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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why romance instead of new things?


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You'd be surprised how many men like romance in games (and how many women like that other stuff I personally consider boring :p ) It isn't usually women asking for or talking about romances with female characters such as Vaylin, Senya, Acina, Thana Vesh, etc...


I just don't really care for the romance aspect, it's not what makes the story what it is to me.



And I don't think anyone wants Senya ever since 5.0 new faces... she's a close second to Darth Zash... and not Blonde version.

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Aw you gonna make me tear up there lol


Seriously? I never done OP cose of the Hostility that I assume is there just like it's in PVP and warzone .


I have only run into a couple of really hostile people in PuG OPs (Never been a part of a big guild that was into doing OPs). However, when things start to go south in a PUG OP (often in my experience), people do start to leave.

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Aw you gonna make me tear up there lol


Seriously? I never done OP cose of the Hostility that I assume is there just like it's in PVP and warzone .


I regularly do ops and PvP. The ops community doesn't have near the amount of vitriol and salt that the PvP community does. There's plenty of people happy to help newbies get geared and teach them tactics and rotations.

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I regularly do ops and PvP. The ops community doesn't have near the amount of vitriol and salt that the PvP community does. There's plenty of people happy to help newbies get geared and teach them tactics and rotations.


had the worst luck in the past with simple group for heroic +4...let say I'm so burned , I aint even gonna try .


But it's good to hear though :)

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I just don't really care for the romance aspect, it's not what makes the story what it is to me.



And I don't think anyone wants Senya ever since 5.0 new faces... she's a close second to Darth Zash... and not Blonde version.


I want Senya! and while you are at it , give me Zash ! :D

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I want Senya! and while you are at it , give me Zash ! :D


I dunno Lana loops a bit like Zash in ch 7 in those tunnels on Nathema. :eek: like she looks like something from the walking dead with her shadowed cheekbones...skeletal looking

Oh wait did you want pretty Zash? Older than dirt Zash? Or Khem Zash? :p

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Because Arcann's toon is hot, his voice is sexy af and Fantasy romance is nothing like real life romance.:rak_03: And because I have no life.

This is me though, not speaking for anyone else.


and not to mention, someone you can try to fix and change. eh? i think that is what makes a bad guy so attractive to alot of women.

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When it comes to romances, i would have liked the possibility of saving Vaylin, making her better, i know its impossible, but people can wish i guess.


I do hope they add in more story at some point, but please more class specific, i mean doing more story like the last 3 expansions is just.....lazy.


Overall, a new story would be awesome, cause something has to happen between swtor and the prequels for the sith to be wiped out. eh? lol

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Romance I don't have opinion on, I sometimes romance and sometimes don't depending on the role but the companion requests I think is a little crazy. There are just too many already, if anything possibly expand on them instead of introducing a new companion with a couple of lines.


Would love an expanded class stories, I'll even sub for 6 months since I immensely enjoyed the original class story.

Edited by LastBrood
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I dunno Lana loops a bit like Zash in ch 7 in those tunnels on Nathema. :eek: like she looks like something from the walking dead with her shadowed cheekbones...skeletal looking

Oh wait did you want pretty Zash? Older than dirt Zash? Or Khem Zash? :p


I have many Sorc *wiggles fingers* So I kept both ! I have a Khem-zash and a Khem-Khem lol


Zash was fun as a final boss and she is smart and cunning . Yes she would betray you and kill you , but that's part of the fun . Sorc main story is all about being stabbed in the back . And it make the player stronger every time .



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I just don't really care for the romance aspect, it's not what makes the story what it is to me.



And I don't think anyone wants Senya ever since 5.0 new faces... she's a close second to Darth Zash... and not Blonde version.

A story would be boring if it was ONLY romance, but romance greatly enhances a story for me (as do other close character relationships such as siblings or children).

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I dunno Lana loops a bit like Zash in ch 7 in those tunnels on Nathema. :eek: like she looks like something from the walking dead with her shadowed cheekbones...skeletal looking

Oh wait did you want pretty Zash? Older than dirt Zash? Or Khem Zash? :p


Yeah I noticed that with Lana. I even thought to myself exactly "wow she looks skeletal". But she's still an improvement over Shadow of Revan Lana :D


Sometimes I feel sorry for all the hate Lana gets, she's just so capable that it's annoying. She reminds me of an unfunny, clinical Leslie Knope.

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and not to mention, someone you can try to fix and change. eh? i think that is what makes a bad guy so attractive to alot of women.


Well I originally wanted the bad Arcann, if there was an option to keep Dark side Arcann at the dark side route, I would have taken it in a heartbeat!

Arcann had to stop what the was doing but, other than that, I liked him how he was!


I wanted him to be like DS Jaesa. :rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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You are both wrong! Fries are best with Mustard ! Jeebus....get it right!! :D


Now I got the munchie....lol


Mayo's not bad, ketchup's okay, sriracha's very good, but I stick with some melted pepper cheese with some green chile and jalapeno.

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I'd replace the word people with "females". In your comment.



Nothing wrong with what people want but we knows its true


You're so very very wrong. It's just not the ladies some of us guys like our romancible pixels as well. SWTOR IS a Bioware game and if I have to explain the significance of that to you.... well...


I play SWTOR for two reasons and two reasons only, the class stories and the romances.


I don't give a brass razoo about PvP, GSF, OPs and raids etc. I understand the need for them I'm just not going to ever play them. And the GC thing dose nothing for me either. I have no desire nor need to grind for top level gear because I simply don't need it for my style of play. I do feel sorry for the people that do need top level gear.

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You're so very very wrong. It's just not the ladies some of us guys like our romancible pixels as well. SWTOR IS a Bioware game and if I have to explain the significance of that to you.... well...


I play SWTOR for two reasons and two reasons only, the class stories and the romances.


I don't give a brass razoo about PvP, GSF, OPs and raids etc. I understand the need for them I'm just not going to ever play them. And the GC thing dose nothing for me either. I have no desire nor need to grind for top level gear because I simply don't need it for my style of play. I do feel sorry for the people that do need top level gear.


Well said!



Mayo's not bad, ketchup's okay, sriracha's very good, but I stick with some melted pepper cheese with some green chile and jalapeno.


I love Mayonaise with fries! But being vegan makes me no longer have it. Vegan mayo is boring af.

Ketchup is okay, I still prefer my homemade sour cream for fries or garlic sauce.:rak_03:

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You're so very very wrong. It's just not the ladies some of us guys like our romancible pixels as well. SWTOR IS a Bioware game and if I have to explain the significance of that to you.... well...


I play SWTOR for two reasons and two reasons only, the class stories and the romances.


I don't give a brass razoo about PvP, GSF, OPs and raids etc. I understand the need for them I'm just not going to ever play them. And the GC thing dose nothing for me either. I have no desire nor need to grind for top level gear because I simply don't need it for my style of play. I do feel sorry for the people that do need top level gear.


Don, my hero. Well said. :D

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Well I see games as an escape from reality. A break from the crap and stress of normal life, whether it be work or other types of things weighing people down. Stuff like fantasy romances and new stories to sink into help me focus on something else for a little escape just for a time.


To each, their own. Some prefer the Group aspect while other prefer story, I am the latter, while I will do group content to help others and maybe try and get something for myself, such as the cosmetic gear from the Heroic Boxes.


So I agree with both stances, however personally I would prefer more story, but I hold no objections to the devs focusing on more group content for those that prefer it :) In fact I would welcome it so that everyone has something in this game that they enjoy.

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I can give some of my thoughts. Like many others on here, I'm a veteran MMO player. But as I've played, I've come to realize that I enjoy play my character. In WoW and similar games, my toon is just a vehicle through which I accomplish various goals-getting gear, progressing in raids, etc. But I have no attachment to the toon, only to the achievements. And that's significantly less rewarding for me than a game like TOR, where I feel like my character is growing, developing, and accomplishing things herself. It adds another layer of investment and nuance, and I hugely enjoy the opportunity to experience the Star Wars universe through someone. For that reason (and more), I'm primarily hooked on TOR for the story content, and this includes romances. It progresses my character's story, it enriches it, and it's just plain fun.


That's my take on it. Ultimately different people have different playstyles, and that's a-okay. I hope you better understand why some people are calling for interesting or new romances.

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Well I originally wanted the bad Arcann, if there was an option to keep Dark side Arcann at the dark side route, I would have taken it in a heartbeat!

Arcann had to stop what the was doing but, other than that, I liked him how he was!


I wanted him to be like DS Jaesa. :rak_03:


Sadly, when they create companions with 2 versions, it gets VERY difficult to maintain them, hence why she never came back and likely never will until they give her a canon personality and it will likely be decided like the DvL Companion.

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Sadly, when they create companions with 2 versions, it gets VERY difficult to maintain them, hence why she never came back and likely never will until they give her a canon personality and it will likely be decided like the DvL Companion.


Yeah I understand, I'm just talking about my past hopes and dreams!

But in the end i got Arcann, and it feels great! Especially when so many people were hating.:rak_03:then some who were hating turned around.:rak_03:


And those who weren't hating but didn't really care, care now.:rak_03:


I really can't complain!!


Even if he somehow won't become a romanceable companion because he's "half" dead, he's at least a companion. But it would be sad if he won't be, I guess I'll live.



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