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WOW, the forums have gotten quiet compared to the last several days


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I honestly don’t understand why they can’t just either make the ‘gear’ legacy wide or the ‘command level’ legacy wide.


ESO did a wonderful job of making the game alt friendly, SWTOR used to as well – it’s sad to see it hit this state. I honestly think they need to take a good hard look at how ESO handles their new ‘Champion Point’ system. Also how they listen to their community and actually value feedback. It’s sad when the bar is set so low here that when I go onto ESOs forums I’m pleasantly surprised by the devs and their help.


By the way, take a gander at their loot system - or the fact 'GEAR' is legacy wide and can be shipped to alts. Oh, and how folk can actually craft gear with set bonuses.

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I can only speak for myself but my feeling is currently: resignation.


Player concerns were heard and addressed/ignored, depending on your viewpoint People will probably wait until next week's patch to see how they feel about the changes and go from there. I have a few goals I'm striving for, completely unrelated to CXP. I'll do those and then decide if I want to stick around.


There's no point banging on about it at this point. BW are going to do what they're going to do. They'll gather their data and maybe make some more changes, in their own time, and nothing more we say about it will derail that plan.

Yup, you've already realized that there's nothing you can do to change BW's mind. You've moved on. Acceptance. :cool:

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I honestly don’t understand why they can’t just either make the ‘gear’ legacy wide or the ‘command level’ legacy wide.


ESO did a wonderful job of making the game alt friendly, SWTOR used to as well – it’s sad to see it hit this state. I honestly think they need to take a good hard look at how ESO handles their new ‘Champion Point’ system. Also how they listen to their community and actually value feedback. It’s sad when the bar is set so low here that when I go onto ESOs forums I’m pleasantly surprised by the devs and their help.


By the way, take a gander at their loot system - or the fact 'GEAR' is legacy wide and can be shipped to alts. Oh, and how folk can actually craft gear with set bonuses.


That would shorten the grind by a sizable amount and everyone will see the lack of content in KOTET, not going to happy, who needs real content, we have Korean MMO grinding.

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I honestly don’t understand why they can’t just either make the ‘gear’ legacy wide or the ‘command level’ legacy wide.


ESO did a wonderful job of making the game alt friendly, SWTOR used to as well – it’s sad to see it hit this state. I honestly think they need to take a good hard look at how ESO handles their new ‘Champion Point’ system. Also how they listen to their community and actually value feedback. It’s sad when the bar is set so low here that when I go onto ESOs forums I’m pleasantly surprised by the devs and their help.


By the way, take a gander at their loot system - or the fact 'GEAR' is legacy wide and can be shipped to alts. Oh, and how folk can actually craft gear with set bonuses.


I left ESO because of their "wonderful" champion point system and the EXP boosts they started selling on the cash shop. Granted - at least it was legacy wide.

Edited by Tsetso
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When you listen to them on the live stream saying they will up CXP from 1 to 2, and they will monitor how things go with the RNG system, and realise they are totally not listening to the players despite the huge level of discontentment within the game it gets so you end up wondering what is the point.


Of 25 CXP level packs I have opened not one had a set bonus piece or anything I could use. And I am not sure I can bear to level to 80 to see if things improve.


They would need to change things so drastically to make the game worth playing now, and that obviously is not going to happen any time soon.


End result is sadness and apathy. I don't want to leave this game, I've been playing it since Beta, but I see little to stay for, all the things I enjoyed are not enjoyable any more and most of my friends have gone already.

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Of 25 CXP level packs I have opened not one had a set bonus piece or anything I could use. And I am not sure I can bear to level to 80 to see if things improve.



They won't. Your chances will always remain the same. It's just that the purple gear you MIGHT get will be with the next tier's stats. Higher Command levels doesn't mean better chances at loot.


isn't it "exciting?"

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I left ESO because of their "wonderful" champion point system and the EXP boosts they started selling on the cash shop. Granted - at least it was legacy wide.


The champion point system was something to raise a brow at, yes. But yes, at least it was legacy wide and benefited your alts right from level 1. And let's not forget to help with the grind you had to alt hop and take advantage of the 'resting experience'. It was very alt friendly.


This just poops all over alts. I actually tried to see if it was 'acceptable' in the terms of GXP to just do heroics. So I spammed heroics all day. End result? No, no it isn't. They have 'zero' worth. For something that can supposedly only be done once a week, it's stupid.

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Side note: I really wish these forums let us choose our own avatars because at quick glance it just looks like one person is talking to themselves :D


(When I'm upset, I end up resorting to humor. Nervous giggles. Gallows humor. So sorry if my comment is inane. But I just wanted to point that out.)

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i gave up after the stream my sub is over i dont even know why i can still post on the forum lol ...probably a bug


You lose the ability to stop posting after your sub time runs out, and even then it's only when they do maintenance that following Tuesday or whatever. Cancelling your sub doesn't instantaneously bar you from posting because technically you're still a subscriber. You already paid for the access.

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The champion point system was something to raise a brow at, yes. But yes, at least it was legacy wide and benefited your alts right from level 1. And let's not forget to help with the grind you had to alt hop and take advantage of the 'resting experience'. It was very alt friendly.


This just poops all over alts. I actually tried to see if it was 'acceptable' in the terms of GXP to just do heroics. So I spammed heroics all day. End result? No, no it isn't. They have 'zero' worth. For something that can supposedly only be done once a week, it's stupid.


I have no idea what are the actual gains. The only thing I've done is do the story on my main. The moment this exciting rng gearing was announced i unsubbed and i don't intend to return even if there are new ops with the current gear grinding system.

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I have no idea what are the actual gains. The only thing I've done is do the story on my main. The moment this exciting rng gearing was announced i unsubbed and i don't intend to return even if there are new ops with the current gear grinding system.


Goodbye my friend, forever if that's what you're basing your return on :(. Ill never forget the endless cartel jokes we made.

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Level sync actually brought some positive aspects in the game scaling everything and making them relevant, there were a few problems with the scaling and rewards on end chapter bosses, tacticals, and hm fps, but it was a good idea and mostly implemented well overall. RNG grinding does none of this, it does not make anything new or relevant, it simply restarts a tedious grind.


I still hate level sync :p

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The forums the only entertainment I get out of the game anymore. I spend more time on the forums than I do playing. But as soon as my sub runs out, adios mother ducker


Normally you have some more time until server management.

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Yup, you've already realized that there's nothing you can do to change BW's mind. You've moved on. Acceptance. :cool:


You realise that the Kübler-Ross model you are referring to was a) actually intended to explain the behaviour of terminally ill patients, and b) has been mostly dismissed because it wasn't actually observed to be occurring in this sequence in enough patients to be significant?


Nevertheless, it is interesting that you bring up assumed behaviour structures of terminal patients in the context of this game :)

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I am waiting for things around kotet to die down so i can make another jedi robes thread. Don't worry!


You can always necro one of the previous ones :)

And don't forget about the hood toggle.

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Almost all negative threads are moved off-topic. Hard to understand that rational as they are negative about the game. So really the general forum should be titled possitive feedback and the off-topic should be titled constructive and to be ignored feedback.


That and of course the moderators ban and suspend people that post negative threads if they can find any excuse to do so. Its incredibly petty and the only people it really will effect in any meaningful way is them as once the forums die out the need to employ them goes along with it.


So the reason they seem quiet is that only people that post gushing praise for rng are left posting in general and there aren't so many of them around.

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Almost all negative threads are moved off-topic. Hard to understand that rational as they are negative about the game. So really the general forum should be titled possitive feedback and the off-topic should be titled constructive and to be ignored feedback.


That and of course the moderators ban and suspend people that post negative threads if they can find any excuse to do so. Its incredibly petty and the only people it really will effect in any meaningful way is them as once the forums die out the need to employ them goes along with it.


So the reason they seem quiet is that only people that post gushing praise for rng are left posting in general and there aren't so many of them around.


Nah, don't blame the mods about suspensions. I'm hardly one of the positive posters but as long as i don't cross the line i've never got hammered.

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You can only moan groan and complain just so much and be ignored.


Eventually you realize that nothing you say is not accomplishing anything and you reach the crux of the dilemma, either

A. Shut up and deal with it.


B. Shut up and walk away.


Relationship Counselors will tell you that the breakup is in evitable once the problem still exists but the conflict had subsided. Once there is no longer enough investment in the relationship to care, the drift away is inevitable.

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