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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"All gold NPCs now grant 1 Command Experience point (down from 10)."


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What the hell Bioware? Wasn't this the point of the caps in the first place? Are you guys actually this stupid? I *want* a fun game to play, but you guys keep making it harder and harder to find anything to enjoy. JFC
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I was already thinking of unsubbing. You made this an easy decision now BW. ***. BW says, "We don't want your business." It's like they want to commit long and drawn out suicide.


It won't be either long or drawn out if there are any more decisions like this one - maybe they'll decide that getting alliance crates from heroics is enough, so they're only worth 5CXP - I wouldn't put it past them at this stage.

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Like many others. This was simply the final straw. I've been here since launch. I am gone.


I'm mostly a solo player. For years I've enjoyed the stories and progression in this game. With 5.0 there are so many aspects of it that completely disregard solo players. But, I was willing to stick it out and give it a try. Then this...


"All gold NPCs now grant 1 Command Experience point (down from 10)"


A complete and total slap in the face of non-raider pve players.


I am done.

Edited by raverbane
Elaborate on my posision
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I almost never complain about bioware, but this was so stupid, for the first time I wasn't ignoring golds and killed them as well. How many damn years does this add to the grind? I'm not a fan of this in the slightest, maybe bioware REALLY is trying to drive the long time subscribers away. So I went from being ok with the cxp system to hating it. I know there must be another game out there I will like, must be.


Myself as well (rarely complain), now imagine you have multiple characters having to grind this out.

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I was already thinking of unsubbing.


Funny thing is: I do like the idea of the GC system. I don't mind the grind either. However, I am thinking about unsubbing in order to prove a point to Bioware: There has to be some form of common ground in making this GC system. And I tremendously dislike the idea that they keep silent throughout this nerf. There needs to be a conversation with the community about why this system does not involve one of the most important mechanics this game ever introduced (Legacy), and why it seems that Bioware is so bent on the idea that reaching a cap and leveling this system quickly is contra-productive for the game.


Combine that with a genuine feeling that we will be forced to grind out companion influence soon enough. The galaxy map in the new command centre has a string variable attached to it. It reads "Eternal Command", and there are multiple hints at this word that I cannot go into detail here (Terms of Service). I get the feeling that Bioware will introduce an Eternal Command system - they will enable you to do the same thing WoW did for Legion: You can send followers onto offline progression missions for GCXP tokens, follower gifts and other things. For this to work correctly, you need to maximize follower influence and grind out the recruitment missions on multiple characters - that system will not work legacy wide either.


Keeping the state of the GC nerf in mind as it is, and the prospect that there will be yet another system that forces grinding on characters you don't even play, I think it's time for some solidarity - there needs to be a conversation with the community. It needs to happen now.

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Their way of handling this new system is making me sad. Because it really looks like this is liable to kill the game, and I don't want to see my characters disappear, not to mention there are a bunch I haven't even played yet that I want to.


Please stop killing this game, BW. I want to keep playing it.

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What the hell Bioware? Wasn't this the point of the caps in the first place? Are you guys actually this stupid? I *want* a fun game to play, but you guys keep making it harder and harder to find anything to enjoy. JFC


Underneath that rage is the most relevant query in the thread.

Why would they put a cap in place if they didn't expect it to be reached?

Think at about it. And more importantly, think about the reason caps exist.


There's just no getting around how badly this has been handled.

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Their way of handling this new system is making me sad. Because it really looks like this is liable to kill the game, and I don't want to see my characters disappear, not to mention there are a bunch I haven't even played yet that I want to.


Please stop killing this game, BW. I want to keep playing it.


I've seen a lot of things that will kill this game on the forums... this one is the first one I'm starting to see as a real possibility if they don't do something soon.

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whats the point of even doing heroics anymore? hhaha 20 cxp per mission? no thanks.

There's not a single heroic that is even remotely a challenge anyway. At 65? Where you have several comps at 25+?


It's just a HUGE time waste. Take something like Sabotage on Alderaan. If you do the bonus you have to fight through the same old packs of same old boring mobs back and forth. They are no danger, no threat whatsoever. It's just time that you waste for a pittance in return.


Ok, if the time waste was something new and exciting? Alright, sure, why not. But hey, it's not. Want to do some "Friends Of Old"? For the, literally, 1,000th time? Yeah, that's exciting! NOT.




This makes the NGE in SWG look like genius.


Going to reinstall The Secret World and get more active in Guild Wars 2 myself. Those are a lot more interesting now.

Edited by Diefenbaker
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I am normally one of those so called "white knights" who tend to give BW the benefit of the doubt and point out unreasonable complaints by others. In this case however, BW team appears to have no idea what they are doing with CXP.


In their testing, did they use actual players so that people who play regularly would get a chance to find exploits or find the easiest and fastest way to get CXP so they could figure out where the caps should be and what the individual rewards should be? The answer appears to be no.


They have a cap in place for a reason. After a reasonable time frame, If they find a majority of people hitting that cap then sure, some adjustments should be made. However we have not even had a weeks worth of time to get a decent sample of how most people play. Yes some people with no life farmed for longer than most of us work every day and got the max rewards, so what. That is why the cap is there in the first place. I was looking forward to leveling up different toons on a new server, then doing whatever I felt like to gain CXP once I got to 70. Before this nerf anything was viable, some things just slower than others. Now I feel pushed into other activities I may not want to do because the rewards are so much better for everything other than heroics. For the first time in a long time I am looking at no longer renewing my sub.

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Why would they put a cap in place if they didn't expect it to be reached?


They stated that the cap is a safeguard against possible exploits and cannot be reached by legit means LOL. Reminds me of the famous video from a Cantina Event regarding legacy level 50.



Being a pvp'er, I couldnt care less about HCs farm, but that in-your-face attitude from BW makes me sick


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So I saw this change and had to put my 2 cents in as well.


I really wasn't looking forward to another grind, since I don't have a schedule that can accommodate most of the things I enjoy in the game. I had actually enjoyed the recent chapters and was happy that they focused in one area. As soon as I ended the chapters I stared down the cxp grind and said I would wait. That pretty much ended here..


1 it isn't legacy wide and with the amount of toons I have enjoyed throughout the years I just can't see myself trying to make each toon level up to a point where they rewards are worth it. Also I don't see the game lasting to a point where the rewards are constant.

2) 300 levels is an inane amount of levels 100 like originally talked about ok fine sure the legacy grind was there (the rewards still haven't changed in a long time) but I thought with more than one character 100 levels with going through operations randomly flashpoints to gain points sure I can get there.


This change though will increase the amount of time it takes to get 1 level and since people are saying the time from level 5 cxp on is harder and increases then I just don't see it as a reason to get geared up. I hated this idea earlier when it was announced, I got over it, but yeah now... I just went past hate to hell no not gonna try this hard to get passable gear. This isn't what you all said in your streams. Nothing alluding to the fact that we would have to hire someone to play the game 8 hours a day to grind cxp to maximum level.


Thank you Bioware/EA for making a bone headed decision that makes my desire to change games so easy to choose from.


Ciao incredibili pietra cervelli

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What is BW's beef with gold NPCs? When I started playing (around 2.1, I think, certainly a bit before Revan) you got decent loot and cash for killing a gold. At some point (4.0?) this changed and you got xp only with very rare cash/loot. 5.0 made them worth killing again, after 3 days they nerfed that. So what is so special about golds that BW don't want you to kill them unless they tell you to? Edited by Dunderheid
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There are so many better ways they could have handled this:


1) Lower the weekly cap to say 20 levels a week

2) Limit the amount of CXP you can get per heroic

3) Only get cxp if you are in the heroic




The fact that they took the lazy route without even thinking of the implications says all we need to know about the decision makers at bioware.


I haven't even complained about anything bioware has done in the past, and there were some good ones, but this was beyond stupid.


I honestly believe the individual(s) responsible should get canned.

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I am done.


I haven't posted on the forum much in the 5 years of this game, but I do lurk on the subreddit from time to time.


I CREATED a twitch account so I could be one of the loud saying NO RNG.


With this nerf, I have removed my payment options from my account. 56 days of sub left, and that is it. Without serious change to the gearing system, no group content from January's "announcement" will bring me back.


This game was the last of my pennies that went to any EA game. Guess now I'll be happy about none of my money supporting EA.

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BW devs are like that insecure newb GM who can't handle their NPCs not being the coolest in the game and get angry when the PCs actually kill them instead of standing around for an hour listening to them blather on about the lame plot the GM has cooked up. Then they punish the PCs by dropping an unavoidable Balrog on the map to "teach them a lesson".


Play the game the way BW wants you to play it, or don't play it all. Or, in other words, play endless PVP matches, since literally nothing else comes close to the CXP.


Better than cross-server!

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What is BW's beef with gold NPCs? When I started playing (around 2.1, I think, certainly a bit before Revan) you got decent loot and cash for killing a gold. At some point (4.0?) this changed and you got xp only with very rare cash/loot. 5.0 made them worth killing again, after 3 days they nerfed that. So what is so special about golds that BW don't want you to kill them unless they tell you to?


Ya, I remember that, it is the reason I quit going after golds, there was no loot reward anymore. And now they did it again. pishposh

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What is BW's beef with gold NPCs? When I started playing (around 2.1, I think, certainly a bit before Revan) you got decent loot and cash for killing a gold. At some point (4.0?) this changed and you got xp only with very rare cash/loot. 5.0 made them worth killing again, after 3 days they nerfed that. So what is so special about golds that BW don't want you to kill them unless they tell you to?


the cxp. they want you to gain cxp through the galactic command only. problem is, the nerf completely eliminates the heroics and in between queue mob farming. unless you are desperate for credits or want to work on makeb or voss rep, there is no reason to do the heroics anymore. they nerfed the group bonus credits, they nerf the mobs cxp. why put something in there in the first place if they are just going to nerf it to oblivion?



the entire *********** heroic tab should have a warning for players (not worth doing)

Edited by JabbaWabbA
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