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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bravo Bioware for not giving into kneejerk reactions of a vocal minority


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This isn't exactly accurate. Bruticis is not pro-EA. What he IS, is anti-other posters in the forum.


Given an opportunity to:


a) Make a counter-argument, or

b) Attack, insult, or make a snide comment towards the person who made the original argument


He'll inevitably pick b)


And he periodically engages in an epic level of hypocrisy when he talks about being "bullied" (or something similar).


Need an upvote or agree option here.

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The game wasn't fun for me when it launched. With the changes to 4.0 and the shift to make the game more single player focused, it became fun again. As long as the devs keep catering to my needs, i.e. single player first, small groups second, raiders dead last, I'll continue to support them with an active subscription and cartel purchases.

I would assume everyone would do the same, as well, no? Support them if you like the current model, vote with your wallet if you don't. I know it's shocking that I would be an advocate for doing something I like.


When the game becomes unenjoyable or shifts in a direction (raid junk) I don't like, I'll cancel my sub. What you wont see is a bunch of idiotic empty threats, petitions and temper tantrums when it's time for me to move on.


Please tell me about other single player RPGs that charge a monthly subscription? I'm confused, I don't remember KOTOR having a monthly fee associated with it.


Sarcasm aside, grouping in this game was NEVER a requirement. So your single player shift is irrelevant.

Edited by ekwalizer
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Please tell me about other single player RPGs that charge a monthly subscription? I'm confused, I don't remember KOTOR having a monthly fee associated with it.


Sarcasm aside, grouping in this game was NEVER a requirement. So your single player shift is irrelevant.


So this game is single player only now, is it? I also never said MP was a requirement previously, I said I didn't enjoy it at launch. You're really reaching lately and it's kinda sad.

Edited by Bruticis
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So this game is single player only now, is it? You're really reaching lately and it's kinda sad.


You're again not keeping up with the conversation, kid. All the features you want are single player RPG ones. Why not go play one of those instead of insisting an MMO turn into a single player RPG instead? How about acknowledging your opinion is just that, your opinion, not fact, and just because you like something doesn't mean it's good for the game, hmm?


Shoo, sad little boy. I will waste no more time on you! :D

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With the changes to 4.0 and the shift to make the game more single player focused, it became fun again. As long as the devs keep catering to my needs, i.e. single player first, small groups second, raiders dead last, I'll continue to support them with an active subscription and cartel purchases.


Oh, so you are pretending like you didn't say that?

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Oh, so you are pretending like you didn't say that?


I'm sure you're making some sort of point in your mind and the gang is high fiving and fist bumping, followed by a ticker tape parade in your honor but sadly you aren't properly conveying that point to me. Pretending like I didn't say what?


Are you seriously trying to say the game was every bit as single player focused at launch as it is now?

Edited by Bruticis
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I'm sure you're making some sort of point in your mind and the gang is high fiving and fist bumping, followed by a ticker tape parade in your honor but sadly you aren't properly conveying that point to me. Pretending like I didn't say what?


Are you seriously trying to say the game was every bit as single player focused at launch as it is now?


Uhm ... yeah it was. In fact, it was MORE single player focused back then.


You see if you had stuck around a bit longer in the early days you might have explored something other than your Powertech and realized that way back when, we had access to EIGHT individual stories. Some better than others, but eight nonetheless.


Now, we have ONE story that honestly just doesn't fit non-force users. Sure we still have the eight stories but you can finish a story in one day.


Also, back in them there olden days there was zero necessity in grouping. All group content was just as voluntary as it is today.


So yeah. To recap, you don't know what you are talking about because you weren't here very long post launch. Effectively, you are a tourist.

Edited by ekwalizer
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Uhm ... yeah it was. In fact, it was MORE single player focused back then.


You see if you had stuck around a bit longer in the early days you might have explored something other than your Powertech and realized that way back when we had access to EIGHT individual stories. Some better than others, but eight nonetheless.


Now, we have ONE story that honestly just doesn't fit non-force users.


Also, back in them there olden days there was zero necessity in grouping. All group content was just as voluntary as it is today.


So yeah. To recap, you don't know what you are talking about because you weren't here very long post launch. Effectively, you are a tourist.


Pretty much this. 8 entire SINGLE PLAYER stories to go through at launch sounds like a pretty single player focused MMO to me! And remember, there wasn't even a Group Finder at launch! There was only one operation! And it only worked like half the time! But there were 8 class stories!


Sounds like a lot more focus on the single player experience and story content than we have now to me...



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Uhm ... yeah it was. In fact, it was MORE single player focused back then.


You see if you had stuck around a bit longer in the early days you might have explored something other than your Powertech and realized that way back when, we had access to EIGHT individual stories. Some better than others, but eight nonetheless.


Now, we have ONE story that honestly just doesn't fit non-force users. Sure we still have the eight stories but you can finish a story in one day.


Also, back in them there olden days there was zero necessity in grouping. All group content was just as voluntary as it is today.


So yeah. To recap, you don't know what you are talking about because you weren't here very long post launch. Effectively, you are a tourist.


Well thank you for explaining what I should or should not be enjoying. I'll be sure to run all future entertainment options by you first going forward. The good news is I'm happily enjoying the content I have now so I don't need to dwell on the past. How are you enjoying your SWTOR gaming experience currently, by the way?

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Well thank you for explaining what I should or should not be enjoying. I'll be sure to run all future entertainment options by you first going forward. The good news is I'm happily enjoying the content I have now so I don't need to dwell on the past. How are you enjoying your SWTOR gaming experience currently, by the way?


I enjoyed the story for FE, I won't lie, I thought it was good. But, I'm one of those pesky Raiders that you despise. I'm one of the loyal paying customers that has been here since before the beginning (I was in beta). I'm a bit of an altaholic, I have over 40 characters between 55-70.


I'm also one of the unwashed masses that Bioware has lied to for the last time. We were told with SOR that "we will never go 14 months without a new raid again". You see there was 14 months in between DF/DP and SOR. Yet here we are, two full years past SOR and no new raid. Magically, they were able to produce like 5-6 uprisings, but couldn't find the time or resources to fulfill their god damn promise.


So what kept me here, you must be asking. It isn't the game. It is the friends that I made through the game. Those vile raiders and PvPers that you seemingly hate. Sadly, for me but probably welcome news to you is that they are mostly gone.


I broke my recurring 6-month subscription two months ago and it will expire two months from now.


You can wrap yourself up in the notion that your opinion is that of the majority all you like. The truth is on TORStatus. There was a minor uptick in population density for 4.0 + TFA. That abated within about a month. 5.0 + RO is proving to be the same result. Don't take my word for it, look it up.


You said earlier that blah blah percent of all statistics are made up. There is a statistic in my signature that is not made up. You should have a look at it.

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If you watched the Stream...which I'm assuming anyone posting did.....Those two were worried.


It seems pretty clear...they do not have their numbers back yet but the amount of negative feedback had them concerned....


They will throw out a few dog bones Tuesday and buy time so they can look at a bigger numbers sample......Only then will they decide if they need to make much more substantial changes.....


So basically Bioware is not sure the negative feedback is actually a "vocal minority"......


Be careful in this thread BTW...there is a certain somebody that likes to report people for being big bad meanies........

Edited by Soljin
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I enjoyed the story for FE, I won't lie, I thought it was good. But, I'm one of those pesky Raiders that you despise. I'm one of the loyal paying customers that has been here since before the beginning (I was in beta). I'm a bit of an altaholic, I have over 40 characters between 55-70.


I'm also one of the unwashed masses that Bioware has lied to for the last time. We were told with SOR that "we will never go 14 months without a new raid again". You see there was 14 months in between DF/DP and SOR. Yet here we are, two full years past SOR and no new raid. Magically, they were able to produce like 5-6 uprisings, but couldn't find the time or resources to fulfill their gosh darn promise.


So what kept me here, you must be asking. It isn't the game. It is the friends that I made through the game. Those vile raiders and PvPers that you seemingly hate. Sadly, for me but probably welcome news to you is that they are mostly gone.


I broke my recurring 6-month subscription two months ago and it will expire two months from now.


You can wrap yourself up in the notion that your opinion is that of the majority all you like. The truth is on TORStatus. There was a minor uptick in population density for 4.0 + TFA. That abated within about a month. 5.0 + RO is proving to be the same result. Don't take my word for it, look it up.


You said earlier that blah blah percent of all statistics are made up. There is a statistic in my signature that is not made up. You should have a look at it.


TORStatus is highly debatable since they don't have access to the real numbers. Guess who does? Hint: Bioware. That said, I don't know why you keep droning on and on about the population. I'm not concerned with the population numbers, I'm not a share holder or an employee of EA. I'll let Bioware worry about the numbers and I'll focus on playing the game.


And of course, I know what's coming next from the gang. Soon everyone is quitting and the game will shut down and blah, blah. I also know that you and your 86.3 friends are all quitting and I won't have a game to play soon anymore when that happens. The only problem is, I've been hearing that song and dance since I returned to the game and all I'll have seen is even more people on fleet chat that I have to ignore.

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TORStatus is highly debatable since they don't have access to the real numbers. Guess who does? Hint: Bioware. That said, I don't know why you keep droning on and on about the population. I'm not concerned with the population numbers, I'm not a share holder or an employee of EA. I'll let Bioware worry about the numbers and I'll focus on playing the game.


And of course, I know what's coming next from the gang. Soon everyone is quitting and the game will shut down and blah, blah. I also know that you and your 86.3 friends are all quitting and I won't have a game to play soon anymore when that happens. The only problem is, I've been hearing that song and dance since I returned to the game and all I'll have seen is even more people on fleet chat that I have to ignore.


Once again your ignorance is on full display. Right here is where TORStatus gets their information.

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Once again your ignorance is on full display. Right here is where TORStatus gets their information.


Gee, no kidding? Where's the column for the numbers again? How many people triggers the population from light to standard? From standard to heavy? Oh right, you don't know but surely TORStatus does, right? Surely you don't need the numbers to know if the population has gone up or down, right? Perhaps you're a psychic? Once again, I think the celebration in your head at your forum PvP victory is far exceeding your the real world skills.

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If you are enjoying the game so much, and are so heavily invested in playing it as you say. Why do you post so much on these forums?


Shouldn't you be, playing the game? :confused:


I'm at work, my dear friend. You'd think one might notice a trend in my posting times since the gang so loves to analyze my posting history.

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We're not even 30 days into this expansion. I killed my subscription two months ago, but it doesn't run out until February. They wouldn't have the metrics you are discussing this soon.


I guess the point is do they know the difference between when someone CANCELS their subscription compared to when the subscription RUNS OUT.


If they are not collecting *this point in time* cancellations they bloody well should be.

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Whoever does not agree RNG should be reverted is a TROLL?


Snowflakes in here as well? Come on guys everyone is entitled to their OWN opinion with respect and dignity. Other MMOs have used the same platform successfully. Just because there is a difference of opinions it does not make others Trolls, lunatics or White knights.


RNG might NOT be perfect and might be here to stay so perhaps perfecting further might be easier than just rolling it back? Work with the devs and be open minded to new ideas. This is not reality and most people come in here to escape the harsh reality of the world. Why bring ego and closed mindedness to this virtual world is beyond me.


We all have a difference of opinions and there is always room for improvement.

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Gee, no kidding? Where's the column for the numbers again? How many people triggers the population from light to standard? From standard to heavy? Oh right, you don't know but surely TORStatus does, right? Surely you don't need the numbers to know if the population has gone up or down, right? Perhaps you're a psychic? Once again, I think the celebration in your head at your forum PvP victory is far exceeding your the real world skills.


Oh right, I forgot, I'm too stupid to understand that 13 out of 17 servers being constantly "light" is demonstrating high numbers of players.

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Oh right, I forgot, I'm too stupid to understand that 13 out of 17 servers being constantly "light" is demonstrating high numbers of players.


Stupid? I certainly would never be so rude as to say what I was thinking out loud about someone on a video game forum. I think your use of TORStats is flawed because you have no idea what constitutes LIGHT or any of the other designators for that matter. If a server had 76.47 people playing and called it LIGHT status but suddenly it doubled to 152.94 people playing would it still show as LIGHT? I don't know and neither do you, which means you can't prove there wasn't an influx of people any more then I can. Guess who can and guess who has a monetary reason to ensure those numbers go up?

Edited by Bruticis
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Come on guys everyone is entitled to their OWN opinion with respect and dignity. Other MMOs have used the same platform successfully. Just because there is a difference of opinions it does not make others Trolls, lunatics or White knights


Hey now, rational thinking will not be tolerated on the internetz!!1!

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