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"All gold NPCs now grant 1 Command Experience point (down from 10)."


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If these players are truly enjoying their rewards, why are they here complaining?


Because they "were" enjoying their rewards, or the promise of rewards. They "were" enjoying their rewards up until 5.0, now the ability to gain those rewards has been stunted. Now they want their ability to gain rewards in a timeframe that is acceptable by their standards back. This isn't even a hard question to answer.


Absolutely nobody complained about the crystal or war comms to vendor system. If they did, they were in a very small minority.

Edited by AlaecusMcFly
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Because they "were" enjoying their rewards, or the promise of rewards. They "were" enjoying their rewards up until 5.0, now the ability to gain those rewards has been stunted. Now they want their ability to gain rewards in a timeframe that is acceptable by their standards back. This isn't even a hard question to answer.


I guess the game is no longer for them then. They had their easy rewards, and now they don't. Time to move on. You can get easy rewards from any game.

Edited by Swtorevolution
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I guess the game is no longer for them then. They had their easy rewards, and now they don't. Time to move on.


This is probably the only point you've made that I agree with. Our complaining is a result of frustration and needing an outlet. However, 5 years has shown us that our ability to affect change in this game is nil. I unsubbed and am essentially venting my frustrations. But within a week, I won't be on this forum again. It's just how it goes.

Edited by AlaecusMcFly
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This is probably the only point you've made that I agree with. Our complaining is a result of frustration and needing an outlet. However, 5 years has shown us that our ability to affect change in this game is nil. I unsubbed and am essentially venting my frustrations. But within a week, I won't be on this forum again. It's just how it goes.


Well no point complaining on the forums then is there?

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Well no point complaining on the forums then is there?


Just because I've reached this conclusion, doesn't mean others have. It also doesn't mean others "should" come to the same conclusion. There are many who are still grasping with hope that somebody at BW will read and care. That is "point" enough for them, and that point carries just as much importance and justification as any other reason to write on a forum.


For instance, I'm finding immense reward following a known troll and refuting his efforts to tell others their complaints aren't important or justified.

Edited by AlaecusMcFly
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If the devs want me to enjoy the game...


Why do they change my entire progression to something based on mindless grind and RNG?

Why are they so focused on recycling the same old crap over and over again instead of making new content?

Where are the new heroics? The new flashpoints? The new operations?


Oh, old content is relevant again? That's either because they are lacking the manpower to get anything done or because they're lazy or utterly incompetent. Or all of it.


Since 4.0 we've been getting nothing but recycled content. Oh yeah, we got a single player expansion. And then another single player expansion. That is great, in an MMORPG. I can't even take other people into those missions!


Meanwhile actual group content is getting less and shorter every time. From FPs, OPs and heroics we went to Starfortress. From Starfortress we went to Uprisings.


We started out with a full three course menu and now we're sitting here with a stinking chicken mcnugget. Yeah, it's a somewhat of a pretty mcnugget, but it doesn't fill you. It's junk food.


I'm personally tired of being crapped on by one bad design decision after another.


4.0 they ****ed us over with companions. Yeah, do the math. It took quite some time to get all your comps up max influence. 4.0 hits. The former maximum level turns into meager level 10. Start a new character, take your first companion. By the 4th planet that comp will be 20+ by just bringing them along. So yeah, we got ****ed pretty hard there. How to make that worse? Increase prices for gifts.


5.0 completely killed reasonable progression by any industry standard. Putting gear rewards completely into RNG is utterly idiotic. You can grind like a coolie in the vain hope to get good gear, maybe, possibly, if RNGesus is with you. Then going ahead and nerfing a part of that grind for RNG to make it even slower is utterly insane.


SWTOR is becoming a lesson for every MMO out there: how not to do it. This is now the junk food of MMORPGs.


The bloody NGE in SWG was better than this. Going back to RNG crap in 2016 only means that the devs want this to fail.

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Just because I've reached this conclusion, doesn't mean others have. It also doesn't mean others "should" come to the same conclusion. There are many who are still grasping with hope that somebody at BW will read and care. That is "point" enough for them, and that point carries just as much importance and justification as any other reason to write on a forum.


For instance, I'm finding immense reward following a known troll and refuting his efforts to tell others their complaints aren't important or justified.


And how's that working out for you?

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This is just, so very sad and gut wrenching. The entirety of what is, in some aspects, a good expansion is being overshadowed by this CXP/GC thing. What's even worse is that this time around it's not just the typical nag and whine crowd that's complaining. It's also people who normally defend BW. It's people who haven't bothered with the forums in years who've now finally reached their limit in what they're willing to accept. It's people who are usually on opposite sides of the coin when it comes to this kind of controversy and now stand together instead. That's so incredibly telling. So many people who are stating they're unsubbing or simply not renewing their sub.. the front page of General is depressing as hell and I can't believe BW is just sitting back going 'lols oh well'. :(


I'm with you all concerning the fact that this nerf is ridiculous and personally, I don't even care about GC stuff. I obtained like, 4 ranks while finishing out KOTET chapters and turned my back afterwards. Partially because I'm not much of an end-game player and partially because the road just seems so long and dreadful I don't even feel starting it. It's rather discouraging in my eyes.


Really hope BW pulls it together and modifies this system to make it an enjoyable experience.

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This is just, so very sad and gut wrenching. The entirety of what is, in some aspects, a good expansion is being overshadowed by this CXP/GC thing. What's even worse is that this time around it's not just the typical nag and whine crowd that's complaining. It's also people who normally defend BW. It's people who haven't bothered with the forums in years who've now finally reached their limit in what they're willing to accept. It's people who are usually on opposite sides of the coin when it comes to this kind of controversy and now stand together instead. That's so incredibly telling. So many people who are stating they're unsubbing or simply not renewing their sub.. the front page of General is depressing as hell and I can't believe BW is just sitting back going 'lols oh well'. :(


I'm with you all concerning the fact that this nerf is ridiculous and personally, I don't even care about GC stuff. I obtained like, 4 ranks while finishing out KOTET chapters and turned my back afterwards. Partially because I'm not much of an end-game player and partially because the road just seems so long and dreadful I don't even feel starting it. It's rather discouraging in my eyes.


Really hope BW pulls it together and modifies this system to make it an enjoyable experience.


Yes. Make farming gold mobs fun again.

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This is probably the only point you've made that I agree with. Our complaining is a result of frustration and needing an outlet. However, 5 years has shown us that our ability to affect change in this game is nil. I unsubbed and am essentially venting my frustrations. But within a week, I won't be on this forum again. It's just how it goes.


And I have just followed suit. I can't justify paying for a subscription, where tons of phenomenal ideas get so easily brushed aside. Where a company implements a system that is punitive in nature with the intention of easing this pain by selling boosts, to the problem they created. I think that is one of my main reasons. Some of us still understand business ethics and EA/BW doesn't seem to care. 12/13/16 sub ends, glad I have month to month and that I wont get billed another months worth.


This new system flies in the face of the DvL event - Level all of these toons to get to max level and then launch a system that gives no incentive to take those other characters further then that. Because there is no way any rational person would attempt to get to further progress their gear (RNG: what a horrible implementation) so they can help fill whatever role is needed for Ops runs. EVEN though I have gotten GREAT items in 18 Command levels levels...most I know haven't, and they put in the same amount of play as I have, even more.


This game has provided me with the best guild I have ever been in, in any MMO I have played. Most have jumped ship to greener pastures. EA/BW Austin has left such a foul stench that I don't think I care to engage or trust another company with my income.


The utter disregard to the player base that keeps the lights on is despicable. And Stockholm Syndrome inst my style. If they allowed me more the 2k words to put in why I left i would have filled it out. They have been left is a plethora of reasons why I left. But,


the main one is Galactic Command and RNG

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Because Warzones and GSF weren't already the most efficient ways to farm GXP before this nerf, this only makes them better... And guess what?! PEOPLE DON'T WANNA PLAY THEM. Why do you want PvE to be nonviable and unrewarded Bioware?


Make Heroic Weekly's reward 75gxp each and a bonus for completing a planet of 350

Daily quests to 60

Weeklys to be 400

Flashpoints to be 800

Operations to be 2000

upon completion ( not counting tokens or champions)


The weekly XP cap should be attainable by doing all the weekly's, most of the daily's everyday and some combination of flashpoint/operations per week on top of usual activity's.


As it is i can make 2500 GXP/hr on Warzones no effort no planning or any attention required and that is terrible, because warzones make me want to cut myself. Yet I can sit there and play with a friend and actually have some enjoyment whilst putting effort in and spend an hour doing heroics or a flashpoint and get 500gxp/hr


PvE requires the most co ordination the most effort the most personal contribution and should be reward thusly.

PvP requires no effort or skill, it just requires a premade zerg to queue against people playing solo and destroying them.


If you want to reward PvP make the 2500GXP/HR to ranked, and make PvE also capable of +2500GXP/HR,


Would also be fair to your player base if Galactic Command levels were Legacy Based so playing an Alt doesn't punish you and making it so you can contribute to your GC level below 70. You had the system for it before, It was the Legacy system. You should have built the GC system into it and expanded upon it.


TL:DR Make PvE rewards equal to or greater then PvP because that is one of the worst systems in the game.

Edited by Pythonau
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Changing the cap instead of a nerf is the most reasonable approach like a lot of people suggested, they can control how fast players will reach 300.


Just improve the CXP gains from various PvE content, as long the cap is there, people can enjoy doing the content they want and enjoy and still get rewarded reasonably.

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Ugh, I'm too busy to play for a few days (and not particularly in a rush to reach max level due to not being that interested) and of course they rush to nerf something in less than a week. Given their track record (like with some exploits when SoR launched), I wasn't expecting that. Well, they do rush to nerf things sometimes, but it just makes a bad situation (the whole GC system) worse.


Oh well, I was probably cancelling my sub by next month anyway. Thanks for adding another reason for me not to regret that decision.

Edited by RandomNobody
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This argument is predicated on the poor warrant that "there is only one way humans derive true fun, and that's through the appreciation of doing the act itself, not the rewards that act gives."


The problem is we have a century of Pyschological researched performed, even before the game Pong was invented, that humans derive immense pleasure from rewards, and will ALWAYS prefer the pleasure a reward gives over the pleasure performing an act in itself gives.


swtorevolution would have you believe that there is only one true way to have fun. If you derive fun or pleasure from gaining reward for your efforts, than it's not actually "fun", you just think it is. He's trying to "sell you" on the successes of the Effort Heuristic and Effort Justification-type conditioning, even though many studies show the weakness of their simplistic views.








^This is a huge reason why "reason" in on my ignore list.

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Why not just remove the instant command experience from mob/boss kills, what's the point of 1 point of command xp?


I have played many mmos with a grind mechanic (such as last chaos), I really don't feel like grinding content over and over again for equivalent gear to what I had. I guess the thing to do is strip off/reduce gear and run with bolster to be able to do the content you want/used to do.


In any case I'm done with giving bioware money until the grind mechanics have been resolved.

Edited by raptorsystems
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You know it is interesting how they continually find one of the worst solutions to a problem. This could have been a simple fix, set a cap that is player and alt friendly lets say 40k points a week per legacy by class and allow (as an example Jugs and Guards) to work their GC exp. It makes almost everyone happy we play what characters we want till we get to the max in a week and then work on another class and still play as many alts as we like.


Of course I still believe that the rng should be taken out and their should be a set that if you have received 4 crates with no set piece then the fifth is auto so no one ever has to terrible luck and yet allows someone a chance for 5 set pieces in a row. Also I would try to balance the points that can be generated per hour a bit better and raise it so someone who plays 2 hours a day 5 days a week has a chance of getting one class done each week.


Surely simply nerfing anything not gsf and not pvp was not the best idea and probably the worst choice available.

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Make Heroic Weekly's .... a bonus for completing a planet of 350



Is everyone aware that this is already in game?


If you use the Galactic Command interface to do heroics (or flashpoints, or whatever) you get a bonus for doing them.


For instance, I just did 5 heroics on Belsavis. I got about 800 CXP total. That included a Galactic Command bonus of 450 CXP, because I used the interface.


I also got almost 1000 CXP for doing the Oricon weekly. Again, by using the Galactic Command interface.

Edited by Darkbloom
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Is everyone aware that this is already in game?


If you use the Galactic Command interface to do heroics (or flashpoints, or whatever) you get a bonus for doing them.


For instance, I just did 5 heroics on Belsavis. I got about 800 CXP total. That included a Galactic Command bonus of 450 CXP, because I used the interface.


I also got almost 1000 CXP for doing the Oricon weekly. Again, by using the Galactic Command interface.


This is disabled and has been since day 1 because people were exploiting it. If it's been re enabled with the 5.0a patch i'm not aware of it because my game decided to re download itself. Still doesn't change the fact those missions you did took you over an hour and got you half the XP you'd otherwise gotten from warzones.

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This is disabled and has been since day 1 because people were exploiting it. If it's been re enabled with the 5.0a patch i'm not aware of it because my game decided to re download itself. Still doesn't change the fact those missions you did took you over an hour and got you half the XP you'd otherwise gotten from warzones.


No, it's not disabled. Unless there is some bug, I am getting these bonuses.


I mean, I see them. Right there on my screen.


I just did Ziost. I got 500 CXP bonus for doing 5 Ziost missions. In total, I got a little over 700 CXP....

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No, it's not disabled. Unless there is some bug, I am getting these bonuses.


I mean, I see them. Right there on my screen.


I just did Ziost. I got 500 CXP bonus for doing 5 Ziost missions. In total, I got a little over 700 CXP....


They were turned back on today, they were disabled during the week.

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Yet again one person ruins something for everyone... specifically, the one person who found an efficient/exploitative way to farm gold mobs and hit Command Rank 100 within three days, who then had to go brag about it to everyone on the forums. Then all the white knights picked up that example and threw it in the faces of everyone critiquing the CXP system. That made EAWare do one of their trademark kneejerk reaction 'nuke from orbit' nerfs (a la the Contraband Slot Machine nerf). Now everyone else has it worse.


You made a difference, bragging guy! Bravo! /sarcasm

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