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Merc super cancer 5.0!!!!!!


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In a match 2 days ago, the merc was the last one standing on the enemy team - THREE of us, 1t, 1dps, 1healer sat there and just unloaded on this guy for like a solid 2 min and he finally died - he was cycling those big heals and the shields and it was super annoying.


I'm not surprised how OP they are - merc was best range dps and now they can face tank anyone in the game, if they want too. Those heals are just too much IMO, no dps class should beable to have big self heals on that fast of a CD. If it was a HoT it will be alittle more forgiving (something similar to jugg self heal), but that burst heal in conjunction with shields makes them ridiculous (ontop of the million other tools they have).


If there were 3 of you on one merc and he didn't die for 2 min then the issue isn't with the merc.

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How hard is it to switch to AOE/Dots (or just stop attacking) when the merc's reflect is up?


REALLY frickin hard apparently.




If you know how to stagger your DCDs, that long of a time is definitely possible.


2 mins? 3 against a solo merc? No. Unless they don't know what they are doing. Merc mobility hasn't changed at all. If you CC through the shield and AOE/Dot the reflect, you're looking at 20-30 seconds, tops.


The good players are doing this now. The tards are just facerolling and wondering why the merc isn't dying.

Edited by Jherad
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How hard is it to switch to AOE/Dots (or just stop attacking) when the merc's reflect is up?


REALLY frickin hard apparently.






2 mins? 3 against a solo merc? No. Unless they don't know what they are doing. Merc mobility hasn't changed at all. If you CC through the shield and AOE/Dot the reflect, you're looking at 20-30 seconds, tops.


The good players are doing this now. The tards are just facerolling and wondering why the merc isn't dying.


In a 1v1 against a class without DoTs, the new stuff isn't terrible (like a jugg's DCDs). You can't expect people in regs to notice stuff though, and so getting enough healing to stay in the fight is almost guaranteed.


You can do the same thing with a jugg. Plus, this was only 1 DPS, I've survived 1v4's for longer than that on my op without godly heal2full abilities, lol.


Of course the people attacking that merc probably -were- terrible, but the AC is still massively overpowered with 5.0 and the new stuff they got needs a severe nerf.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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Good mercs are currently counting on people not knowing how to deal with the reflect, so are popping it at *really* low health in order to get a full heal-to-full. I know I am, and it's amusing dragging out fights at the end of arenas in exactly that way - with the right utility against a mediocre team you can chain shield-heal, reflect, and another shield heal together if the opposition is slow to pin you down. Plus medpacs, adrenaline rush and self heals.


But doing this means you are also *very* vulnerable to a couple of DPS not playing by the rules. A couple of maras spamming sweeping slash, or any class using dots through the reflect will pretty much put you on your backside in a couple of seconds. The difference in survivability of mercs against pug trash vs a team is HUGE. Because as mentioned much of that survivability can be bypassed.

Edited by Jherad
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How hard is it to switch to AOE/Dots (or just stop attacking) when the merc's reflect is up?


REALLY frickin hard apparently.






2 mins? 3 against a solo merc? No. Unless they don't know what they are doing. Merc mobility hasn't changed at all. If you CC through the shield and AOE/Dot the reflect, you're looking at 20-30 seconds, tops.


The good players are doing this now. The tards are just facerolling and wondering why the merc isn't dying.


Thank you sir! that is what i have been saying but people dont understand or don't want to listen. There is only 1 big cd you should not dps while is up and it is energy shield. you can still kill them with kolt overload up and the reflect is just a metter to pay attention.


The good juggs are running with ravage imobilze, saber trown imobilze, 50% speed on h2f. merc cant rockoout of immobilze and HO only lasts for 6s, juggs have more then enough tools to deal with mercs. If you are not keeping up with a merc theres is something wrong with your disciplines.


saber reflect screws with them big time, saberward, you have your own h2f, push, awe, choke.


1 - Energy shield? = mezz (choke, awe, push, los) no heal for them no damage taken by you,

2- reflect? dont attack (no heal for them) (use one of your defensive cds)

3- Net? saber trown to hold them, then ravage to hold them even more. Or break stun and keep up with them.

4 - HO? h2f for getting your life back + movespeed,


Serirously how hard is to outsmart your foe? MOst of the mercs are so bad they will pop big cds at the same time, making the job to kill them even easier.

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I expect heavy damage nerfs after a month or two. That's their answer to class balance.


The proper way to do it would probably just be to remove the 5% healing from the reflect ability, and lower the energy shield healing utility to like 8 stacks instead of 15 or w/e it is now (healing 30-40% of your HP from that would be ok, healing as much as it is now is just retarded). The kolto overload buff is OK and I think mercs should've had that from the start.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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The problem in many of these discussions is context. The statement all you have to do to kill a merc is...is normally referencing an idiot merc. Every class including juggs have counters and tactics to dealing with their dcds. For what a merc is I think they take too long to kill. A ranged burst class shouldnt have abilities that for lack of a better expression pretty much allow them to face tank in some situations.


For the start of 5.0 I'm running a combat Sentinel and have no issues taking down mercs. However why should a merc be so out performing a sorcerer if you just nerfed them for the exact same reasons. Now mercs have 3 and 4 mill total single target damage with a 1 million heals. Damn at least sorcs were spreading dots.

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The problem in many of these discussions is context. The statement all you have to do to kill a merc is...is normally referencing an idiot merc. Every class including juggs have counters and tactics to dealing with their dcds. For what a merc is I think they take too long to kill. A ranged burst class shouldnt have abilities that for lack of a better expression pretty much allow them to face tank in some situations.


For the start of 5.0 I'm running a combat Sentinel and have no issues taking down mercs. However why should a merc be so out performing a sorcerer if you just nerfed them for the exact same reasons. Now mercs have 3 and 4 mill total single target damage with a 1 million heals. Damn at least sorcs were spreading dots.


That's a good point. Most of Sorceror's survivability relied on built-in slow self heals, kiting, and CC.


Currently, merc's is.. facetanking stuff. For a ranged burst class, that is rather dumb.

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I do find it interesting to see some of the people denouncing Sorcs for 2-3 years now defending these Merc changes. Personally, I say leave Mercs alone. I'm enjoying seeing the hate directed elsewhere and the hypocrisy is a wonder to watch.


Mercs currently are considerably worse than sorcs have ever been since 3.0.


Outside of Corruption, at least. I still haven't really seen any merc healers since 5.0, but I imagine they're worse than corruption, too.

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Well the proof- you can all see. I haven't seen this many commando's (and mercs) in a WZ game is ages. I'm not kidding, I've been on teams in the last few days that had 6 commandos. 6!


It's like everyone had a commando alt and is now dusting them off and running with them.


Now I'm glad commandos/mercs got buffs. They've been at the bottom of the list for years. But man.. does BW even think about buffs?

Edited by cagthehack
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The proper way to do it would probably just be to remove the 5% healing from the reflect ability, and lower the energy shield healing utility to like 8 stacks instead of 15 or w/e it is now (healing 30-40% of your HP from that would be ok, healing as much as it is now is just retarded). The kolto overload buff is OK and I think mercs should've had that from the start.


I'm not saying that this is the proper fix, but just remember what happened with operatives since 1.0. Dmg nerf is their primary "fix" for any imbalance.

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My main issue with mercs currently is tbh if I'm on one it's a bad day for the opposite team. I know how good i am at pvp and in no way should one team need to dedicate 4 players simply to take another player out. Could you imagine a combat Sentinel with sorcs self heals? 46k crits on a dead run, 70k in 3 cd even with current health pools. I played two matches since 5.0 on my merc and stop playing that class after a match when a guardian popped ED at 50% health i insta mezzed him for the duration of his dcds and evaporated him in three hits after. Juggs fighting me looked like they were stuck in mud.


Any class in this game besides ops and heals wins by increasing your time on your target. Each time I move out of range and do dps while you catch up I'm ahead in the count. That principle used to even out when range did less burst than melee. Now melee has no counter, well maybe a well played rage Mara because of mobility and the 6 second immunity.

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Heh, just had a sin and a PT rip my face off using similar to what I said. Dead in <15 seconds.


They essentially ignored my shield (if you're dead before it ends it doesn't heal), and CC'd and AOE'd me to death once I hit reflect.


As it should be.


Edit: And got farmed in a queshball by 2 sins doing the same thing. GG Bloodlines :D

Edited by Jherad
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I had to post this...I just finished a match of 4 v 4 our healer and a Mando are the only two left standing and they won a tie between a healer, tank and 2 dps. The Mando was pretty much old school treek he was facetanking the entire team peeling and off healing. That's crazy that a ranged dps class and healer last 3 mins against a normal arena comp.
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I had to post this...I just finished a match of 4 v 4 our healer and a Mando are the only two left standing and they won a tie between a healer, tank and 2 dps. The Mando was pretty much old school treek he was facetanking the entire team peeling and off healing. That's crazy that a ranged dps class and healer last 3 mins against a normal arena comp.


Just because they had a trinity comp does not mean that they were any good. In a 4v2 match the other team should have found it easy enough to separate, cc, and focus down a target.

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1 - Energy shield? = mezz (choke, awe, push, los) no heal for them no damage taken by you,

2- reflect? dont attack (no heal for them) (use one of your defensive cds)

3- Net? saber trown to hold them, then ravage to hold them even more. Or break stun and keep up with them.

4 - HO? h2f for getting your life back + movespeed,


And all this time you're getting punked by 3 other people that are focusing you. Forgot to tell, saber ward defense doesn't work while you're stunned. Also jugg's reflect (unlike merc's) doesn't prevent melee dmg and doesn't reflect volatile substance by gazillions of broken operatives.


Lol to your logic. Mercs pop shield? Do not hit him. Kolto? Do not hit him. Reflect? Do not hit him. So basicly i must kite merc with my jugg for 20-30 seconds, and he can freecast his rockets on me. And if i am lucky to survive, he still has E-net, insta mezz, 4 sec root etc. Bro, i am jugg, not op, merc must kite me (and he has lots of tools for it) not i him.

And stop talking nonsense about new skanks. Jugg dps got ZERO dcds from this patch and lost soresu, no passive DR, except saber ward. Do you understand? If you will guard sombedy, you will melt in seconds.


Pretty much THIS.

Edited by DerSchneider
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Reactive shield (the blue shield) being available every 30 seconds is a joke. That needs to be nerfed ASAP. I don't have a problem with merc's reflect or (now worthwhile) kolto overload.


I'm going to have to disagree with you on this Caprica. The only way Reactive shield is up so much is if the Merc is taking 24/7 damage. It was needed in 4.0 and still is needed now.


Before 5.0 was even datamined I posted changes for Mercs on the class sub forum and the pvp forums and it was 2 simple changes that would make the class perfectly balanced.


Energy Rebounder (The talent that makes energy shield come off cd faster when being attacked) and Stabilized armor (30% Damage reduction when stunned) Both of these utilities combined into 1 just like AP Powertechs have. Which would allow Mercs to take that talent and allow Arsenal/IO/Body Guard to have a good defensive utility and be able to take blazing bolts/unload w/e the healing ability is called on the move.


The second change would be being able to use Rocket out while rooted. Small change but huge for quality of life.

In season 7 I had 4 Arsenal Mercs over 1700 rating in solo ranked and 1 1820 or something in Team Ranked. I never played a game with out Energy Rebounder and Stabilized Armor dealing with the mass amounts of Operatives and Marauders was awful but manageable. Having both of those tied together would have made it so much easier because then i'd have been able to take Blazing bolts on the move + having rocket out available to use when I'm rooted (Should always have been able to use when rooted ..... Bioware smh)


Now with 5.0 live I came back to look at the Merc changes and what I see is awful. The Reflect ability can stay, 2 Minute CD easy to stop attacking them for the duration. Fits their kit perfectly for rotational cooldowns. The heal2full Utility on Reactive Shield needs to go it's stupid and overpowered, Kolto heal to 70% needs to be toned down to 50-55%


For me personally I picked up Merc at the start of 4.0 because I saw it was in a pretty decent place, enjoyed it in solo ranked because I won games with my skill at kiting especially on a Merc. Playing a few games today It's awful and not even close to as fun as it used to be. I free cast and just kill people. I really do encourage Bioware to remove the healing utility for Reactive Shield it's over the top and completely not needed.



Rocket out while rooted

Energy Rebounder and Stabilized Armor 1 utility

Remove Healing on Reactive shield Utility

Tone down Kolto to 50-55%

Remove healing from reflect ability, Maybe even lower the duration from 6 seconds to 4 or 5.


With these changes Mercs will again get tunneled in solo ranked first (above most classes) but actually have more of a chance to survive in 4 dps games compared to 4.0 when 1 stun with out a breaker means you're dead.


-Carthy/Smh 4 T1 Mercs S7 solo ranked rank 1 merc in team ranked.

Edited by Gabzizzle
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