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Thoughts on KOTET chapters (spoilers).


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For me, KOTET was the satisfying, 'epic', clash-between-empires storyline I wanted. I wanted to FEEL like a true commander of an alliance. I ended it feeling like an emperor. I loved being able to dispose of some people I have despised for a year (or more, in the case of some of the older disagreeables), and I thought everything was well-paced, well-written, and well-acted. The way everything culminated and Valkorion was ultimately brought down by the family he threw to the wolves to preserve his own failing power was brilliantly ironic. In terms of quality it was head and shoulders above KOTFE. I just wish there were more! I'm left starving for more of this. Here's hoping the new year has some surprises in store to tide us over.
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Overall I would say its better story wise than KOTFE, it felt more grounded and centred as to what it was trying to achieve. Still it was a bit lack luster, but had some good moments. The ending was...meh, and now I really dont know how they are going to handle having our player character as the leader of Zakuul... On a plus note I will commend them for actually killing off characters however rather then 'oh ill escape at the last second' crud.


My only gripe is that 'Kneel before the dragon of Zakuul' bull; just literally popped out of no where and once asked why our player character wasn't told before, mister bright eyes responds with 'I didnt want to give you false hope.'. Wow, well done Bioware, grade A writing there. And how the hec did we use it on Valk himself? Where did we learn that it could be used against him too? I mean....I didnt skip any of the cutscenes...am I just blind?

Edited by Darth_Exar
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I honestly was quite impressed with KotET compared to the last few expansions. Yeah, it seemed like it was filling in a lot of plotholes, but there are things you have to remember:


1. They said they're doing more with Iokath, and it's already been set up so we're supposed to go back there and learn more about Scorpio's past.


2. It did wrap up a lot of KotFE's plotholes. The Alliance has a Fleet now, Valkorion explains that he visited Zakuul and hollowed out the mind of a great warrior named Valkorion to put his spirit in, and that's why he has his new form. You also find out that Valkorion ate Ziost just to have something to feed off of to keep him going for another millenium. I guess he's kind of like Nihilus and needs a large population to feed on every now and then.


3. There are some loose ends it doesn't really wrap up. I do agree that Scourge should have had a big role (not so much Kira, she was controlled by the Emperor but didn't actually know him). Satele should have appeared at some point, and the Scions should have helped you in Chapter 9 somehow. Revan's "summoning" of him isn't really explained still. And on that note, I was kinda hoping Revan's force ghost would have a minor role somehow, considering he was heavily tied to the Sith Emperor and also visited Nathema (where he was captured by Scourge, who again should have had a significant role).


4. In terms of Valkorion, they had set it up from the beginning that he was going to try and control you and stay the immortal emperor.


5. In terms of Vaylin's power, You, Senya, and Arcann could all be strong enough force users that Vaylin couldn't break your mental defense like she could your average zakuul knight or sith or jedi.


However, as a whole I was really impressed with this expansion. It was definitely more solid than KotFE, it had a strong opening like KotFE, but unlike KotFE it had a far more intense and impressive ending. The middle chapters were kind of filler, but they were better filler than what we got with KotFE.


I wish there had been a third final option, where rather than evil emperor/empress or goody-two-shoes caretaker, you could have been a benevolent emperor/empress.


~ Eudoxia

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On the plus side you can replay that chapter and kill Kaliyo then. Yeah, the choice isn't permanent, but you can still do it as many times as you want.

I tried that! Almost the first thing. Turns out, I can't. Because the (lack of) choice is locked to what you "officially" chose in a previous chapter, I can only make her and Jorgan peel potatoes. I've been too discouraged to try replaying both chapters in sequence, but from what they say about your replay choices not sticking, I have a feeling it won't change anything.


Besides more animations in the face, isn't Lana's face the same as it was in KOTFE?

It's not. If you look closely, they've made some tweaks to both model and texture, particularly the jawline, nose and mouth. The overall effect, IMO, is to make her look older, more masculine and/or less pretty. (Sorry; I said I was shallow.)


What exactly does Kaliyo "deserve"? Do you mean you didn't kill her?

Couldn't - see above.

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My only gripe is that 'Kneel before the dragon of Zakuul' bull; just literally popped out of no where and once asked why our player character wasn't told before, mister bright eyes responds with 'I didnt want to give you false hope.


Have you played BIOSHOCK? Would you kindly:

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Overall I would say its better story wise than KOTFE, it felt more grounded and centred as to what it was trying to achieve. Still it was a bit lack luster, but had some good moments. The ending was...meh, and now I really dont know how they are going to handle having our player character as the leader of Zakuul... On a plus note I will commend them for actually killing off characters however rather then 'oh ill escape at the last second' crud.


My only gripe is that 'Kneel before the dragon of Zakuul' bull; just literally popped out of no where and once asked why our player character wasn't told before, mister bright eyes responds with 'I didnt want to give you false hope.'. Wow, well done Bioware, grade A writing there. And how the hec did we use it on Valk himself? Where did we learn that it could be used against him too? I mean....I didnt skip any of the cutscenes...am I just blind?


I believe the Outlander said something along the lines of "my mind, my rules." It was a pretty weak explanation, but that's how you were able to defeat Valkorion.

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I tried that! Almost the first thing. Turns out, I can't. Because the (lack of) choice is locked to what you "officially" chose in a previous chapter, I can only make her and Jorgan peel potatoes. I've been too discouraged to try replaying both chapters in sequence, but from what they say about your replay choices not sticking, I have a feeling it won't change anything.





I was really looking forward to killing her over and over for my own, personal vendetta (personal as the player). My Agent exiled her because my AGENT wouldn't have killed her.


Of course...for me...my previous chapter had my Agent telling Kaliyo to stand down and Kaliyo disobeyed. So maybe I CAN still kill her over and over.


It really sucks that you can't though. But maybe playing them back to back will help? What's the point of "trying different choices" if you can't try the MAJOR choices?

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I honestly was quite impressed with KotET compared to the last few expansions. Yeah, it seemed like it was filling in a lot of plotholes, but there are things you have to remember:


1. They said they're doing more with Iokath, and it's already been set up so we're supposed to go back there and learn more about Scorpio's past.


2. It did wrap up a lot of KotFE's plotholes. The Alliance has a Fleet now, Valkorion explains that he visited Zakuul and hollowed out the mind of a great warrior named Valkorion to put his spirit in, and that's why he has his new form. You also find out that Valkorion ate Ziost just to have something to feed off of to keep him going for another millenium. I guess he's kind of like Nihilus and needs a large population to feed on every now and then.


3. There are some loose ends it doesn't really wrap up. I do agree that Scourge should have had a big role (not so much Kira, she was controlled by the Emperor but didn't actually know him). Satele should have appeared at some point, and the Scions should have helped you in Chapter 9 somehow. Revan's "summoning" of him isn't really explained still. And on that note, I was kinda hoping Revan's force ghost would have a minor role somehow, considering he was heavily tied to the Sith Emperor and also visited Nathema (where he was captured by Scourge, who again should have had a significant role).


4. In terms of Valkorion, they had set it up from the beginning that he was going to try and control you and stay the immortal emperor.


5. In terms of Vaylin's power, You, Senya, and Arcann could all be strong enough force users that Vaylin couldn't break your mental defense like she could your average zakuul knight or sith or jedi.


However, as a whole I was really impressed with this expansion. It was definitely more solid than KotFE, it had a strong opening like KotFE, but unlike KotFE it had a far more intense and impressive ending. The middle chapters were kind of filler, but they were better filler than what we got with KotFE.


I wish there had been a third final option, where rather than evil emperor/empress or goody-two-shoes caretaker, you could have been a benevolent emperor/empress.


~ Eudoxia


1. While that may be true, BioWare gave us the impression we would learn all about the creators who made the eternal fleet, SCORPIO, and the gravestone. We didn't learn anything other than the fact that they are dead. They may as well be the protheans for all we know.


2. The Alliance always had a fleet. Now we just happen to also have an automated navy comprised of gemini droids. It was nice to learn that Valkorion was an individual before Vitiate, but we still don't know anything about how Zakuul rose to power and how he got his hands on the eternal fleet. I must have missed that part about Valkorion needing to devour Ziost to sustain himself another millennia.


3. I disagree about Kira not being crucial. She is one of the few individuals to have personal experience with Valkorion's domination. Outside of the Jedi Knight, the Outlander would not have any experience with how to overcome Valkorion's deadly power. As for Scourge, he obviously should have input as well as Revan both knowing Valkorion for three centuries. All three of them being absent was just mind-boggling.


4. For those who decided to kneel, perhaps. That was never the implication if you chose not to kneel. Either way, BioWare went through a lot of trouble trying to give this impression that Vitiate was somehow different and changed here. In reality, nothing had changed. A lot of pointless character development for no reason. I see no reason to dedicate so much time to a character that really is incredibly one-dimensional.


5. Mental defense? Read Drew Karpyshyn's little writing excerpt on the front page. Vaylin could have crushed Senya with the snap of her finger. Vaylin bested the Outlander with ease until Valkorion stepped in. Arcann also was no match for his sister. Especially since Vaylin's power was fully unlocked, nobody should have stood a chance. It was an underwhelming and undeserved victory to move the plot forward. Vaylin was powerful enough to scare Valkorion.


I was not a fan of how BioWare made galactic peacekeeper "good" and eternal emperor "evil." Both roles are essentially the same thing as the Outlander still controls the eternal fleet. That shouldn't have been a moral choice as much as a personal one left up to each player whether they wanted to be an emperor/empress or not. The end goal is the same as you still control the entire eternal fleet, but more player choice would have been nice.

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I was really looking forward to killing her over and over for my own, personal vendetta (personal as the player). My Agent exiled her because my AGENT wouldn't have killed her.


Of course...for me...my previous chapter had my Agent telling Kaliyo to stand down and Kaliyo disobeyed. So maybe I CAN still kill her over and over.


It really sucks that you can't though. But maybe playing them back to back will help? What's the point of "trying different choices" if you can't try the MAJOR choices?


Well to prevent players from completely breaking the game, BioWare had to put limits on repeating chapters somewhere. It just so happens they decided to lock major decisions, so you really can't change any of that unless you play another character. It's a bit disappointing, but I understand why BioWare is doing it for the integrity of the system.


I do believe many decisions will still be left available to use, especially in KOTET< as so many things happen and so many different characters can die. I'll have to test this theory and see just how much control we have during replays.

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I enjoyed myself during Kotet. It was as though I had written the outline and the writing team filled in the rest. I was able to kill exactly who I wanted to and it ended exactly the way I hoped. With Valk/Vitiate/Ten gone for good and myself as the Emperor of the galaxy. I was also pleasantly surprised with the way they handled Darth Acina and that I'm back home with the Empire.


Since I got the ending I wanted, I was able to overlook some of the inconsistencies and shortcomings. I feel like the mmo format limits storytelling technically in a way that can only be appreciated if you sit down and try to work it out. I'd rather just enjoy the fantasy of it all.


We also had a noticeable absence of Satele and Marr from this expansion. Their explanation of this new understanding of the Force was also completely gone, making the inclusion of Chapter 12 even more perplexing.


Chapter 12 was my least favorite chapter and I am totally ok with pretending it never happened. I did not miss the inclusion of Satele and Marr, although some family drama between Satale, Theron and my ds warrior would have been fun :D



I also felt like the "ending" with the threat of the Republic and the Empire looming over the Eternal Alliance didn't feel like an ending at all. In fact, it really came across as if the story was just beginning, but of course we'll have to wait an entire year to see what BioWare does now.


I feel the opposite. I think a reset of the galaxy was exactly what was needed. I think many people love Star Wars because of that iconic struggle between rebels and empire. I heard, over and over, that people missed the imp vs republic war and going back to it was the best thing they could have done.


Lastly, love interests were greatly underused and it came across as if having a flirt option near the very end was more of an afterthought than really trying to build these relationships.


The Theron romance was really well done. I've was "romancing" him at about 60% effort through Kotfe. There were times I was just like "meh, if something better comes along, I'm out"... ...But at the end of Kotet, I'm 100% Theron. I don't usually go for the mushy stuff, but that kiss at the end where he says "i love you" was so sweet. :o

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I liked Kotet , honestly..I was expecting the worst and I was surprised . Which is good , cose I'm very picky like that :p


That said , I won't go and say 'OH MAH GAD ITS PERFECT! TAKE MAH MONEY!' ...


It's still could use more ''Listening'' on their part . But....the difference between Kotfe and Kotet is well....like night and day .


I did 3 Playtrough and I would say this: DS ending was Much Much better then LS .


I also was surprised that it just 'end'..like..qué? nothing more ? where is the Party ? Hell they didn't even bother writing an Epilogue for the loading Screen (Or it isn't showing for me , still getting the Interlude about Makeb for some reasons ) .


1- That auto-start chapter , they really outta stop doing that . You can't even pick the damn reward cose ''Loading next chapter' . Same goes with auto-Talk (talk to vette..talk to X...) .


2- The driving robots and such , were a nice touch . But apparently BW doesn't know moderation . The first time it's WOW AMAZING! the 2nd Time it's OHH AGAIN? YAY! but by the 3rd time peoples find it old quickly . By then , it should be optional . And I mean it , especially since in chapter 8 that chapter has ALOT Of issue . Not being able to fire..some kind of weird Lag with abilities while you are stuck inside a walker..you can't leave !!!!


3- That timed mission . Tsk....alot of peoples hate timed missions . It's an original idea , but still . Glad it was just a mission though . I think the Timer wouldn't be so awful , if we didn't have to run in such close quarters and end up stuck on Walls .


4- Killings those you wanted Killed . YAY! So much fun...BUT.....why in the world none of them fough back ? Jeebus! It's like they wrote that with bitterness ! ''Here ! You wanted to kill X so badly ! Go ahead ! He won't even fight back ! Now you happy ?'' .......


5- Like I said , LS was a bit of a Muh...I mean the ending . DS Ending..I felt like I was back in my Original Story ending . Meanly Nox ending :D was so awesome ! *Ahem* but LS ? Seriously......I think we could've used another ending , I mean one more..for neutral or something .


6- That final fight . I did it on Sith warrior Jugg and Sorc Heal . And on Story mode . But as a Sniper.....Jeebus ! It's a pain and so far haven't been able to win it yet . while I appreciate the challenge.......I want my healing companions cose I'm being turned into pasta haha !


7- The romance : I romanced Lana and she is my favorite even though many hate her *roll eyes* , anyway . we could still used more dialogues but I guess Kotet isn't about Romance . They are just extra . So there is that .


8- Loved Seeing and hanging with Empress Acina . And Saresh situation and what we can do was pricelss .


9- WHile like others , I noticed the similarity between Kotet and Mass effect and even some of Dragon Age . one thing I found a bit dissapointing . Was in that place with Aries . No loot ? really ? No boxes or relic to steal from ? Nothing ? NADA ? Cheapskate ! If you gonna drag me to some unknown world that have been abandoned for eon......let me ransake the place and leave with some goodies :p

Edited by SerraShar
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To be quite honest, KOTET was as obvious and predictable as a story can be. It's not as if BioWare was trying to hide from us what was going to happen.


The ending is important, but the journey is just as much if not more. Overall, the journey was rather lackluster with a lot being rushed with not a lot of explanation. As far as the ending is concerned, I'm not really sure how KOTET would have ended otherwise unless the eternal throne was destroyed.


Dropping plot lines just because some fans did not like them is sloppy writing. Regardless of how you felt about Chapter 12, the implications behind it were staggering. The fact that the chapter was not revisited in any capacity is downright odd. BioWare may have never even done the chapter if they never intended to wrap up those loose ends.


Except, if you've actually played this game, you would realize it hasn't been "Republic versus Empire" since launch. Even then, arguably half the class stories had nothing to do with Republic versus Empire. ROTHC was about the Hutt Cartel and SOR was about the Revanites. What's important about Star Wars, in my opinion, is not the factions, but rather a quality story, compelling characters, and themes that permeate through all Star Wars stories.


Well I'm glad BioWare did a quality job with the Theron romance. I can't say the same for the Lana romance sadly. It was lacking considerably.

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Have you played BIOSHOCK? Would you kindly:


Not the same. What made the BS quote work so well is it was fed to you since the beginning of the game where you believe it is just a figure of speech from Ryan only to find out it was a control mechanism at the end. In KotET, is suddenly appears as a control mechanism with a rather weak explanation for why it wasn't given to you earlier.


The problem with the entire story was is still left a lot of plot holes. By the time you start KotET, the Outlander is now pretty infamous in the galaxy - heck you attracting fleets and followers to your alliance just on this infamy alone. Yet, for some classes, your missing husband and wife still have decided not to seek you out. I always felt one of the expanded (i.e., Chapters 12-15) of KotFE should have been dedicated to you finding your lost romance interest. It could have been the same story and/or mission for all players just with the appropriate love interest inserted. Instead, have just become Galactic Peacekeeper/Emperor and many still choose to act as if there love interest never existed. From that point of view, the story only works best for the Sith Warrior since Vette at lease has some input to the story. While you also have Kaliyo and Jorgan if you romanced them, the story still falls apart as a non-force user.

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It's still could use more ''Listening'' on their part . But....the difference between Kotfe and Kotet is well....like night and day .


I did 3 Playtrough and I would say this: DS ending was Much Much better then LS .


I also was surprised that it just 'end'..like..qué? nothing more ? where is the Party ? Hell they didn't even bother writing an Epilogue for the loading Screen (Or it isn't showing for me , still getting the Interlude about Makeb for some reasons ) .


1- That auto-start chapter , they really outta stop doing that . You can't even pick the damn reward cose ''Loading next chapter' . Same goes with auto-Talk (talk to vette..talk to X...) .


2- The driving robots and such , were a nice touch . But apparently BW doesn't know moderation . The first time it's WOW AMAZING! the 2nd Time it's OHH AGAIN? YAY! but by the 3rd time peoples find it old quickly . By then , it should be optional . And I mean it , especially since in chapter 8 that chapter has ALOT Of issue . Not being able to fire..some kind of weird Lag with abilities while you are stuck inside a walker..you can't leave !!!!


3- That timed mission . Tsk....alot of peoples hate timed missions . It's an original idea , but still . Glad it was just a mission though . I think the Timer wouldn't be so awful , if we didn't have to run in such close quarters and end up stuck on Walls .


4- Killings those you wanted Killed . YAY! So much fun...BUT.....why in the world none of them fough back ? Jeebus! It's like they wrote that with bitterness ! ''Here ! You wanted to kill X so badly ! Go ahead ! He won't even fight back ! Now you happy ?'' .......


5- Like I said , LS was a bit of a Muh...I mean the ending . DS Ending..I felt like I was back in my Original Story ending . Meanly Nox ending :D was so awesome ! *Ahem* but LS ? Seriously......I think we could've used another ending , I mean one more..for neutral or something .


6- That final fight . I did it on Sith warrior Jugg and Sorc Heal . And on Story mode . But as a Sniper.....Jeebus ! It's a pain and so far haven't been able to win it yet . while I appreciate the challenge.......I want my healing companions cose I'm being turned into pasta haha !


7- The romance : I romanced Lana and she is my favorite even though many hate her *roll eyes* , anyway . we could still used more dialogues but I guess Kotet isn't about Romance . They are just extra . So there is that .


8- Loved Seeing and hanging with Empress Acina . And Saresh situation and what we can do was pricelss .


9- WHile like others , I noticed the similarity between Kotet and Mass effect and even some of Dragon Age . one thing I found a bit dissapointing . Was in that place with Aries . No loot ? really ? No boxes or relic to steal from ? Nothing ? NADA ? Cheapskate ! If you gonna drag me to some unknown world that have been abandoned for eon......let me ransake the place and leave with some goodies :p


That is your opinion. In my opinion, KOTFE had an overall better story, regardless of its pacing issues.


Other than one being a peacekeeper and the other being an emperor, the ending seems to be essentially the same to me. You control the eternal fleet and the rest of the galaxy sees you as a threat.


1. All you have to do is press ESC and you are out of the next chapter.


2. I think you are being a bit unfair. Not only did we have walker segments, but a mouse droid, and even undercover elements. The walker was just a way to break up the monotony of killing skytroopers over and over.


3. Nothing wrong with a timed mission. It provided a sense of urgency and made the mission interesting and different. I saw no issue with it as the time was largely generous.


4. In my personal opinion, you don't need to have character deaths to have the illusion of choice. It was a gimmick BioWare threw in because some fans complained about a lack of choice.


5. The ending was anti-climatic either way in my opinion. It was predictable, and as you even suggested, there was no epilogue. At the very least, we should have seen the celebration and the player's rise to power. Instead, nothing.


6. I was able to do all of the KOTET chapters in 208s on my Guardian Tank. As long as you don't stand in stupid, it's pretty manageable.


7. I'd agree if BioWare didn't give the impression they were trying to improve upon the romances with KOTET. It's not even necessarily about a romance, itself. Just a believable relationship and your love interest treating you as if there is chemistry there. It's a nice touch and it was greatly lacking with Lana.


8. Empress Acina has potential depending on what BioWare does with her. The Saresh situation was far too brief and really a rather underwhelming send off for a character who has been in the game since launch.


9. There were immediate similarities with KOTFE and ME 2 with the very first mission. Established hero's ship is under attack and the hero is "MIA" for years. I don't mind BioWare taking cues from other games. I just want the story, itself, to be unique and new.

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Not the same. What made the BS quote work so well is it was fed to you since the beginning of the game where you believe it is just a figure of speech from Ryan only to find out it was a control mechanism at the end. In KotET, is suddenly appears as a control mechanism with a rather weak explanation for why it wasn't given to you earlier.


The problem with the entire story was is still left a lot of plot holes. By the time you start KotET, the Outlander is now pretty infamous in the galaxy - heck you attracting fleets and followers to your alliance just on this infamy alone. Yet, for some classes, your missing husband and wife still have decided not to seek you out. I always felt one of the expanded (i.e., Chapters 12-15) of KotFE should have been dedicated to you finding your lost romance interest. It could have been the same story and/or mission for all players just with the appropriate love interest inserted. Instead, have just become Galactic Peacekeeper/Emperor and many still choose to act as if there love interest never existed. From that point of view, the story only works best for the Sith Warrior since Vette at lease has some input to the story. While you also have Kaliyo and Jorgan if you romanced them, the story still falls apart as a non-force user.


That's really one of the biggest plot holes of these two expansions. By the time the Outlander becomes known throughout the entire galaxy, the love interest should be returning to the player ASAP. There really isn't a good justification for any of the love interests to be completely absent from the story. I understand BioWare's practical reasons, but from a narrative standpoint it's just a major oversight. BioWare probably would have been better off bringing back the more popular companions and leaving the less popular ones for later.

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well Doh! of course it's my opinion..where did I say it wasn't ? :rak_02:


Anyway , no no no.....I know I can hit Escp . But I shouldn't have to . No game shove the story in this manner like BW does it . Hell after a fight they wouldn't even let you pick the drop or heal up...and the conversation start . So yeah , it is on them . Not on me . As a player the story should let me take a breath after a fight and click the thing . Not auto-start on it's own . It wasn't there before in the original Story....it started with this Expansion . It wasn't in Makeb expansion or shadow of revan .


Also , let me remind you that some peoples complained of a bug that if you stop the story mid-way it break your romance . So more reasons for peoples not to use Esc.....I know I don't want that bug to show up in my game .


2. I think you are being a bit unfair. Not only did we have walker segments, but a mouse droid, and even undercover elements. The walker was just a way to break up the monotony of killing skytroopers over and over.

It's my opinion , remember that part ? And we still had to fight Troopers . Hell....with all the Nathema stuff that were whispered around the forum before Kotet came out..then seeing that Nathema armor , I was hoping we fight those guys from the trailer . For when Vaylin was little..but alas no.....we get more skytrooper.....Urgh .


3. Nothing wrong with a timed mission. It provided a sense of urgency and made the mission interesting and different. I saw no issue with it as the time was largely generous.

I'm allergic to Timed missions . They stress me out like hell..I play to have fun . Not to be stressed out :p


4. In my personal opinion, you don't need to have character deaths to have the illusion of choice. It was a gimmick BioWare threw in because some fans complained about a lack of choice.

I agree with you there . BW seem to have this idea that you must have death to have drama . You must have Sob story to push a certain event or power or watever forward . It's a way to write things I guess , but they could've used real drama.....because this is all been there , seen that , doesn't make me tear up much . I'm not saying it's a bad thing..it just.....I dunno....I've seen surprisingly better writing and suspence and drama from Mangas writers . BW seem like they are out of fresh ideas .


5. The ending was anti-climatic either way in my opinion. It was predictable, and as you even suggested, there was no epilogue. At the very least, we should have seen the celebration and the player's rise to power. Instead, nothing.

It did feel rushed..maybe they run out of time ? Do they have deadlines for this thing ?


6. I was able to do all of the KOTET chapters in 208s on my Guardian Tank. As long as you don't stand in stupid, it's pretty manageable.

Bah....you try it on a sniper...then you tell me about stupid :D

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Anyway , no no no.....I know I can hit Escp . But I shouldn't have to . No game shove the story in this manner like BW does it . Hell after a fight they wouldn't even let you pick the drop or heal up...and the conversation start . So yeah , it is on them . Not on me . As a player the story should let me take a breath after a fight and click the thing . Not auto-start on it's own . It wasn't there before in the original Story....it started with this Expansion . It wasn't in Makeb expansion or shadow of revan .


Also , let me remind you that some peoples complained of a bug that if you stop the story mid-way it break your romance . So more reasons for peoples not to use Esc.....I know I don't want that bug to show up in my game .



It's my opinion , remember that part ? And we still had to fight Troopers . Hell....with all the Nathema stuff that were whispered around the forum before Kotet came out..then seeing that Nathema armor , I was hoping we fight those guys from the trailer . For when Vaylin was little..but alas no.....we get more skytrooper.....Urgh .



I'm allergic to Timed missions . They stress me out like hell..I play to have fun . Not to be stressed out :p



I agree with you there . BW seem to have this idea that you must have death to have drama . You must have Sob story to push a certain event or power or watever forward . It's a way to write things I guess , but they could've used real drama.....because this is all been there , seen that , doesn't make me tear up much . I'm not saying it's a bad thing..it just.....I dunno....I've seen surprisingly better writing and suspence and drama from Mangas writers . BW seem like they are out of fresh ideas .



It did feel rushed..maybe they run out of time ? Do they have deadlines for this thing ?



Bah....you try it on a sniper...then you tell me about stupid :D


That's a matter of preference. I tend to just move onto the next chapter unless I have somewhere I need to go. I don't see it as that much of a hassle.


We did fight Nathema Zealots from the Blur trailer in the prison when we were chasing after Vaylin. You must not have been paying attention. Admittedly, there weren't a lot of them.


Fair enough. I suppose you could provide feedback to BioWare with regard to timed missions.


KOTET was just far too predictable, and I didn't care whether any of the characters lived or died. BioWare admittedly has a tough situation as there are so many characters and companions that need development. The Torian/Vette choice had no impact on me. I never liked Vette on my SW and I didn't care for Torian on my BH, so both were expendable.


KOTET was supposed to essentially emulate the KOTFE format. Due to negative criticism about the monthly chapters, BioWare took what was likely going to be a 16 chapter expansion down to 9. That is why I believe everything felt so rushed and largely wasn't explained adequately.


I'll have to test it out on my gunslinger.

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KOTET was just far too predictable, and I didn't care whether any of the characters lived or died. BioWare admittedly has a tough situation as there are so many characters and companions that need development. The Torian/Vette choice had no impact on me. I never liked Vette on my SW and I didn't care for Torian on my BH, so both were expendable.



BW relied HEAVILY on the players using meta-game knowledge about Torian and Vette, because realistically, if you weren't a BH or SW, they're just random people that you met who weren't *your* spouses. Your characters didn't really know them. Lana/Theron? Much bigger impact overall, in lines of the story. But they relied upon us to remember those characters from possible playthroughs of those vanilla stories.


For me, and a lot of other people, it worked. I was literally screaming at my screen saying, "I'm so sorry, Torian! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! It's nothing against you, I swear!"


But it was cheap. I recognize that. Because, realistically, neither my IA or JK (the two who've gone through KotET) knew either of them all that well. And any new players who just started this game and used a free 60-65 token (there are some, who then make posts saying they don't understand what's going on :rolleyes:) wouldn't feel any connection to them whatsoever. Whereas Theron/Lana, those two are constantly on screen. Especially Lana. A choice between THOSE two would have a more meaningful impact for EVERYONE, not just those who've made hundreds of alts over the last 5 years.

Edited by AngFour
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BW relied HEAVILY on the players using meta-game knowledge about Torian and Vette, because realistically, if you weren't a BH or SW, they're just random people that you met who weren't *your* spouses. Your characters didn't really know them. Lana/Theron? Much bigger impact overall, in lines of the story. But they relied upon us to remember those characters from possible playthroughs of those vanilla stories.


For me, and a lot of other people, it worked. I was literally screaming at my screen saying, "I'm so sorry, Torian! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! It's nothing against you, I swear!"


But it was cheap. I recognize that. Because, realistically, neither my IA or JK (the two who've gone through KotET) knew either of them all that well. And any new players who just started this game and used a free 60-65 token (there are some, who then make posts saying they don't understand what's going on :rolleyes:) wouldn't feel any connection to them whatsoever. Whereas Theron/Lana, those two are constantly on screen. Especially Lana. A choice between THOSE two would have a more meaningful impact for EVERYONE, not just those who've made hundreds of alts over the last 5 years.


As I already implied, I've played every class and finished all of the companion stories. Torian and Vette were both unimpressive in my eyes. Thus, even for someone who knew those characters, it was a meaningless decision. Now had it been Mako and DS Jaesa, then yeah I would have cared more. Torian and Vette are throwaway companions, which is why BioWare used them. Just imagine the outrage had either Lana or Theron died.


I somehow doubt you were in the majority. Honestly, I would argue most people did not care about either Vette or Torian. They are less popular companions so I seriously question if this was a hard choice for many.


That is why I think either Lana or Theron should have died. BioWare took the easy way out and killed companions most don't care about. Had BioWare cared to use the main love interests or popular companions instead, that would have had greater impact. Of course, half the forums would be raging about the decision, but that would have meant the consequence had real impact and results.

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As I already implied, I've played every class and finished all of the companion stories. Torian and Vette were both unimpressive in my eyes. Thus, even for someone who knew those characters, it was a meaningless decision. Now had it been Mako and DS Jaesa, then yeah I would have cared more. Torian and Vette are throwaway companions, which is why BioWare used them. Just imagine the outrage had either Lana or Theron died.


You assume everyone feels the same way about those characters as you do. It wasn't meaningless for those who liked them (or maybe just one of them). Sure, there could have been a different combo that would have made me care more (like Ashara/Kira...eek, that would be really hard) but that's just me.


I somehow doubt you were in the majority. Honestly, I would argue most people did not care about either Vette or Torian. They are less popular companions so I seriously question if this was a hard choice for many.


Vette always seemed pretty popular to me (maybe not on this website but on other places like reddit). She's the first SW comp you get and I've seen lots of people speak highly about her romance.


Who would you say are the popular companions from vanilla SWTOR then?

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That is why I think either Lana or Theron should have died. BioWare took the easy way out and killed companions most don't care about. Had BioWare cared to use the main love interests or popular companions instead, that would have had greater impact. Of course, half the forums would be raging about the decision, but that would have meant the consequence had real impact and results.


Not necessarily. I suspect there are a lot of people out there who like Lana or Theron, and would be happy to throw the other under a bus, or at least enough of a preference to not agonize over it much.

Edited by cmdrzoom
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You assume everyone feels the same way about those characters as you do. It wasn't meaningless for those who liked them (or maybe just one of them). Sure, there could have been a different combo that would have made me care more (like Ashara/Kira...eek, that would be really hard) but that's just me.




Vette always seemed pretty popular to me (maybe not on this website but on other places like reddit). She's the first SW comp you get and I've seen lots of people speak highly about her romance.


Who would you say are the popular companions from vanilla SWTOR then?


Not at all, actually. What I stated is I do not believe the majority, as the above poster was claiming, cared about the fates of Torian and Vette. I don't believe either companion is the most popular among their respective classes. Again, BioWare could have likely gotten a more agonizing response had it been Theron, Lana, Jaesa, Quinn, Risha, etc.


I don't believe Vette is one of the least popular companions. I just don't believe she is one of the most popular either. Many tend to go with DS Jaesa over Vette. I romanced both and Vette's romance was incredibly lackluster. Not to mention, she reminds me a lot of Mission Vao in that she never stops talking, which can be a bit irritating at times.


As I indicated above, Quinn, Risha, Kira, Doc, DS Jaesa, Mako, more or less every companion love interest that hasn't returned yet as BioWare was trying to save the best for last.

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Not necessarily. I suspect there are a lot of people out there who like Lana or Theron, and would be happy to throw the other under a bus, or at least enough of a preference to not agonize over it much.


Well obviously folks are likely going to save whoever their love interest is. My point is I believe folks would probably care more and be invested in choosing between Theron and Lana rather than Torian and Vette. I think BioWare wanted to kill off a main character but didn't want to infuriate most of the community in the process. Thus, they picked easy targets that most likely wouldn't care about one way or the other.

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Well obviously folks are likely going to save whoever their love interest is. My point is I believe folks would probably care more and be invested in choosing between Theron and Lana rather than Torian and Vette. I think BioWare wanted to kill off a main character but didn't want to infuriate most of the community in the process. Thus, they picked easy targets that most likely wouldn't care about one way or the other.


I think it's more to do with Theron and Lana helping push the plot if/when they continue the story.

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Not at all, actually. What I stated is I do not believe the majority, as the above poster was claiming, cared about the fates of Torian and Vette. I don't believe either companion is the most popular among their respective classes. Again, BioWare could have likely gotten a more agonizing response had it been Theron, Lana, Jaesa, Quinn, Risha, etc.


I don't believe Vette is one of the least popular companions. I just don't believe she is one of the most popular either. Many tend to go with DS Jaesa over Vette. I romanced both and Vette's romance was incredibly lackluster. Not to mention, she reminds me a lot of Mission Vao in that she never stops talking, which can be a bit irritating at times.


As I indicated above, Quinn, Risha, Kira, Doc, DS Jaesa, Mako, more or less every companion love interest that hasn't returned yet as BioWare was trying to save the best for last.


Doc? lol


I mean, we could go back and forth on who we believe is the most popular but there's really no hard evidence. I'm not convinced that was their intent though. It just seems like people are unhappy b/c their faves didn't come back.

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