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Here's what a truly BAD launch looks like


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3 hour q time < 3 day q time


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Typing in All Caps is not Cruise Control For Cool.


It's in the Internet Users Guide. Neither does Size 32 Font.


You aren't entitled to something that is given as a gift by the company providing it.


They have already Altered the Agreement, giving two additional days for the Early Game Access.


Pray they do not alter it further.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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Senatsu; As I previously stated.... you are drawing a fallacious conclusion about the server status as it will exist on launch day. A staggered launch gives indication as to how much additional server space will be required to accomadate the public. Yes, there may be 4 million people on Launch day... but staggering the launch will insure that, if there are server lags and crashes, it will be minimized.


It is good logistical planning.


Good logistical planning would be to actually have a plan; proper schedule for each wave, a static amount of players let in each wave, not *********** off for 18 hours without any waves. THAT would be applaudable, but instead they sent out 5 waves at random, with no regard for date the pre-orders were put in, number of players let in, time between the waves etc. They, apparently, have a crew online 24/7 which means they could have kept putting up entrance waves all through the night.

They could have done something like this:


Wave 1. 07:00 AM CST: 10k NA and 10k EU.

Wave 2. 09:00 AM CST: 4k NA and 8k EU.

Wave 3. 11:00 AM CST: 11k NA and 6k EU.



And changed the amount of people let in dependant on server status. They obviously have the ability to alter server capacity whenever they wish and they have a crew monitoring the servers 24/7. And if they would have posted a list, just like that, on the forum then people would be a LOT happier, since they would know at least SOMETHING about what is going on.

I have no idea how many people, in total, that has pre-ordered or what dates they pre-ordered, but even I can toss up a fictional list of what would have settled the situation instead of ignoring the community completely.

Edited by Senatsu
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We all entitled to a fair game. Asking for less is bad for humanity, yes, even in a game.


Typing in All Caps is not Cruise Control For Cool.


It's in the Internet Users Guide. Neither does Size 32 Font.


You aren't entitled to something that is given as a gift by the company providing it.


They have already Altered the Agreement, giving two additional days for the Early Game Access.


Pray they do not alter it further.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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Lol You could have downloaded a while ago, I saw no ques at all at my buddies place, and guess what this isnt a launch lol. The game launch is set at 12/20 US 12/22 EU, this is an early access they are allowing people into, not because your owed but because they allow you. And if you have ever launched ANY other mmo you would expect issues. Fail post FTL, way to go.




You even quoted it and the point still went way over your head.


3 hour q time < 3 day q time


Thread Closed.


3 hour queue time for a week -> month vs 3 day queue time with no actual queue when you log in.


People like you really don't understand how this launch even works I bet, despite them telling you from the beginning what was going to happen. At least Bioware is in control of their launch.

Edited by Smurfsauce
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I know the world has become addicted to instant gratification but some of the posters in the forums are like crack addicts. Stop acting like squabbling infants and realize this is EARLY FREE GAME ACCESS. I mean really people.... complaining because you took the day off work to play a game and didn't get your early access, Whaaa. Here's a thought... as much as we all love our MMO's ... Life + Job > any computer game.


For everyone bashing the game....I did the early Beta, the late Beta and as well as the stress tests of the servers. They have gone to amazing detail and painstaking analysis to ensure everything is perfect, but some of you spoiled brats can't appreciate the fact that they are attempting to make this launch a gradual, smooth process and not a tidal wave of customers trying to log in all at once thus crashing the servers.


Most players don't understand the concept of server load balancing, but I for one would rather wait a few days for gradual access than battle for a spot like a child fighting over a toy.

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I know the world has become addicted to instant gratification but some of the posters in the forums are like crack addicts. Stop acting like squabbling infants and realize this is EARLY FREE GAME ACCESS. I mean really people.... complaining because you took the day off work to play a game and didn't get your early access, Whaaa. Here's a thought... as much as we all love our MMO's ... Life + Job > any computer game.


For everyone bashing the game....I did the early Beta, the late Beta and as well as the stress tests of the servers. They have gone to amazing detail and painstaking analysis to ensure everything is perfect, but some of you spoiled brats can't appreciate the fact that they are attempting to make this launch a gradual, smooth process and not a tidal wave of customers trying to log in all at once thus crashing the servers.


Most players don't understand the concept of server load balancing, but I for one would rather wait a few days for gradual access than battle for a spot like a child fighting over a toy.


Pre-ordering costs 5 bucks, which means you paid 5 bucks to get into the early access. BW is just sugar coating it to make them sound charitable.

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Senatsu: It's very likely they have such a plan, and the logistics branch of their company has all of this in flow charts, graphs, paper and other various bits and bobbins.


Frankly, you aren't privvy to that knowledge, nor should you feel entitled to have it, nor are they required to morally give up that information. You'll get your playtime just as everyone else will.


You can nerd rage all you want. It's not going to change that the staggered access is good logistical planning. It is good for the service, good for the lifetime of the product, and better for the players overall.


If some of the players are upset because others got there before them, well that's just too damn bad.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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Soldenal: No. You're entitled to nothing. You bought a good with money you had on hand, that good came with stipulations that were clear and up front. The only change that has been made is that you have the possibility of getting in slightly earlier than before.


You're entitled to nothing. Not even all of my air you're breathing right now. Existing doesn't entitle you to things, and paying money doesn't entitle you to things. Be a civil human being and stop complaining whenever you don't get your way.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forum

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Cloudbuster: It isn't that they don't understand load balancing, it's that they don't care about load balancing. It is irrelevant to them because they believe they're being cheated out of something that they never had a right to to begin with.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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Chainedfai, you hit the nail right on the head. It comes down to a group of crying, whining, misguided selfentitled, people who are not looking at the overall big picture because they can't handle they didn't get to be first in line. From what I have seen, the only real problem is the pvp/exp thing. I am sure it will get corrected. People need to reread the pre-order that it is staggered. it is amazing that some cannot put together the strategy by BW here. The small select few blame BW for their own personal flaws (greed, immaturaty, and self-entitlement). It really is a shame. No matter what Bioware would have done in this rollout, they would have found something to cry about and cried the doomsday song all over the place. In reality, they are small fraction of what will be the total amount playing. Unfortunately, as always in the forums or media the negative people always have the biggest mouths to cry out of.
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you comparing a 2011 launch/prelaunch (whatever) to World of Warcraft when it launched in 2004 is kind of like me comparing my current computer to the one I had in 2004. it doesn't match up because everything is a helluva lot better today than it was back then.


Therefore, it's really not a valid point to make. If you want to compare launches...it's best to stick with games that recently launched.

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You're entitled to nothing. Not even all of my air you're breathing right now.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forum


This is kind of funny because you're talking about entitlements and then refer to the Air as yours..


haha WOW

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you're allowed to download the game client starting the day before launch. It takes you the better part of a day because everyone and their grandmother and their dog are all trying to get the game installed before launch.


But at least the launcher works?

Edited by Anecdote
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Senatsu: It's very likely they have such a plan, and the logistics branch of their company has all of this in flow charts, graphs, paper and other various bits and bobbins.


Frankly, you aren't privvy to that knowledge, nor should you feel entitled to have it, nor are they required to morally give up that information. You'll get your playtime just as everyone else will.


You can nerd rage all you want. It's not going to change that the staggered access is good logistical planning. It is good for the service, good for the lifetime of the product, and better for the players overall.


If some of the players are upset because others got there before them, well that's just too damn bad.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums


And getting the right amount of servers to handle enough instances to handle the KNOWN amount of preorders is even superior logistics.


The only unknown is how many people will purchases launch / after... and i'm pretty sure the marketing department would have a reasonable expectation on that as well.


The biggest issue has to be the uncertainty as has been said before... i'd be happier if i KNEW i was going to get into wave 20 @7.00pm on the 17th for example. As someone else said.. we are currently xxx position in a queue that will take xxx time.


Additionaly, you say they are doing it so that they know when they need to add more servers.. I'm sure they can make a reasonable estimate based on the above, and rent those servers NOW to increase the amount of instances on the server to prevent area population overloading.


Worst is the pattern that has been presented.. as a red zoner, to suddenly find out that we couldnt even get the game, the everchanging grace period->no grace period -> we'll get back to you, and the staggered launch really makes me think that they have overall implemented this game in a disgraceful way.

Edited by Traiel
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And getting the right amount of servers to handle enough instances to handle the KNOWN amount of preorders is even superior logistics.


The only unknown is how many people will purchases launch / after... and i'm pretty sure the marketing department would have a reasonable expectation on that as well.


The biggest issue has to be the uncertainty as has been said before... i'd be happier if i KNEW i was going to get into wave 20 @7.00pm on the 17th for example. As someone else said.. we are currently xxx position in a queue that will take xxx time.


Additionaly, you say they are doing it so that they know when they need to add more servers.. I'm sure they can make a reasonable estimate based on the above, and rent those servers NOW to increase the amount of instances on the server to prevent area population overloading.


Worst is the pattern that has been presented.. as a red zoner, to suddenly find out that we couldnt even get the game, the everchanging grace period->no grace period -> we'll get back to you, and the staggered launch really makes me think that they have overall implemented this game in a disgraceful way.


Frankly, I speculate as this being a reason.


Ultimately, it is still too damn bad you didn't get in. Suck it up, life ain't fair and it isn't the end of the world.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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Lol You could have downloaded a while ago, I saw no ques at all at my buddies place, and guess what this isnt a launch lol. The game launch is set at 12/20 US 12/22 EU, this is an early access they are allowing people into, not because your owed but because they allow you. And if you have ever launched ANY other mmo you would expect issues. Fail post FTL, way to go.


Are you being a bit silly, flamming a post that you obviously neither read nor understood?


The post describes some WOW (expansion?) launch and that rather accurately, I believe.

Also you are outdated.. game launch day is global on teh 20th. amazon german did ship the game box this morning, others already got theirs yesterday. GOOD JOB on that piece of logistics, BW!

So I am rather amused to read that many US players wont get their box before the 20th... if their postman is fast enough. And BW cancelled the grace period. 8)


My first MMORPG experience was with Everquests Kunark expansion... installed the game, couldnt log in for days and when I could do finally I found out that I needed a credit card to play.

Being a typical German young (*cough* unemployed) adult back in the days I certainly had none and thanks to a loving and understanding mum, who ordered a credit bank from her bank just so I could use it, I was able to play a week later.


Vanguard had an open beta week before a couple of days long EGA, cant remember tooo long login times back then. But the number of players who complainted that they couldnt play (grafic engine was very very taxing even on lowest settings) was legion.




However, I did pre-order the game the first day that was possible to me, which was when BW announced the monthly fees. (I dont buy anything that I do not know the price of!) I expect being able to play sometime this weekend, hopefully earlier.

Right now people have the psycological impression of being in a "race" with those who can start later missing out on the chance of being a top-player. Those of us, who get in very late, will have to overcome this feeling ingame or will quit the game... thats the dark side of any hype, people get their hopes up way too high and thus may get disappointed easily beyond "repair", not giving the game the chance that it deserves.

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You go to purchase the game from the Origin software and purchase it correctly, the code however that is given to you is under use from another account and the origin system for some reason has no record of sales so you must photograph proof of your purchase and send in a ridiculously long queue which some say is still not being addressed.


You are allowed to download the game client a few days in advance of the headstart, but there has been no open beta to stress test the servers so you feel a little apprehensive about how the launch will be. The game download in comparison to other launch mmos is nearly 3-4x of other mmo's launch size due to the voice acting and since when you download you can't transfer the game files to another computer you are forced to download it a second time for your wife. You then realize you live in Australia and you have overdone your monthly cap for internet usage


You get the game installed and prepared, your internet is not limited but you are still determined to play. They are now offering an additional two days which sounds great. The tech support people have affixed a preorder code to your account and you have gotten your product code, so you run off to use your product code and it is once again... in use. Angered at this point you cancel your order from origin and reorder a physical copy. The game loads but apparently the servers are only for people who affixed their code, and regardless of when you tried to affix the code yours is not placed on Dec 5, 2011 due to origin order fiasco.


When you look at the server status you find that every single server is now either "standard" or "light" in population that leaves you wondering why the invites have stopped for 17 hours. Still unable to log into the server and not given an estimated time so that you might plan for a little time off from the family and obligations of life angers you a bit more than you would like to admit. However you are still excited for the game and eager to play.


You finally get into the game with one free day, you are excited to get in finally and are hungrily eating up content, most of the servers are now full and have wait times but the excitement of finally getting access allows you to wait for the duration. Thanks to the staggered access you do not need to fight over mobs which is a nice change for a launch server. You finally make it to the third planet and you run into your first lvl 50 of a different faction. Your face whitens, your fists clench, and all of the patience you had for all of the preceding garbage disappears as you proceed to the forums to throw up an angry tirade. After your angry forum post you decide to let it simmer for a day, everything will be better on the next day.


You wake up, the sun shines, the children are playing nicely downstairs and life appears to have continued during your absence and it dons on you that maybe yesterday was just a bad dream. You go to your account to play a bit before work, and your account is blocked due to no grace period. Being that you live in Australia you look into shipping non priority January 3rd.


Note: These are not things that have happened to me, this is a compilation of complaints that have happened to my friends, and things that will happen in the future.


Merry Christmas everyone and happy launch!


edit: my friend who had his origin preorder code eaten, does still not have his code affixed to his account, meaning he can no longer even post in the forum about his issue.

Edited by Rizael
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