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Merc super cancer 5.0!!!!!!


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What am I supposed to be doing? I don't get focused because of my insane defensive cooldowns, If my team loses I'm dead last because no one will touch me any sooner unless there is another Merc on the team and they go me instead of the other one.


Outside of CC-ing people and peeling/off healing. There is no skill involved in a free casting Merc in solo ranked. Prior to these stupid buffs Merc required *skill* to play in solo ranked. Especially being able to kite and rotate cool downs effectively. I don't know what world you live in but a face tanking would because he can live forever is not skill.


You also pointed out something that exasperates the defensives that mercs now have. Their burst/sustained is really, really good. Any class that free casts is going to be exponentially more dangerous, but now mercs can freecast for much of a round (few people have the sense to focus target interrupt or cc them) because their defensives that cycle through on such a short cool down prohibit targeting them first.


Their burst/sustained has been strong for many patches now, but the difference is they were more of a glass cannon that could be dealt with much more easily. I'd like to think there's a middle ground between *food* and *your new overlord*.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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You also pointed out something that exasperates the defensives that mercs now have. Their burst/sustained is really, really good. Any class that free casts is going to be exponentially more dangerous, but now mercs can freecast for much of a round (few people have the sense to focus target interrupt or cc them) because their defensives that cycle through on such a short cool down prohibit targeting them first.


Their burst/sustained has been strong for many patches now, but the difference is they were more of a glass cannon that could be dealt with much more easily. I'd like to think there's a middle ground between *food* and *your new overlord*.


Exactly. The only time I've been cc'd in a game where I was free casting was against you and Purple on your snipers. Any other game I'm just free casting nuking people. To me that is boring game play. I'd prefer to go back to 4.0 and get tunneled every match and win because I know what I'm doing in a kiting and cooldown management sense, instead of derp pve-ing in a PvP scenario

Edited by Gabzizzle
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PTs are just as strong.




I hope you're joking....


I think it might just be a l2p issue on your end, buddy.




I'm not sure why it is my l2p issue, "love", when I'm not the one playing a PT, but they are on my team and hitting 7mil, as well as others hitting 4-5 mil constantly, then I'd say they are doing well. Maybe I just play with excellent players in my time bracket.

Just because someone observes a third party doing well on a class, isn't a reason to tell someone it's a l2p issue. Also remember lots of people are still trying to get used to the current meta, some will play more and pick it up faster, some are just excellent players to start with.

So think before being rude next time.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I just saw a Merc survive to 500k tunnel damage with no healer in an arena. They are beyond broken. Its blowing my mind honestly how something could even be this far off from balance. I want to wake up and this all be a dream, but this is the reality, and im not sure if BW is pulling some prank on us or what, and if they are good job. Going back to gw2 now. Peace!
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Every other class/spec has been ROFL stomping Mercs/Mandos into the ground for how many years? Now that they are actually on par with other classes in terms of survival abilities, everyone starts complaining.


As it stands the top Merc players will dominate because they have had to face the challenge of actually being competitive before having these new buffs. These elite Mercs will understand how to time these cooldowns properly and yes they will win. However, in a competitive setting, the top players of other classes will learn to adapt and time their own cooldowns to combat the merc.


My arsenal merc is my main, Ive been having a blast fighting other mercs/mandos. Folks just have to learn to adapt and know what they are fighting.

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Every other class/spec has been ROFL stomping Mercs/Mandos into the ground for how many years? Now that they are actually on par with other classes in terms of survival abilities, everyone starts complaining.


As it stands the top Merc players will dominate because they have had to face the challenge of actually being competitive before having these new buffs. These elite Mercs will understand how to time these cooldowns properly and yes they will win. However, in a competitive setting, the top players of other classes will learn to adapt and time their own cooldowns to combat the merc.


My arsenal merc is my main, Ive been having a blast fighting other mercs/mandos. Folks just have to learn to adapt and know what they are fighting.


completely agree with that

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Every other class/spec has been ROFL stomping Mercs/Mandos into the ground for how many years? Now that they are actually on par with other classes in terms of survival abilities, everyone starts complaining.


As it stands the top Merc players will dominate because they have had to face the challenge of actually being competitive before having these new buffs. These elite Mercs will understand how to time these cooldowns properly and yes they will win. However, in a competitive setting, the top players of other classes will learn to adapt and time their own cooldowns to combat the merc.


My arsenal merc is my main, Ive been having a blast fighting other mercs/mandos. Folks just have to learn to adapt and know what they are fighting.

You know after 4.0 Mercs could beat almost every class 1v1 right .......

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Let me get this straight. You can't ROFLSTOMP mercs now, so class is broken? :confused: How about learn to disengage when reflexive shield is up? Or target another player during its duration?


In other words, its a mentality change that is needed, not merc's abilities fault. Smart players still beat down a merc, they just don't take it for granted now. I don't see people saying "hit the jugg when you see the red glow around him" :rolleyes:


I see lots of new mercs in wzs expecting the shields or the heals to carry them over, they still get blown. Mercs that have been pvp'ing long enough, use LOS, push, stun, and other tricks to do the job.


DPS wise i see Maras, Sins and Sorcs pulling similar numbers, and the range advantage thing is relative, it depends on the wz layout. Merc still is the slowest thing in the wz, and in the arenas, its all bunch'd up anyway.


Since i'm not adding nothing new to those who have played the game long enough, a simple question. Show me how many mercs dominated, hell, even stand their ground on solo ranked. Every match was "nuke the merc 1st". Guess what, the merc now bites back, instead of getting 100%-15% in 2 gcd. :D


Concusion: Take the merc seriously now, and if you miss roflstomping, dem level 2 npc's in the starter planets can give you the much needed relieve. :D

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We knew this was going to happen before 5.0 even launched. I find this funny as hell, and just a show of the competence at the development level.


I don't even know how you look at the damage numbers, and then think having this amount of defensives is a GOOD idea. It's funny though, of all the bugs with class changes right now, it's the intended changes that are breaking the balance the worst, lmao.

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This guy gets it !


Let me get this straight. You can't ROFLSTOMP mercs now, so class is broken? :confused: How about learn to disengage when reflexive shield is up? Or target another player during its duration?


In other words, its a mentality change that is needed, not merc's abilities fault. Smart players still beat down a merc, they just don't take it for granted now. I don't see people saying "hit the jugg when you see the red glow around him" :rolleyes:


I see lots of new mercs in wzs expecting the shields or the heals to carry them over, they still get blown. Mercs that have been pvp'ing long enough, use LOS, push, stun, and other tricks to do the job.


DPS wise i see Maras, Sins and Sorcs pulling similar numbers, and the range advantage thing is relative, it depends on the wz layout. Merc still is the slowest thing in the wz, and in the arenas, its all bunch'd up anyway.


Since i'm not adding nothing new to those who have played the game long enough, a simple question. Show me how many mercs dominated, hell, even stand their ground on solo ranked. Every match was "nuke the merc 1st". Guess what, the merc now bites back, instead of getting 100%-15% in 2 gcd. :D


Concusion: Take the merc seriously now, and if you miss roflstomping, dem level 2 npc's in the starter planets can give you the much needed relieve. :D

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I haven't played a Mercenary or their mirror class- could someone please explain the abilities/rotation used, from zip to almost full health. Sorcerers/Sages pop their bubble and stay fairly still- and their bubble pops seem to be slower than whatever they're using.


There's a utility in legendary tier where getting hit while Energy Shield is on builds a stack that heals you for 5% when Energy Shield ends. This stacks up to 15. So if people just try to burn through ES, when it ends you get a nice 90% heal. :p Also, a utility in the third tier allows Kolto Overload to heal up to 70%. Even two DPS won't kill a merc if he pops KO around 40%.

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There's a utility in legendary tier where getting hit while Energy Shield is on builds a stack that heals you for 5% when Energy Shield ends. This stacks up to 15. So if people just try to burn through ES, when it ends you get a nice 90% heal. :p Also, a utility in the third tier allows Kolto Overload to heal up to 70%. Even two DPS won't kill a merc if he pops KO around 40%.


Oh yes they will....I had two Carnage Mara's melting me and anyone else in close proximity in a few seconds with KO running.....it turned 3 seconds into 5 seconds of living....When I used reflective shield they target swapped and when the big orange bubble dropped they paid me a 3 second visit......and then I died.......


People who know their DPS class and understand the concept of target swapping pretty much nuke Mercs...Its just that people are not used to having to swap away or Stun Mercs through DCDs....they just sent them straight to the cloner.....


I have seen several posts claiming Mercs to be OP! OMLOLLYGODZORZ Merc absorbed 9 billion damage NERF DEM!


How about you just stop attacking them for a few seconds?........Stun.....Problem solved.

Edited by Soljin
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Merc was pretty good 4.0 it needed a couple tweaks but for that lol burst from the saftey of range there should be a downside. All they did was idiot proof the class like Jugg so any window licker can play it but unlike jugg which requires a bit of situational aweness in the fur ball of the melee scrum. Merc is ranged so even your average back peddling key board turning clicker baddie can succed on this class. Just facetank everything.


Good players are good players irregardless of class. Baddies need a class to carry them so they make excuses, misdirect or use strawman arguements to protect there new found precious. Those that are good players saw this coming from the first datamined, it wasnt a sercet they/we knew it was an overbuff to a simple problem of mercs not able to handle the dog pile in ranked.


My advice enjoy it why it last if your it for the class then you'll be fine when the over adjustment comes. FOTMs well just quit cause the way cxp works now.

Edited by Kinsal
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Oh yes they will....I had two Carnage Mara's melting me and anyone else in close proximity in a few seconds with KO running.....it turned 3 seconds into 5 seconds of living....When I used reflective shield they target swapped and when the big orange bubble dropped they paid me a 3 second visit......and then I died.......


People who know their DPS class and understand the concept of target swapping pretty much nuke Mercs...Its just that people are not used to having to swap away or Stun Mercs through DCDs....they just sent them straight to the cloner.....


I have seen several posts claiming Mercs to be OP! OMLOLLYGODZORZ Merc absorbed 9 billion damage NERF DEM!


How about you just stop attacking them for a few seconds?........Stun.....Problem solved.


Why do you think I was asking? I haven't played the class so I needed to know how the ability worked and I will employ this logic next time I'm up against one that pops their orange bubble. What's the cooldown on the ability? See, this is why I have to play more classes. I know the classes I've played and their weaknesses and how to mitigate the good abilities but when I haven't played something myself.


I saw a post claiming marauders/sentinels are- someone is always OP- I actually had one idiot in a warzone on the other team chew me out for going in, attacking and then running away to regenerate instead of staying for the nice, easy quick kill. My honest opinion, is that I don't know why they'd nerf sorcerer DPS which wasn't great to start with because people can't mitigate them and then buff another class to require thought. DPS Sorcerers couldn't lay on the damage the way DPS Mercenaries can now... so if my DPS sorcerer got a nerf on her weaker DPS output and healing (which was never anything but a little extra survival), you can bet a nerf is incoming.

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Oh yes they will....I had two Carnage Mara's melting me and anyone else in close proximity in a few seconds with KO running.....it turned 3 seconds into 5 seconds of living....When I used reflective shield they target swapped and when the big orange bubble dropped they paid me a 3 second visit......and then I died.......


People who know their DPS class and understand the concept of target swapping pretty much nuke Mercs...Its just that people are not used to having to swap away or Stun Mercs through DCDs....they just sent them straight to the cloner.....


I have seen several posts claiming Mercs to be OP! OMLOLLYGODZORZ Merc absorbed 9 billion damage NERF DEM!


How about you just stop attacking them for a few seconds?........Stun.....Problem solved.


It's the same as Sorc bubbles. It took people 12 months to learn to target swap when they popped it and even now people don't target swap when they use bubble.

Once you learn to recognise the buffs, etc, there are ways to counter them. In the mean time Mercs can just DPS tank heal through death against everyone who doesn't use their brains.

There aren't enough old time pvpers still about to teach people, so they'll QQ for 12 months and still not learn.

But really, Mercs are just a little OP ;)

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Pro tip. If someone has the Kolto Overload heal up to 70%, then they EITHER:


Don't have Energy Rebounder, so their energy shield is going to be on a long cooldown




Don't have Stablized Armor - so they're going to be missing the 30% DR on AOE and Stun. Which means they are toast in a hardstun, even with reflect.


Quite frankly I'm not convinced the Kolto Surge utility is worth the tradeoff.


As a quick aside, I SERIOUSLY hope nobody is basing their grumbling on pre-70s. I just transferred my merc from JM to Harby, and queued for the 65-69 tier (at 65). Did 3 matches before I realised I'd completely forgotten to pick any utlities - and at 65, I don't have the reflect either. The competition was awful.

Edited by Jherad
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It's the same as Sorc bubbles. It took people 12 months to learn to target swap when they popped it and even now people don't target swap when they use bubble.

Once you learn to recognise the buffs, etc, there are ways to counter them. In the mean time Mercs can just DPS tank heal through death against everyone who doesn't use their brains.

There aren't enough old time pvpers still about to teach people, so they'll QQ for 12 months and still not learn.

But really, Mercs are just a little OP ;)


The difference with sorc bubble is that mercs are not rooted in one place doing nothing. Letting them free cast might not let them heal but most probably you'll be dead when energy shield drops.

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The difference with sorc bubble is that mercs are not rooted in one place doing nothing. Letting them free cast might not let them heal but most probably you'll be dead when energy shield drops.


And unlike the sorc bubble, the merc reflect only gives immunity to direct single target damage - not aoe, not dots, and not CC. I've been killed multiple times with it up by the few people and teams who have figured out how it works.


As for energy shield, it only heals when it ends. I DO think Bioware should not allow it to be clicked off, so you can't take advantage of any accumulated stacks before the duration expires.

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And unlike the sorc bubble, the merc reflect only gives immunity to direct single target damage - not aoe, not dots, and not CC. I've been killed multiple times with it up by the few people and teams who have figured out how it works.


I do give you credit in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary your ablity to hold the line is remarkable. I shall dub thee Fox News. Just so you know it the combanation of things with merc top 2 burst, Top 2 suvivability as dps, the ablity to have near 100% uptime as its range class. Bad players are bad players they need a class to put them on = footing. Hence the carry class and there is overwhelming amount of baddies on mercs. There just annoying to kill. Plus the perma electro net thing gets old.


So if your good with the changes, i guess you support carnage mara getting 2 heal to fulls place one on undying rage snd the other on saber ward plus add a refeclt to it. And make all there moves 30m.

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I do give you credit in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary your ablity to hold the line is remarkable. I shall dub thee Fox News.


Feel free to point out any mistakes in what I said.


As for mara - Carnage/Combat is doing just fine thanks and seems to be in a pretty good place. At least for me anyway - you're not having fun with it? I'm consistently hitting top DPS and the burst is fantastic. I can give you some tips if you'd like.

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Feel free to point out any mistakes in what I said.


As for mara - Carnage/Combat is doing just fine thanks. At least for me anyway - you're not having fun with it? I'm consistently hitting top DPS and the burst is fantastic.


Carnage is smashing out the numbers. Much higher than Fury. I considered switching when I saw the number difference, but I just like the Fury mobility and survivability more. I'm happy to sacrifice some DPS numbers for those.

Regardless, Sents and Maras are fun :D

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Carnage is smashing out the numbers. Much higher than Fury. I considered switching when I saw the number difference, but I just like the Fury mobility and survivability more. I'm happy to sacrifice some DPS numbers for those.

Regardless, Sents and Maras are fun :D


I still love the feel of my jugg more, but maras are crazy fun too :D

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