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RIP Bounty Hunter fun


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I love the changes 😀 making PT Flamethrower insta cast best thing ever.

If you play merc and use Flamethrower you are doing something wrong, check your rotation guide.

The new death from above is awesome, it looks nice and you can cast it while moving.


Good job BW.

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Troopers weren't safe from this ******* change either, their replacement is just as bad visually.


Yeah, well. The Trooper's animations always sucked. Now the bounty hunters' animations suck too.


I still miss Unload on my Trooper. Cause it was the one chance to really fire his blaster rifle and have it mean something.

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I dislike this as well, I hate the crazy backpack middle launcher too...No all bounty hunters wear

Mandalorian armor, it will look stupid to just have a missle launching back pack appear out of my trench coat.


It is what it is now though, I hated that holocron thing for dark ward for my sin tank too but that thing is here it stay.


This stuff was done to get rid of channeled abilities, which I can understand. Unnecessary since it's a melee class and a short channel but it is done

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Getting close to 7 pages, most posts, with a couple of exceptions, about how they DON'T like the changes. How can you say you listen to your players if you see all this, ignore it and go through with the changes? You can't.


I'm switching my main from my PT to my Merc. PT has basically no good animations now. The new animation is an absolute joke. How can you possibly look at the replacement for death from above and think it looks good? Many BH's wear a jetpack on their armor, it looks ridiculous to have something else appear when you already have one. There are also many BH's who don't wear heavy armor, as it was mentioned, and it looks ridiculous on them too. If there was an option to choose between the two, very few players would pick the new one I'd be willing to bet.


They should have just fixed flamethrower instead of removing it. Or even at the very very least just added the new ability and made it function how they plan, but in addition just at least let us keep flamethrower to use for fun on trash mobs here and there during solo play. There are a lot of silly complaints on this forum. But the removal of two, wonderful, iconic, and class defining animations that the class has had since launch? Very justifiable.

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Geez get over it it's just an animation. It's not like it'll ruin your enjoyment of the game for four years!


This is the logic they have been using for a while, and animations keep slowly disappearing over time from various classes. It makes the classes more boring. Playing a game like this, using the same abilities over and over, it's important to have fun animations to give the class a good feel and keep it entertaining to watch and play. When you start to remove all the animations, and they become plain and ugly then yes, it does ruin the enjoyment of the class for many players. You may not care about animations, but many of us who want an iconic Star Wars experience do.

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This is the logic they have been using for a while, and animations keep slowly disappearing over time from various classes. It makes the classes more boring. Playing a game like this, using the same abilities over and over, it's important to have fun animations to give the class a good feel and keep it entertaining to watch and play. When you start to remove all the animations, and they become plain and ugly then yes, it does ruin the enjoyment of the class for many players. You may not care about animations, but many of us who want an iconic Star Wars experience do.


I was being facetious. I'm just reveling in the karma of the forumbase crying about animation changes.

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I was being facetious. I'm just reveling in the karma of the forumbase crying about animation changes.


Tbh usually I roll my eyes at all the complaining on the forums. I don't post on the forum too often, and rarely complain, but PT being my favorite class and my two favorite abilities being removed/changed to unappealing ones really feels like a huge slap in the face. It may seem silly to complain, and that's fine but I think it's important to let the people in charge know that a majority doesn't want what we have seen. Even if they just sit back and know that's exactly what they do.

Edited by Xienive
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Tbh usually I roll my eyes at all the complaining on the forums. I don't post on the forum too often, and rarely complain, but PT being my favorite class and my two favorite abilities being removed/changed to unappealing ones really feels like a huge slap in the face. It may seem silly to complain, and that's fine but I think it's important to let the people in charge know that a majority doesn't want what we have seen. Even if they just sit back and know that's exactly what they do.


You should be careful throwing the word "majority" around.

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This is the logic they have been using for a while, and animations keep slowly disappearing over time from various classes. It makes the classes more boring. Playing a game like this, using the same abilities over and over, it's important to have fun animations to give the class a good feel and keep it entertaining to watch and play. When you start to remove all the animations, and they become plain and ugly then yes, it does ruin the enjoyment of the class for many players. You may not care about animations, but many of us who want an iconic Star Wars experience do.


I agree.

Not every skill has to be super efficient in every situation. Not every class has to be super mobile in every situation. The game doesn't need to be any easier than it already is, and removing channeled spells is exactly that: dumbing down gameplay even further. Making it also look stupid is even worse.


Right now I'm trying to decide which class to try KotET on first. I'm not using my main, the lightning sorcerer, before I know what the story is about. I'm not using my former main, the mercenary, because he's busy drowning his sorrows (missing his wife) together with Nico.


My choice shouldn't have to be based on which character is least sad/painful to play.

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Tbh usually I roll my eyes at all the complaining on the forums. I don't post on the forum too often, and rarely complain, but PT being my favorite class and my two favorite abilities being removed/changed to unappealing ones really feels like a huge slap in the face. It may seem silly to complain, and that's fine but I think it's important to let the people in charge know that a majority doesn't want what we have seen. Even if they just sit back and know that's exactly what they do.


This will seem a bit petty but I understand because this is how I felt with my assassin when they changed the animation for dark ward


My first character was an assassin tank and he was my main character. When they changed dark ward to that stupid holocron animation...I disliked it so much that I just stopped playing him. I had used that guy since pre-launch and had even recreated him from the original testing days prior to launch.


After that change, I just started to use my Juggy more and more. I know it is petty and all but a few animation changes just made the character feel different.


Flame thrower and Death from above are awesome looking abilities and I know if my main was a powertech, I would be pretty disappointed to lose those cool looking abilities, heck I tank with my powertech as an alt and it is disappointing.


I understand that its an improvement mechanically, but as a tank...it not that big a deal and the channeling is really short.


IDK, maybe they are planning future boss fights to have a lot more red circles of death and channeled abilities would be useless.


BTW I have gotten used to dark ward and play my assassin again...so, it will grow on you.

Edited by kirorx
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Flamethrower & Death from Above are amazing (& iconic) skills & animations.


Bioware should at least let us keep those skills (on the same CD as the new skills) so we can use them if we prefer!


The thing is i get what they tried to do powertech/vanguard are melee and the channel for the flamethrower on them was a pain in pvp, and to an extent in pve content, this way pyrotech/plasmatechs get a nice boost. As for mercs u never needed to use flamethrower, wasn't part of your rotation especially where it used up ur cells/heat. Plus cone attacks were always a bit annoying <_< carbine burst for example and its blaster volley counterpart those are terrible especially when you are trying to spread your DoT damage that needs to be reworked or the new scoundrel/operative move spreads their dot's for lethality/scrapper

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While these are indeed fun skills to use... they were never the only fun skills and features of the Bounty Hunter. So I am sure most of us will manage to cope and move forward. I certainly will be playing my Bounty Hunters (yes, I have three) in 5.0. I may even make one of them my main for 5.0 (not sure yet until I play a few different characters a bit to see the final results of the class changes).


Change is more painful for some then for others I guess. MMOs do make rather large and notable changes to skills on a regular basis, so I would honestly expect seasoned MMO players to know this and flow with it. Then again, I have been watching meltdowns in MMO forums for more then 15 years every time a character class gets major changes made to it.



still, stupid change is stupid

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