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Dark vs. Light and GSF


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I'm reluctant to post this as I don't like to complain, but someone told me I should - that it might matter if many share the same experience.


Basically, I've been queued for starfighter matches for three days more or less non-stop. Not a single pop. Because of this requirement, I won't be able to finish Dark vs. Light - it is literally the one thing I'd need. Yeah, guess I should've thought of server transfers before tonight - Ebon Hawk isn't really good for much of anything - but frankly, an achievement like this should not cost anyone real money.


Yeah, I'm bitter.

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You have a right to be bitter, but GSF actually does still pop on TEH from time to time. Not often, but it's not as dead as Bastion. Evenings are best for it.


Also the devs don't read this forum. At all. They took an entire year to sticky a post after we started asking for that. You're better off posting in the suggestions forum.

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I'm reluctant to post this as I don't like to complain, but someone told me I should - that it might matter if many share the same experience.


Basically, I've been queued for starfighter matches for three days more or less non-stop. Not a single pop. Because of this requirement, I won't be able to finish Dark vs. Light - it is literally the one thing I'd need. Yeah, guess I should've thought of server transfers before tonight - Ebon Hawk isn't really good for much of anything - but frankly, an achievement like this should not cost anyone real money.


Yeah, I'm bitter.



:( that is bs :( really sorry you have this problem

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Sad to hear that... One option if you haven't already used it is refferal link as you get 1 free character transfer when you use it, and as far as I know if you have used link before, but never used your free transfer you still should have it available.
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What time are you usually flying and on which faction? I may be able to gather up a few of my guys and we can get the que to pop that way. I wonder if there is anyone else on the ebon hawk community who are having the same problem as you are, and if so, hopefully they can also be available to take advantage of this opportunity. There are certainly a lot of native TEH pilots which may come back to que there if given the opportunity, but have resigned themselves to playing on Harbinger or JC for convenience.


I flew just over a week ago on TEH and ended up getting a pop, but the game ended prematurely due to someone dropping out, resulting in a loss for both sides unfortunately.


Also, keep in mind that being in a group tends to increase your chances of popping, try typing /cjoin gsf and asking the chat channel if any groups are going on or if anybody would like to fly with you.

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What time are you usually flying and on which faction? I may be able to gather up a few of my guys and we can get the que to pop that way. I wonder if there is anyone else on the ebon hawk community who are having the same problem as you are, and if so, hopefully they can also be available to take advantage of this opportunity. There are certainly a lot of native TEH pilots which may come back to que there if given the opportunity, but have resigned themselves to playing on Harbinger or JC for convenience.


I flew just over a week ago on TEH and ended up getting a pop, but the game ended prematurely due to someone dropping out, resulting in a loss for both sides unfortunately.


Also, keep in mind that being in a group tends to increase your chances of popping, try typing /cjoin gsf and asking the chat channel if any groups are going on or if anybody would like to fly with you.


Trouble is, it has to happen tonight or they don't get credit.

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Sorry, I kind of wrote that and went to bed. Yeah, I've been trying to holler around and gather people, but it seems that everyone who wanted to finish Legendary did it back in August. My playtimes are also inconvenient since I'm EU, but somehow I figured three days would be enough. It wasn't.


I actually heard about the GSF channel yesterday, but unfortunately at such a late hour that it did me absolutely no good. I'd queue right now if I didn't have to be in class in an hour, and by the time I get back, maintenance will have started, and I'm out. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry, I kind of wrote that and went to bed. Yeah, I've been trying to holler around and gather people, but it seems that everyone who wanted to finish Legendary did it back in August. My playtimes are also inconvenient since I'm EU, but somehow I figured three days would be enough. It wasn't.


I actually heard about the GSF channel yesterday, but unfortunately at such a late hour that it did me absolutely no good. I'd queue right now if I didn't have to be in class in an hour, and by the time I get back, maintenance will have started, and I'm out. :(


i can't say its BS when you only gave yourself 3 days, are EU on a American server, and it sounds like you didn't have a guild to assist since your hollering around.


I'm not be a dick, the GSF community has something another groups don't... if I'm queing solo its because I'm choosing to... if you meet a pilot say howdy... that is a pilot you can fly with any time your both on.


Forgot to add the reason I posted... I don't want you to get discouraged at trying GSF... just because you don't get the DvL doesn't mean you can't still enjoy the game. Besides the devs said they may do DvL again anyways.

Edited by TBDNicodemus
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