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Why do YOU play STAR WARS: The Old Republic?


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No particular order:

1. Story

2. Star Wars athmosphere

3. Character design and customisation

4. Role play elements

5. Strongholds

KOTFE is great. I miss having 8 class stories, but i can understand why it is not possible. Shadow of Revan was great too.

Game needs better combat in one way or another. And they should make pre-KOTFE chapter where our characters are united into "legacy alliance" so that you can switch between your main and alts on the fly and have them as companions. That way you need to only play story trough once. You could form for example full lightside alliance from your light side characters and full darkside alliance to complete KOTFE and future content only as many times as you see it necessary.

Edited by TheRomanRuler
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SWTOR is a great platform for RP with the Stronghold private spaces and size, and those two are mainly what I love about the game. That said, I also enjoy the story very much, as well as the PvP (hate the arenas tho). Story flashpoints are a nice bonus too.


Also... It's Star Wars, and imo SWTOR has some great mechanics and ideas. Really enjoy the art direction and character design as well.

Edited by Darcor
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My answer because its still fun to be in the Star Wars universe

I have played this game since launch and i have always enjoyed the game play as designed even when things have been re-designed the play style is still enjoyable. I think the biggest change to this game has been the community of players and it is not unique to this game all of the MMO/s are plagued with undesirable people who are just not interested in sharing a group effort/reward they are very self centered and only group because they can't get what they want on thier own. The whoke concept of sharing a hard earned win with a group has been replaced with the attitude of "give me my shiny and i am out of here" and yes the game industry has continued to serve this way of playing.

signed Long time MMO guy

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Story, characters, atmosphere, dialogue. Some of the dialogue can be pretty funny. Story is pretty good as well, not perfect.


And compared to other mmo I really like the combat. The abilities feel like they have impact and are powerful, good animations. I really like using the channeled stone shuriken on my ninja (sage), and it's pretty fun to scream UNLIMITED POWER at my screen when playing my sorc. Armour can look pretty ****** as well. I just seem to connect more with the armour styles in swtor than in most mmos.


The art style in the game is pretty good as well. It ages really well, and looks very smooth.

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Regular interesting content....No.

End game Raid content......No.

Competitive PVP ranking systems......No.

Cartel Market.....No.

RNG.......Absolutely Not!



Because it's Star Wars.....


The story is nice but I actually don't care for the direction of KoTFE... I'm reserving final judgement for completion of KoTET to be fair.


If you removed the Star Wars IP from this game it would have barely made it out of the gate....and crashed. Management of the game systems has been extremely poor to say the least.


That said I have kept and continue to keep an eye on this game when I'm not subbed for changes since its the only Star Wars RPG out there.


Funny as this sounds I also play because I miss SWG....But even with the EMU as an option the game is just too dated to play anymore.


And because of Tatooine....Even though there are no wandering Krayt Dragons......

Edited by Soljin
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I enjoy the story too, but mostly the conversations, the voice actings. There are not many games nowadays that doesn't have a mute protagonist so I really appreciate and adore it. I also love Star Wars Universe, even though I'm not really a fan boy...ish. :D


I also sometimes enjoy Flashpoints and Operations. I havn't completed Dread Palace and ToS yet and I intend to do it, even though I keep procrastinating lol

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I'm a big BioWare fan, and I'm mainly playing for the stories, especially the interactions with companions and other NPCs. I wish BioWare had been able to continue the individual class stories, but I still enjoyed RotHC, SoR, and KotFE, and I'm looking forward to KotET. I also like playing Space Barbie with my characters and the customizable companions, and I love my Strongholds. I craft a little for my leveling characters (completely unnecessary, but I like doing it) and for the GTN. I used to enjoy running flashpoints when my husband and some RL friends were still playing, but I've been pretty exclusively a solo player since they left.
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Regular interesting content....No.

End game Raid content......No.

Competitive PVP ranking systems......No.

Cartel Market.....No.

RNG.......Absolutely Not!



Because it's Star Wars.....


The story is nice but I actually don't care for the direction of KoTFE... I'm reserving final judgement for completion of KoTET to be fair.


If you removed the Star Wars IP from this game it would have barely made it out of the gate....and crashed. Management of the game systems has been extremely poor to say the least.


That said I have kept and continue to keep an eye on this game when I'm not subbed for changes since its the only Star Wars RPG out there.


Funny as this sounds I also play because I miss SWG....But even with the EMU as an option the game is just too dated to play anymore.


And because of Tatooine....Even though there are no wandering Krayt Dragons......


good old times farming for those ancient krayt pearls

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I saw Star Wars when I was 5 years old. It was in theaters right before Empire Strikes Back hit theaters. I saw that on opening day. I know I'm old.


Bioware hooked me with KOTOR and I have been a fan ever since.


I play SWTOR because it's Star Wars and it is a damn fine game.


There are so many many moments in SWTOR that we just awesome and meant something to me. When my first Jedi Knight made his lightsaber or stood against the Emperor. When my first Consular used diplomacy to help save the Republic. When my first Smuggler with a wink and grin became a hero. When my first Trooper fought to save the Republic he loved. When my first Inquisitor stood before the Dark Council and showed he was one of their number. When my first Warrior wrecked vengeance on his corrupt master. When my first Hunter brought down the murderer of his mentor. When my first Agent talked down a Dark Lord of the Sith with just his wits.


The game is full of moments that I treasure. KotFE had them too. Standing before Valkorian and telling him no and yes on different characters was seriously epic.


That activities of the game are fun but in the end I play it for the story. That includes Operations and Flashpoints. If you have finished Eternity Vault or Dread Fortress and Palace you know what I mean.


That's what keeps me coming back. That's why I am into SWTOR and not into other MMOs.

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I set up a months sub every now and then to see what's going on and what has changed.


I was here during beta but all in all i've only played for about 7 months, I don't stick around for long.


It's a great game in very small doses but it's not one I can play constantly.


I'm just waiting to see what 5.0 brings and then i'll be off again.

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