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Merc super cancer 5.0!!!!!!


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sorry got to rant a bit


was just in a WZ. 5 mercs, one PT (for guard), and 2 healing sorcs. they smashed us, we had no chance. Merc needs to be address soon its getting out of hand a bit. 3/5 had 3mill damage each, other two had 2mill. none of them died.


people ***** about sorc/sage in past but please, OMG merc is truly a one man army. They can fill all 3 roles within one spec too well.


when they combine there mobility (for a turret dps spec no less), burst damage (very high) and crazy self healing from a heal to full reset button and spamable self heal. Damage reduction talents/skills ***. And if u give them a healer and an occasional guard.....way too much synergy in one spec.


I remember the uproar when the talked about giving sorcs ability to move with bubble up, lol. love to see Lightning sorc or kinetic shadow start critting for 35k and get heal to full button people would riot in streets lol.


Working as intended. ^


It's the mercs time to shine.


Don't worry though. They will get nerfed! It's just a matter of when and by how much.

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sorry got to rant a bit


was just in a WZ. 5 mercs, one PT (for guard), and 2 healing sorcs. they smashed us, we had no chance. Merc needs to be address soon its getting out of hand a bit. 3/5 had 3mill damage each, other two had 2mill. none of them died.


people ***** about sorc/sage in past but please, OMG merc is truly a one man army. They can fill all 3 roles within one spec too well.


when they combine there mobility (for a turret dps spec no less), burst damage (very high) and crazy self healing from a heal to full reset button and spamable self heal. Damage reduction talents/skills ***. And if u give them a healer and an occasional guard.....way too much synergy in one spec.


I remember the uproar when the talked about giving sorcs ability to move with bubble up, lol. love to see Lightning sorc or kinetic shadow start critting for 35k and get heal to full button people would riot in streets lol.


I was in a similar match today with a lot of mercenaries as well and we lost too. Not that it was the number of mercs on the other side, or their healers, or the tank that they had with them that cost us the match. It was the fact that when the west node guard called "Incoming west 1" 4 other people ran up there leaving a 3v6 at the south node.


3v6 of anything and those 3 are going to get killed and quickly. Considering the timing of your post, I feel safe in hazarding the guess that you were in the same match as I was. Novare Coast, Jedi Covenant, Imp vs Imp, and we started on the Republic side?


If so, I recognized the names of 4 of their players (pt, both sorc heals, and 1 merc), and those 4 players are all very good. With that being said, we did have them beat until our team over committed. (Score was 22% to 100%)


As for mercs/mandos in general, you can take their mobility when you give them leap immunity and a 35 meter range.


Their spammable self heal is a joke and their heals from their shield and their reflect are easily circumvented. Unless of course you keep just face tanking them like people have gotten used to doing over the least few years.


Give a guard and a heal to anything and you're going to have good synergy. That is not unique to mercs and mandos.


But, anyway, back to the match and if you were on the team that I was on, we lost not because of the OPness of the mercs, we lost because our team had 4 derps on it that ran west when only 1 enemy was there.

Edited by DariusCalera
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Both those post are anecdotal and show no bearing on OPness of the merc except they seem to be popular with those the need a crutch.



I have no doubt an over correction well be made.


It's understandable the majority of people that PVP are not very good and they need a crutch to help prop up their missing skill level. It happens in almost every MMO except the one that require a long grind for gear. 6.0 merc is going to drastically nerf compared to 5.0 merc have fun all you fotm re rollers reginding out that cxp( Im sure a large portion of them are madness sorc rerollers)

Edited by Kinsal
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Both those post are anecdotal and show no bearing on OPness of the merc except they seem to be popular with those the need a crutch.


That "crutch" you speak about has been passed to different specs and taken away from different classes since the game began. Has nothing to do with people needing it.


Also many people have played merc well before 5.0, not every merc is a rerolling FOTM kind of player.


You just sound more biased that you die to mercs now tbh. Salty as hell in other words.

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Anyway you can talk indirectly if you want but I want you to copy and paste where I said they are balanced.


I understand something that you should understand about swtor by this point; swtor is NEVER balanced!


Guess what? They ALWAYS have one class or two that roffelstomp the rest of the classes, and there's ALWAYS multiple classes that are utter crap in PVP.


This game has never had balance, and to try to understand or make sense of this process is impossible. It's simply never been balanced.


I defend this class because I created thread on top of threads years ago with others begging that the class be buffed. Finally, they did it. They didn't do it for those who begged for it though, it just so happens to be the mercs turn it seems.


How can people that enjoyed the class even at it's worst not find some sort of enjoyment in the fact that they actually are one of the classes on top of the heap now?


Let mercs have their fun. Nearly every other class has been in this position at one time or another.


If I had to guess, I think snipers will end up being the next apex predator btw. It's about time for them to get their turn too.


I'm sort of unsure why this rant was aimed at me when I didn't mention you at all...


And I'm sorry, but I'm not going to subscribe to your absurd school of thought. Apparently you believe in a circle of overpowered status, as it were. That's not a higher understanding, just more oversimplification and ignoring the issues.


Swtor has had very good periods of class balance, that can also happen now if arsenal is cut down to a reasonable level.

Edited by Jake_Chambers
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So you would be fine with returning mercs and mandos to pre 5.0, where they were still considered an easy target, but leave the other classes post 5.0?


Arsenal was nearly fine in 4.0. And I said most of their defensives buffs. They can keep the reflect. Remove the healing from it, change the energy shield buff to stack DR% instead of a heal. Nerf the Kolto Overload utility to 50-55% healing.

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That "crutch" you speak about has been passed to different specs and taken away from different classes since the game began. Has nothing to do with people needing it.


Also many people have played merc well before 5.0, not every merc is a rerolling FOTM kind of player.


You just sound more biased that you die to mercs now tbh. Salty as hell in other words.


They were far lesser versions of what the merc has now and deemed too strong and thoroughly nerfed to uselessness or removed entirely. You seem to base your balance decisions on time spent at the bottom and therefore it's "Your time to shine". I can only surmise that you were not good enough prior and the crutch of Jugg DCD combine with Marauder burst is something that fills the gap in your skill set.


I hardly ever die reg warzones 1 to 0 deaths and when I do it's mostly my fault as I'll hold on to a DCD get caught in a dog pile or another tier 1 player will get me. In 4 v 4 it's more the make up your team and their skill level as relates to others than your own personal as it becomes near impossible to carry 3 baddies.


Since you just came back to the game a few days ago rolled up your merc and found your crutch I'm willing to chalk your transgression as someone that had issue prior and the new found toys has made the game playable

Edited by Kinsal
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I think it's finally time to dig out my Commando and see how it goes in PvP.

I stopped playing him in PvP when it became clear to me that they became the last place in the food chain.

I think this very moment was when someone asked me via chat "what are you doing, anyway ?" when I decided not toguard the cannon in Alderaan and go to the middle instead ( leaving behind someone else to guard it ), only to find out that I was never able to get down any of those pesky Sorcs with my Commando.

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To summarise this discussion:

Mercs are no longer freekills for Tanky-Juggs-on-DPS-Gear;

and sorcs can no longer fire phase-walk or barrier at any time, because there are a few more electronets around than before.


These are obviously no good reasons to nerf mercs, because:

Tanks on DPS gear were never meant to farm pure DPS anyways;

and if you are not able to play tactically, dear sorcs, then you urgently need to L2P.

Edited by Cretinus
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To summarise this discussion:

Mercs are no longer freekills for Tanky-Juggs-on-DPS-Gear;

and sorcs can no longer fire phase-walk or barrier at any time, because there are a few more electronets around than before.


These are definitely no reasons to nerf mercs:

Tanks on DPS gear were never meant to farm pure DPS anyways;

and if you are not able to play tactically, dear sorcs, then you urgently need to L2P.


Could you please leave Sorcs out of this please? I'm quite happy with my nerfed class TYVM.

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To summarise this discussion:

Mercs are no longer freekills for Tanky-Juggs-on-DPS-Gear;

and sorcs can no longer fire phase-walk or barrier at any time, because there are a few more electronets around than before.


These are obviously no good reasons to nerf mercs, because:

Tanks on DPS gear were never meant to farm pure DPS anyways;

and if you are not able to play tactically, dear sorcs, then you urgently need to L2P.


What is offputting about the whining for nerfs to mercs is that these very vocal whiners never once stood up for this class in all it's years of gimpiness.


They loved the fact they could run around stomping a merc dead in a few seconds with little effort.


I ran with guys that played PTs, Juggs, and Maras a lot because these classes were quite powerful and usually the favorites of pvpers. I would ask them, "is there anything I can do to avoid death when you guys decide to target me?" All of them said "nope."


Basically if they sought me out, I could kite them around and try to stay alive as long as possible hoping I got some help from my team to peel them off before I died. There was nothing I could do against a half decently played mara, jugg, or pt.


I loved the merc because it was fun to melt people back then, but I also found it very frustrating when many classes could indiscriminately kill me with little to no effort at all by simply bypassing my cc with cc immunities and obliterating me with massive damage and burst.


I realize it's probably not the mature way to process this situation regarding mercs, but how can anyone that has enjoyed mercs in the past and dealt with their gimpiness for years not find some sort of enjoyment in being able to defensively manage all the classes that used to demolish them with ease?

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I loved the merc because it was fun to melt people back then, but I also found it very frustrating when many classes could indiscriminately kill me with little to no effort at all by simply bypassing my cc with cc immunities and obliterating me with massive damage and burst.



So you were playing a class connon spec and got pissed off cause you would melt like a glass cannon. Weird I dont see a **** load of PTech on here complaining that their glass cannon spec would get blown up.

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It's ridiculous how even terrible mercs are so diffiicult to kill in a reasonable amount of time...


That's because you're trying to kill them on a jugg tank (with DPS gear, I assume). Although this used to work before 5.0, tanks were never supposed to burst down others. Get used to the idea that after 5.0, your tank should be tanking, guarding and protecting and not DPSing mercs.

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Maybe it's because I don't do ranked, but I don't feel arsenal mercs are all that OP aside from the 6-7 of them who were good at it before the buffs and were gonna be wrecking me anyway. I still out dps 90% of them with lightning sorc and engineering sniper. And quite frankly the buffs were much needed for the healers and it's good to see more variety in healer types in WZs.


I really don't see the problem. Nets are annoying, but they always were. Too much QQ by mostly bad players

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Maybe it's because I don't do ranked, but I don't feel arsenal mercs are all that OP aside from the 6-7 of them who were good at it before the buffs and were gonna be wrecking me anyway. I still out dps 90% of them with lightning sorc and engineering sniper. And quite frankly the buffs were much needed for the healers and it's good to see more variety in healer types in WZs.


I really don't see the problem. Nets are annoying, but they always were. Too much QQ by mostly bad players



Total damage does not indicate how well a class performs. Esp on a lightimg sorc who aoe is build into its rotation and has no resource issue at all and engineering is the defacto AOE spec in the game. In theory would have the same up time being range class and also not a high priority target on either class


But Im a bad so what would i know in the presence of a scoreboard warrior as yourself

Edited by Kinsal
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