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RNG is perfect for SWTOR and I'll explain why.


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So,this system is good for all as per the OP because the raiders will sit and twiddle their fingers while everyone else reaches their gear? In the meantime keep rolling those RNG boxes? By definition this system outright excludes the raiders from upgrading their gear. So thats 1 category of people not included.


How about a player who tries the game 2 months from now? When you are sitting at GC lvl 120? What exactly is the way for him to be on equal footing? He/she will always be 1 tier gear behind you. How is this system more inclusive?


It's fantastic for your not raid alts to get gear. But the raider needs to raid. With his most geared char.

He/she will not play an alt just because its undergeared to bring it to the same lvl as his 65 lvl main character. He will focus on his main character to be ready for raids.

Which brings us back to what you said before:


The ops ready char you have (according to your signature) is gear wise too high and to optimized to have any advatage of the first command crate levels (224 set gear, fully augmented). I have the same problem on my ops char (opened 11 boxes, got two worthy enhanchements, one 230 token belt and a speeder). There seems amazingly few upgrades within such a char in the boxes on the first levels I agree. But those are not the chars we should only speak about. It is understandable you all get frustrated because you want to advance. I would too if I would just groom those chars.


So grind away at those 90 GC levels ( 90 hours as per livestream) in order for you to really start getting RNG rolls for a chance at upgrades?


You like the system? Perfectly fine with me. Give the raiders the old gearing system back, give the PVPers their old system of gearing and add this system as well.


And let the people decide which system suits them. This will cater to the whole population correct?

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Inclusiveness? Newcomer retention?


We're talking endgame gear. By the time you reach that level you're no longer a newcomer. And tell me, why does someone who doesn't raid, need raid level gear? Oh, inclusiveness? Nonsense. "I play the game in story mode only! I deserve raid level gear even though I don't raid or run FPs!" Participation trophy nonsense, nothing else.


You want raid gear? Earn it by raiding rather than banking on RNGesus.


RNG is a ludicrously bad design decision. It could be somewhat mitigated by actually giving us more content to run, but all we got is group junk food (also known as uprisings; and yeah, in group content we started with a 3 course menu at launch and now we're sitting here with a crappy chicken Mcnugget) and a new single player (which you can't play in a group.)


Everything else is the same.


Instead of coming up with new content, the devs do everything in their power to recycle old content. That, too, is ludicrously bad design. Oh great, old content is relevant again? It was "relevant again" in 4.0, and it was there only to grind a reputation that gave us nothing of value.


Oh yeah, wanna run "Friends of old" again? For the literally 1,000th time, just to feed a bad RNG system? Black Talon? Any old Ops, FP or heroic (and I know, I don't have to say "old", because THERE ARE NO NEW ONES)? And that gets hailed as great and epic?


Are you kidding me? That's lazy. Lazy and incompetent.


Just take uprisings. The promised "epic, fast paced Star Wars action" is just waves upon waves of mobs thrown at you. That is easy to design, easy to make. But it's not high quality content. It's junk food. It's not even Star Fortress, and those were already generic bore-fests.


We're getting this stuff because it's easy to make. But it won't retain players on the long run.


But of course, I can repeat the story missions now. Great. Except, why would I ever want to do that? They are terribly written, there is no challenge in them. And I have to do them alone, because it's pure single player content. In an MMORPG.


Also, since the OP points out inclusiveness? How is a single player expansion "inclusive"? I can't even take other people into the godawful missions.


If Blizzard would pull off something like that, people would burn down Blizzard HQ.


This is an IP that should be printing money. But this game never did. That's why they went F2P. With 5.0 they're going to lose even more players. Tell me, why should I invest money in this? It's 90% old, recycled content and 2 single player expansions. All you need to do is wait till all chapters are out, then pay $15 for full access, play them, cancel again after a month.


That's a horrible business idea.


At this point I give this game 2 years of life left, because this form of business practice is not sustainable.


On the good side, 5.0 made sure this game will never be Star Wars canon. Player character ruling the galaxy? Ha! Yeah, right. That alone is awful writing. And just wait, for the next pure single player expansion we're getting another cliche lade trope-fest that will somehow remove our character from the throne.


Rinse and repeat.


Clearly they hired Matt Ward as lead writer.

Edited by Diefenbaker
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Hi everybody, just want to ad some thoughts...


I have to laugh when ppl. think in lvl of cxp...


Here some fun facts about statistics for RNG all assumtions and rough estimates, take them and think for yourself...


First best (system picks quality of item first, green, blue ... )


When you have a 5% chance of set piece you need (on average)


340 crates for the complete set...



Now when the system picks the item type first...


When you have 5% chance of a set item...


726 crates for the complete set.... (just for one tier

.. remember that, if tier 3 just starting from crate nr 180) so you have 906... If you are the I am only interessted in tier III type of guy) I hope the tier III drop is garantied ....



Now it is also possible to get the set in just 7 crates...


Chance for that....


3.74 E -14 (hahaha.... This is so funny)


Win the euromillions lottery 7.15 E-09 (50 to 300 Million Euros)

It is more propable to got struck by lightning twice ... Then get the set that fast...


O by the way this is also interessting...


With 5% chance of a set item....


5/100 get one in the first crate


41/100 get one in the first 10




5/100 need 60 crates


An one damn piss poor idiot needs more then 100...


Statisticly ... naturaly ...don't take it personaly ... It is just the system...




Have fun

Edited by Artowa
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This game has always been unfriendly to new players since launch. For years BioWare has been trying to streamline it to make it more accessible to new players. Remember class trees? Remember each class used to have unique stats? Remember how classes used to have forms and cells that weren't passive? Remember how Valor actually used to mean something and was required for PvP gear? Remember how operations used to drop gear pieces and not tokens? The list goes on and on with the changes BioWare has made in this game in an attempt to make it more newcomer-friendly.


BioWare has tirelessly been trying to make this game more and more appealing to new players. The old gear progression system was never ideal and there was always a disconnect between newcomers and veterans. Why was that the case? Because there were so many different gear sets, different currencies, new players did not know what to get and what to do. From your biased perspective, of course gearing was "simple" because you were here for years... New players did not have your knowledge. No, gearing was not simple pre-5.0 and Galactic Command was the ultimate solution to streamline all gear progression.


I understand it's difficult for you to see any perspective other than your own. Believe me when I tell you BioWare is doing what is best for the majority of the game. Gear has always been the focus of this game, especially in progression raiding. I'm not sure why you think Galactic Command has somehow made it more relevant than it was before. All Galactic Command does is make the best gear available to everybody on a fair playing field. This really isn't difficult to understand and the benefits of this system for the majority are obvious.


Try to put yourself in the shoes of a new player who literally just started playing today. Do you honestly believe the convoluted and confusing gear progression we had in 4.0 and prior is easier to understand and achieve than Galactic Command? I think you know the real answer, even if you don't like it. The system isn't perfect, but Galactic Command is the right direction for this game and it is here to stay. We'll have to see what's in store for group content and perhaps operations.


As for how this system works in six months? That's an easy answer. CXP boosts, CXP weekends, and other means of equalizing command ranks and placing all players on an even playing field. By the time the new expansion hits command ranks will either be reset to 1 or BioWare will provide tokens for players to catch up to those who get to command rank 300. BioWare has a plan. You'll just have to wait and see what they have in store for us.


Listen, I respect that you tirelessly defend your agenda - even in the face of facts - but you are not going to convince anyone who applies actual reason that this game catered to veterans more than newcomers during the last few years. Your examples are poor and don't refute this. This became one of the most new-player-friendly games in history.


If you want to argue that BiS gear was not very new-player-accessible I am pretty sure I could argue that with you. I was doing the actual content in which it drops and I see no reason why a new player could not be doing NM content within a few days of playing if he/she had the skill.


But where is the above-mentioned skill coming from? Well - it certainly isn't coming from the leveling experience anymore. That's been nuked from orbit. I literally leveled a character to about 40 using nothing but basic attack. I only quit because I couldn't stand it. That's not a question of having veteran knowledge, it's a case of the game being a joke now from a difficulty level until you get to harder Ops. This game fell all over itself becoming new player friendly - at the expense of veteran players. For crying out loud the damn buttons light up when you need to press them now.


That sort of knowledge came from guilds - which if you noticed I pointed out in my post was one of the groups that was ignored by BW. When the content tap got turned off, guilds vanished. At least most of the good ones. Guilds were where I learned about gameplay and gearing. It's where I taught others about the same. Now, when I create new characters I accept the spam invites from these massive, huge guilds and they're full of level 65/70's giving all these new players horrible, terrible advice.


Guess what. You have the same problem as Ben Irving. You both misunderstand the entire inner-ecosystem of how games like this work. I'll put it in swtor-difficulty terms so you (and he) can understand it.


The game does not have to be idiot-proof. It's ok for something to not be intuitive - especially if it's, say, endgame gearing. It's actually ok for there to be times when a player has to ask for help.



Because it's a *********** MMO.



All this stuff you're arguing for - RNG, CXP everything - it very well might have a place. I believe I can envision far better implementations of it but I could make something work. But please do not try to argue this game had a need in the new-player space for this system as a mechanism to integrate new players into the community.


That's what guilds are for. And the lack of real MMO content - at the cost of crap like GC - is what has destroyed all but a handful of the better guilds this game used to have. Every single person reading this who played this game since 2012 or so can probably name 15 guilds that used to be a major presence on their server that are gone now. Cratered. That's what "catering to new players" does.


I get tired of saying this but it's not Ben's job to make this game new-player friendly. He thinks it is, and obviously so do you. But it's not. That's the community's job. The problem is he's been chasing the community away.




The absolute funniest part of your post - and that says a lot - is that I swear, on my life, I almost posted that someday when Ben resets CXP you'd post about how wonderful it is. I had it typed out and deleted it because I thought it was a bit too ridiculous. I so wish I hadn't deleted it now. That's epic.

Edited by gabigool
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Hi everybody, just want to ad some thoughts...


I have to laugh when ppl. think in lvl of cxp...


Here some fun facts about statistics for RNG all assumtions and rough estimates, take them and think for yourself...


First best (system picks quality of item first, green, blue ... )


When you have a 5% chance of set piece you need (on average)


340 crates for the complete set...



Now when the system picks the item type first...


When you have 5% chance of a set item...


726 crates for the complete set.... (just for one tier

.. remember that, if tier 3 just starting from crate nr 180) so you have 906... If you are the I am only interessted in tier III type of guy) I hope the tier III drop is garantied ....



Now it is also possible to get the set in just 7 crates...


Chance for that....


3.74 E -14 (hahaha.... This is so funny)


Win the euromillions lottery 7.15 E-09 (50 to 300 Million Euros)

It is more propable to got struck by lightning twice ... Then get the set that fast...


O by the way this is also interessting...


With 5% chance of a set item....


5/100 get one in the first crate


41/100 get one in the first 10




5/100 need 60 crates


An one damn piss poor idiot needs more then 100...


Statisticly ... naturaly ...don't take it personaly ... It is just the system...




Have fun


Math-heads to the rescue. This kinda sums up entire topic.

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Listen, I respect that you tirelessly defend your agenda - even in the face of facts - but you are not going to convince anyone who applies actual reason that this game catered to veterans more than newcomers during the last few years. SNIP....


I tried to explain it as well a couple pages ago but he skipped replying.


I'm actually starting to think even he doesn't believe the crap hes spouting but simply cannot allow himself to accept the reality of the situation. It would be to harsh for him to accept and cannot be wrong.


This massive grind and random gearing is not creating some even playing field for new or returning gamers Nor is it some amazing change to veteran gamers who have used the gearing system we have had for years.


RNG is not perfect by any stretch given why and how it was designed to be used. If you wanted something closer to perfect our old gearing system was the way to go. If bw wanted to slow down gear distribution that could have easily been doing using that system and the good part of GC (allowing gamers to do any content for gear)


The slot machine casino gearing we got. It's trash and should be changed ASAP. It's not good for new or returning players as they will never catch up and as they return and see such a drastic change with a massive grind wall ahead of them that not even a group/guild can help with while they do 2-5 year old content tells me they will leave only that much faster.


RNG perfect for SWTOR? Not even remotely. It's such a bad fit for swtor, it's like cramming in a puzzle piece where it doesn't belong. Not only because it doesn't fit, but its from an entirely different puzzle as well.

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I tried to explain it as well a couple pages ago but he skipped replying.


I'm actually starting to think even he doesn't believe the crap hes spouting but simply cannot allow himself to accept the reality of the situation. It would be to harsh for him to accept and cannot be wrong.


This massive grind and random gearing is not creating some even playing field for new or returning gamers Nor is it some amazing change to veteran gamers who have used the gearing system we have had for years.


RNG is not perfect by any stretch given why and how it was designed to be used. If you wanted something closer to perfect our old gearing system was the way to go. If bw wanted to slow down gear distribution that could have easily been doing using that system and the good part of GC (allowing gamers to do any content for gear)


The slot machine casino gearing we got. It's trash and should be changed ASAP. It's not good for new or returning players as they will never catch up and as they return and see such a drastic change with a massive grind wall ahead of them that not even a group/guild can help with while they do 2-5 year old content tells me they will leave only that much faster.


RNG perfect for SWTOR? Not even remotely. It's such a bad fit for swtor, it's like cramming in a puzzle piece where it doesn't belong. Not only because it doesn't fit, but its from an entirely different puzzle as well.


It's funny that you say someone can't accept that they might be wrong, when the raiders on this thread refuse to see this from a non-raider perspective. Imagine for a second that someone isn't interested in doing raids beyond story mode. Really think about that. The game would offer them next to nothing endgame. I know this because that's when I personally would always cancel my sub. Once raiding (or even griding HM flashpoints) became the next step in progression, I lost interest. In this system I can play whatever I feel like is fun that day and still be working towards something. That's where the inclusiveness comes in--there is more than one path as opposed to only raiding.


Another thing to keep in mind is that a brand new player should end up at level 70 well before they have maxed gear. As someone else already pointed out, someone who is freshly gearing a new character will be able to use the majority of the random gear that drops. Their experience will be different than yours (and other people sitting on old raid gear). And I really doubt their concern will be "catching up" with people who were raid-ready today.


That said, I'm not defending the fact that the current RNG is a bad way for current raiders to incrementally progress their gear. But I'd wager that this benefits far more players than it currently limits. I like this better. I'm more likely to sub longer under this system. Try to really think about who might be more representative of the player base--I really don't think it's HM/NiM raiders. Also the expansion JUST came out. If you don't feel like giving them time to adjust take a break until they do.

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It's funny that you say someone can't accept that they might be wrong, when the raiders on this thread refuse to see this from a non-raider perspective. Imagine for a second that someone isn't interested in doing raids beyond story mode. Really think about that. The game would offer them next to nothing endgame. I know this because that's when I personally would always cancel my sub. Once raiding (or even griding HM flashpoints) became the next step in progression, I lost interest. In this system I can play whatever I feel like is fun that day and still be working towards something. That's where the inclusiveness comes in--there is more than one path as opposed to only raiding.


Another thing to keep in mind is that a brand new player should end up at level 70 well before they have maxed gear. As someone else already pointed out, someone who is freshly gearing a new character will be able to use the majority of the random gear that drops. Their experience will be different than yours (and other people sitting on old raid gear). And I really doubt their concern will be "catching up" with people who were raid-ready today.


That said, I'm not defending the fact that the current RNG is a bad way for current raiders to incrementally progress their gear. But I'd wager that this benefits far more players than it currently limits. I like this better. I'm more likely to sub longer under this system. Try to really think about who might be more representative of the player base--I really don't think it's HM/NiM raiders. Also the expansion JUST came out. If you don't feel like giving them time to adjust take a break until they do.


we must have a different non raider perspective, because even without raiding, I find this system entirely abhorent. someone who is casually playing whatever they want - will end up barely getting rewarded for it. so eventually if they feel like they are struggling with content they want to keep playing... they either give up.. or are forced to grind whatever content is most efficient for xp gain.. and still barely get rewarded. few months down the road, maker help them if they want to pvp - they are not catching up with anyone else, they will continuously get squashed with casualy speaking? months of grind ahead of them - per character, before they could even start getting a CHANCE at upgrades that would put them on equalfooting with someone who'se been grinding since the start.


the only way this system is "inclusive" if you concider that everyone but the most dedicated grinders and maybe roleplayers/people who run through story once on story mode and are done - are screwed by it. altoholics? screwed. raiders? screwed. casual solo players who want to try anything above story mode and are of average skill so they NEED the gear to compensate? screwed. pvpers? screwed. new players? screwed. veterans? yep.


rng. is. awful. rng as THE ONLY means of upgrading your character's performance? even worse. rng gated behind a time wall? THE WORST.


as for giving them a break? no. people have been telling them for WEEKS about the pitfalls of the system. they didn't listen and made it go live anyways.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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It's funny that you say someone can't accept that they might be wrong, when the raiders on this thread refuse to see this from a non-raider perspective. Imagine for a second that someone isn't interested in doing raids beyond story mode. Really think about that. The game would offer them next to nothing endgame. I know this because that's when I personally would always cancel my sub. Once raiding (or even griding HM flashpoints) became the next step in progression, I lost interest. In this system I can play whatever I feel like is fun that day and still be working towards something. That's where the inclusiveness comes in--there is more than one path as opposed to only raiding.


okay. explain to me please. why on earth would non-raiders / not ranked pvpers even need set bonus for exactly? all the content int he game except HM ops, NIM ops and probably ranked pvp can be easily done without min/maxed gear and set bonus.


Another thing to keep in mind is that a brand new player should end up at level 70 well before they have maxed gear. As someone else already pointed out, someone who is freshly gearing a new character will be able to use the majority of the random gear that drops. Their experience will be different than yours (and other people sitting on old raid gear). And I really doubt their concern will be "catching up" with people who were raid-ready today.


aaaaaand if they have bad luck and only get empty shells /jawa scrap/companion gifts/ rep. tokens? where do they get their gear from then? 0.o as a newbie they won't have the required millions to buy mats/gear from GTN...


That said, I'm not defending the fact that the current RNG is a bad way for current raiders to incrementally progress their gear. But I'd wager that this benefits far more players than it currently limits. I like this better. I'm more likely to sub longer under this system. Try to really think about who might be more representative of the player base--I really don't think it's HM/NiM raiders. Also the expansion JUST came out. If you don't feel like giving them time to adjust take a break until they do.


this entire system is a extremely BAD copy from the RNG-based drop rate of legendary items in WoW, as such they could have at least thought about it a bit more / given an alternative way to get those set bonuses.... like dunno.... u earn ur command rank and then u can spend them points on the set bonus piece u want/need or something. No doubt there are people who get very lucky and have several set pieces by now, but keep in mind, for every lucky guy there is undoubtedly at least 10 howling in frustration about how much RNG f***ing hates them. Change is good in MMO, no doubt there, but it needs to be done carefully and thoughtfully. not the way BW does it. the forums are literally blowing up with this topic and yet there is not a single gold post in response... not that that is anything out of ordinary mind you.....

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we must have a different non raider perspective, because even without raiding, I find this system entirely abhorent. someone who is casually playing whatever they want - will end up barely getting rewarded for it. so eventually if they feel like they are struggling with content they want to keep playing... they either give up.. or are forced to grind whatever content is most efficient for xp gain.. and still barely get rewarded. few months down the road, maker help them if they want to pvp - they are not catching up with anyone else, they will continuously get squashed with casualy speaking? months of grind ahead of them - per character, before they could even start getting a CHANCE at upgrades that would put them on equalfooting with someone who'se been grinding since the start.


the only way this system is "inclusive" if you concider that everyone but the most dedicated grinders and maybe roleplayers/people who run through story once on story mode and are done - are screwed by it. altoholics? screwed. raiders? screwed. casual solo players who want to try anything above story mode and are of average skill so they NEED the gear to compensate? screwed. pvpers? screwed. new players? screwed. veterans? yep.


rng. is. awful. rng as THE ONLY means of upgrading your character's performance? even worse. rng gated behind a time wall? THE WORST.


i think i'm in love. marry me? :D:D

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I couldn't read the whole thread, but a couple points.


You can never gear too fast in PvP. In fact, having no gear advantage at all would be preferred. I'm playing against real players, I don't need gear to be a factor when they actually think and react.


You can never gear too fast in PvE when there is no new PvE content to gear for. If you want to have a progression raiding system, then you at least need some new content to progress through. As it is, you released an expansion and forced players to RNG their way back to doing the same thing they were doing before the expansion.


I'm happy that all players have access to good gear in the new system. I'm unhappy that not all players will get the gear they need due to an RNG loot system. BW easily could have put in a system that would give you a token every X number of levels so you could choose what you get, they know the exact numbers of how much CXP is needed for each level and how much is given for each activity to get the timing they want. It would also allow you to obtain gear for alts on one character as we've done for the entirety of the game, but at a slower pace since it takes more CXP to level up as you reach the cap. But instead, you have people like me that got a set piece in the first crate (only got 3 since I did the story and stopped playing) and you'll have others who are 25 crates in with nothing to show for it.

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It's funny that you say someone can't accept that they might be wrong, when the raiders on this thread refuse to see this from a non-raider perspective. Imagine for a second that someone isn't interested in doing raids beyond story mode. Really think about that. The game would offer them next to nothing endgame. I know this because that's when I personally would always cancel my sub. Once raiding (or even griding HM flashpoints) became the next step in progression, I lost interest. In this system I can play whatever I feel like is fun that day and still be working towards something. That's where the inclusiveness comes in--there is more than one path as opposed to only raiding.


Another thing to keep in mind is that a brand new player should end up at level 70 well before they have maxed gear. As someone else already pointed out, someone who is freshly gearing a new character will be able to use the majority of the random gear that drops. Their experience will be different than yours (and other people sitting on old raid gear). And I really doubt their concern will be "catching up" with people who were raid-ready today.


That said, I'm not defending the fact that the current RNG is a bad way for current raiders to incrementally progress their gear. But I'd wager that this benefits far more players than it currently limits. I like this better. I'm more likely to sub longer under this system. Try to really think about who might be more representative of the player base--I really don't think it's HM/NiM raiders. Also the expansion JUST came out. If you don't feel like giving them time to adjust take a break until they do.


What exactly did the old system block you from that the new system doesn't? I'm curious.

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Top end pve gear ;)


Parsing words a little bit, but you weren't blocked from getting BIS gear, all level 65 players were able to participate in priority HM and NiM ops. Choosing not to participate is not the same as not having access.

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Well, nothing wrong with that. Problem is, they are just as unable to get it as before.


See, exactly this.


I feel bad somewhat for newer players listening to people like OP and thinking they're getting a pretty good deal.


While I agree I do not see a need for a casual player to have the equiv of 224 set gear I can understand why/how they might want it. Fine. Give it to them.


Put it on the coms vendors. And leave everything else alone. Problem solved. Everyone is happy now, no?


We didn't need GC. Or RNG. They didn't solve a damn thing. They created animosity. They removed enjoyable gameplay and replaced it with mindless grinding.


All the time and effort implementing this could have been spent on content.

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See, exactly this.


I feel bad somewhat for newer players listening to people like OP and thinking they're getting a pretty good deal.


While I agree I do not see a need for a casual player to have the equiv of 224 set gear I can understand why/how they might want it. Fine. Give it to them.

Put it on the coms vendors. And leave everything else alone. Problem solved. Everyone is happy now, no?

see, i doubt this makes me an elitist (though i'm sure someone will scream that i am) but it's reasonable that high difficulty content should give high end rewards that make people feel nice after downing a boss after x amount of wipes. sure, some people will say that that's not the reason they raid and that's perfectly reasonable, i don't raid for gear either, but it's still nice to get those NIM exclusive rewards when u actually are good enough to clear that content.

now they removed that.... and we get what exactly? a bit more CXP than on HM? 0.o sounds lame, sorry.:eek::eek:


We didn't need GC. Or RNG. They didn't solve a damn thing. They created animosity. They removed enjoyable gameplay and replaced it with mindless grinding.


All the time and effort implementing this could have been spent on content.


now this part 200% agree. they always spend time on the things that might make some people happy.... and will leave the majority wailing about how BW is being x.x

Edited by Hichitsuki-hime
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Exclussiveness is really not the "best thing" for swtor. I talked about this with a friend who with I've been playing for years, I do ops and group content for my gear, he doesnt participate in almost any group content apart from flashpoints.


He seemed to be ok with this gear change, it didnt change his means of gearing, which previously was grinding FPs and commendations. Now he is simply grinding a different currency. And he doesnt need the fancy endgame gear, since he doesnt participate in the hardest content.


¨This did however change the way I have been getting my gear, which is by doing ops on any alts and using the tokens / wz comms to buy gear for any character I was missing pieces for. It is the complete opposite from what I am used to and what I want.


Hence I will not be playing endgame this expansion, but he will as he always has, because nothing changed for him.

Edited by Kiesu
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See, exactly this.


I feel bad somewhat for newer players listening to people like OP and thinking they're getting a pretty good deal.


While I agree I do not see a need for a casual player to have the equiv of 224 set gear I can understand why/how they might want it. Fine. Give it to them.


Put it on the coms vendors. And leave everything else alone. Problem solved. Everyone is happy now, no?


We didn't need GC. Or RNG. They didn't solve a damn thing. They created animosity. They removed enjoyable gameplay and replaced it with mindless grinding.


All the time and effort implementing this could have been spent on content.


And to top it off, they did all of it under premise of "helping new players", which not only was outright lie, but also serves to separate playerbase. Becouse half of this thread is filled with arguments of "why casuals even need that gear", while people like OP say that "it's just raiders mad that somebody else gets their toys". People really miss the fact that everybody gets screwed equally. But yea, let's keep arguing what use casuals have for BiS. It sure is important now.


PS. Damn it, that signature is killing me :mad:

Edited by Frenesi
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Exclussiveness is really not the "best thing" for swtor. I talked about this with a friend who with I've been playing for years, I do ops and group content for my gear, he doesnt participate in almost any group content apart from flashpoints.


He seemed to be ok with this gear change, it didnt change his means of gearing, which previously was grinding FPs and commendations. Now he is simply grinding a different currency. And he doesnt need the fancy endgame gear, since he doesnt participate in the hardest content.


¨This did however change the way I have been getting my gear, which is by doing ops on any alts and using the tokens / wz comms to buy gear for any character I was missing pieces for. It is the complete opposite from what I am used to and what I want.


Hence I will not be playing endgame this expansion, but he will as he always has, because nothing changed for him.

good for your friend then. i feel i will be doing pvp until they get their head out of their *****, which will likely not happen... considering i suck at pvp i'm not sure i'll last long, but i'll try lol. :D:D

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And to top it off, they did all of it under premise of "helping new players", which not only was outright lie, but also serves to separate playerbase. Becouse half of this thread is filled with arguments of "why casuals even need that gear", while people like OP say that "it's just raiders mad that somebody else gets their toys". People really miss the fact that everybody gets screwed equally. But yea, let's keep arguing what use casuals have for BiS. It sure is important now.


PS. Damn it, that signature is killing me :mad:


Honestly, if they tweak the xp requirements and the drop rates in crates, it would be highly beneficial to new players. I think the OP touched on that.

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Inclusiveness. It's really that simple. I've been playing this game since closed beta. I've participated in every major update and every major expansion. This game has slowly but surely been streamlined (some would argue simplified) over time. The goal? To make a more inclusive and accepting experience.


One of the biggest problem with all MMOs is newcomer retention. MMOs historically have a bad track record with encouraging new players to join. Why is this? The game is set up in such a way that benefits the veteran over everybody else. This is particularly true with endgame gear progression.


The moment a new player comes into the game, they are instantly at a disadvantage and a massive learning curve is needed to understand the complexities of the system. For a veteran to the MMORPG genre, this may not seem like a big deal. However, to folks who have never played an MMO, this is a daunting task.


These anti-newcomer systems discourage new players and prevent the game from truly growing over time. The longer the MMO is around, the less likely newcomers are to join. Herein lies why Galactic Command is an ingenious system.


BioWare has equalized the playing field and made a system that is fair to all. Whether you are a veteran of five years or you just started playing today, everybody has the same opportunity to achieve gear. Some of you may not like the RNG element, but the actual concept for Galactic Command is solid and worth saving.


The nay-sayers who say the system is abhorrent and has ruined the game are those who believe they are entitled to the best gear immediately. Admittedly, this mentality is BioWare's fault. After Battlemaster Bags were removed, BioWare had a knee-jerk reaction and implemented a system where achieving PvP gear was far too easy. This is also true of raiding where gear pieces were switched out with tokens to make the gearing process that much faster.


These "quality of life" changes for the veteran player were great, but not necessarily for anybody else. Galactic Command looks to rewrite the many mistakes BioWare has made with gear progression for years. Some of you may not like how it has tremendously slowed down gear progression. But, you should also probably re-evaluate yourselves and ask are you really entitled to having the best gear within days of a major expansion launching.


Galactic Command is a system that benefits all, not just the few. I am a veteran player and I support this new system.


Sorry Aowin, I can't agree with you. Galactic Command in itself is inclusive. The RNG is punitive. If they were going for real inclusion, they would have adopted a universal token system instead.

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And to top it off, they did all of it under premise of "helping new players", which not only was outright lie, but also serves to separate playerbase. Becouse half of this thread is filled with arguments of "why casuals even need that gear", while people like OP say that "it's just raiders mad that somebody else gets their toys". People really miss the fact that everybody gets screwed equally. But yea, let's keep arguing what use casuals have for BiS. It sure is important now.


PS. Damn it, that signature is killing me :mad:


i feel it's not raiders wailing about casuals getting access to their toys... more that that access is such a pain for them .... for everyone really :D:D

i don't even mind this crate system THAT MUCH, it's the RNG of it that makes me really mad. because the more crates u open , the better ur chance at getting good shinies should be. atm it is way too crappy.

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