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Why 5.0 will be the best expansion ever


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I'm tired of forum whiners who flame KotET even before its launch. The news we got already are very promising so I want to point out why will everyone love KotET:

1. Story

We've already seen the next-gen storytelling which started with KotFE. Ever since then we don't need to argue if Darth Imperius or Nox makes more sense, there is one generic Outlandre, so we can finally have canon storyline. Just what we wished for! We no longer need to debate who to save or kill in a cutscene, our companions make those decisions for us now. I can barely imagine how KotET will improve on that, but I'm sure our choices won't ruin the railroaded story, so everyone can have the same experience, making us equal.

1/a Companions

Good news on this front, too! We will surely get ALL of our companions back sometime, but don't worry! This doesn't mean your flagship will have a full staff or you will have an army at Odessen. Rest assured, collecting all companions possible will still leave you with Lana and Theron whenever anything happens, while everyone else magically disappears. At least we can buy more gifts for them so we can win the game!

1/b Difficulty modes&replayability

Those who wanted challenge will get more of it! Surely it was already challenging to avoid stroke after the 7492926th skytrooper, but now we can have a whole new experience! We can fight the exact same skytroopers, but this time with more hp and higher dps! Although this is already a great enjoyment factor, we will also get to see how creatively the writers solved that no matter what we choose, we end up the same!

2. Endgame PvE

Good news here as well! We can continue to run the same operations and flashpoints blindfolded, no need to fear that we need to learn any new tactics. Some might argue we need more ops, but they fail to see the point of an MMO (Minimally Multiplayer Online) game: to support the solo player against groups. But our beloved BW also caters to them with the introduction of Uprising, where we can fight even more mobs with a (few) boss(es), which will be very different from flashpoints, especially since they can be completed with only 4 people opposed to the predecessor's 4.

2/a Endgame gearing

Great news here! We will no longer suffer the same old gearing system we got used to, we will have the whole new KotFE experience here as well! We no longer need to even group up to get our gear nonetheless run any operations for it! Yes, finally we can have our gear with basic attack+Ravage spam, so we can show off our skills with the gear! This gear of course will replace the knowledge requirement of our classes, so finally everyone will be able to finish the Eternal Championship with basic attack spam! Are you afraid you will get confused how to get specific slots? No worries! The RNG system will take care of that problem for us, instead of finding specific bosses to get specific drops, we can literally loot anything from our Command Crates to further speed the gearing process. Even though it's possible we only ever get Belt drops, but we can turn them into CXP to get even more Belts! To make it more appealing, we can have the same leveling experience on every single character we create!

2/b Tokens

Luckily for us who can't understand the differences between 3 tokens, those will be taken away. Even though they don't need to, BW was so nice they decided to convert these foolish fossils for credits, which is a great help in these days when we can barely get any credits from doing repetitive missions.

3. PvP

This frontier reaps us great news as well! First of all, no new confusing maps or game modes coming. With expertise gone, we will no longer see improperly geared players in the battlefields. Finally we will share the gear with PvEers, just like our discipline trees, further helping balancing the 2 game modes. Also ranked PvP will have Valor requirement so we no longer need to be afraid of alts jumping into ranked right away with legacy gear and tokens sent over. Also we no longer need to save our warzone commendations throughout leveling, we can more easily start leveling Galactic Command after level 70, and experience the same KotFE experience as described above. To further speed gearing we can do ranked matches naked or with the single Belt we keep looting from the Command Crate.

4. GSF&PvE space combat

Noone cares about GSF. We have PvE space combat??? Must be a mistake.

5. Events

Rest assured, the Gree, the BBA, rakghouls, Spoils of war and Life Day will all return! Our knowledge of these events' system will be kept valuable thanks to KotET, since there aren't any other confusing event coming, except...

6. New content

Yes, after a long wait, we finally have brand new content in the form of Dark vs. Light! Though it's complexity is overwhelming, I'll try to explain: choose a side then do the same stuff. This difficult event will go on constantly, forever pushing us to our limits, with dynamic shifts from one side to another. Sadly we will have to deal with random enemy spawning presumably with groups, but luckily we can ignore that.

That's what we know now. Although I'm sure we can expect more amazing news, but even these are enough to hype us!

Don't be a hater! See the awesome future of your favourite game and praise BW!

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I'm tired of forum whiners who flame KotET even before its launch. The news we got already are very promising so I want to point out why will everyone love KotET:

1. Story

We've already seen the next-gen storytelling which started with KotFE. Ever since then we don't need to argue if Darth Imperius or Nox makes more sense, there is one generic Outlandre, so we can finally have canon storyline. Just what we wished for! We no longer need to debate who to save or kill in a cutscene, our companions make those decisions for us now. I can barely imagine how KotET will improve on that, but I'm sure our choices won't ruin the railroaded story, so everyone can have the same experience, making us equal.

1/a Companions

Good news on this front, too! We will surely get ALL of our companions back sometime, but don't worry! This doesn't mean your flagship will have a full staff or you will have an army at Odessen. Rest assured, collecting all companions possible will still leave you with Lana and Theron whenever anything happens, while everyone else magically disappears. At least we can buy more gifts for them so we can win the game!

1/b Difficulty modes&replayability

Those who wanted challenge will get more of it! Surely it was already challenging to avoid stroke after the 7492926th skytrooper, but now we can have a whole new experience! We can fight the exact same skytroopers, but this time with more hp and higher dps! Although this is already a great enjoyment factor, we will also get to see how creatively the writers solved that no matter what we choose, we end up the same!

2. Endgame PvE

Good news here as well! We can continue to run the same operations and flashpoints blindfolded, no need to fear that we need to learn any new tactics. Some might argue we need more ops, but they fail to see the point of an MMO (Minimally Multiplayer Online) game: to support the solo player against groups. But our beloved BW also caters to them with the introduction of Uprising, where we can fight even more mobs with a (few) boss(es), which will be very different from flashpoints, especially since they can be completed with only 4 people opposed to the predecessor's 4.

2/a Endgame gearing

Great news here! We will no longer suffer the same old gearing system we got used to, we will have the whole new KotFE experience here as well! We no longer need to even group up to get our gear nonetheless run any operations for it! Yes, finally we can have our gear with basic attack+Ravage spam, so we can show off our skills with the gear! This gear of course will replace the knowledge requirement of our classes, so finally everyone will be able to finish the Eternal Championship with basic attack spam! Are you afraid you will get confused how to get specific slots? No worries! The RNG system will take care of that problem for us, instead of finding specific bosses to get specific drops, we can literally loot anything from our Command Crates to further speed the gearing process. Even though it's possible we only ever get Belt drops, but we can turn them into CXP to get even more Belts! To make it more appealing, we can have the same leveling experience on every single character we create!

2/b Tokens

Luckily for us who can't understand the differences between 3 tokens, those will be taken away. Even though they don't need to, BW was so nice they decided to convert these foolish fossils for credits, which is a great help in these days when we can barely get any credits from doing repetitive missions.

3. PvP

This frontier reaps us great news as well! First of all, no new confusing maps or game modes coming. With expertise gone, we will no longer see improperly geared players in the battlefields. Finally we will share the gear with PvEers, just like our discipline trees, further helping balancing the 2 game modes. Also ranked PvP will have Valor requirement so we no longer need to be afraid of alts jumping into ranked right away with legacy gear and tokens sent over. Also we no longer need to save our warzone commendations throughout leveling, we can more easily start leveling Galactic Command after level 70, and experience the same KotFE experience as described above. To further speed gearing we can do ranked matches naked or with the single Belt we keep looting from the Command Crate.

4. GSF&PvE space combat

Noone cares about GSF. We have PvE space combat??? Must be a mistake.

5. Events

Rest assured, the Gree, the BBA, rakghouls, Spoils of war and Life Day will all return! Our knowledge of these events' system will be kept valuable thanks to KotET, since there aren't any other confusing event coming, except...

6. New content

Yes, after a long wait, we finally have brand new content in the form of Dark vs. Light! Though it's complexity is overwhelming, I'll try to explain: choose a side then do the same stuff. This difficult event will go on constantly, forever pushing us to our limits, with dynamic shifts from one side to another. Sadly we will have to deal with random enemy spawning presumably with groups, but luckily we can ignore that.

That's what we know now. Although I'm sure we can expect more amazing news, but even these are enough to hype us!

Don't be a hater! See the awesome future of your favourite game and praise BW!


I'll play along: whatever you say!

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Don't worry though I am sure the devs and PR team will use this as an example of how the community is super hyped for 5.0 and already think its going to be the best expansion ever. After all the community team is not expected to read or reply to a post, rather to find positive thread topics and use them to justify the decisions they have made.
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Don't worry though I am sure the devs and PR team will use this as an example of how the community is super hyped for 5.0 and already think its going to be the best expansion ever. After all the community team is not expected to read or reply to a post, rather to find positive thread topics and use them to justify the decisions they have made.


LOL Way to kill it there ....but so true !

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