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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

RNG is perfect for SWTOR and I'll explain why.


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Artemis, i sense a potential for a bright diplomatic future for you. you are VERY good with words :D:D


LOL thanks.


Actually the community deserves more credit for that than I do. I've been participating in communities like this one for a long time now, and I have "learned as I went", so to speak. ;)

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They won a "golden globe" for over-nerf on that item, and forever cemented their reputation of not understanding the terms "misleading communications, "proper balance", and "proper analysis". Which frankly was pretty much the whole early theme with 3.0 from the day they launched it.


Which bears consideration in these discussions ---> be careful what you ask, demand, or wish for. You might hate the results worse then the original release.


Personally, I think they just got tired of all the drama around an otherwise good idea wrongly tuned... and over-nerfed it to effectively shoot it and let it die. We have never seen another slot machine that gives out reputation for the galactic market faction vendors.. ever again.


Yes, this was one of the things that upset you and I almost equally I would contend. I think we both agreed it was poorly handled from beginning to end.


Honestly I am still wary of the company because of that incident.

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Nope.. I moved on long ago. If I had not, I would not have come back to the game. Just acknowledging the horribad reality that was 3.0 and the immediate months afterwards. Do enough bone headed things at a fast enough pace and even I will take a break from the game. :cool:


Thanks for asking though.... :)


Well, it was a huge screw up, making a lot of people waste real money on CM garbage, and to an extent the current situation seems to me as a deja vu

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Yes, this was one of the things that upset you and I almost equally I would contend. I think we both agreed it was poorly handled from beginning to end.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. I would hardly think your initial reaction (http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7958819&postcount=93) indicates poor handling from the beginning....

"Fantastic!!!! Best addition to the game since the Stronghold QoL change."


Honestly I am still wary of the company because of that incident.


I can't fault you for that -- I mean there you were, standing at the alter, radiant in white, Andrayah as Maid of Honor at your side, waiting for a patch that would never come. :)

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The lady doth protest too much, methinks. I would hardly think your initial reaction (http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7958819&postcount=93) indicates poor handling from the beginning....

"Fantastic!!!! Best addition to the game since the Stronghold QoL change."




I can't fault you for that -- I mean there you were, standing at the alter, radiant in white, Andrayah as Maid of Honor at your side, waiting for a patch that would never come. :)


To be fair, that is LA's reaction prior to any nerf happening on the CSM

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I think many will be presently surprised how much they will come to enjoy Galactic Command in time. Give it a few months and the growing pains will subside and everything will return back to normal. It also appears we are going to have a decent amount of content Q1 of 2017, so there should be plenty of activities for players to occupy themselves with while gaining a constant stream of CXP. There really hasn't been a better time for newcomers or veterans to come into the game and start experiencing the new progression system.
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I think many will be presently surprised how much they will come to enjoy Galactic Command in time. Give it a few months and the growing pains will subside and everything will return back to normal. It also appears we are going to have a decent amount of content Q1 of 2017, so there should be plenty of activities for players to occupy themselves with while gaining a constant stream of CXP. There really hasn't been a better time for newcomers or veterans to come into the game and start experiencing the new progression system.


You're back!!!!


Still don't agree with you, but that's ok.

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I think many will be presently surprised how much they will come to enjoy Galactic Command in time. Give it a few months and the growing pains will subside and everything will return back to normal. It also appears we are going to have a decent amount of content Q1 of 2017, so there should be plenty of activities for players to occupy themselves with while gaining a constant stream of CXP. There really hasn't been a better time for newcomers or veterans to come into the game and start experiencing the new progression system.


awwwwwww *hug* we missed u:D:D leggo for 2k:D:D:D

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To be fair, that is LA's reaction prior to any nerf happening on the CSM


No, I had actually convinced him that the Jawa Junk drop rates were too high before the nerf...it was the loss of certs that broke him (and several others). But his day one reaction *was* unconditional love.

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There is only DOOM AND GLOOM for this RNG thread. It will die horribly, and end up on page 6 and only be necro'd many moons from now with someone throwing in pithy comments. Folks will quickly lose interest as they open up a new post only to be disappointed that its not the shiny BIS assumption that they really wanted. YOU DON"T NEED BIS assumptions you silly rabbits. the Green and Blue assumptions are more than enough for the level of posting the majority of the community is doing. That is the nature of RNG thread, YOU"RE NOT GUARANTEED BIS! all you progression posters need to realize that threads have moved in a new direction so that the casual posters are able to enjoy the community on an even playing field.


When this thread is dead and gone, you will know the Doom and Gloom is real and I will be proven right.

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There is only DOOM AND GLOOM for this RNG thread. It will die horribly, and end up on page 6 and only be necro'd many moons from now with someone throwing in pithy comments. Folks will quickly lose interest as they open up a new post only to be disappointed that its not the shiny BIS assumption that they really wanted. YOU DON"T NEED BIS assumptions you silly rabbits. the Green and Blue assumptions are more than enough for the level of posting the majority of the community is doing. That is the nature of RNG thread, YOU"RE NOT GUARANTEED BIS! all you progression posters need to realize that threads have moved in a new direction so that the casual posters are able to enjoy the community on an even playing field.


When this thread is dead and gone, you will know the Doom and Gloom is real and I will be proven right.


But will there be a cantina?

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