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Vaylin should be hotter...


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I know that I will get laughed at for this, but all of the female toons introduced after 4.0 aren't as attractive as the ones before that. Vaylin, Lana, Senya, Acina are all pretty plain to look at. A lot of female toons before 4.0 were presented as attractive. Risha, Mako, Temple, Dorne, Watcher 2 were all good looking toons.


Not sure if it is because they changed the models a bit in 4.0, but I pretty firmly believe: Vaylin should be hotter...

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All I will say is, there is something about the way the KOTET female faces are designed, in particular (female main characters of KOTET that is... Lana, Senya, Vaylin) that makes it look a little like their polygons are being sucked into a vacuum. It's not pronounced, but it is noticeable, especially on Senya.
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I know that I will get laughed at for this, but all of the female toons introduced after 4.0 aren't as attractive as the ones before that. Vaylin, Lana, Senya, Acina are all pretty plain to look at. A lot of female toons before 4.0 were presented as attractive. Risha, Mako, Temple, Dorne, Watcher 2 were all good looking toons.


Not sure if it is because they changed the models a bit in 4.0, but I pretty firmly believe: Vaylin should be hotter...


Lana isn't what I would call super model gorgeous, but I find her bob cut and sithy eyes endearing all the same. Besides it's not her looks that I care about, it's her sophisticated personality and tender qualities that I enjoy. Vaylin 4.0, I found stunning in the looks dept, however her psychotic behavior and woman-child temper-tantrums made her appear extremely grotesque to my senses.

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I kind of feel like anyone who has been wrecked by the continual use of the Dark Side wouldn't be hot at all. I mean, take Darth Zhorrid, for example; however, this is all very subjective lol >.< some people may find Vailyn super-hot as she is. ;)
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Lana and Acina are pretty smokin' hot now. Lana looked rough her first outing. Senya used to be attractive, then they added too many details to her facial map. She clashes with the style of the game and looks wrong. Vaylin has too many harsh lines defining her face. If they'd gone the softer route like they did with Lana, she'd probably be quite pretty. Arcann/Thexan look pretty lumpy and not at all handsome. Arcann edges out Thexan because his mask hides his weak chin and bland features. Theron has never looked right and still doesn't. Another lumpy post 4.0 male character face.
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Lana and Acina are pretty smokin' hot now. Lana looked rough her first outing. Senya used to be attractive, then they added too many details to her facial map. She clashes with the style of the game and looks wrong. Vaylin has too many harsh lines defining her face. If they'd gone the softer route like they did with Lana, she'd probably be quite pretty. Arcann/Thexan look pretty lumpy and not at all handsome. Arcann edges out Thexan because his mask hides his weak chin and bland features. Theron has never looked right and still doesn't. Another lumpy post 4.0 male character face.


lol'd :p

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Senya's model took a turn for the worse, imo, as did Vaylin's though really no matter what they do to Vaylin I will never find her hot period. Too much crazy with 0 redeeming or even likable qualities. Lana's model however has improved greatly, I no longer carry around a box of tissues for her.


As for the pre 4.0 examples you mentioned, meh. Acina however.. I loved her look 100% and my JC absolutely hit on her best as she could.


Then again, it's usually the personality of the character and their back story that catches my interest no matter what they look like. I'd get with Darth Marr and never give a damn what he looks like underneath that mask, which is said to be horrifying so eh.


In the end though, what's not hot in your eyes may set someone else on fire and I'm pretty sure there's plenty folks out there who love Vaylin's new look.

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Vaylin has always looked like a demented elf with a unibrow.


Lana looks much better now that her coloring is less albino.


Senya is just supposed to look old and haggard imo.


Acina is a bamf and I want to be her irl.


None of the men in any of the expansions are attractive to me. Theron's look grows on me because of his personality. Arcann/Thexan look like mean little boys. Valkorion is ooolllllddddd. If I were immortal, I'd choose look about 20 years younger, dude.

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Something I learned a long time ago.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I learned a long time ago not to judge a person by how they look but what they do. Beauty is only skin deep where true beauty is more than that.


My two cents.


Edited by casirabit
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All those toons you mentioned aren't more "hot" than Lana and Vaylin. And I don't even like Lana.


Risha & Dorne are. He didn't mention Kira, but she is as well.


That said, I don't think Lana & Vaylin were unattractive. Considering Vaylin's not one of the LIs, I'm not sure why her looks even matter.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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