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Official Turn Ashara Zavros Darkside Thread. (Spoilers)


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I think she needs to have a quest line start after you earn x amount of darkside points with her as an active companion. At this point you'd speak to her on your ship or even in some remote temple and she'll be very concerned that she's going against her teachings, yet realizes that her change has been empowering. At this point you have the option to either convince her to remain true to her old teachings or to switch to the dark side. I also think it'd be interesting if an old jedi classmate of hers (maybe one that you see in the holocrons) confronted you for doing so, and in the end she either fights alongside, or against him based on choices.


Then again...this is just my idea :p



This is what I thought would happen. Nope. Just an empty bot who runs crafting missions.



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Had somewhat adopted a SI as my main and gotten him to level 35. I'm not a hard core leveler, like most bioware games I'm in it for the story.


Was and am very disappointed after getting Ashara when after researching various forums like these that you could not turn her or have a choice between a DS or LS apprentice in the same way I have read about the warrior companion. I do like the fact that each companion has their own unique likes and dislikes, but what I enjoyed about a previous non-bioware SW game was how YOU being the main character in your story influenced your companions over time.


Anyways just my personal opinion. Now putting the SI on hold and rolling a SW, got him to 21 and will just play and enjoy this class story line till such time when/if they fix what I consider a mistake in not giving us the same option to really feel like we have gotten a true apprentice.


Also got a BH on the go...and agent that's the other big problem in my opinion... all the class stories are sooooo good!


anyways just my opinion.



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Only if Chris Avellone wrote the SI story he wrote kotor 2 and if you have the restoration patch the dark side exile can be a magnificent bastard in kotor 2 I persuaded a man to commit suicide because that was in his "best interest" if he cared about the others around him" I also manipulated my companions to fall to the dark side convinced a poor scavenger to run to his death to get a lightsaber part for free. Kriea really liked these decisions she tries to be grey but deep down she is still a sith lord at heart. Lets not forget manipulate a certain companion and then killing them off to weaken a certain sith lord hell she even praised you that you wear deception like a cloak just like your master.


Oh lets not forget using force persuade on some thugs and making them jump down the central pit on nar shaada oh and I made them give up their credits just before they jumped. Man being dark side in kotor 2 is such fun and the only time I murdered people is when i wanted to push my companions further to the dark side. Oh and i let the jedi masters live and by the end of the game I had dark side mastery proved how wrong the jedi are and my female exile is sitting in the middle of malachor rallying the sith I did not slaughter along with atton as my apprentice. (the rest of my companions are dead because kriea gave me the option to kill them because they where becoming a hinderance/chain and plus they are weak for allowing themselves to be captured. While atton defeated darth sion and escaped. Plus killing my companions made me stronger in the dark side storywise)


Lets just say that the sith warrior after playing that story to level 36 I have corrupted jedi knights, jedi masters and a padawan to the dark side. It seems that the sith warrior is actually the manipulator out of the two sith classes.

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Anyway i don't know why they gave a story where the character has to be a manipulator to a writer no one has heard about. Or who has not even wrote star wars stories before. It seems after playing the sith warrior to 36 the sith warrior does the SI job better if I did not like the SI game play more i would of rerolled and made the SW my main ages ago. Edited by lokdron
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Can't be turned = Strike One


Isn't Bisexual = Strike Two


Slave-Dress doesn't work = Strike Three



Fix this please. :D


Agree. I find it absurd the "master manipulator" Sith class can't even turn one padawan to the Dark side but the SW has a fantastic romance option with the Jaessa after turning her to the Dark side.

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Bioware you failed hard here. I couldn't play my SI for a day or 2 after I found this out.


When you add a pillar to your game and call it story make sure not to **** it up.


Please fire the idiot that wrote SI story.


The funny thing is that the sith warrior turns jedi knights, jedi masters and padawans to the dark side lol. While the SI can do no such thing the sith warrior does the SI job better.

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Bioware you failed hard here. I couldn't play my SI for a day or 2 after I found this out.


When you add a pillar to your game and call it story make sure not to **** it up.


Please fire the idiot that wrote SI story.


The SI story is largely very good, it is just this, plus two other blotches on it that really annoy me. The absurdity of act three, and your reall apprentice's attitude when you finally get him. I'm sorry, but Xalek seems like he would make an awesome Sith when you first get him, but once you get his affection really built up, he proves just how unworthy of the title that he is. Nadia Grell makes a much better Jedi than Xalek does a Sith. That makes me really sad.

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Can't be turned = Strike One


Isn't Bisexual = Strike Two


Slave-Dress doesn't work = Strike Three



Fix this please. :D


Yeah, I noticed that too - what is the deal with the body suit she wears? I thought it would be super cute if she wore a halt top, like Jaissa starts with, considering her skin tone.


But, no, she's wearing some full body suit underneath.


Even my female gets to show off her abs, and she's a pureblood. Who apparently does a -ton- of pilates.

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the closest thing inquisitor gets to manipulating is he can either talk you into letting him have something, or shock you into letting you have it.


Always the same end result, and nothing really corrupting. It's either do it the nice way or the painful way.


So can't marry ashara, she's constantly going back and forth on what she wants, can't really do anything with her.


If you could corrupt her I'm sure all that would work, but noooo >.>


from the beginning I thought the SW had more of the SI role. They lectured you for making bad decisions and not killing the right people, or not enslaving the right people, or not helping the empire.


The inquisitor is just shock, shock, and more shocks.

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OMG I hated this woman either light or dark. Even my husband couldn't wait to shut her up...............lol She was nothing but an egotistical, give me everything for me type that wanted to compete oir everything and all she would do was whine about everything. What an idiot she was. I hated whatever came out of her mouth even if she was a knockout! Light side or darkside she was a total looser and i would have sent her into oblivion just for **** and giggles. The last companion I would ever want.
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OMG I hated this woman either light or dark. Even my husband couldn't wait to shut her up...............lol She was nothing but an egotistical, give me everything for me type that wanted to compete oir everything and all she would do was whine about everything. What an idiot she was. I hated whatever came out of her mouth even if she was a knockout! Light side or darkside she was a total looser and i would have sent her into oblivion just for **** and giggles. The last companion I would ever want.


Not entirely sure how you took this story to mean that. Granted, I think - especially as an INQUISITOR, of all people - we should get the option to turn her, just like the Warrior can with Jaesa. However, for what it was, I found her to be a very good character. She even fits as a perfect counterbalance to my conniving, dark-but-not-to-the-point-of-blatant-sadism Sorcerer: she is the embodiment of a young force-sensitive toeing the line of 'grey.' And in the end, she's as dedicated to you as any other.


Maybe you just took a dislike to her? 'Cause the rest of your post is all pretty spiteful opinion.

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I'd like Thana too...


On a side note, I don't think the issue for me is that she's not a dark side apprentice, but that she's not a dark side love interest. You can't have her unless you go lightside?


At least add in a "lie" option so you can gain darkside points while lying to her.

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I'd like Thana too...


On a side note, I don't think the issue for me is that she's not a dark side apprentice, but that she's not a dark side love interest. You can't have her unless you go lightside?


At least add in a "lie" option so you can gain darkside points while lying to her.


Pretty sure it is about corrupting her. You don't really gain lightside points with her, she's far too rational and practical. I gain points with some pretty cold responses while she's out, and as far as romance goes she pretty well follows the dark path you tread no matter what as long as your affection is high.


I think people are peeved because despite her acceptance of Dark Side path, she's stubborn enough to cling to Jedi ways enough that she'll never be an EVIL character (which I differentiate from DARK), no matter how much you try. On the one hand, I like her that way, and her personality for that purpose is brilliant. On the other hand, we're SITH INQUISITORS. We turn people. How is it that a 20-year-old padawan, in the company of some of the most corrupting influences in the known galaxy, can't be fully converted to the dark side by the class of character who, by design, is there to convert people?


Someone said it before here, and I agree: so far in the story my Sith Warrior has converted more people than my Inquisitor, but the Warrior's storyline is broader. The Inquisitor has been, for the most part, heavily involved in some very personal adventuring as opposed to outward assignments like the Warrior, Agent or Bounty Hunter.

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Pretty sure it is about corrupting her. You don't really gain lightside points with her, she's far too rational and practical. I gain points with some pretty cold responses while she's out, and as far as romance goes she pretty well follows the dark path you tread no matter what as long as your affection is high.


I think people are peeved because despite her acceptance of Dark Side path, she's stubborn enough to cling to Jedi ways enough that she'll never be an EVIL character (which I differentiate from DARK), no matter how much you try. On the one hand, I like her that way, and her personality for that purpose is brilliant. On the other hand, we're SITH INQUISITORS. We turn people. How is it that a 20-year-old padawan, in the company of some of the most corrupting influences in the known galaxy, can't be fully converted to the dark side by the class of character who, by design, is there to convert people?


Someone said it before here, and I agree: so far in the story my Sith Warrior has converted more people than my Inquisitor, but the Warrior's storyline is broader. The Inquisitor has been, for the most part, heavily involved in some very personal adventuring as opposed to outward assignments like the Warrior, Agent or Bounty Hunter.


My warrior has corrupted a companion, and a bunch of random jedi. And as I said before from korriban the life of a warrior seems more like an inquisitor. The warrior story is more focused on making decisions to benefit the empire where the inquisitor is all about gaining power. Seems backwards.

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I'd like Thana too...


On a side note, I don't think the issue for me is that she's not a dark side apprentice, but that she's not a dark side love interest. You can't have her unless you go lightside?


At least add in a "lie" option so you can gain darkside points while lying to her.


This is false. Give her presents and she'll love you, no matter how much of a ruthless, murdering bastard you are. Then just tell her what she wants to hear when the dialogue choices come up.


In fact, I've gotten some affection gains from Ashara from making some pretty brutal and bloody choices during quests. I was romancing her at the time, so I dunno if that affects it, but she can be very cold-blooded. I've gotten affection gains from "kill them all" and "terrorize their ranks" kind of choices - mostly because Ashara is interested in winning quickly and efficiently - no matter what.


I do think that it's total ******** that we can't convert her to the Sith, though. I mean, this class was based largely on Palpatine, who was a conniving, corrupting bastard! Corrupting Jedi was, like, his thing! That's what he did! But we can't, because, I dunno, **** Inquisitors I guess.

Edited by Yuyuske
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