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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Chapter Six of KotET chased me back to WoW and Rift (spoilers)


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Dear Devs,

I have no desire to have all of my abilities stripped from me so I can infiltrate a frigging party.


I really do not care about Vaylin or the rest of her family. Why should I?


Reactivated my subs to Rift and WoW after three years.


Please let me know when you fix this game for people who want to play in the Star Wars universe,

rather than the abomination which is the pathetic KotFE/KotET story line.



Edited by Dreamquencher
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That's the stupidest thing I've seen this week.


I must admit... This is pretty dumb.

It's literally one half of a story chapter.

If that's enough to drive this guy away from the game, he was practically out of the door already.

There are far more valid reasons to leave SWTOR than a fraking temporary gameplay shift.

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I must admit... This is pretty dumb.

It's literally one half of a story chapter.

If that's enough to drive this guy away from the game, he was practically out of the door already.

There are far more valid reasons to leave SWTOR than a fraking temporary gameplay shift.


I would say it's fair to state that this must've been the final straw that broke the camel's back.


It's funny I've been watching a lot of Battlestar Galactica recently (the newer series, love both). President Roslin has a sign up where she keeps track of how many people are left in the human race. It's not a very high number and they're struggling to keep it from falling down even further.


Well, it seems an interesting analogy at the moment. Don't think the game is dying btw but considering the quick reactions from BWA and sudden added livestreams, I just get the feeling that they lost more players than anticipated. Just a bit odd when this a reason for someone leaving. So far people generally have been positive of the story, even if they hate GC. But we all have our things.

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I never understood why people want to play multiple MMO'S at a time.

Also didn't know rift was still a thing.:rak_03: I'm surprised it still has a sub model! Didn't it go f2p?


Most games that go F2P still have a sub option. If the sub actually gives you something useful I prefer being subbed myself.

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I never understood why people want to play multiple MMO'S at a time.

Also didn't know rift was still a thing.:rak_03: I'm surprised it still has a sub model! Didn't it go f2p?


when I played Rift years ago..it was f2p . The sub was optional .


I..didnt play it that long . Cose it felt so very like GW2...very similar..almost a copy .

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You know, for all the things EAWare has done lately to upset and demoralize me... the KOTET chapters weren't one of them. I actually liked them for the most part. Yeah, that part of Chapter VI was a bit annoying; the puzzle requires a lot of running around clicking on things trying to figure out the thread of logic the developers designed. It reminded me of old school adventure games. But if you really just hate spending time trying to figure out the (admittedly somewhat obtuse) order, you can always look up the guide on Dulfy and get it done in like 5 minutes. Edited by AscendingSky
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One of my favorite games is Alias so it was like star wars meets Alias. Loved this chapter. I loved how it was different than go here, kill 30 x, go here 40 y, kill commander, get commander plans, rinse repeat. That's WoW. If that's what you enjoy, then go WoW. Edited by americanaussie
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Shows everyone has different things they find entertaining.


Personally I am an encouraged when they try to add something new or a different style of game play in. Even if its not my thing would people have preferred killing more skytroopers.


Only down side is that the game engine isn't quite up there to make it a full experience, even the secret world which had amazing investigation missions couldn't play them out to the full (their game engine is worse imho) but shows a move to solutions to puzzles that aren't just kill everything. Which is one of the things that made the fallout games (especially 1 and 2) you could go in guns blazing or you could out thinking, out talk or pick that lock and sneak around your opponents too.

Edited by Costello
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Shows everyone has different things they find entertaining.


Personally I am an encouraged when they try to add something new or a different style of game play in. Even if its not my thing would people have preferred killing more skytroopers.


Only down side is that the game engine isn't quite up there to make it a full experience, even the secret world which had amazing investigation missions couldn't play them out to the full (their game engine is worse imho) but shows a move to solutions to puzzles that aren't just kill everything. Which is one of the things that made the fallout games (especially 1 and 2) you could go in guns blazing or you could out thinking, out talk or pick that lock and sneak around your opponents too.


Oh god..dont remind me of those mission in the secret world lol they drove me maaaaad :D


I actually found their cutscene more smooth then in Swtor . I mean , did you ever see that cutscene when an npc grab you from the shoulder and walk with your character ? That's smooth animation!!!


Here , everytime my Sith warrior walk to talk to Quinn . The lower part of her body twitch slightly like she was cut at the waist .

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I never understood why people want to play multiple MMO'S at a time.

Also didn't know rift was still a thing.:rak_03: I'm surprised it still has a sub model! Didn't it go f2p?


Last time I played RIFT (maybe a year ago or so, can't remember...) it had a solid F2P experience.

The way it works/worked back then is that you have access to just about everything as F2P, but if you sub, you get awesome bonuses. But unless you want to play more hard-coreish, you really don't need to sub - unlike certain other games. ;)


RIFT had a new expansion go live recently as well, but there were a lot of problems at launch - content missing, content didn't work, servers were unstable and so on. And that was a PAYED FOR expansion, not "free" even for subs - as far as I know at least. I don't know to what extent the problems have been fixed now, I haven't payed much attention to it.


Still, even if you don't buy the latest expansion, that game has tons and tons of content, and I never felt the need to sub to have a great experience.

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Shows everyone has different things they find entertaining.


Personally I am an encouraged when they try to add something new or a different style of game play in. Even if its not my thing would people have preferred killing more skytroopers.


Only down side is that the game engine isn't quite up there to make it a full experience, even the secret world which had amazing investigation missions couldn't play them out to the full (their game engine is worse imho) but shows a move to solutions to puzzles that aren't just kill everything. Which is one of the things that made the fallout games (especially 1 and 2) you could go in guns blazing or you could out thinking, out talk or pick that lock and sneak around your opponents too.


This too. Yeah, I found the puzzle a little annoying, but I did like that they were trying something new. Same thing with the walker sections. I know some people hated those, but again, it was something fresh and different instead of Waves of Skytroopers 2: Electric Boogaloo.


I think the best use they've done of puzzles in this game engine was during the macrobinoculars quest series. You had to be observant, but it didn't slow the game to a crawl.

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Dear Devs,

I have no desire to have all of my abilities stripped from me so I can infiltrate a frigging party.


I really do not care about Vaylin or the rest of her family. Why should I?


Reactivated my subs to Rift and WoW after three years.


Please let me know when you fix this game for people who want to play in the Star Wars universe,

rather than the abomination which is the pathetic KotFE/KotET story line.




Sorry it indeed takes a minimum IQ to solve a puzzle (an easy one). We are not all gifted with some intelligence, I get it.

Edited by demotivator
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Dear Devs,

I have no desire to have all of my abilities stripped from me so I can infiltrate a frigging party.


I really do not care about Vaylin or the rest of her family. Why should I?


Reactivated my subs to Rift and WoW after three years.


Please let me know when you fix this game for people who want to play in the Star Wars universe,

rather than the abomination which is the pathetic KotFE/KotET story line.



I can't help laughing. :D

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This too. Yeah, I found the puzzle a little annoying, but I did like that they were trying something new. Same thing with the walker sections. I know some people hated those, but again, it was something fresh and different instead of Waves of Skytroopers 2: Electric Boogaloo.


I think the best use they've done of puzzles in this game engine was during the macrobinoculars quest series. You had to be observant, but it didn't slow the game to a crawl.


The problem I have with it is not the idea behind the new things, its the appalling implementation.


It's like Zenimax's desire to be different with ESO - being different is OK, as long as it works at least as well as what you are trying to be different from; if it fails it doesn't matter how different it is, because its a failure.


The party infiltration was a failure of implementation IMO, because it took player from one style of play and into another style of play with no transition period. The "investigation" elements were jarring, clumsy, often badly written, and implemented in a way as to make them as least accessible as possible.


A better option would have been to incrementally reduce our combat skills as new investigative skills come on-line - maybe across the course of 3 or 4 chapters with increasing levels of infiltration and so less opportunity for overt displays of power. But that would have required more effort, better story telling, and more imagination - something we know Bioware Austin simply can not deliver.


So while I understand why they tried it, and why they wanted to try it I am reminded that Yoda once said "there is no try". If you can't do it right, don't tick people off by doing it wrong. And once again Bioware got it wrong IMO.


All The Best

Edited by DarthSpuds
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The problem I have with it is not the idea behind the new things, its the appalling implementation.


It's like Zenimax's desire to be different with ESO - being different is OK, as long as it works at least as well as what you are trying to be different from; if it fails it doesn't matter how different it is, because its a failure.


The party infiltration was a failure of implementation IMO, because it took player from one style of play and into another style of play with no transition period. The "investigation" elements were jarring, clumsy, often badly written, and implemented in a way as to make them as least accessible as possible.


A better option would have been to incrementally reduce our combat skills as new investigative skills come on-line - maybe across the course of 3 or 4 chapters with increasing levels of infiltration and so less opportunity for overt displays of power. But that would have required more effort, better story telling, and more imagination - something we know Bioware Austin simply can not deliver.


So while I understand why they tried it, and why they wanted to try it I am reminded that Yoda once said "there is no try". If you can't do it right, don't tick people off by doing it wrong. And once again Bioware got it wrong IMO.


All The Best


An incisive observation, eloquently expressed. +5 internets for you.


I was/am somewhat reminded of that chapter in Tomb Raider Legend in which Lara is in Tokyo investigating the Yakuza, and she has to go to this party and look around. At least in that, the investigating is brief, then the bad guys storm in, Lara dives behind the bar, rips her long dress up the sides for mobility, and leaps out with pistols blazing. And then later she jumps a motorcycle between skyscrapers 30 floors above the ground, but that's another story. Hey, look on the brighter side, at least SWTOR has no Quick Time Events :)

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Dear Devs,

I have no desire to have all of my abilities stripped from me so I can infiltrate a frigging party.


I really do not care about Vaylin or the rest of her family. Why should I?


Reactivated my subs to Rift and WoW after three years.


Please let me know when you fix this game for people who want to play in the Star Wars universe,

rather than the abomination which is the pathetic KotFE/KotET story line.




I can not agree with you more. Absolutely hated the story line in KotFE/KotET.


I've only taken one character through KotFE/KotET and thats it. Don't plan on taking another.

You are so right, when you say it's not Star Wars. They need to bring back the Republic vs Empire.


I won't be renewing my sub. Will stay on and play the legacy part only. I still enjoy that part.

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I can not agree with you more. Absolutely hated the story line in KotFE/KotET.


I've only taken one character through KotFE/KotET and thats it. Don't plan on taking another.

You are so right, when you say it's not Star Wars. They need to bring back the Republic vs Empire.


I won't be renewing my sub. Will stay on and play the legacy part only. I still enjoy that part.





I understand not liking the story. But you're wrong when you say it's not Star Wars. Who are you to say that anyway? Did you create Star Wars? No? Then don't give the devs **** for creating something new and fresh instead of the same old Republic vs Empire conflict that has been here for decades.

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