game. Some are leaving only because of the new system, some are leaving because the new system was the final nail in the coffin for them, some are posting their concerns over it but aren't leaving just yet because they want to see if improvements will be made. Yet some are posting their praise for it, others are in the game playing it and enjoying the product that they are paying for. You aren't going to see their feedback on here because they aren't coming to the forums.


The thing is though there is going to be feedback on a product. There has to be whether it's positive or negative. It's all part of selling a product. You cant just sell a product and expect everyone to be happy over it. It's not going to happen. That doesn't just apply to swtor, it applies to every game out there, cars, tv, movies, furnaces, printers(they all suck btw) etc...

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Even with the nonstop doom and gloom from the couple dozen poster who clearly sub (thanks) to swtor so they are able to complain on the forums.


Attention Attention


Since many of you are really shortsighted I will explains this as simple as possible. These are statistics, which are mostly published when its GOOD to publish them. Its the golden rule that if the situation is bad don't talk about it, but if its good then put it on the front page.


Becuase of the monthly chapters people waited with subs till all are out, so we have a time when people subbed a lot to play through all of KOTFE, we also had a lot of CM stuff during this year and many people went preffered and needed ops passes and stuff. The fact that SWTOR had revenue means absolutely NOTHING!!


Look at the forums, people unsubbing, hating new system etc YES they had a profitable year, but what comes next?? Think about it a little.

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Stating facts isn't whining it's winning sorry you are so offended swtor hasn't closed yet...keep up the hard work though someday you will be able to say I told you so.

Stating something that is three months old by the time you post it is not a fact, it's history and does not represent the current state ... now get back under you bridge employee of the month

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