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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Biggest 5.0 Gripes - List Yours!


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I'll get used to everything, eventually (new button combo, new abilities, new menu bar etc.)


But PLEASE can I PLEASE have the old Lana and Senya character models back.

Seriously it makes them look really weird. Like they're not even from the same game. The cosmetic upgrade isn't doing anyone any favours.

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I didn't find chapter 6 that bad, it was similar to Kasumi's mission in Mass Effect 2 so it made a little nostalgic. Only 2 items I couldn't figure out how to use, the spiked food and the Vaylin player. Edited by LastBrood
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The character model "upgrades" are disconcerting...haven't started Eternal Throne yet, due to the reviews I've seen (and I don't even mean spoilers, either - just the overall bad press), not much looking forward to it now. A smooth-skinned and almost pixie-like appearance on a chiss suddenly looks like George Carlin's "shriveled, fault-ridden pudding skin" every time she has any sort of expression other than "just standing here listening to the plebs babble". It is...disconcerting, to say the least. And that doesn't even reach into the issues of Eternal Throne's gameplay (which, as I said, I have yet to experience, though I did have Early Access...just haven't felt motivated to do it).


And I've decided to hang up my vanguards and powertechs. I don't recognize them any more (meaning the skills they're left with). I may take them back to do weekly runs through Hutta/Ord Mantell and DK/Coruscant Heroics until they max out (however many eons down the line that may be), but what's there is discouraging. I could grudgingly accept losing Unload/Full Auto previously - it wasn't a deal breaker - but yeah, they're being shelved, pretty much permanently. The 'feel' is just different enough that I'll clone them with mercs and commandos, and call it good.


And the free level 65 (or 60, if one feels masochistic)? Probably won't do that, unless I create something just to go through Eternal Throne to see what it's like and be done with it. The word "meh" has been echoing through my mind whenever I see reminders of it.


Le Sigh.

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I'll get used to everything, eventually (new button combo, new abilities, new menu bar etc.)


But PLEASE can I PLEASE have the old Lana and Senya character models back.

Seriously it makes them look really weird. Like they're not even from the same game. The cosmetic upgrade isn't doing anyone any favours.


Sometimes things that make it in game really make me wonder about the art department.

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Is there an even remotely legitimate reason why I can't just select "Quit Game", and actually have it...you know...exit my game and client, without it locking up my computer...






...Since the patch dropped, such that I need a hard re-start? Why can't I just just kill my client quickly, just like I always could before, just like I can with literally any other piece of software in existence?

Instead of always being forced to go to character-select first? Seriously, what possible reason is there for this? Have they become that pathetically desperate to pad game-time?


Fix the bloody music, already.


If I want to listen to two songs blending seamlessly into each other on endless loop, then I'll put on some *********** Nickelback or some other equally generic corporate radio-product (only workaround for this once it starts is a hard client-reboot.).

Edited by midianlord
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- cxp nerf... I sad enough about it in relent treads.

- DvL thin that pops up all the time... It's perma locked on one side anyway, can't I just hide it? I don't need to know that Light side won yet again, it's a given at this point.

- Heroic Star Fortress drops. Lack of thous. As well as other loot mess ups.

- Veteran story chapter rewards. If you can't bring yourself to give us usable gear than just give us more money or something, don't insult by giving green vendor trash as "reward". Decorations would have been a fun reward to.

- DvL system. Perma locked on one side.


Just to start.

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Gold mobs giving 1 cxp instead of 10, so the devs can ensure that it will take till eternity to level one toon to 300.


And if that doesn't achieve the objective of losing subs fast enough, they will also increase the CxP required per crate by a factor of 10 so that later levels require 49,900 per level rather than 4990. That will get those stubborn gits still hanging on to their subs.

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Alright, here goes :

* RNG on gearing / Data Crystal Removal

250k credits for a companion gift instead of 15 data crystals.. Having to gamble to actually get something decent for my character, while filling my inventory with garbage.. Why?

* "Ravage/Blade WhatsItsNameNowAgain? (has changed too many names to remember)" Massacre

Even though the animation is ok, it was a "Genius" move to wipe out a core ability, turning it into a filler!

* Client stability (or lack there of)

My Nar Shaddaa SH now takes 2 and a half minutes to load, while during SoR with the same layout/decorations was loading in 10 seconds.. Planets take even longer and experiencing frequent crashing with no good reason.. Unexplained stuttering in areas that were fine and working perfectly.


The list can go on forever, but those are the major "issues" from my end..

Edited by Asacledhae
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Alright, I've played enough now to have a few to add, in no particular order:


1. Lack of bug fixes. Courting gifts are still broken, loot tables that were messed up in 4.0 are still borked, my companion's buffs still keep dropping . . . sigh.


2. Game freezing when I try to logout. This had never happened to me before 5.0.


3. No returning companions. C'mon, Bioware, I want Lord Scourge and Quinn, is that so much to ask? -puppy eyes-


4. The new "enhanced" expressions. They look terrible and unnatural to me. So my character has a perfectly smooth, youthful face, but gets creases like a middle aged person when she speaks/emotes? And let me tell you, barely-adult Nadia really does not look right with all those forehead wrinkles magically appearing every time she talks.


5. Rocket punch gone from my Merc. Yes, I know, not needed, but as a healer it was fun using it on all those mobs that run up to me.


6. Crystal/coms conversion rates vs. the new credit prices of things. I feel ripped off.


7. No new open planets to visit, like Makeb, Rishi, or Yavin. I was hoping they'd at least add an open area to Odessen for dailies or something.

Edited by Gwena
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the "massive dyson sphere" planet, that's just a maze you can visit only in 1 chapter.

no other planet content at all...at least the emperor's old planet would have been good for dailies if they wanted to keep the other one for future scorpio plot lines.

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PLANETARY MISSIONS from the Galactic Interface.

In order to get the weekly CXP 450 bonus for completing the required amount of H2+ or dailies, you HAVE to select from the random chaos that is offered in the new interface. You DO NOT get the weekly bonus CXP unless you do this as the weekly quest is not available via the normal heroic terminal or any dailies (nor does is trigger if you start the heroics the normal way). If you want to group with other 70s it will be pointless as everyone will need to be on the same heroic and each group member will have to spend ages declining the weekly trying to get the one they want come up. YOU ALSO CANNOT HOLD MORE THAN ONE WEEKLY AT A TIME (I do not want to do Oricon FFS so why offer it repeatedly).

It's just a mockery of a sham at the moment and needs fixing with a drop down list ASAP - it's not even possible to know which area is actually offering a weekly bonus - I have been declining weekly missions for 20 mins and Nar Shaddaa has yet to come up.


Changing the CXP on elites from 10 to 1 because some **** farmed them and hit the cap quickly :mad:





Fix the bloody music, already.


If I want to listen to two songs blending seamlessly into each other on endless loop, then I'll put on some *********** Nickelback or some other equally generic corporate radio-product (only workaround for this once it starts is a hard client-reboot.).


Edited by Sarova
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The entire concept of Galactic Command, but that is probably the supermajority of players. Not heard anyone praise the damn thing.


The music thing was irritating and did disrupt the flow of the story somewhat. I also felt huge lags during scenes when lots of visual activity was going on from story, mainly the Battle of Odessen, a total laggy mess.


Cutscenes were choppy and felt...off at times. Visuals not very well synced. I assume it is my computer's processing power? Got the thing in 2012, probably time to get an upgrade.

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  • The menu bar, with no option to make it permanent like before <----- This one is causing me the most frustration, as it makes me want to seriously punch my monitor. A better solution would have been a fully customizable permanent bar with the option to add/hide icons on the bar. Or heck, even a scroll type of menu bar, but with the old feature set as the main pane.
  • Old pvp weapons and deco now requiring valor just to use!
  • Removal of Ziost token gear/armor.




That's all I got at the moment, but please post yours, and maybe we will get lucky and a dev might actually look.


I wouldn't know: frankly since the "update" (and I use that term in the loosest possible since of the word) .. I have been unable to play the game. What ever was done has screwed up the graphics really bad. I've never, ever, ever seen this in any game (any I've played). I have posted in the "bug forum".

My system is very capable and worked just fine two days prior to the new update. I've also noticed that several others have posted similar complaints (there are no doubt many others who have the same issue but simply don't post on the forum).

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Not strictly related in the "nuts-and-bolts" sense, but:


Parts of the Dyson-sphere planet totally reminded me of the final planet (before you return to the Citadel to fight the Big Bad) from the first Mass Effect game.


This reminded me of what BioWare used to be. This made me haz a sad IRL, ergo sum, I shall consider it a gripe...


How far, but also how enthusiastically, the mighty have fallen :(

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Not strictly related in the "nuts-and-bolts" sense, but:


Parts of the Dyson-sphere planet totally reminded me of the final planet (before you return to the Citadel to fight the Big Bad) from the first Mass Effect game.


This reminded me of what BioWare used to be. This made me haz a sad IRL, ergo sum, I shall consider it a gripe...


How far, but also how enthusiastically, the mighty have fallen :(


Double-post, go me!

Edited by midianlord
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I am a long time player, being a founder and having played and been a subscriber to this game since day 1. I have NEVER given up on SWTOR even if there were things that took place in the game that I felt were horrible changes as I felt they would eventually work themselves out. The attitude of laziness and lack of forethought Bioware has now adopted with regards to this game and the reactions of its player base to the ABSOLUTELY ATROCIOUS changes its made....RNG as opposed to the crystal system, the incredibly boring and unintelligent storyline....oh yay!! another spoiled brat with daddy issues....BORING!!!!! This is freakin STAR WARS man....give me a break. The system is now so broken its beyond the point of fixing unless they admit their screwup and go back to the old ways....you are going to LOSE YOUR PLAYER SUBS .....you already lost me...a player from day 1. Oh well....time to find another MMO that makes sense and is actually fun. Star Wars is dead and buried here as far as Im concerned. Way to go Bioware!!! You managed to outdo Sony Online Entertainment in BAD CORPORATE DECISIONS!!!
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1) No good comms-type gear for sale for credits at level 66+. Stuck gearing through random drops in Heroics and the god-awful grindy gambling crates. Lvl 66+ heroic gear doesn't vendor as well as the level 61 version-- credit return has been cut by 2/3.


2) Companion bugs. They're always getting lost underground, then pop up through the earth after some indeterminate stage. Actually saw the process in person when God-droid got lost in Battle of Rishi. He popped up from the rocks.


3) Weird bugs. On pubside Balmorra last night, greyed-out Imperial conquest droids started slaughtering their own compatriots at Outpost Victory. Then they turned on me :p I was the only player in the area.


4) Graphical flickering all over the terrain all the time. Walls don't feel solid anymore. You turn near a wall, and the planet appears behind rocks, panels, whatever.


5) Sloppy updates to Sage utilities, making reference to skills you don't have. Makes dealing with utility points exceedingly frustrating.


6) That unfinished, half-a***d feeling.


7) The new "expressions" and messed-up shadows that leave half of the NPCs looking possessed.


8) Savant has ONE "n."

Edited by JainiaDral
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