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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Merc super cancer 5.0!!!!!!


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Nice try, we're all thinking of 4.0 with Immortal Juggs wearing DPS gear. Stop trying to make out like you haven't had easy kills for years vs Merc / Mando players. Now it's just a load of QQ because we don't melt and can give you a real fight and you have to work for that kill (and you can kill us btw if you play really smart).


Exactly. Let's stop with the BS here. Mercs may be at the top of the pile of crap here atm, but juggs, marauders, sorcs, PTs, and even ops had their days of shine.


If you have played swtor for longet than a year, you should understand by now that there is are always apex fotms and right now it seems one of those spots has been granted to mercs.


As time goes on people adjust and learn how to manage classes when they have been buffed, and this is no different. Just as people learned when to attack or not to attack, or when to stun, or mez other classes people simply need to adjust how to do so with the merc.


Before 5.0, there was no worry. It was simply spank facetank the merc. If you had immunities to CC, even better because you could just run up to a merc and melt them, and there was simply nothing they could do about it.


Anyone pretending that mercs were not easy to eat before are being disingenous because I played mercs extensively solo all the time, and when I faced an average or better jugg/marauder I was dead it was just a matter of how fast. They didn't use skill either, it was immunity to CC, and extremely devastating high damage bursts that turned me into a puddle. My buttcharge wasn't going to save me either.


People were in a routine of seeing a merc in 8v8s, and steamrolling them dead with melee focus. That doesn't happen so easily now.


I suspect the merc will get "adjusted" if it's really as OP'd as people are proclaiming. I can't say I just played my 65s one day since coming back. In that vein, I have seen marauders at the top of damage but that doesn't mean anything as I have only had one day of adjusting and playing warzones so far.

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the hyperbole has reached epic proportions


Indeed, instead of settling down and figuring out how to counter (as merc / mando players have had to adjust over time with any number of OP specs / classes - or just simply die) the hyperbole precedes the learning curve.


If anything, I've seen some interesting games, mara / jugg combined on a merc are pretty damn nasty still. I've yet to learn how to cope with the new toys snipers have gained (pretty damn lethal roots that help melt a merc / mando). I'd say if anything they're about in the right place, they can be countered quite easily.


The only classes I do feel need bringing up to par, are PTs (except that cleave.... ) and sorc dps. Each class really does have it's own merits right now, some combined with others are far more effective in taking down the plethora of merc / mando players (the ones that have jumped on the bandwagon). As always they'll slowly thin out when they realise that they still have to work for the kill, and that perhaps in hindsight merc / mandos are just in a sweet spot for staying alive a short while longer than they used to.


As a side note, i'd trade the heal on my reflect for a lower CD on HO. I'd rather have that mobilty, because we can still be shut down quite easily once we lose mobilty.

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This is just a caution for my Merc friends. The nerf is coming. Maybe not today, or next month, but it's coming. Enjoy what you have while it lasts. Stop engaging with the nerf criers. You can't win. I fought to get Sorcs not to be a free kill. When we finally got there, relentless nerf whining was waiting. Heck some of you were doing the complaining. :jawa_wink:


Don't try to find common ground, it will not be appreciated. Don't try to defend, you will be charged with bias. Don't exclaim that you having been playing the class since whenever, you will dismissed as a FOTM roller anyway. What I'm trying to say is that you've been given a wonderful gift by Bioware. Enjoy it. I don't know if they will attack your damage or your defense. If it goes like Sorcs, it will be both. But it will happen.

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I haven't really payed much attention to the merc/mando classes...Ive been to busy on my slinger. I mean yeah its hard to kill mercs/mando in pvp.....but I don't think it is really that hard so long as you got a healer and a couple other people with you.......right? Edited by YingYangslayer
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I haven't really payed much attention to the merc/mando classes...Ive been to busy on my slinger. I mean yeah its hard to kill mercs/mando in pvp.....but I don't think it is really that hard so long as you got a healer and a couple other people with you.......right?


Yeah, it's not that bad if you're in complete control of the fight and you're playing a class that has absolutely no dots and 2+ mezzes!


Completely balanced.



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Yeah, it's not that bad if you're in complete control of the fight and you're playing a class that has absolutely no dots and 2+ mezzes!


Completely balanced.




Since the beginning of the game, some specs perform better than others depending of the target...what a news.


Hello, this is rock, nerf paper, scissor is fine.

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It's inevitable that people will complain and ask for Nerf's, right now it's Merc and some day once Arsenal is Nerfed they will move on to the next target...


At this point just have fun with it and make a mental note of the Nerf criers in this thread. Later on when you see them in the next OP class thread complaining about another class they can't beat...you get to point out this thread...

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It's inevitable that people will complain and ask for Nerf's, right now it's Merc and some day once Arsenal is Nerfed they will move on to the next target...


At this point just have fun with it and make a mental note of the Nerf criers in this thread. Later on when you see them in the next OP class thread complaining about another class they can't beat...you get to point out this thread...


Except for juggs and guardians. For some reason the playerbase protects them, and has always considered them "balanced", even when they were running around as tanks in dps gears wrecking entire teams and never dying.


Totally balanced though.

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Except for juggs and guardians. For some reason the playerbase protects them, and has always considered them "balanced", even when they were running around as tanks in dps gears wrecking entire teams and never dying.


Totally balanced though.


That's a bit exaggerated.. Jugg skank tanks are hard to kill...but their dps is pretty bad compared to a dps class. Always has been, and its even worse now in 5.0.

Edited by Vember
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This is just a caution for my Merc friends. The nerf is coming. Maybe not today, or next month, but it's coming. Enjoy what you have while it lasts. Stop engaging with the nerf criers. You can't win. I fought to get Sorcs not to be a free kill. When we finally got there, relentless nerf whining was waiting. Heck some of you were doing the complaining. :jawa_wink:


Don't try to find common ground, it will not be appreciated. Don't try to defend, you will be charged with bias. Don't exclaim that you having been playing the class since whenever, you will dismissed as a FOTM roller anyway. What I'm trying to say is that you've been given a wonderful gift by Bioware.

Enjoy it.

I don't know if they will attack your damage or your defense. If it goes like Sorcs, it will be both. But it will happen



We are. We're also quietly enjoying reading all the QQ posts from players who don't realise that we were pretty much bottom of the pile for years and are now getting their respective rear ends handed back to them with utter joy. Honestly at this stage I'm like a puppy rolling in a puddle.


As much as I love this class, even when the inevitable happens, I'll be golden.* I mean I have 24 alts, how could I not be? At least I don't have to reroll :rak_03:


*As a side note, when they decide to gut this class is probably when I'll just give up in depair.

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Nope i dont begurge a range class there ablity to kite not at all. I do begrudge a range class best choice is just to face tank. If you out kite me /tiphat but facetanking going blow for blow as merc burst/damage is as lethal as anything in this game shows that the class is overtuned


FYI i dont begurge hard damage stop either i just think 3 of them are silly


In 4.0 if you got kited dead by a merc as a jugg OR a marauder in a 1 vs 1 I can say one thing with confidence; you were an AWFUL jugg/mara.


In 4.0, the merc had crap defensives and any mediocre jugg or marauder could easily obliterate any merc in a 1 vs 1 with gap closers, big damage, and the ability to shut the merc down with stuns and snares made it impossible for the merc to get away. The merc/commando buttcharge only did one thing in 4.0, and that was prolong the inevitable which was death for tme merc.


It's pretty clear you begrudge the fact mercs are not an easy kill now, and instead YOU are being picked apart with ease just as they used to be by you. I think it's awesome that so many people are so angry about it, tbh.


It's hard to not find glee in the misery of stealths and juggs/marauders when for years they constantly had one easy target they could get a free kill off of every time in a wz when they caught them solo, that being the merc/commando.


This won't last forever, but for as long as it does, I agree with the wise Master-Alan, this is a gift bestowed upon the mercs and commandos. treasure it now, for it will not last forever!

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In 4.0 if you got kited dead by a merc as a jugg OR a marauder in a 1 vs 1 I can say one thing with confidence; you were an AWFUL jugg/mara.


In 4.0, the merc had crap defensives and any mediocre jugg or marauder could easily obliterate any merc in a 1 vs 1 with gap closers, big damage, and the ability to shut the merc down with stuns and snares made it impossible for the merc to get away. The merc/commando buttcharge only did one thing in 4.0, and that was prolong the inevitable which was death for tme merc.


It's pretty clear you begrudge the fact mercs are not an easy kill now, and instead YOU are being picked apart with ease just as they used to be by you. I think it's awesome that so many people are so angry about it, tbh.


It's hard to not find glee in the misery of stealths and juggs/marauders when for years they constantly had one easy target they could get a free kill off of every time in a wz when they caught them solo, that being the merc/commando.


This won't last forever, but for as long as it does, I agree with the wise Master-Alan, this is a gift bestowed upon the mercs and commandos. treasure it now, for it will not last forever!



Huh do you not think i didnt play merc in 4.0 ? Yeah you could easily kiite anything not named powertech .. maurders could kie 2 of them at a time. Merc was the only class that basically could out one v one an operative in 4.0 im not sure where you think merc doesnt or didnt have the tools to kite. If you had trouble kiting as a merc or have trouble now I'd beware of who your pointing fingers at and yelling baddie. Again use your crutch have fun with it when it goes well see if your the one thats able to adapt.

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Huh do you not think i didnt play merc in 4.0 ? Yeah you could easily kiite anything not named powertech .. maurders could kie 2 of them at a time. Merc was the only class that basically could out one v one an operative in 4.0 im not sure where you think merc doesnt or didnt have the tools to kite. If you had trouble kiting as a merc or have trouble now I'd beware of who your pointing fingers at and yelling baddie. Again use your crutch have fun with it when it goes well see if your the one thats able to adapt.


Mercs had tools to kite. But other classes had tools that circumvented any tools the mercs had in 4.0, just stop it already with trying to twist my words around. I never said mercs didn't have tools to kite.


Also, anyone that says, "Merc was the only one that could out one v one an operative in 4.0" loses a lot of credibility. I don't even have to explain why this statement alone is stupid and wrong.

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Also, anyone that says, "Merc was the only one that could out one v one an operative in 4.0" loses a lot of credibility. I don't even have to explain why this statement alone is stupid and wrong.



Now you're just trolling or I hope your Just trolling or you need to go delete that post and the one previous to that.

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Now you're just trolling or I hope your Just trolling or you need to go delete that post and the one previous to that.


So let's be clear here.


You are saying that a merc in 4.0, was a better class in 1 v 1s than operatives, or are you saying the merc was the only class that could beat an operative in a 1 v 1? Let's make sure we understand each other, perhaps I am just misunderstanding you.


As you said:


Huh do you not think i didnt play merc in 4.0 ? Yeah you could easily kiite anything not named powertech .. maurders could kie 2 of them at a time. Merc was the only class that basically could out one v one an operative in 4.0 im not sure where you think merc doesnt or didnt have the tools to kite. If you had trouble kiting as a merc or have trouble now I'd beware of who your pointing fingers at and yelling baddie. Again use your crutch have fun with it when it goes well see if your the one thats able to adapt.


Clarify please.


NOTE: Also, I never said YOU were a "baddie", I said if you played a jugg or marauder in 4.0 and got kited by a merc in a 1 v 1 and died, you were an awful jugg or marauder. Only wear the shoe if it fits.

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It's sort of amusing when people say that people are just upset that mercs are no longer a free kill. It's such an oversimplification and shows a complete lack of class balance awareness.


I would invite everyone who thinks arsenal is balanced right now to play ten solo ranked matches. While solo ranked is not what classes are balanced towards, it can show trends in specifically surviviiability. As of right now, arsenal is capable of shrugging off such an absurd amount of damage that often the team with the most mercs will win.

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It's sort of amusing when people say that people are just upset that mercs are no longer a free kill. It's such an oversimplification and shows a complete lack of class balance awareness.


I would invite everyone who thinks arsenal is balanced right now to play ten solo ranked matches. While solo ranked is not what classes are balanced towards, it can show trends in specifically surviviiability. As of right now, arsenal is capable of shrugging off such an absurd amount of damage that often the team with the most mercs will win.


Anyway you can talk indirectly if you want but I want you to copy and paste where I said they are balanced.


I understand something that you should understand about swtor by this point; swtor is NEVER balanced!


Guess what? They ALWAYS have one class or two that roffelstomp the rest of the classes, and there's ALWAYS multiple classes that are utter crap in PVP.


This game has never had balance, and to try to understand or make sense of this process is impossible. It's simply never been balanced.


I defend this class because I created thread on top of threads years ago with others begging that the class be buffed. Finally, they did it. They didn't do it for those who begged for it though, it just so happens to be the mercs turn it seems.


How can people that enjoyed the class even at it's worst not find some sort of enjoyment in the fact that they actually are one of the classes on top of the heap now?


Let mercs have their fun. Nearly every other class has been in this position at one time or another.


If I had to guess, I think snipers will end up being the next apex predator btw. It's about time for them to get their turn too.

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sorry got to rant a bit


was just in a WZ. 5 mercs, one PT (for guard), and 2 healing sorcs. they smashed us, we had no chance. Merc needs to be address soon its getting out of hand a bit. 3/5 had 3mill damage each, other two had 2mill. none of them died.


people ***** about sorc/sage in past but please, OMG merc is truly a one man army. They can fill all 3 roles within one spec too well.


when they combine there mobility (for a turret dps spec no less), burst damage (very high) and crazy self healing from a heal to full reset button and spamable self heal. Damage reduction talents/skills ***. And if u give them a healer and an occasional guard.....way too much synergy in one spec.


I remember the uproar when the talked about giving sorcs ability to move with bubble up, lol. love to see Lightning sorc or kinetic shadow start critting for 35k and get heal to full button people would riot in streets lol.

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