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New gearing system looks worse than we thought


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We all new this new gearing system was going to be terrible. But it seems it will be even worse than any of us expected.

I've just been reading through this thread in the gen section and there is nothing good or even hopeful anymore about RNG gearing with CXP.

The title is - Musco opens 4 crates at level 90+ ZERO set gear


People have said this before, myself included, but this will end up being the final nail in the pvp coffin. Any dedicated pvpers will pack up their stuff and leave after this rubbish is launched. The only remaining pvp games will only be full of noob *******.

Maybe that's what Bioware want. The pvp community has been a thorn in their side for a long time. They've already driven 90% of us out of the game. By getting rid of any remaining real pvpers, they can then make pvp as dumbed down and easy as the rest of the game has become. Then those solo, casual, bad players won't feel as bad about playing pvp.

Remember the whole game is now all about that solo player who needs it to be easy or they won't play.

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How naive are u. The new gear sistem not for gear up u as fast as this MMO can do, no. This is only for increase uptime in this game. Coz they can offer any content to make interest for all types of players.

They will add more RNG as they can. They tryed to copy WoW as usual, but WoW is a different story.

Edited by helpmewin
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How naive are u. The new gear sistem not for gear up u as fast as this MMO can do, no. This is only for increase uptime in this game. Coz they can offer any content to make interest for all types of players.

They will add more RNG as they can. They tryed to copy WoW as usual, but WoW is different story.


Which means pvpers will leave the game. Only noobs will remain.

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A lot of already leave in 3.0+ era and after 8*8 was deleted. TOFN has whole dead guilds with tones of players who leave this game. PvP can die finally or not with 5.0.

We've lost 20% DMG boost with expertise in PvP, PvP trauma will be nerfed from 35% to 15%(yes PvP gear have 17% healing buff ~3-4% healing buff in genereal) and PvE gear have more endurance = more TTK. Do u now what this means?

Edited by helpmewin
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A lot of already leave in 3.0+ era and after 8*8 was deleted. TOFN has whole dead guilds with tones of players who leave this game. PvP can die finally or not with 5.0.

We've lost 20% DMG boost with expertise in PvP, PvP trauma will be nerfed form 35% to 15%(yes PvP gear have 17% healing buff ~3-4% healing buff in genereal) and PvE gear have more endurance = more TTK. Do u now what this means?


Youre making the point for me. Everything you've said is why people will leave. 3.0 made some people leave, 4.0 made even more leave... 5.0 will make all remaining pvpers leave.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Pretty sure that I would be done before even that much of it. All I can say is I bought sub time that lasts into next month sometime. Enough to play the story and see if this isn't tweaked a LOT! I'm not that emotionally invested in the game anyway though. I find I can get about everything else in other games other than Star Wars or a class that plays quite like my sniper/slingers.
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New gear system is going to piss a lot of people off. I am already extremely irritated with it and even more so now that I learned they increased the max command rank to 300 (was 100). Word on the streets is the new gearing system on PTR was extremely RNG/dumb and Musco just confirmed that it's STILL plans to be RNG/Dumb with no changes even when players complained about it when testing it. The sad part is there is a lot of negativity coming from almost ever aspect of 5.0 changes from gearing to PvP to PvE to even crafting and the developers refuse to bend even a little bit on any of the proposed changes. If their goal was to drive people out of their game, they will succeed. Edited by kissingaiur
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Thats cause the developers are just cogs in the wheel they dont make whole sale changes to systems

That falls to the game designer who thinks up these awesome systems and gives them to teams to develop and implement. Now with that said unless there has been a change in the game designer. Most likely this is coming far above that like disney level. IE disney wants more sub revenue people on exit surveys say they cancelled cause there nothing to do. So lets give them something to do but you dont get any resources to develop group content or new content. You already tied your resources in story. So what are you going to do a good old fashion gear grind hidden behind a pay wall. Brilliant well tie to the expansion and hopefully we can out run our disgruntled attrition rate with these NEW subs as they chase gear.



Fyi Eric knows this he knows this is a non starter but his job is to sell the vision to the masses not take complaints from yhe masses to the powers that be. Thats a good way to lose ypur job as CM

Edited by Kinsal
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Thats cause the developers are just cogs in the wheel they dont make whole sale changes to systems

That falls to the game designer who thinks up these awesome systems and gives them to teams to develop and implement. Now with that said unless there has been a change in the game designer. Most likely this is coming far above that like disney level. IE disney wants more sub revenue people on exit surveys say they cancelled cause there nothing to do. So lets give them something to do but you dont get any resources to develop group content or new content. You already tied your resources in story. So what are you going to do a good old fashion gear grind hidden behind a pay wall.

I dunno, I feel like it's one of those things that sounds so innocent on paper, in a design meeting, but the execution of it (so far) looks terrible.


Like I really think the thought was to keep people engaged while bigger content is in the works, but they are taking it way too far and steamrolling ahead, rather than taking the consequences seriously.


As game developers often do, they bit off way more than they could chew and the end result is most likely a fraction of the vision they had. Increasingly, I think 5.0 should have been the first step in GC implementation, starting with it being a supplement to existing gear systems. They then phase out the other stuff gradually, with plenty of time to fine-tune.


Instead, it's just looking like shock city and 5.0's success hinges on a few key systems being tuned well at launch. Which is a bit like betting all of your savings on a horse with a broken leg... cause MMO systems are virtually never tuned right at release.

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5.0's success hinges on a few key systems being tuned well at launch.


Which systems? The gearing one I'll not be participating in, due to dropping my subscription. I can't think of any system left that's new? GC? Sorry not subscribing for RNG gearing, they can keep it. I hope all the new players they attract love the game, because that means I can finish up the few bits left that I still enjoy for free.

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Which systems? The gearing one I'll not be participating in, due to dropping my subscription. I can't think of any system left that's new? GC? Sorry not subscribing for RNG gearing, they can keep it. I hope all the new players they attract love the game, because that means I can finish up the few bits left that I still enjoy for free.

Gearing and Uprisings are the two main ones that come to mind. DvL battle bosses as well, if anyone actually does them.


And I am referring to people who will be participating, not those who won't. It seems there are a lot who are in "wait and see" mode and may ragequit after having their worst fears confirmed in-game.

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With all the issues in this game like Lag and Bugs (old and new) I can't see that this game is worth sticking around for. It's out lived it's purpose for me, it's more frustrating than entertaining, and the new system sounds like complete garbage. My sub will run out next month so i'll have a few weeks to check it out but i dont have high expectations and i plan on paying anymore $$ for something i find useless. They really just made too many poor development decisions over the past few years and completely drove this game into the ground.

Given their track record, I doubt i'll ever play an EA/BW game again.

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Next thing you know, all removable mods and augs in gear will be disabled in instanced PvP, replaced with a bolster "template," removing the choice of what stats to stack.


I'd take that over RNG grind that you have to PvE to get this decade. Seeing as you can only hear through dailies and weeklies for PVP. Even if I wanted to do all that PVE; the way it stands, I'd either be a lucky one and get a set and roll the unlucky ones; or I'd be the unlucky one getting rolled. Neither sounds like fun.

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New gear system is going to piss a lot of people off. I am already extremely irritated with it and even more so now that I learned they increased the max command rank to 300 (was 100). Word on the streets is the new gearing system on PTR was extremely RNG/dumb and Musco just confirmed that it's STILL plans to be RNG/Dumb with no changes even when players complained about it when testing it. The sad part is there is a lot of negativity coming from almost ever aspect of 5.0 changes from gearing to PvP to PvE to even crafting and the developers refuse to bend even a little bit on any of the proposed changes. If their goal was to drive people out of their game, they will succeed.


Wow, are they really going to extend it to 300 CXP? I hadn't heard that, but they may as well just say "we are closing the servers" and be done with it.


So it's about 1 hour per CXP lvl in pve. I wonder what it is for pvp only players who only do regs and not ranked?


But based on an estimated 100 hours to get 100 CXP in pve these are the time frames.


These play times are per week -


1 hour = 100 weeks or 23 months or 1.9 years

2 hours = 50 weeks or 11.5 months

3 hours = 33 weeks or 7.7 months

5 hours = 20 weeks or 4.6 months

10 hours = 10 weeks or 2.3 months

15 hours = 6.6 weeks or 1.5 months

20 hours = 5 weeks or 1.15 months


All of that is per character, so if you have Alts, too bad. This is after Bioware really pushed making Alts and buying new Alt spots so we can do DvL. They are totally screwing us. They knew the expansion was going to be like this to start with. But they still took people's money to open new Alt slots if they reached the cap. They were actively promoting Alts. Now they do a complete back flip once they have the money. "Crooked Bioware"


Plus from what I've heard, reg PVP players can only get CXP from 6 dailies and 1 weekly. I'm guessing this will drastically increase the time it takes for us pvpers to get to 100 CXP.


Best guess would be doubling or tripling those time frames above. Everyone is getting shafted in this deal, but it looks like pvpers are getting it the worst. They haven't even put us on a level playing field with pve people. Which means pve guys will be able to come into pvp with heaps better gear. This will totally drive pvpers from the game for good.


The whole system is a dogs breakfast. Even "if" they don't fix the lvling speed or drops, they need to make the CXP Lvls and currency, legacy based. So that we can use our Alts or what was the point of the DvL event, except to steal people's money through deception. "Crooked Bioware"


Edit : one last thing to consider. How long does it take people to lvl from 1-65 now, without XP boosts? It certainly doesn't take 100 hours.

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Next thing you know, all removable mods and augs in gear will be disabled in instanced PvP, replaced with a bolster "template," removing the choice of what stats to stack.


As much as I like to be able to customise my stats, having templated armour in pvp is much more preferable to this stupid system.

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How naive are u. The new gear sistem not for gear up u as fast as this MMO can do, no. This is only for increase uptime in this game. Coz they can offer any content to make interest for all types of players.

They will add more RNG as they can. They tryed to copy WoW as usual, but WoW is a different story.


According to BW Devs, "SWTOR is no longer an MMO but asingle player online RPG".


Are you blind to the fact that SWTOR has been dumbed down since patch 2.6 to a simple minded casual player base?


Very fast leveling experience, gear removed from companions, companions are multi-roled, main stats combined into mastery, WZ comm cap raised to 200k from 20k, PvP gear cost lowered, pve comm caps raised and pve cost lowered, planetary gear removed along with planetary comms, active abilities turned into passive, abilities merged, and other opening abilities completely removed, clunky rotations and longer ramp up times, easy mode classes, companions are glass cannons (no defences even as a tank role - melt during burst DPS phases), level so fast new players do not have a chance to learn new abilities when to interrupt or CC and not to break CC let alone select targets, dumbed down mechanics and HP/DMG in FP/OPS...the list goes on and on so I'll stop here before TL: DR


just stop by the tactical or HMFP queue to get a feel for what's out there or queue up for reg WZ's and you'll see the lack of gearing experience and mechanics. BW killed this game 3 years ago when they moved from the original plan and changed directions. It's SOE jerking it's subscribers around with a Combat Upgrade and New Game Enhancements spread out over a period of years. Their idea was to ease it in instead of just shoving it in with out lube.


Where was the public test center for KOTFE, let alone KOTET. SoR did have PTS running but everything we found and had issues and concerns about were left untouched.


They removed hidden strike from the game due to a very small minority complaining. Yet it makes a full return but with a different name. RNG was removed from the game for end game gearing but it's back and will be worse than the original system.


BW Community Managers will not discus it. They dance around the questions and make very general comments. Kool-Aid drinkers won't admit it. They are in denial. There have been a handful of us warning the community and we have been constantly silenced either by the BW Community Managers with trumped up charges or the white knights patrolling these forums.


Look back at the x12 XP threads. They got heated and many posts were removed and trimmed. We tried our best to warn the community what the devs were doing long term. We warned the devs what the long term problems this year long change would make. Remember all the complaint threads about dropping down to x2 XP for class story and planetary missions? Oh you weren't a sub then? :rolleyes:


BW is doing exactly what EA is ordering them to do. Cartel Market and instant gratification to take advantage of the Star Wars hype over movie releases. It will last 30 days then the influx of new subs will drop off. Long term subs suffer and get fed up only to leave for other games.


RNG is the nail in the coffin for many subs. Everyday there are more threads on the boards of active subs canceling and letting them lapse as 5.0 looms. Servers are ghost towns. Queue pops for both PvE and PvP are getting longer while the experience gap grows. Veterans are becoming fewer and fewer. I noticed this after being deployed for 7 months and returning 3 months ago. I've never seen it this bad before and it was not good before I left.


So do what you do best and blow us off. Ignore us and trash talk us, but in the end we were right. The entire time, we were right and tried to warn you. RNG is just the latest issue and it's a big one.


3 months during patch 5.3 BW will increase the drop rate of started gear by 200% due to the community running away and subs dropping off. But thats only after Cartel Market and Coin purchases crash and burn.


It's a polished turn, just flush it and move on

Edited by Liquor
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I srsly i don't know why they do this...for whom? Casuals? Casuals have no time to grind gear, especially from RNG crates. They forced at least me to play WoW as casual player and i've played since release, i've passed all staged in this game. And i ever can't imagine that PvP can be killed intentionally like that. All their changes in PvP make it worse from patch to patch and forced players to quit. Edited by helpmewin
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Honestly its vote with your wallet time.


Yeah I keep going over the changes and although I get what they are trying to achieve I just can't wrap my head around what they think will happen....


Many have subbed up through launch to get the rewards in case they do stick around but the "wait and see" crowd is HUGE!


I think generally the expectation is that a games player base will be excited for an "Expansion" and spend the remaining time prepping for that launch....


In the case of 5.0 people have lost interest in playing because all incentive has been removed via a 2 mill. exchange credit cap.....Which I am guessing many players were well over when it was announced.


Then you have a large contingent of players that are either apprehensive or straight dropped the game already regarding basically one specific thing.....RnG.


At what point do they actually think...Hmmm maybe RnG is not going to work......? Most people would have taken one look at the feedback all over the internet and said....wow! We need to look at making gearing transparent....RnG is the most hated design in gaming except for the bean counters....they are the backers of RnG....


RnG is the easy way....plain and simple...no need to be inventive, ground breaking, or fun....just make it appeal to addictive tendencies and exploit those consumers.

Edited by Soljin
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Wow, are they really going to extend it to 300 CXP? I hadn't heard that, but they may as well just say "we are closing the servers" and be done with it.


They might just use a multiplier so it seems that you are leveling faster but technically it will be the same amount of time. Either way, SWTOR in 5.0 is converting into an Asian MMO.

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As much as I like to be able to customise my stats, having templated armour in pvp is much more preferable to this stupid system.
What if the amount of stats was based on the average item level of your gear? You'd still need to grind out those pieces, and until you do, your templated stats will be subpar.


Someone at ActiBlizz and EA are talking about how to gouge as much money out of these dying subscription cows as possible.

Edited by Troelsen
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