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Emperor's Children Post-KOTET (Spoilers)


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Valkorian/Vitiate is gone for good and his death ripped through the Force (according to Satele's message after the story), does it mean the Emperor's essence within all his remaining Children hiding (plus Kira) lose it or is it possible that the essence remains meaning a small piece of Vitiate remains? If the Children do lose it then Kira would know and she should be returning (why would she stay away?)
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Valkorian/Vitiate is gone for good and his death ripped through the Force (according to Satele's message after the story), does it mean the Emperor's essence within all his remaining Children hiding (plus Kira) lose it or is it possible that the essence remains meaning a small piece of Vitiate remains? If the Children do lose it then Kira would know and she should be returning (why would she stay away?)


Because BW/EA sucks :p

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I imagine that it'll affect the Empire-born Children differently from the Republic-born ones. in all likelyhood, for the Republic-born Children they'll just carry on their lives as normal, as only their Child persona would be affected (and the Child persona would probably be wiped out), but for Empire-born ones... well, anyone who's done Kira's final companion mission knows how merely killing the Voice affected Suri; she was nearly driven insane by that alone.


If there are any Empire-born Children still alive though.... they could make an excellent enemy in a future expansion (coming after the Outlander to avenge their 'Father'....)

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I imagine that it'll affect the Empire-born Children differently from the Republic-born ones. in all likelyhood, for the Republic-born Children they'll just carry on their lives as normal, as only their Child persona would be affected (and the Child persona would probably be wiped out), but for Empire-born ones... well, anyone who's done Kira's final companion mission knows how merely killing the Voice affected Suri; she was nearly driven insane by that alone.


If there are any Empire-born Children still alive though.... they could make an excellent enemy in a future expansion (coming after the Outlander to avenge their 'Father'....)


Suri was only nearly driven insane because the Emperor was in fact still alive and endlessly ranting contradictionary orders in her head though. If he's really dead now, she and other children of the emperor should be fine.

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Suri was only nearly driven insane because the Emperor was in fact still alive and endlessly ranting contradictionary orders in her head though. If he's really dead now, she and other children of the emperor should be fine.


This is true. Even so, nearly all Empire-born Children would likely have a void in their mind where Vitiate used to reside, and I can definitely see the more fanatic ones (i.e. all of them but Kira) wanting revenge for the death of their Father. I mean, we only know of four Empire-born Children total (Kira, Valis, Suri, and Tannac); who knows how many more are out there?

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Maybe Lord Scourge will return when we learn he's been tracking down and butchering all of the Emperor's children to prevent his return... and Kira is next on his list!


On that note is he only immortal as long as Valkorian was alive and he took Scourge's immortallity with him, or is he stuck as immortal?

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Maybe Lord Scourge will return when we learn he's been tracking down and butchering all of the Emperor's children to prevent his return... and Kira is next on his list!


Not a bad idea, we could have an alert like th one with Rusk and Skadge, where we can choose at the end to take both or kill off either.

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