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Livestream: December 8th, 2016


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These morons just claimed RNG is "exciting".


FFS they have no clue.


All The Best


The chance factor in gambling is exhilarating. Seeing as there are people claiming to have hit over 100 in terms of GC this week, perhaps their metrics show them the opposite of what the vocal forum nay sayers are saying.

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1mil credits on:


"This was our best expansion ever! Everyone loves the GC and CXP grind! We wanted more people to PvP so we aren't buffing CXP in PvE content. Okay folks that's all for now!"


Glad to be proven wrong. Thanks for the stream.


Though RNG isn't exciting (for me) but I'll pretend that part didn't happen.

Edited by Radzkie
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Pure PR speak. No commitment to actually fix anything regarding RNG, just making PVE stuff grant more CXP to grind worthless crates faster.


The people who get screwed by hundreds of unlucky rolls may at some point get a barter vendor or something at some undetermined point in the future. Depending on the magnanimity of the devs.


Eff that. I'd rather grind in LOTRO, where there is a path certain, even if a very long one, to more than half of your gear and the pure cxp-style RNG is limited to a couple of pieces.


My sub runs out on 26 January and won't be renewing because the devs have their heads in the sand.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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The chance factor in gambling is exhilarating. Seeing as there are people claiming to have hit over 100 in terms of GC this week, perhaps their metrics show them the opposite of what the vocal forum nay sayers are saying.

Spoken like a true gambling addict defending the casino's taking advantage of their addiction.

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The chance factor in gambling is exhilarating. Seeing as there are people claiming to have hit over 100 in terms of GC this week, perhaps their metrics show them the opposite of what the vocal forum nay sayers are saying.


Or maybe they're deriving the wrong message from their metrics. Said people could well be grinding desperately to get decent enough gear to do the content they actually want to do, instead of this pointlessness.


Raw data can hint at multiple conclusions. It's up to the gatherer to eliminate his/her mental biases when interpreting it.

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What a waste of time. All they said was some vague crap like "we will be making some changes" and trying to justify their RNG choices. Increase to 2 cxp for golds killed me, what an insult. wow progress such increase wow Edited by Annjul
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Raising CXP for Flashpoints and Uprisings to be competitive with Warzones. Raising gold mobs to 2 CXP and may raise higher in the future.


They "have heard your voices" regarding "wanting to go after specific pieces / rewards" (nice way to spin it to not say "you hate RNG") and are working internally to come up with acceptable ways to address those concerns - but nothing concrete to announce. (Cue people leaving in a huff because no specific changes announced.)


Same with respect to making GC more alt-friendly: "hear you", "working on it internally" but "nothing specific to announce"


So basically they're just trying to blow smoke up our rears. Sorry EAWare, this livestream was your last chance to convince me to stay. This Founder is going to let my sub lapse for the first time since I started playing. I can RP just fine on Preferred with a few cosmetic unlocks, and RPing is just about the ONLY activity in this game you haven't screwed over with the 5.0 changes.

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I personally have no problem with the command experience gives me something when I'm a sub to work towards now as I expected there is a lot of WHINING mercy looks more like toddlers throwing a tantrum for not getting their way its shameful....I loved the expansion to me it had more an epic star wars feel than the class stories even did and am eager for what comes next.


Keep telling yourself that as the servers shut down due to lack of paying customers. I'm sure it will be a great comfort to you.

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What a waste of time. All they said was some vague crap like "we will be making some changes" and trying to justify their RNG choices. Increase to 2 cxp for golds killed me, what an insult. wow progress such increase wow


Sort of agree with you in the 2CXP thing, but your comment, like many others in this thread, is irrelevant. Instead of complaining about things, give suggestions.


I think they should increase the gold mobs CXP to 5, at least. That was one of the most rewarding parts of playing Ops, FPs and even Heroics after the big nerf to the group credits. Yes, players will find exploits, but if all the players must "pay" for what a fraction of them did, then why bother with a cap? I mean, if for example I wanted to exploit gold mobs in a random FP or Op, then I'll reach the cap quickly, but other players won't, and they will still receive a fairly good amount of CXP by doing what they like, whether is PvE, Solo or PvP content. You have to consider the players that don't have too much time to play. I know the point of this system is not reaching the max level in two-four weeks, but with the nerf you've made it far too slow and thus, players with other obligations will suffer even more. Bioware should rethink this nerf, because in my opinion (and many others) it does more harm than good. And take into consideration that I'm not one of the people "threatening" BW to cancel my subscription if they don't do what I want. I'm trying to be objective and find a solution in which most of the players will be happy.

Also, some other things I'd like to suggest:

  • Increase the amount of CXP for doing Ops.

  • Work in a way for the command crates to be less random, or at least remove the armor set bonus completely from the crates and give us another way to get it (like a certain goal or something you mentioned in the stream).

  • If there is possible, then remove the reputation items from the groups we've already reached maximum reputation. No one wants to get 500 or 1000 credits from a crate that was hard to get.

I have many things to say, but I'll just wait and see what happens. I have been enjoying this expansion, so let's hope Bioware knows what changes to make in order to keep it that way.

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I've been strongly supportive of this game over the years, but the gearing via GC system purely sucks. I don't see how it could be really fun except maybe for someone who plays 1-2 characters exclusively, and plays every form of content in the game regularly.


For my own part, as someone with 20 active characters, who mostly plays solo or infrequently runs FPs and Ops with friends, I don't expect to ever make much gear progress on any character. Before, I could craft gear and run heroics and such to get all my guys to 216 (in KotFE), with the odd 220 here and there from loot or high-end crafting. Now, I have no idea. I can't even craft reliably anymore since the schematics are all drops.

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I've been strongly supportive of this game over the years, but the gearing via GC system purely sucks. I don't see how it could be really fun except maybe for someone who plays 1-2 characters exclusively, and plays every form of content in the game regularly.


For my own part, as someone with 20 active characters, who mostly plays solo or infrequently runs FPs and Ops with friends, I don't expect to ever make much gear progress on any character. Before, I could craft gear and run heroics and such to get all my guys to 216 (in KotFE), with the odd 220 here and there from loot or high-end crafting. Now, I have no idea. I can't even craft reliably anymore since the schematics are all drops.


Only 230 gear schematics are drops. The 228 are RE from blue schematics you get from the trainers and there is 60% of learning the 228 schematics.

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After watching that Livestream I feel bad for the guys having to address the community live. I was watching chat and to say it was toxic would be an understatement. I think 4 out of 5 posts were people expressing how unhappy they are with the recent expansion in one way or another. Now not all of those posts were mean spirited but a lot of people seemed to be venting about the game. I know the devs didn't get to address half of what the posters were asking or posting and I am sorry that they had to go through that and I apologize for my fellow gamers.




They are right to be unhappy about what has recently come out. CXP does seem to be a giant grind and other then 4 10 minute uprising and maybe 2-3 hours of chapter content there is nothing new to the expansion. No new planets to go and visit, no new daily area, no new operation, no new Flashpoints, no new heroic missions, no old companions returning, and oh yeah you need to endlessly repeat the exact same content to get new gear.


Devs I am unhappy and I don't want to be. I really like this game and have been around since beta. I want to play this game and I want to continue subscribing. Please give us a reason to stay. Please read all of our posts and try to make things better. I have never seen a Livestream so negative and I have never seen you guys scowl or look more unhappy on a livestream.


Please address our issues.

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I think my thread about Koth may have been briefly mentioned during the livestream, so I feel special. Could be wrong, but I hope they saw it.


I really am pleased with the KOTET story. Looking forward to more story in the future.

Edited by Radzkie
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The chance factor in gambling is exhilarating. Seeing as there are people claiming to have hit over 100 in terms of GC this week, perhaps their metrics show them the opposite of what the vocal forum nay sayers are saying.


The only people who consider gambling exciting are potential or actual addicts. I see you range among those. It's okay. We won't judge you for it. Get professional help.

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The only people who consider gambling exciting are potential or actual addicts. I see you range among those. It's okay. We won't judge you for it. Get professional help.

Wow. Bet you're a blast to go to Vegas with...


(Not supporting RNG entirely but this generalization is pretty bad)

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The only people who consider gambling exciting are potential or actual addicts. I see you range among those. It's okay. We won't judge you for it. Get professional help.

I'd say it's pretty sad if people are so emotionally invested in the design direction of a video game that they need to rely on psychological coping mechanisms over it.
Of course. It's completely different from people being upset because their favourite sports team lost the championship, or because their favourite soap opera has been cancelled, or any other more "socially" acceptable reason to be unhappy with some hobby...Face it. Video games are just one of many methods to relax and escape from RL, which for most of us probably is not as easy and pleasant all the time. People find something that works for them, get invested and emotionally attached. There is no reason to belittle them for something that is normal behaviour.


But just out of curiosity. Since you clearly are above that, why are you here, and why do you feel compelled to post in threads as this one? I'm genuinely curious now.

I'm having a hard time reconciling these two posts...

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I think that their comment about the random gearing being 'exciting' sounded like someone who likes to gamble and doesn't understand that a lot of us don't like to gamble, that we'd much rather put our time/money slowly and steadily working toward a definite goal than pouring that time/money into endless chances to get something good which also have a high probability of never really paying out.


I've been to Vegas. It wasn't that fun. I mostly was annoyed at how quickly and fun-less-ly my $30 or $40 disappeared, and it put me off doing any more gambling. So no, that's not really something I look for in my video games.

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I think that their comment about the random gearing being 'exciting' sounded like someone who likes to gamble and doesn't understand that a lot of us don't like to gamble, that we'd much rather put our time/money slowly and steadily working toward a definite goal than pouring that time/money into endless chances to get something good which also have a high probability of never really paying out.


I've been to Vegas. It wasn't that fun. I mostly was annoyed at how quickly and fun-less-ly my $30 or $40 disappeared, and it put me off doing any more gambling. So no, that's not really something I look for in my video games.


I agree. I myself don't like gambling, so being forced into a 'gambling like' CXP grind, that takes a boat load of time, for RNG that usually gives me useless stuff, doesn't sit well with me at all. Also, even if it the Galactic Command system DID give good drops, I STILL wouldn't like it.

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