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RNG is perfect for SWTOR and I'll explain why.


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RNG is a horrible method of progression. There is no progression only luck. If they dropped currency for purchasing gear this system imo would be great. But with RNG based loot (which btw has already failed in the pvp community of swtor ) you are simply artificially extending player time to gear which actually decreases player retention (most games are moving away from it for a reason)
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No one forces you to do PvP, just like no one forced you to grind gold mobs. Everything is a choice. You play the game the way you want to play the game. You can only blame yourself if you are miserable because you don't like PvP.


Oh really...

We are in the mood for double standards aren't we?


We want to farm gear in operatins - that's what WE want. That's how WE want to play the game.


How exactly YOUR will better than ours? Huh, Aowin?

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No one forces you to do PvP, just like no one forced you to grind gold mobs. Everything is a choice. You play the game the way you want to play the game. You can only blame yourself if you are miserable because you don't like PvP.

yes i play the way i want to play. i want my toon geared. to get my toon geared i need to grind CXP, to do so effectively i need to PvP because the gold mobs give 1 CXP and regular quests - 20. what i wanna do ? i wanna raid? do i want to do raids i've been doing for 2-5 years now? NO. so what does that leave? fps groupfinder with clueless idiots that die cause they can't mechanic? or pvp . i'm here cause i have hope that BW can still do soemthing good with game. they did a VERY good job with the story this time. but the gear? needs fixed. i don't insist that it needs to drop from ops bosses.

but i DO insist that it can't stay the way it does now. :D:D:D:D

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No one forces you to do PvP, just like no one forced you to grind gold mobs. Everything is a choice. You play the game the way you want to play the game. You can only blame yourself if you are miserable because you don't like PvP.


Pre 5.0 Everyone had the choice to get or not get 224 gear.



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Oh really...

We are in the mood for double standards aren't we?


We want to farm gear in operatins - that's what WE want. That's how WE want to play the game.


How exactly YOUR will better than ours? Huh, Aowin?


Please, don't join the argument if you don't have any valid points. If that's how you want to play, then do operations to earn CXP and get crates for gear. Aowin is 100% correct in his statement that you are trying to argue with him on.


Comments like this one just devalue the conversation by bringing up irrelevant topics. We get it, people don't like change. But the basis for the change wasn't what's objectively wrong with galactic command. Giving gear to players who may not participate in group content is smart in the game that SWTOR has become. They just did a poor job with implementation by relying on RNG and forcing players to endure a multi-month grind on every character they play.

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Again, you assume Galactic Command will remain as it currently is until the next expansion. That is unrealistic considering BioWare has already stated multiple times they will tweak it and they have the means to alter the system quite easily. It's also almost guaranteed that BioWare will create CXP weekends to help close that gap between players in GC now and players in GC months later.


You're banking on the fact that they will do all these wonderful things, but its still a guess on your part. all we have to go on is what the system is now. Many have pointed out that what BW says they will do doesn't always happen. So I won't bother rehashing that again as you either missed it, or simply choose to ignore it as a possibility that they may not actually do any of the stuff you "almost guarantee" they will.


You don't have to get lucky finding raiders that happen to be kind enough to help you gear.


So they don't have to get lucky finding a team, just got lucky from an RNG loot crate? The difference being one can be controlled by the players, the other is 100% in the hands of BW.

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Pre 5.0 Everyone had the choice to get or not get 224 gear.





every player of max level had the choice of trying to get into ops. if people didn't want him cause he didn't have achievs, he could always try to start their own group. now if it was too much effort that is different. no one stops newbies from raiding. especially KP and EV. no one would care when it comes to those.

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You say it's better for new player but it isn't. Imagine someone who start playing 3 month from now. Everybody will have rank 300 and good gear while he'll have no rank at all. He'll have to grind is way up and during this time, he'll get overlooked by everybody because he has no gear. Imagine now this guy wants to raid HM or even NiM, he won't be able to raid for a long time because he won't have the gear. Now, if he wants to do rank pvp, the same problem applies. He won't be competitive for a long time. That's nice system indeed.
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Couldn't you make the same argument now?


Not really the same equivalent now because of RNG. No matter the effort you put in. No matter how much you might want to. RNG decides you are a loser in most cases. Not really the same.


4.0 and before. You put in even some small effort, BIS gear was there for the taking and you could plan it out.

Edited by Quraswren
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Couldn't you make the same argument now?


yeah, but right now it's pure RNG. no matter how much i want my toon geared, i'm not gonna spam pvp all day .... not like i have the time to play all day anyway. previously the gear was there. whether u could get it was ofc not always certain, but it was there. here we can't be sure that us grinding the next GC level will give us anything useful, so ofc the desire to waste even more and more time on it is really not there. not if this is how they implement it:eek::eek::eek:

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You say it's better for new player but it isn't. Imagine someone who start playing 3 month from now. Everybody will have rank 300 and good gear while he'll have no rank at all. He'll have to grind is way up and during this time, he'll get overlooked by everybody because he has no gear. Imagine now this guy wants to raid HM or even NiM, he won't be able to raid for a long time because he won't have the gear. Now, if he wants to do rank pvp, the same problem applies. He won't be competitive for a long time. That's nice system indeed.


yes, thank you for your voice of reason ./hug =) :D:D:D

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Couldn't you make the same argument now?


Of course. But as such, I'm unclear on why the current system can be characterized as "better", using the logic that anyone can get gear.


However let's not even pretend that they two systems are even remotely equitable WRT investment of time.


I could group with my friends twice a week for two hours and be geared extremely well in a very short period of time.


That is literally impossible now via CXP.


It is pretty clear most players that are serious about gearing quickly are not leveraging CXP. At all. That says something.

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Again, you assume Galactic Command will remain as it currently is until the next expansion. That is unrealistic considering BioWare has already stated multiple times they will tweak it and they have the means to alter the system quite easily.


This comment shows that you agree that there are issues if you are banking on them making changes. That being the case, can you state what your perceived issues are with CXP and fixes you would suggest?

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To think its not a good gauge is a fruitless endeavor. Simple statistics in such a situation can help gauge the populace. We are a sample size of the game and a decent one at that given therelatively low number of players in the game. A game company that loves their metrics. Here we are.


that is inherently incorrect do ti RNG alone. At least in 4.0 if they got in a group, they could get gear. Hell, coming in late and they had even more of a chance to get gera because people would actually pass to people who actually needed it when we pugged. RNG makes sure that no matter what, there is a chance to never get gear no matter their effort or skill.


We are a sample size of how a vocal minority feels about Galactic Command, nothing more.


The operative phrase in your argument being "if they got in a group." That was the problem. A lot of players simply could not get into a group, barring them from all of that content. Galactic Command does away with that.


I came from SWG as well. It's now a shut down game after 8 years and NGE was just a start at why. I'm not so bold to say this is swtor version of NGE but the current changes are not some Godsend to good gaming. GC and that grind is a massive fundimental game change to swtor and how the game has been ran for gearing. Thats not apples and oranges. It's massively similar. GC is no more inclusive than what we had in 4.0. Do the content, get the gear you planned for. Now it's do the content, pull the slot machine handle and see what happens and pray. That system is not better much less equal some playing field for everyone unless you meant it as a way to screw everyone equally.


So to the detriment of the game they though an online casino of gearing in an RNG loot crate slot machine pull combined with a massive grind this game has never had anything similar too, was the way to go? Talk about denial in what is a good direction for the future of the game.


While I'll agree the initial implementation of NGE was horrible and beyond puzzling to fundamentally change a sandbox game into more of a theme park, I disagree that the NGE is one of the reasons SWG shut down. Prior to the closure of SWG, the NGE had been refined, tweaked, and arguably was far better than SWG ever was during Pre-CU or CU. The reason being SOE had created a perfect mixture of sandbox for player creativity as well as theme park with plenty of new content.


Before the game shut down, SOE added a lot of new content such as battlegrounds, raids, chronicle, storyteller, new gear progression for all classes, atmospheric flight, and many other great additions that made it the best MMORPG I ever played, sandbox or theme park. It just so happens that EA, BioWare's parent company, did not want to compete with another Star Wars MMO. Given that SWG (even at its peak) never had a massive player base and was eight years old at this point, EA got its way and SWG was shut down to further support the new Star Wars MMO: SWTOR.


Regardless, I'm getting on a tangent about SWG now. Galactic Command is no NGE. It's definitely an overhaul in how gear progression works, but that's the only aspect of the game that has changed.


Well until it changes it has not. I'm not banking on bw making any great changes. They have shown to not really do a stellar job in that area. You assume there going to smooth out the rough edges which their past does not follow that line of logic. Things they say and things they do, do not always mesh.


You should know better than to take what bw says as even a possibility.


As I have said before on why you are wrong. Why this version is even more harsh on new and returning gamers and the longer they are not here from last weeks launch date, the worse off they will be. This new RNG system doesn't work in anyones favor. That is not how RNG works. It wasn't created to ever be in your favor. it's sure isn't doing anyone any favors.


Considering BIoWare has already indicated they wouldn't be against adding a vendor or players to get that last set piece bonus they just can't get with RNG, you should be very excited with the tweaks BioWare could be making. The Live Stream today will probably give us even more insight into what BioWare is going to do.


Reasonable minds may differ. I don't have an issue with Galactic Command and I've only received one set piece so far out of 35 or so command ranks. I'm not bothered by that at all as I'm not in the rush that many of you are to have BiS gear immediately after an expansion launches. Again, the real issue here is BioWare spoiled many players by making gear far too easy and far too fast to obtain. They are changing that philosophy drastically and many obviously do not like that change.


Those gamers that you think have some equal chance at gear at in for quite a surprise when they are once again denied gear because they can't put int he massive amount of time needed to actually get there but even if they get over that hurdle. RNG is waiting on them to once again deny then what they want regardless of who they are at that really.


That equal ground you seem to think is there is an illusion. As I have told you. Just claiming anyone can get gear is a joke. A false hope that RNG just isn't designed to let you do and thats if you can get through the grind at all.


You'll just have to wait and see. I obviously can't change your mind. Seeing how the system functions in the long run will be enough evidence.

Edited by Aowin
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The operative phrase in your argument being "if they got in a group." That was the problem. A lot of players simply could not get into a group, barring them from all of that content. Galactic Command does away with that.


You mean they chose not to get into a group. Key difference.


Last I checked, the ability to form groups was not bestowed via RNG. Anyone who couldn't "find" a group (which is laughable) could simply make one.


If this was legitimately a problem, there should have been plenty of people looking. Certainly enough to form groups.

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You mean they chose not to get into a group. Key difference.


Last I checked, the ability to form groups was not bestowed via RNG. Anyone who couldn't "find" a group (which is laughable) could simply make one.


If this was legitimately a problem, there should have been plenty of people looking. Certainly enough to form groups.


It was never that cut and dried. Some people formed groups and failed the run. Some spammed fleet for hours trying to form groups. The only ones with dependable runs were the raiding guilds, and those weren't always easy to get into.

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We are a sample size of how a vocal minority feels about Galactic Command, nothing more.


The operative phrase in your argument being "if they got in a group." That was the problem. A lot of players simply could not get into a group, barring them from all of that content. Galactic Command does away with that.


okay, if they couldn't get into a group that was already forming, no one stopped them from forming their own group. and there is nothing that will convince me otherwise. when i didn't want to pay 100mil for wings of architect i kept on pugging nim df for 8 months straight until i got it down and got my wings. so even though u'll again say that it's just my personal experience it's none the less valid point. if i could do it, why couldn't others? i was just a scrub with no nim df achievs and yet i could try and try over and over until it worked. no one stopped other people from doing the same. so it's not that they couldn't get into a group, they didn't try hard enough.


While I'll agree the initial implementation of NGE was horrible and beyond puzzling to fundamentally change a sandbox game into more of a theme park, I disagree that the NGE is one of the reasons SWG shut down. Prior to the closure of SWG, the NGE had been refined, tweaked, and arguably was far better than SWG ever was during Pre-CU or CU. The reason being SOE had created a perfect mixture of sandbox for player creativity as well as theme park with plenty of new content.


Before the game shut down, SOE added a lot of new content such as battlegrounds, raids, chronicle, storyteller, new gear progression for all classes, atmospheric flight, and many other great additions that made it the best MMORPG I ever played, sandbox or theme park. It just so happens that EA, BioWare's parent company, did not want to compete with another Star Wars MMO. Given that SWG (even at its peak) never had a massive player base and was eight years old at this point, EA got its way and SWG was shut down to further support the new Star Wars MMO: SWTOR.


Regardless, I'm getting on a tangent about SWG now. Galactic Command is no NGE. It's definitely an overhaul in how gear progression works, but that's the only aspect of the game that has changed.


yes it's a HUGE change and of course people aren't happy. ESPECIALLY those people that are hated by the damn RNJezuz and i'm sure there is a sizable amount of those. sure there are those who get lucky. But seriously , what kind of good system relies on LUCK as the deciding factor or whether this person gets the piece of gear they need???


Considering BIoWare has already indicated they wouldn't be against adding a vendor or players to get that last set piece bonus they just can't get with RNG, you should be very excited with the tweaks BioWare could be making. The Live Stream today will probably give us even more insight into what BioWare is going to do.


Reasonable minds may differ. I don't have an issue with Galactic Command and I've only received one set piece so far out of 35 or so command ranks. I'm not bothered by that at all as I'm not in the rush that many of you are to have BiS gear immediately after an expansion launches. Again, the really issue here is BioWare spoiled many players by making gear far too easy and far too fast to obtain. They are changing that philosophy drastically and many obviously do not like that change.


seee you say yourself that it used to be TOO easy. and yet u still go on and on about it being unobtainable for newer players? decide already. it can't really work both ways.


You'll just have to wait and see. I obviously can't change your mind. Seeing how the system functions in the long run will be enough evidence.


of course we can't do anything else but wait and see. but i'm pretty sure that the longer we wait, especially with their great habit of not dropping in and leaving a couple words especially in threads as big as ours is becoming only frustrates people even more.

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You mean they chose not to get into a group. Key difference.


Last I checked, the ability to form groups was not bestowed via RNG. Anyone who couldn't "find" a group (which is laughable) could simply make one.


If this was legitimately a problem, there should have been plenty of people looking. Certainly enough to form groups.

yes thank you =) so glad to seee another person with common sense =) :D:D

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This comment shows that you agree that there are issues if you are banking on them making changes. That being the case, can you state what your perceived issues are with CXP and fixes you would suggest?


I foresee possible gaps in gear tiers months down the line. Currently, everybody is equal because most players are still tier 1 (besides exploiters). Again, BioWare has metrics and they will make sure that the gear gap between players does not become too large. Unlike pre-5.0 where BioWare did not have any control over gear and whether players had access to gear, BioWare has absolute control now.


If they see there is a huge disparity between most players being tier 2 and 3 while newcomers are tier 1, they can implement systems to either provide rapid gains for CXP or perhaps even the vendor idea Ben suggested in the last Producer Live Stream.


BioWare isn't just going to sit on their hands for an entire year and decide to make fixes in the next expansion. They've already indicated Galactic Command is a foundation for the game and that they needed it in the game to see how it functions before they could make any rapid changes to the system. This is merely phase one of Galactic Command and more phases are coming.

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I foresee possible gaps in gear tiers months down the line. Currently, everybody is equal because most players are still tier 1 (besides exploiters). Again, BioWare has metrics and they will make sure that the gear gap between players does not become too large. Unlike pre-5.0 where BioWare did not have any control over gear and whether players had access to gear, BioWare has absolute control now.


If they see there is a huge disparity between most players being tier 2 and 3 while newcomers are tier 1, they can implement systems to either provide rapid gains for CXP or perhaps even the vendor idea Ben suggested in the last Producer Live Stream.


BioWare isn't just going to sit on their hands for an entire year and decide to make fixes in the next expansion. They've already indicated Galactic Command is a foundation for the game and that they needed it in the game to see how it functions before they could make any rapid changes to the system. This is merely phase one of Galactic Command and more phases are coming.

your faith in BioWare is astounding, are you SURE you've been here 5 years non-stop?? 0.o

these ideas i might actually get behind. but it goes without saying they need to increase the CXP gain from all sources to be on par with PvP lol. because after they nerfed the gold adds, heroics are certainly not very viable option. and ofc MOST people don't do gsf at all lol. :D:D

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