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CXP Booster are a scam


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Oh I completely agree. The minute difference being that other long line of various challenges doesn't require BIS to survive longer than two minutes.


OMG ppl keep going on about BIS BIS you dont need BIS. PPL arent complaining about the grind to get BIS. They are complaining about getting purple 230 gear/set bonuses which are not BIS. These are Tier ONE gear items that will take months to get. BIS is about a year down the road. People just want the base gear that puts them back to the place where they can do what they were doing before. You know, the gear they grinded ops for so they could do HMs and NiM. Whereas 5.0 said snatch, now ur gear is good for SM and you have to do an incredibly long grind just to get back to doing the same old content you were doing before cuz we haven't made any new ops in years...

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hmm...so if anyone has an opinion that is different than your own, then they are the ones that need to change...fascinating....a bit too introverted for my liking, but hey it's your world you go on keeping on.....the rest of us will gladly welcome you into reality when you decide to leave that little bubble you call life...


In what reality is it the norm to draw blanket conclusions from nonexistent statements? I never sent a declaration of war to detractors inc. I'm speaking to a particular sect of people about a particular solution to a particular dilemma they are having. However I have to wonder if Bioware falls under the oppositions defense of your misconstrue. Shouldn't they have the liberty to stick their ideals about rng without being asked to change? Oh who am I kidding. Of course they don't. The blanket doesn't seem nearly big enough for them as well. :rolleyes:

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I have a tendency to put people like that on ignore.


If a person posting


a) is always rude, yet claims anyone acting rude towards him or her is 'immature'




There is no point engaging in conversation with them.


By that criteria, and reading some of your posts in threads the last day or two, I would think you would have put yourself on ignore by now. :p


Seriously though.. there are a lot of broken glass being tossed freely on both sides of issue discussions in the forum in the last week. I think everyone needs to take a breath and step back just a tad.

Edited by Andryah
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It's a 25% boost for something that seems to give 20 points, so all you're getting is an extra 5.


Now I've been mostly soloing, but I can't imagine it gets much better in CXP for group content that takes awhile to finish.


Yeah, a quick analysis shows these boosters are of marginal value. Sure.. it's a 25% boost, but they are expensive and only last 3 hours each on something that currently takes way longer to level up then just going from 1-70 with a brand new character.


When analysis shows something is not worth the investment, for a players personal objectives in game, then simply ignore them and move forward.


Instead, some are using these boosts as a rationale to double down on the current issues with GC. To what possible end.. other then to double down on the gripe? I think just about everyone agrees at this point that GC needs some work. Lashing out at these boosters is just a self-induced smoke screen from the actual issue.


Something to consider: anyone that is hopping on these boosters now to get a bit of pace gain on the current release of GC is going to come back after they make adjustments to GC and complain that they were ripped off by using boosters pre-adjustment. Caveat Emptor. Caveat Emptor.


Personally, I think they rushed these to the market ahead of plan... thinking it would somehow help mitigate complaints until they actually have adjustments ready to release for GC. If so.. shame on the studio. I personally would not have released these until after GC got some needed tuning. What they should have done is mailed every character that hits level cap of 70, for every account that is subbed, a stack of these in game at no charge and bound to legacy.

Edited by Andryah
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When a game creates an endless grind that's so tedious, so vapid, and so repetitive that people will pay to play less, then by definition you have a bad game.



This is a pretty funny take on CXP Boosters and makes a solid point.

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Yeah.. eh.. can argue about whether 'scam' is the right word, but it's pretty clear that they added a grind solely for the purpose of creating more income. There are rather significant bugs, ranging from class abilities to their precious CM items, but the thought that someone could painlessly avoid buying their new boosts is what got them all up in arms right away.


There will always be people who want something a bit faster than others, they would've sold boosts even if it was less of a grind. This just goes to show that they want everyone to feel the push to buying the boosts.


Scam? Eh, not really. Not something that makes me feel welcome, though.

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It is a scam when they play on the not so wise players who will see the booster and assume that it will help them get gear. It just lets you open another box sooner, it doesn't help with the odds that you will get a piece you want/need.
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It is a scam when they play on the not so wise players who will see the booster and assume that it will help them get gear. It just lets you open another box sooner, it doesn't help with the odds that you will get a piece you want/need.


I maintain that it's not a nice thing to do--and the simple fact that first the cartel market button and now the menubar that it's been integrated into have been the only items in the interface editor without a way to disable it tells me that yes, they are very much actively preying on people with low self-discipline, but if people expect something else from a product than what it is advertised to do, then those people are at fault.


The item in question does exactly what it says on the item description, it is not a scam.

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I maintain that it's not a nice thing to do--and the simple fact that first the cartel market button and now the menubar that it's been integrated into have been the only items in the interface editor without a way to disable it tells me that yes, they are very much actively preying on people with low self-discipline, but if people expect something else from a product than what it is advertised to do, then those people are at fault.


The item in question does exactly what it says on the item description, it is not a scam.


What's a scam is:

o Taking recycled content (from char levels 50-65)

o Scaling the content up to level 70

o Taking away our abilities and tossing in a new gearing system that will let us -- eventually -- beat this old content somewhat like we used to do before the "expansion".


The booster lets us get where we were before faster. So if your argument is "that's not a scam, it's just them pissing in our faces while feeding us **** souffle", maybe you have a point, I'm just not sure that it's a good one.

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What's a scam is:

o Taking recycled content (from char levels 50-65)

o Scaling the content up to level 70

o Taking away our abilities and tossing in a new gearing system that will let us -- eventually -- beat this old content somewhat like we used to do before the "expansion".


The booster lets us get where we were before faster. So if your argument is "that's not a scam, it's just them pissing in our faces while feeding us **** souffle", maybe you have a point, I'm just not sure that it's a good one.


I disagree. I am not happy with the direction the game is going and I have been very vocal about this in various threads, but we're talking about decisions here. A portion of the players (I will not bother guessing how large) is unhappy with decisions that BW has been making, and calling them out on that, saying that you disagree with these decisions, is something you should most definitely do if you do, in fact, disagree with them.


None of that makes any of this a scam.


Bad decision making? Perhaps.

Inability to do what they'd like to do? I am sure.

Purposefully trying to deceive us? I don't see it.

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I disagree. I am not happy with the direction the game is going and I have been very vocal about this in various threads, but we're talking about decisions here. A portion of the players (I will not bother guessing how large) is unhappy with decisions that BW has been making, and calling them out on that, saying that you disagree with these decisions, is something you should most definitely do if you do, in fact, disagree with them.


None of that makes any of this a scam.


Bad decision making? Perhaps.

Inability to do what they'd like to do? I am sure.

Purposefully trying to deceive us? I don't see it.


elaborate on this direction you are talking about? the emperor is dead. the 5 year big bad guy. between that and a seemingly endless grind that is not alt friendly whatsoever-- it gives the game a sense of finality.

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elaborate on this direction you are talking about? the emperor is dead. the 5 year big bad guy. between that and a seemingly endless grind that is not alt friendly whatsoever-- it gives the game a sense of finality.


I am not sure what you're getting at, if there's some point you're trying to make.


My "I have been very vocal" refers to my recent activity in threads concerning the alt-hostility you mention. Having a great many characters to actively play with is what's been keeping me happy while there has been little new content that interested me--they are my content, so to speak. That's a route they took that made me unhappy. There's your direction..




As for the more broader sense of direction that was sort of implied:


To me, kotfe makes no sense as a continuation of the preceding stories, so even though kotet seems to be better (that is the impression I get from hanging around here, I've not tried it yet), it's still something I'm largely disregarding.


This is a game in which I found it to not be a pain to soloplay on a healer specs.. except every time they introduce major changes, heal specs are not compensated for having offensive abilities removed when their dps counterparts are, making them increasingly tedious to solo with each expansion.


I do not personally care for difficulty during pure solo content, either way. Having to work or plowing through the enemy makes no difference for me, as with that content I'm in it for the story. What does bug me is that they've created an incredible gap in difficulty between solo and group content, causing people to jump into content that they are utterly unprepared for because they never had any reason to learn how to play, at all.


Now the gearing.. I rely on pugging, I never farmed EV/KP HM for easy 224s, I had to put in a lot of time and effort to get about half the characters geared that I wanted, during 4.0. I was originally optimistic about the Galactic Command system (and I still thing it's a very neat way to jump right into the various content the game has to offer), except its workings are entirely designed around maximizing the sales of cxp boosts.. I've done the math, I can't do it.. so am not trying. No gearing for me this cycle. I am very bitter about this. But that does not make it a scam.



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You all have moved away from the topic of this thread. The topic is that the CXP boosters in the CC are like a scam in that they implemented a system that makes getting your end game gear random, like chance cubes. Then, after many, many post on the forum where players say they are not getting end game gear after 20 to 50 command levels, they offer these booster that you pay real money for. To many, it sounded like the boosters improve your chances of getting gear, but they don't improve your drop odds, they only help you get another roll of the dice quicker.
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CXP Boosters are like getting a better job so you can buy more baseball card packs. You hope your going to get lucky and get those good cards that other collectors can't seem to get either. So you just keep buying pack after pack. It becomes an addiction, and you never get a full set of cards, or in our case a full set of end game gear. :mad:

Ofcoarse its a scam, and its easy to prove. If you add the booster golds still give you 1 cxp instead of 1.25

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Most MMO publishers (there are some noble exceptions) have been pulling this sort of scam for years now - pacing progression in such a way that customers are tempted to purchase a shortcut. It's hardly new.


So on that basis why on earth are so many here on this thread wailing & crying "oh woe is me" at the horror that Bioware & EA are doing the same? Either accept the game, warts and all or just give up, leave and go and play something where the "Store" doesn't feature in core gameplay. Simples when you think about it.


Because other publishers do it because the game is usually free, and as part of free you get a grind. If you want less grind, you pay.


In BWs case, you have to pay just to get the grind, and now they want you to pay more so the problem they created with 5.0 can become less problematic. That is what is usually known as ripping people off.

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Like I mentioned somewhere else, they nerf the gold elites, then few days later put a cxp booster in the cm

That right there is big middle finger to the swtor playbase!!


The nerf to the golds also renders the CPX boost ineffective in terms of the CPX gained by killing them :] Awesome.

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Obviously, your one of the people they are preying on. It is what it is. You don't see that. So load up your credit card and go buy some.


The problem with most of your posts is that you do not seem to understand what scam means.


I can name any number of reasons why it's bad, but it being a scam is not one of them, because it's not. Just because it's bad, doesn't mean it's a scam.

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The problem with most of your posts is that you do not seem to understand what scam means.


I can name any number of reasons why it's bad, but it being a scam is not one of them, because it's not. Just because it's bad, doesn't mean it's a scam.


A scammer is someone who presents something as if it is one thing, but it really is something else. They prey on people who don't know any better or who are frustrated to be without. SWTOR is manipulating the game to prey on the unwise and doing it for financial gain. By nerfing the CXP and then introducing these boost they are preying on the unwise players who assume it help with the odds of the drops, and the frustrated players who think that getting more boxes to open, increases your chances of getting what they are after. Each individual box rolls against the same odds, so having more boxes doesn't make the roll any better. ALL boxes have bad drop rates, go read some of the threads where ppl are posting their drop results.

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