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Why romance instead of new things?


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1) That voice

2) That sith pureblood and body type 3

3) As women we like to fix things and you can't get more of an angsty, tragic, and broken story than Scourge's


There is nothing to fix. Lord Scourge is not some criminal with daddy issues. He is a husk of a man. He is actively traveling the far reaches of Unknown Space just to find a way to die. He's not some emotionaly uncommitted teenager with daddy issues. He is Jack the Ripper. Brought back from the dead and made immortal. Torturing and killing people for over 300 years.


2) That sith pureblood and body type 3


Then it's alright that someone is an emotionally nullified, crazy executioner just as long as he has abs?


1) That voice


The same as quote 2. It's alright that the guy has a basement full of Jedi corpses? As long as he sounds hot?

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There is nothing to fix. Lord Scourge is not some criminal with daddy issues. He is a husk of a man. He is actively traveling the far reaches of Unknown Space just to find a way to die. He's not some emotionaly uncommitted teenager with daddy issues. He is Jack the Ripper. Brought back from the dead and made immortal. Torturing and killing people for over 300 years.




Then it's alright that someone is an emotionally nullified, crazy executioner just as long as he has abs?




The same as quote 2. It's alright that the guy has a basement full of Jedi corpses? As long as he sounds hot?



Yes, let me romance him. If I can't fulfill my undying Sith Jack the Ripper kink in real, I demand to have it in game.

Edited by StarkHelsing
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1) That voice

2) That sith pureblood and body type 3

3) As women we like to fix things and you can't get more of an angsty, tragic, and broken story than Scourge's


It's official, I'll never understand women ;)


I'd bet anything you like, if you girls met Scourge in real life you would think he was a creepy pervert that looked like a sunburnt lobster.

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It's official, I'll never understand women ;)


I'd bet anything you like, if you girls met Scourge in real life you would think he was a creepy pervert that looked like a sunburnt lobster.


I think the sw community is open to interspecies relationships with the near human ones!:rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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Tell me please, why people care about romance in this game? Paying and wanting romance with Arcann, Vailyn, Senya... companions instead of new activities in game like OPSes etc.?


I can totally get why players are into the story over gameplay. Not my bag but I understand it.


But I agree with you, the romance rioting strikes me as sort of creepy.

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I can totally get why players are into the story over gameplay. Not my bag but I understand it.


But I agree with you, the romance rioting strikes me as sort of creepy.


same thing can be said about any part of this game peoples get mad about , you know .

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Tell me please, why people care about romance in this game? Paying and wanting romance with Arcann, Vailyn, Senya... companions instead of new activities in game like OPSes etc.?


In my case, due to my hypertension and how high my blood pressure spikes when doing PvP and Raids/Ops, I've had to give those up for health reasons as I am one of Those Types who does get wired over improving my toons performance up that .01%. So, while I had to give up the PvP and Ops or risk bursting something, my endgame has become hunting achievements, gathering decorations, redoing storyline that I really enjoyed, playing the GTN, indulging in pretty princess dressup with my characters and companions.


So with that said, while I do enjoy things like Flashpoints and the gameplay parts, I do also enjoy the storyline and the characters in them. I would like for the MIA companions to come back first before they add any new romances and I've hit that point that by now I'll settle for a sound alike VA for them or even soundless and play with subtitles, filling in the rest with my head just to have them back.

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it's u know, kinda the same as all those people that yell please add this or that race to the game.

don't get me wrong i was happy to make a togruta sentinel ahsoka clone too, but as it is, in this game race of your character doesn't add anything to the game. now if it would influence NPCs' reaction to you then yeah that would be worth lvling another alt, or even better, have a race based story line >.> but alas BW is too lazy.

so yes, now we whine to be allowed to romance this or that companion which in our opinion might be more interesting than the such and such we ARE allowed to romance lol. :D:D

i mean, after playing Dragon Age, Mass Effect and KOTOR, i was REALLY looking forward to swtor story..... but alas. after lvl 50 it has become really rather disappointing. why the hell do they think that a light side consular will do things the same way as a DS bounty hunter? just as an example ofc. but seriously. KOTFE and KOTET are much better than the story in makeb, oricon and so on, but only the first time you do it.... :eek::eek:

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Tell me please, why people care about romance in this game? Paying and wanting romance with Arcann, Vailyn, Senya... companions instead of new activities in game like OPSes etc.?


People like different things. And the forums provides a voice to let it be known what they want. Diversity is a good thing! I actually enjoy people voicing their wants for the game. I might disagree and voice a different opinion, but I enjoy the debate.

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I'm a sucker for a good love story. I finally got around to doing the Torian romance (pretty much all in one sitting) before starting KotFE on that toon. The reunion was very well done (with a minor quibble but chose to ignore it).


At some point I plan to get around to the Kaliyo one and I should bust my Juggernaut out of retirement to do the Vette reunion. Unfortunately that means dragging myself through enough of the KotFE chapters to even get there *shudders*. While I've been trying to avoid spoilers on those reunions I have seen some commentary that was less than impressed with both of these.


They really do need to bring back the rest of the LI's ASAP. Unfortunately to do them any justice that's going to eat at their story budget. Doubly unfortunate Austin hasn't quite grasped the concept of "balanced development" that gives at least adequate attention to all constituent niches.


Getting that story content means other areas will continue to be neglected. They're already way over their heads in content debt for playable group content. Of course with the damage done by GC and CXP maybe we should pray they get those stories done before the game is shuttered.

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Tell me please, why people care about romance in this game? Paying and wanting romance with Arcann, Vailyn, Senya... companions instead of new activities in game like OPSes etc.?

Everyone has their own vices in-game. For others it's OPSes, PvP and group content while someone like myself was drawn to SWTOR for its stories. I enjoy playing through them, I enjoy my many and different companions and the romances are a nice bonus I wouldn't mind BW expanding upon. I'll never ask them to do so at the expense of YOUR preferred type of content, but if they have room/time to improve or add on to current romances, yes please.


can i PLEASE romance Lord Scourge????? pretty please? *puppy eyes* lol

Yes please, all the way.


Okay You romanced with Senya, got a few sweet cutscenes... what's now? Paying 15$ to see that only? What You will do? Stay with companion in Your stronghold and enjoy of rest sub time? Or play 5 year content again with broken command system... I got in my guild few players that love to play alts and do ops, team wz etc. now they must do it on every character becouse command rank is not legacy. They waiting for respond from Bio and leave swtor. There's nothing new to do in group.

Actually, yes. I will run 5 year old content again because above all I genuinely enjoy the original 8 different class stories. I will run across Makeb again and pretend to be a pirate while derping around on Rishi. It's what I personally enjoy. I'll also do some crafting, HEROIC 2+s and do the occasional SOLO/Story mode FP. Redid Rakata Prime last night with Theron as my companion while also meeting up with non-companion Theron.. double Theron, I had a giggle at that.


What is with you girls and Lord Scourge?


The poor guy has lost all his senses except for sight and sound. He is most likely impotent. And centuries of immortality has left him with the most morose personality. What is it exactly about him that attracts women?


It's like all the fanboys drooling over Lady Sylvanas in wow. She's dead, stinks of rotting flesh and is as cold as an ice cube (both mentally and physically). Yet because she dresses scantily all the guys drool over her.


I think I'm getting old :(

You had to go and ask, didn't you? ;) I enjoy his looks, obviously. Fantasy-world wise I've noticed I have a serious thing for Purebloods. Don't ask why, I don't know myself it just.. is. I also really enjoy his voice and the manner in which he speaks. His backstory is utterly compelling in my eyes, and tragic. All these things contribute to his likeability, for me personally. There's also his lines in game which come across as quite tempting at times, when he speaks of thwarted longings, of it being worth almost anything to one day regain his senses again, to experience those simple pleasures in life again. Some players will think "pff, immortal freak", while others like myself kinda go weak in the knees.


As for Sylvanas.. I've always loved her too. Not for the way she's dressed (although it helps) but because I enjoy her voice and the lore behind her character of how she went from an elven ranger to banshee queen is again very compelling in my eyes.


Perhaps its an odd concept for you, and I respect that but look at the books and TV shows of the past decades instead. How often do we see females fall for the darker, more tragic, somewhat evil man? Take Buffy. Spike had a chip implanted in his brain essentially leashing him yet it took the discovery of him still being able to beat the bloody snot out of her, for her to jump into bed with him. Sounds messed up yet a large fanbase went nuts over the pairing and loved it.


In the end it's also just all a fantasy world. Do I throw myself at the feet of a serial killer in real life? Heck no. I snuggle up to my perfectly normal and loving fiance and I wouldn't give that up for anything but it is nice, and in my eyes completely acceptable and okay, to indulge in fantasy worlds and venture down a path you never would in the real world.


There is nothing to fix. Lord Scourge is not some criminal with daddy issues. He is a husk of a man. He is actively traveling the far reaches of Unknown Space just to find a way to die. He's not some emotionaly uncommitted teenager with daddy issues. He is Jack the Ripper. Brought back from the dead and made immortal. Torturing and killing people for over 300 years.

A husk of a man so evil and cruel that he sacrificed his own mortality to await a Jedi from his vision (which for all he knew may have never come to pass), just so he can assist that Jedi in stopping the Sith Emperor and by doing so, save the entire galaxy from annihilation. Yeah, what a jerkwad right? And who says he went to find a way to die? Sure, it may sound as such but he also once stated it would be worth anything to experience the simple pleasures of life again so.. he may just be trying to achieve that instead. We don't know for certain.


Apologies for the essay, I'll return to my coffee now.

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Marvelous, if there was a like button I would decorate your post with positive approval.


I find the VA has used that tone of voice in other games as well. It's just the manner that he speaks and delivers his lines that can make any character appealing. An example of this would be the 'Speaker' in ESO in the Dark Brotherhood DLC. He is voiced by the same chap, he uses the same tone for which he uses for Scourge. And yet while this NPC isn't all that attractive to look at, his voice and demeanor is attractive.

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Marvelous, if there was a like button I would decorate your post with positive approval.


I find the VA has used that tone of voice in other games as well. It's just the manner that he speaks and delivers his lines that can make any character appealing. An example of this would be the 'Speaker' in ESO in the Dark Brotherhood DLC. He is voiced by the same chap, he uses the same tone for which he uses for Scourge. And yet while this NPC isn't all that attractive to look at, his voice and demeanor is attractive.


Oh I agree, Joseph's very good and has a stunning voice, one I'm starting to recognize in other things as well. Was watching The 100 the other day and heard something familiar.. turned back to my screen and there he was. Fiance and I both went "Hey it's Lord Scourge!". :rolleyes:


And he really does have that quality of making a character or NPC attractive just by the way in which he voices them, his manner of speaking. Tone adjustments, emphasis on certain words. I think he's pretty great and no doubt that it adds to Scourge's deliciousness. :p

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I don't play OPS, or anything that requires a group. I love story, every kind of story, and I enjoy having romance as a large part of that. I love the companions that Bioware created for us. They're sexxxy as all hell and their voices and personalities are amazing. It's like having a primitive little holodeck and for me personally, I get to live vicariously through my characters. Be with the same person for almost 30 years (awesome as they are) and tell me having a bit of pixel love on the side isn't fun for excitement lol.


I'm not a gear hound, and I'm not terribly social in the game. Having companions and ones I can romance lets me have fun, enjoy the stories more because I have a partner in crime. Romance gives an element of excitement to all things and I'll take that feeling of exhilaration over purple 228 boots or an earpiece or such any time. :o

Edited by Lunafox
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What is with you girls and Lord Scourge?


The poor guy has lost all his senses except for sight and sound. He is most likely impotent. And centuries of immortality has left him with the most morose personality. What is it exactly about him that attracts women?


It's like all the fanboys drooling over Lady Sylvanas in wow. She's dead, stinks of rotting flesh and is as cold as an ice cube (both mentally and physically). Yet because she dresses scantily all the guys drool over her.


I think I'm getting old :(


Hey, I'm old too by standards I guess. I'm forty-eight, but I think like I'm twenty-five so age hasn't a damn thing to do with anything.


For me Scourge is very very appealing. He's good looking, intelligent, complicated, has a snarky sense of humour that I enjoy and yet he can be very poetic with his speaking. His voice is basically sex for the ears. I also happen to enjoy a morose personality in my man because I enjoy tweaking them until I get a smile or a chuckle.


He may not have feelings, or be able to enjoy his senses, but the tragedy of his character gives me hope. I want to find a way to help this man out of his despair and give him a life of happiness. His story inspires me. He is Professor Snape, Heathcliff, Orpheus, Tristan... I see him as a tragic romantic figure and while I could go on all day and for eight more paragraphs about why I adore him, I won't because I have to leave the house in ten minutes and I basically want to preserve what shred of dignity and sanity people might perceive me as having. If I go on too much about my pixel crush, I might start getting funny looks lol.


And you know what else? I've seen Lady Sylvanas. If I was a guy, I'd probably dig her too. :p


So there is my reasoning, you don't have to love it, but there it is and I would take story and romance over any other element in the game here, because that's what star wars is to me, it's a romantic adventure, not the never ending quest for bracers or a helmet.

Edited by Lunafox
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Tell me please, why people care about romance in this game? Paying and wanting romance with Arcann, Vailyn, Senya... companions instead of new activities in game like OPSes etc.?


Because people can play a "MMO" wishing to find "just a MMO" and features, others focus on Star Wars saga and want to experience Star Wars stories.


In theory SWTOR should try making both happy, but implementing videos and sequences takes far less time than adding a major, full MMO true feature.

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Some of us want both. I happen to want all the things.


I think it's creepy to be obsessed with anything. But enjoying a story and getting involved with the characters created is something humans have been doing for our entire history. I mean, you might as well ask why people like to read romance novels or watch dramatic movies. :confused: If you were a human, you'd get it ;)


As far as Lord Scourge is concerned, I'm a sucker for characters that are intelligent and challenge "my" (my knight's) views. I also like aloofness and a sense of mystery in my romance, I don't want some dork throwing themselves and their whole life story at me. Anyone who is unavailable adds an extra layer of desire :) But I definitely have to put the customization on him that doesn't have face tentacles... And even then, I'd rather him be human or Zabrak.

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Everyone is paying for this game so they can ask for anything they want. It doesn't necessarily mean it needs to happen at the expense of your needs or vice versa.


Some people want OPs, some people want romances, some want new planets and datacrons...

People have asked for new pvp maps, more GSF, pazzak, swoop races, same sex romances etc.


Whether or not any of these will happen is whole different ballgame.

Edited by Alloou
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Hey, I'm old too by standards I guess. I'm forty-eight, but I think like I'm twenty-five so age hasn't a damn thing to do with anything.


For me Scourge is very very appealing. He's good looking, intelligent, complicated, has a snarky sense of humour that I enjoy and yet he can be very poetic with his speaking. His voice is basically sex for the ears. I also happen to enjoy a morose personality in my man because I enjoy tweaking them until I get a smile or a chuckle.


He may not have feelings, or be able to enjoy his senses, but the tragedy of his character gives me hope. I want to find a way to help this man out of his despair and give him a life of happiness. His story inspires me. He is Professor Snape, Heathcliff, Orpheus, Tristan... I see him as a tragic romantic figure and while I could go on all day and for eight more paragraphs about why I adore him, I won't because I have to leave the house in ten minutes and I basically want to preserve what shred of dignity and sanity people might perceive me as having. If I go on too much about my pixel crush, I might start getting funny looks lol.


And you know what else? I've seen Lady Sylvanas. If I was a guy, I'd probably dig her too. :p


So there is my reasoning, you don't have to love it, but there it is and I would take story and romance over any other element in the game here, because that's what star wars is to me, it's a romantic adventure, not the never ending quest for bracers or a helmet.


I always figured you'd be in your twenties or early 30's!! But then I think that of most people unless they show that they're either old or young very clearly.



Some of us want both. I happen to want all the things.


I think it's creepy to be obsessed with anything. But enjoying a story and getting involved with the characters created is something humans have been doing for our entire history. I mean, you might as well ask why people like to read romance novels or watch dramatic movies. :confused: If you were a human, you'd get it ;)


As far as Lord Scourge is concerned, I'm a sucker for characters that are intelligent and challenge "my" (my knight's) views. I also like aloofness and a sense of mystery in my romance, I don't want some dork throwing themselves and their whole life story at me. Anyone who is unavailable adds an extra layer of desire :) But I definitely have to put the customization on him that doesn't have face tentacles... And even then, I'd rather him be human or Zabrak.


I only like Lord Scourge with customisation #9, if he didn't have that one it would just be a no go for me.:rak_03:

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Probably because -gasp- not everyone is into what you're into.

I'm not into PVP but I'm not sitting here whining that PVP is pointless and no one should enjoy it and blahblahbidyblah.


I like the story. Characters we can connect to - friendship or romance - help create a world I can enjoy. I'm a Bioware fan, not an MMO fan. I came to this game, beta tested it, pre ordered it, and have enjoyed it because of the story that started with single player RPGs and evolved into a game I can enjoy in different ways even with other people around the world. I don't always do multiplayer content, I solo most of the time and story is my main focus but I find it fun to help my guild with stuff and chat while I play.


Everyone can enjoy this game however they want. It's not your job to judge and it's certainly not your place to say Romance doesn't belong in a BIOWARE game. That's just plain silly.

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