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Livestream: December 8th, 2016


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Why are these live streams always during the day time hours in the week when most of us are actually working our jobs that pays our subs?


1) Because it makes for a time most of their European subs can watch.

2) Because BW employees don't work over time and doing it later would mean OT.


I like to hope #1 is the primary reason.

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I don't see a single issue with GC. RNG is just that. RNG. And no a lot of people are not gonna leave the game.


Really? You know the same thing was said in v1. era to huh? When 75% of the sub base ditched the game.


You really think they are doing this livestream for goodwill? They are doing it only for one reason - because there has been a lot of sub cancellations since launch. Otherwise there would be no livestream.

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Thank you. I sincerely hope you'll be willing to discuss some of the more negative responses to 5.0 and the Galactic Command system rather than brush over it and tell us "everybody loves it!". Discussing the bad isn't always fun and rarely recommended but I think in this case it's a necessary evil.


What I'd personally like to know concerning Companions is this;

— Will they return any time soon in say, the next 6’ish months?

— Will they all return alive with us, the players, having the CHOICE of keeping them alive or not?

— What are your plans for this ‘meaningful’ return that Charles claims to be so passionate about?


Master Ranos' comments have left myself, and I'm certain others as well, a little unnerved about their future.


Quoted for truth. I'm not really bothered by GC RGN because I don't really play much endgame stuff. And while it needs to be addressed for those that do, I personally would like at least an estimate on when the companions will return in story and an answer about being able to customize the new companions.

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Really? You know the same thing was said in v1. era to huh? When 75% of the sub base ditched the game.


You really think they are doing this livestream for goodwill? They are doing it only for one reason - because there has been a lot of sub cancellations since launch. Otherwise there would be no livestream.


Bwahahahahahaha. Thanks for the laugh. Needed that today. There has not been a lot of sub cancellations.

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Bwahahahahahaha. Thanks for the laugh. Needed that today. There has not been a lot of sub cancellations.


Wow, some are just as blind as BW. Launch: 140 servers at heavy to full capacity. Today: 17 servers mostly at light, sometimes reaching standard (on a third of them).


And tell me there weren't cancellations.


Let me tell you how you KNOW there have been a lot of cancellations. They are responding to the uproar live. In the five years of this games existence, the ONLY time they do that is when subs cancel left and right. Even going so far as to hold a live guild summit.


But keep telling yourself that everything is fine. You and the 16 others who like it can keep this game a float.

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NOOOOooooo! The "fix" would probably be the same as the "fix" for farming golds: nerfing it to oblivion. I'm pleasantly surprised by the boost this has given to pvp. There are people in my guild who are now considering getting into warzones who had previously given it no thought, some of which are hopping in and finding that they actually enjoy it quite a bit.


With that said, it is pretty sad at how low CXP you get from operations, especially considering the time and effort needed, and factoring in wipes that give you no CXP. I agree that people shouldn't have to pvp in order to gear for operations faster, but I really don't want to see warzone CXP nerfed. Boost operation and Uprisings CXP.

Agreed, the CXP from PvE needs to be increased, like quadrupled for the easier content (heroics, uprisings, SM ops) and doubled for harder content (VM/MM ops, flashpoints). We don't need any more nerfs.

But in the current form, you are required to PvP if you want to get a lot of points. I realize they can never truly balance it correctly since PvE requires skill and PvP rewards everyone roughly the same no matter the skill, but they can at least make it better than it is right now.


Quoted for truth. I'm not really bothered by GC RGN because I don't really play much endgame stuff. And while it needs to be addressed for those that do, I personally would like at least an estimate on when the companions will return in story and an answer about being able to customize the new companions.

Seriously, you already got your answer on that: No new companions until at least 6.0 (= November/December 2017), and the new comps aren't customizable because it's too much work and then the cutscenes don't look like the devs intended. Just because you don't like this answer doesn't change it. There are way more pressing concerns that have not been answered yet.

Edited by Jerba
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Bwahahahahahaha. Thanks for the laugh. Needed that today. There has not been a lot of sub cancellations.


Have you ignored 90% of recent forum posts since 5.0?


I can literally direct you to a long list of people who have unsubbed:


I've been full time monthly sub for over four years now, pouring hundreds of dollars a year into the game each year. I unsubbed yesterday with 20 days remaining and no intention of signing up again. Most of my in game friends have done the same or are contemplating it. Laugh all you want, but games gone to ****, the emergency livestream is proof of that. Whether or not they're actually willing to admit and fix it though...

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That...is actually kind of awesome.


One thing I will say though - if they screw up this livestream this game is OVER. There is no coming back from the backlash that would result, if they are in anyway arrogant, oblivious, or dismissive about GC's problems or their obvious money grabbing cartel boost.

Edited by DrewFromPhilly
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Here's what I would like to see addressed on the livestream:


On a previous livestream, Eric reassured us that RNG would not be a problem because we would be getting a crate every 1-2 hours. With the knee-jerk nerf of rewards for killing golds going from 10 points to one point, what does that make the expected rate of getting crates? I'm sure Bioware had a spreadsheet of expected progression rates before they threw it out the window with Saturday's patch.

Edited by KevWanCarib
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Have you ignored 90% of recent forum posts since 5.0?


I can literally direct you to a long list of people who have unsubbed:


I've been full time monthly sub for over four years now, pouring hundreds of dollars a year into the game each year. I unsubbed yesterday with 20 days remaining and no intention of signing up again. Most of my in game friends have done the same or are contemplating it. Laugh all you want, but games gone to ****, the emergency livestream is proof of that. Whether or not they're actually willing to admit and fix it though...


You mean people actually use reddit. That site has been a pile of filth for the longest time. Besides people say they will unsub for drama sake but in the end they don't unsub and keep playing

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You mean people actually use reddit. That site has been a pile of filth for the longest time. Besides people say they will unsub for drama sake but in the end they don't unsub and keep playing


Sure ok. Here, I'll show you some more real world proof, including a thread where influential community members Snave and Dulfy are voicing their dissent:


So tell me, I've offered some evidence, where's your mass threads of people approving and committing subscription to 5.0?

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My subscription ends on 26 January.


I've left other games over bad RNG gearing.


Whether the devs own up to the pile of excrement they have shat upon the player community, and announce a clear fix for the next patch, or whether they try to spin it and save their ill-conceived pile that the player community already rejected once by unsubbing at launch, determines whether or not I renew.


I played LOTRO. When their level cap was 85, they had RNG gearing to get the BiS class item at the time. You had to run an instance, and since they went to pure RNG personal loot with no temporary bind timers to trade extra pieces to people who have none (as this game has), you had to pray to RNGesus to get your drop.


I ran that instance 1,233 times with my kin. I **** you not. 1233 times with no drop. I saw my very kinmates--who were class stacking to try to improve the odds of ME getting a drop (that should've been about 1/200 I think)--get a dozen duplicate pieces that they couldn't trade to me no matter how desperate they were to do so. Needless to say, I left that game.


I didn't much care for the idea of being forced to make new alts to do an event that should've been doable on my mains, so I took a break from this game and found LOTRO had removed some of the RNG from other areas (or more properly, implemented some ways around it). But even LOTRO limited the pure RNG to a couple of gear pieces. Not every piece of your gear.


RNG for every piece of your gear is wholly unacceptable and my subscription status will indicate that. 1233 command crates (if that's even possible) times 14 gear pieces times 4 characters whom I seriously want to play=there is no expletive in the world strong enough to describe that. (And I do not care how you have the probabilities set, with no bad luck protection implemented, this is still a theoretical possibility and eff that cannot possibly be expressed strongly enough.) RNG as a supplement for those who do not normally run endgame content to get gear would have been perfectly fine. RNG as a replacement for those who want to do the content to get gear is most decidedly not.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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That...is actually kind of awesome.


One thing I will say though - if they screw up this livestream this game is OVER. There is no coming back from the backlash that would result, if they are in anyway arrogant, oblivious, or dismissive about GC's problems or their obvious money grabbing cartel boost.


Bingo. I think the exact same thing and so do many other on other forums who heard of the LS. If they just say what Ben said in the MassivelyOP article, they are sunk. That article was a clear indicator they are not listening at all. Which is fine in a way. It is their jobs on the line, not ours.


The one thing they best hope though when they have to explain the sudden sub losses to the execs at EA, is that one of them didn't take the time to read the forums, MMO newsites, or popular fansites. Otherwise, someone will be looking for a new job soon (and I have seen executives in the past do it. I know. I am one of them who does to make sure I am not getting a snow job from someone).

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Sure ok. Here, I'll show you some more real world proof, including a thread where influential community members Snave and Dulfy are voicing their dissent:


So tell me, I've offered some evidence, where's your mass threads of people approving and committing subscription to 5.0?


Whatever. I don't see anything useful. You must be blind cause most people don't even use the forums.

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This should not be a laughy jokey stream


This should be you addressing the issues everyone knows are up for discussion


It won't be fun, but it's required


You can still salvage this, but only if you act.

I agree. Please don't spend 25 minutes on, "players love KotET" or vague comments about "awesome new stuff coming soon!" Now is the time to address issues expressed by players, especially those concerning CXP and RNG gearing.

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I've cancelled my sub.

My sub ends on Friday.

The LS is Thursday.

What is said in the LS determines whether I renew or not.


I hope to hear how BW plans to fix:

A - The terrible RNG gearing system - Make it faster or not random.

B - The anti-alt state the game is now in - I have not played any of my 17 alts since this went live for obvious reasons.

C - The fact that one side in the DvL system winning non-stop is even a thing and how large zerg guilds can control the winning side at will.


These are my top three that hold my continued sub in the balance.

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Yeah... where are you getting this number from? 1233... a different damned game dude. Sort yourself out.


Yes, that number represents my experience with a different game.


However I'm cautioning the devs to not make the same mistake that other game did. The raiding community there is only just now coming back from mistakes that game made about three years ago.


I'd also point out that unlike past fiascos such as heal to full or cartel slot machines, this particular fiasco affects every single level capped player in the game, making its fix all the more urgent.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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Hey everyone!


This Thursday, December 8th, we will be hosting a Producer Livestream with Ben Irving and Charles Boyd. We are going to discuss a number of Community hot topics, such as Galactic Command and the KOTET Story, as well as a few things coming soon to The Old Republic!



When: Thursday, December 8, 2016

When: 430PM CST / 230PM PST

Where: http://www.twitch.tv/swtor


See you then!




I really hope they spend sometime reading through the forum threads and address all the issues the player base is unhappy with or it will just be a big waste of time.

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