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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

RNG IS EXCITING! - Ben Irving - My proposal


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Exactly. In a WZ, if most of your team quits partway through, you still get credit for the match. In a FP, if half your team quits partway through, congratulations, you're screwed. You can either sit through the queue for a replacement (something that can take a VERY long time if you're needing a tank or healer), or quit the FP to start all over again, wasting all that time!


I'm tired of people claiming they 'deserve' BiS participation trophies for doing the easiest damn content in the game just as much (if not more, with the really special snowflakes) as the people who actually put a ton of effort into tackling the hardest content.


true to a degree. i don't MIND people having access to the same gear from different content, but i'm certainly not happy. i mean. if you get the same rewards from hm / nim ops as from story chapters and sm flashpoints, then what's the point of banging our heads on the hard stuff?

for progress you say? sense of accomplishment? i'd agree, if not for the fact that we're like 2 years PAST that point where doing these ops for just achievements or just to kill bosses would be interesting.

if it can't be new and interesting, then AT LEAST it should be rewarding.

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Apples and oranges. Work pays the bills and food. This is a GAME. We play not to pay bills. People play the lottery and slot machines for the chance of getting something.



Wow what took you so long, AmericanAussie. It took you 5 whole hours to come and white knight in a negative thread, adding nothing to the discussion. Far too long.


Step up your game, sonny.

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I played through the story and promptly quit the game. No reason to play it again on alts. Not going to play the same crap over and over to get a gambling box filled with trash.


I have no idea what these guys are thinking or why they have decided to completely ignore the entire community. The way this was handled on the live stream was terrible.

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It's something I find myself saying a lot with respect to this game of late.


Just so we're clear, it saddens me to do so, when I consider what might have been --nay, what should have been-- for a huge-budget StarWars MMO:


However low you think that common denominator can go? Believe me, it can always go lower.


These people just keep plunging headlong from nadir to nadir to nadir, clearly convinced that it's impossible for them to do wrong.


Un-***********-real, man just totally *********** unreal. :mad:




Maybe Visceral Games' maybekindapossible upcoming StarWars product will keep this truck from burning up its brakes going down this mountain?


Because it's become painfully obvious that it's not going to be these credulous, shallow, happily oblivious corporate drones!

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Remove RNG Bioware, remove boxes filled with trash, remove the whole Galactic Command bug (can't call it system).

No one asked for it. At the moment I'm waiting for my sub to expire.

Don't just "listen to your player base" or whatever you say that you do in live streams, but ACT as your player base wants.

Remove the whole Game Breaking BUG

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Remove RNG Bioware, remove boxes filled with trash, remove the whole Galactic Command bug (can't call it system).

No one asked for it. At the moment I'm waiting for my sub to expire.

Don't just "listen to your player base" or whatever you say that you do in live streams, but ACT as your player base wants.

Remove the whole Game Breaking BUG


You forget, this is their game, not ours. They've gone all Phantom Menace George Lucas as opposed to Star Wars George Lucas. They don't think they've got to listen to anyone anymore because they think all their own ideas are the best that ever existed. To quote George Lucas: "Jar-Jar is the key to all this."

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You forget, this is their game, not ours. They've gone all Phantom Menace George Lucas as opposed to Star Wars George Lucas. They don't think they've got to listen to anyone anymore because they think all their own ideas are the best that ever existed. To quote George Lucas: "Jar-Jar is the key to all this."


They have never listened to anyone, in any substantive way throughout this game's history even long before live.


(Am I the only one here who remembers "just heal to full and make them pay!" and the Jedi Sage class-rep quitting in open disgust over that?)


"Because we're BioWare, and we're awesome because we're BioWare! BioWare can do no wrong, you...you Philistines!"


Criticise legitimate problems on the old forums, some of which remain to this day (pre-Musco)? Thanks for posting, here's your ban. Oh, and hope you enjoyed being verbally eviscerated by all the white knights, who never got action'ed for doing so, despite often egregiously violating the forum-rules in the process.


It seems like it might be coming back again, what we used to call the Church of BioWare Positivity. More like Cult, though.


But we all gave them many, many second chances, and for a while --the 2.xx iteration, despite some flaws and really strange decisions (the stupidity that is death-match arenas being a particularly glaring example)-- it looked like they really had turned the corner and had settled in on giving us a genuinely good, if not particularly original MMORPG with bar none, the best levelling and solo-content experience out there in recent memory.


Well...They've worn out their welcome many times over since, to put it mildly.


But because they're BioWare, and BioWare can do no wrong because they're BioWare, they won't acknowledge it.


Fine, then. Their game, their choice, their consequence.


If they want to swirl it down the toilet with the rest of the dead, failed MMOs that no-one remember or cares about, then let them.


I have a great many other options for people who actually deserve my money, I gain nothing by giving these deluded second-raters yet another second chance.


No-one really does, anymore, and the proof is visible in like, three minutes on Steam.


There are options, all the more so because this isn't even really StarWars anymore.

Edited by midianlord
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So you wouldnt mind at all if with each game update all the gear would always be the same and you could only change your outfit and color crystals or pets.

Hmm maybe that could work. You pay monthly just to log in and kill mobs then log off without gear progression. Just for fun. I wonder how many people would play game like that where you pay monthly fee to run around with same gear year by year. Afterall people play game because of story with monthly fee.


That was basically City of Heroes in the first three years. Or even 6.5 to 7 years. Meaningful loot after three years (inventions, loved that "gearing" system), tiered group content after seven years (Incarnate trials, killed the game for me).

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rewards should just be a nice bonus on top of an overall fun experience - but never become the main reason to play.
I agree to a certain extend, except that gear is special. Do the chance game with cosmetic items, I don't care, but don't leave it up to chance if I can "level up" in gear. That is the core complaint.


I don't know how long you play this game, but standard missions all come down to click here, go there, kill some mobs, click, kill some more mobs done. The fun part is either the story you are following, the people you are doing it with, the mechanics you have to follow, the sense of achievement when successful - or the progress towards your individual goal (money, gear, chance for rare drops...). For me it is mostly the progress piece lately, seeing as I have done most of the stuff a bazillion of times, some other stuff I am too incompotent to do (AND lack the gear right now).

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Apples and oranges. Work pays the bills and food. This is a GAME. We play not to pay bills. People play the lottery and slot machines for the chance of getting something.


The point remains valid.


Most people do not put in effort, to anything - work or hobby - just to have a chance at getting something worthwhile out of it.


If I play a slot machine, or a lottery, I know what I am going to win if I win - money - although I don't know the value of the win.


With RNG you don't know anything, not IF you are going to win, not WHAT you are going to win, not if what you are going to win is USEFUL. etc.


IF the only thing in the Crates was Blue/Purple gear the problem would be significantly reduced.

If the only thing in the crate was Blue/Purple Gear that was class/build appropriate the problem would be almost entirely resolved.

If the ting in the crate was a tardeable token there wouldn't be any problems at all.


But in the crate there can be Rep Tokens (even for factions you have capped Rep on), there can be schematics (that you already have), there may be some gear in the crate but it may be worse than what you have, inappropriate for your class/build, etc and so there is a HUGE problem.


One phase of RNG - is OK - for example you get gear that is class appropriate.


But three passes of RNG is just untenable - and RNG on this scale is simply not an appropriate solution to any problem in modern MMORPGs.


For SWTOR its a retrograde step back to a point where the game was losing Subd at such a rate we now have less than 10% of the servers we had at launch.


Anyone who thinks this is a good move really must be using a very different definition of the word "good".


All The Best

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SOOO NOT TRUE. They are about to raise the cxp on uprisings and ops by 50-80% to make them worth considerably more than pvp. That'll happen Tuesday


I'm sorry but that is not what they said. They said they were going to up the SM Uprisings and FPs by about 50% and make the Vet mode ones by maybe up to 80% to make them(the vet mode ones) equal to PvP, because they are really happy with the number of people PvPing currently.


For those of us who like Progression Ops, you know doing HM and NiM with our friends, that is currently gated behind a grind of other content and a broken RNG system. Yes I said a broken system because they said in their massivelyop interview that "according to their models" no one should leave a tier without having attained a full set of set bonus at that tier.


I know seven people from one of my guilds who have capped out of tier one and only gotten 1 piece of set bonus gear... This is not working as intended or advertised. To add further insult to injury they don't plan on putting in anything to alleviate this problem until March-April...


I tried to explain this reward system to my 9yr old daughter. At first she didn't believe me, she thought I was pranking her. Then once I convinced her that it was true she said, "That is the stupidest idea ever!!! Who would make such a stupid game? Who would play such a stupid game?" Seeing her point, I decided to do the dishes even though it was my wife's night. At least for that I know I'm getting a real and tangible reward:D

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Well I made a generous proposal to BWA on Facebook recently.


It's a new game.


I roll a D100. If I roll between 1-99, I have to wait a week before I can try again. If I roll 100, then I log in and buy something from the Cartel Market.

Every month when my sub runs out I also roll a D100. On 1-99 I have to wait a month to roll again. On a roll of 100 I resub for one month.


I call it Galactic Customer.


Exciting, no?

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They're in denial, and totally arrogant in their approach. They think for some reason that their job is a multi year project, rather than a monthly service, so they think that the time to make changes is three months or six months from now, rather than three months or six months AGO. The time to fix this system was before it saw the light or day, with minor tweaks being made once the community saw it. Instead, they still don't grasp the enormity of their own failure, so they're happily steaming their way into an iceberg.


Well, they've probably got a focus group, probably the same focus group of idiots who can't understand the concept of currencies, who are like "Yea! It's great! It's just needs to be even more linear, so I don't have to strain my brain to make decisions." Maybe they're turning SWTOR into a mobile game.

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Remove RNG Bioware, remove boxes filled with trash, remove the whole Galactic Command bug (can't call it system).

No one asked for it. At the moment I'm waiting for my sub to expire.

Don't just "listen to your player base" or whatever you say that you do in live streams, but ACT as your player base wants.

Remove the whole Game Breaking BUG


Some one asked for it. I suspect it was a focus group of people who don't play video games, commissioned by some genius marketing exec who noticed that "People who don't play SWTOR" was a massively larger target audience than "People who already do play SWTOR" and decided they need to design the game to appeal to people who aren't currently interested.


Same kind of decision that Sony to change Star Wars: Galaxies from a "Star Wars simulator" into "WOW IN SPACE."


As SWTOR shows, it's not wrong to build a game to cater to a different audience. But as SWG shows, it's wrong to try to make a game with an existing fan base into that game for a different audience.

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rewards should just be a nice bonus on top of an overall fun experience - but never become the main reason to play.

The devs on the Thursday livestream seemed to have this mindset as well. This mindset is indicative of somebody who doesn't pvp or run operations. If I were to suddenly hate those activities and decide to never play them again, then I would absolutely agree with you.

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Some one asked for it. I suspect it was a focus group of people who don't play video games, commissioned by some genius marketing exec who noticed that "People who don't play SWTOR" was a massively larger target audience than "People who already do play SWTOR" and decided they need to design the game to appeal to people who aren't currently interested.


Same kind of decision that Sony to change Star Wars: Galaxies from a "Star Wars simulator" into "WOW IN SPACE."


As SWTOR shows, it's not wrong to build a game to cater to a different audience. But as SWG shows, it's wrong to try to make a game with an existing fan base into that game for a different audience.


Yes, thank you, this is an excellent point. Some people have been defending GC by using the argument "Hey, the RNG grind in other MMOs is worse!" Which is true... but if I wanted to play an endless grind Korean-style MMO, then I would be playing an endless grind Korean-style MMO. But I didn't, I chose to play SWTOR instead, which was not an endless grind Korean-style MMO.


But now it looks like EAWare want to turn this into an endless grind Korean-style MMO--yet even worse, because those tend to be actually F2P to access the grind, and you just pay for better odds; here you have to pay a subscription to be able to access the grind at all! That's not the product it's been selling to its customers for the past five years.


It would be like if a major car manufacturer said "Hey, we're going to start making only electric scooters from now on." Electric scooters are perfectly fine for the people who actually like electric scooters, but all the customers who had loyalty to the company because it made cars they liked are not going to start buying the electric scooters just because that company now makes them and only them. They're going to buy a car from some other company.

Edited by AscendingSky
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